Chapter 267 The Pregnant King
On the way back, Gao Yuan and Sansa didn't say a word. Compared with the chattering appearance at the banquet just now, Mr. Gao Yuan is obviously much quieter now. Sansa guessed that it might be because he drank too much wine tonight. .

Sansa still remembers that when her father was drunk when she was a child, her mother would always complain to the children afterwards, and the smell of alcohol from her father made it difficult for her to sleep.But now that Sansa and Master Gao Yuan are close at hand, they have never smelled the smell of wine from their mother's mouth. Instead, there is a fragrance of apples that keeps coming to their nostrils.

The two walked through the brightly lit streets of the town in silence, and in the dark alleys on both sides of the street, Sansa saw many guys hiding inside, ready to move.Sansa suddenly felt an inexplicable fear, as if these ragged people hiding in the shadows would rush out the next moment and tear themselves to pieces.

Fortunately, there is still a tall knight guarding Sansa at this moment. The shining armor on Gao Yuan's chest and the sword on his waist are photographed. Only then did the evil thoughts in his heart dispel.

Sansa grabbed Gao Yuan's clothes tightly, and an unprecedented sense of security suddenly flooded her heart.Passing through the street that frightened Sansa, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master Gao Yuan, your performance today is extremely heroic."

"Miss Sansa, are you referring to my performance in the martial arts field today, or the performance when I took you across the street just now?" Gao Yuan turned his head and asked, dumbfounded.

"Whether it was in the martial arts arena or in the block just now, you have performed extremely bravely today, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Sansa did not hesitate to praise Gao Yuan.

"Compared to those knights who raised their spears and charged at the enemy on the battlefield, stabbing around with a cavalry spear that shatters at the touch of a touch is not considered heroic." Gao Yuan responded with a smile .

"Duke Gaoyuan, have you ever participated in a war?" Sansa Stark asked curiously, "Is war really as terrible as my father said?"

"I have fought countless heroes on the battlefield, but I have never felt the horror of war, because I and those brave people know that they are fighting for justice, and the final result of those wars is good Gao Yuan replied, "After the war, those people we protected through the war lived a happy life. Sometimes war is not necessarily evil, and it may also be to protect your beloved people and homes."

"This is simply fantastic, just like in the story! The young prince led his people to defeat the evil enemy." Sansa Stark's words were full of yearning.

"Wars in reality are not as beautiful as described in storybooks. Real wars are much crueler than you imagined!" Gao Yuan suddenly turned his head and told Sansa seriously, "The reality is that I participated in that war." The young prince died on that battlefield."

"Although Sister Mordane has taught you the red tape in the palace, she can't teach you to recognize the cruelty of reality, naive Miss Sansa!" Gao Yuan said in a deep voice, "Just like you and this King's Landing where I am now It’s the same as in the city, the dangers don’t just exist on the streets shrouded in night, there are also many dangers in the Red Castle illuminated by the sun.”

"Perhaps you don't want to believe it, but there is probably no more dangerous place in King's Landing than the Red Castle."

Gao Yuan suddenly stopped in the middle of a dark and empty plain, and Sansa had no choice but to stop: "Even in my opinion, the Red Castle full of intrigues is more dangerous than the chaotic flea nest."

"Master Gao Yuan, you scared me a little bit." Staring at the pair of golden eyes shining in the darkness in front of her, Sansa's heart beat wildly, "Let's get out of here quickly!"

Seeing that Sansa was getting scared, Gao Yuan didn't intend to scare her anymore, and continued to lead her towards the Red Castle.When Sansa's father Ed Stark can no longer provide her with shelter, Sansa, who has suffered so much in King's Landing City, will naturally understand what Gao Yuan said to her tonight.

Leading her into the castle through the gate of the Red Castle guarded by layers of guards, Gao Yuan escorted Sansa Stark all the way to her father's prime minister's tower.Tonight, it was Ed's captain, Jory Cassel, who was in charge of guarding the gate of the Prime Minister's Tower. After the two hurriedly greeted each other, Gao Yuan led Sansa into the Prime Minister's Tower.

"Miss Sansa, go to rest early. You must be tired now. There are still some exciting games coming up tomorrow. Don't miss them." When he took Sansa safely to the corridor outside the dormitory, Gao Yuan Farewell to Sansa Stark.

"Don't worry, my lord! I will definitely go to the martial arts arena tomorrow to cheer for you. I look forward to your lord being able to successfully win the championship of the martial arts tournament." Sansa Stark thanked him meekly , "It's really bothering you, Mr. Gao Yuan! Thank you very much for escorting me here tonight."


In the pale morning light, Gao Yuan rushed to the arena outside the city early, accompanied by Ed Stark, the Hand of the King, who was also bathed in the morning light.

This time is far from the start of the tournament, the camp that was messy due to the banquet held yesterday is gradually recovering, and the fat grilled sausages are sizzling on the fire, and the fat is dripping from the sausages Inside the fire, the air is filled with the aromas of garlic and pepper.

Accompanied by Gao Yuan, Ed Stark rushed to the king's tent as soon as he arrived at the camp.The young servants were hurrying in and out of the camp, while their master was just waking up, yawning and stretching, ready for the new day.

A cook with a goose under his arm saw the two adults and hurriedly knelt down on one knee: "Good morning, my lords." barked and pecked his fingers.

The shields displayed outside each tent depict the coats of arms of the nobles who live there, including the silver eagle of Sea Front City; the nightingale and field of Bryce Cullen; the grape bunches of the Redwyne family, and the spotted wild boar, Red Bull, Burning Tree, and more.And last of all came the white sigil of the Kingsguard that stood by King Robert's camp, bright as the dawn.

"Last night, King Robert publicly announced to everyone at the banquet that he intends to participate in today's group competition." Gao Yuan suddenly mentioned this matter to Ed beside him.At this time they happened to pass Ser Meryn's family shield, and the paint on the shield was scratched with a deep scratch, which was the mark left by Ser Loras Tyrell when he stabbed him off his horse yesterday.

"Yeah. I just learned this news from Sansa this morning." Ed Stark said with a solemn expression. The ghost knows how shocked he was when he heard the news from Sansa. He finally Knowing how self-willed Robert was now, it was no wonder the former Prime Minister had often quarreled with him.

"Duke High, thank you for escorting Sansa back yesterday. Sister Mordane drank a little too much at the banquet yesterday, and she hasn't fully woken up until this morning." Ed Stark stopped and said solemnly Gao Yuan expressed his thanks.

"Lord Ed, you are too polite, this is what I should do!" Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "After all, Sir Ed had more important things to do yesterday, when you have no time to take care of Miss Sansa, I It is also appropriate to take care of her for you temporarily."

"Lord Ed, do you think that King Robert will really participate in the group competition today?" Gao Yuan pretended to be concerned, "As the saying goes, the beauty of the night will disappear after dawn, so what you said after waking up from the wine doesn't count."

"That being said." Ed nodded in agreement with this statement, "But this sentence may not be useful to Robert, if it were someone else, they might reconsider drinking and boasting after sobering up. It’s a bold statement, but Robert Baratheon will always remember it, and he will never go back on his word.”

"Originally, I planned to come to report to Robert last night, but when I learned that King Robert was drunk at the banquet, I gave up my plan." Ed Star Ke spread his hands helplessly, "Remember, never say serious things to Robert after he's drunk, because you never know what absurd things he will do after that, this is me and him being brothers 30 Years of experience."

Gao Yuan nodded approvingly, this King Robert is indeed unreliable after drinking, he always likes to do some very outrageous things.For example, he once killed his brother Stannis at his wedding.

At the wedding of Stannis Baratheon and Selyse Florent, Robert, who was drunk, had sex with the bride's maid of honor, Dilina Florent, on Stannis' marriage bed. And the two also conceived an illegitimate child named Edric Storm that night.

Stannis sees the incident as a stain on his reputation, and turns it over to Storm's End, the domain of Edric's other uncle, Renly Baratheon.The illegitimate son is still living there now. Robert once wanted to take the illegitimate son back and recognize his heir apparent status, but was strongly opposed by the current queen, Cersei.

The king's camp was near the river, surrounded by the gray morning mist of the river.The tent was made of gold silk, and it was the largest and most luxurious tent in the entire camp.When the two of them approached the tent, Robert's warhammer that had hammered Prince Rhaegar to death was standing there, as well as a huge iron shield with the crowned stag of House Baratheon tattooed on the shield.

Eddard had hoped that King Robert would wake up from last night's hangover so that he could report to him the truth about Jon Arryn's death.But he didn't know that his luck was really bad, and he happened to meet Robert who was gulping beer down his stomach from a wine glass made of smooth horn.

While gulping beer down his stomach, he also yelled at two young attendants who were hurriedly putting on his armor.

"Your Majesty the King." One of the blond servants almost shed tears of grievance, "This armor is too small, I'm afraid I won't be able to wear it."

Seeing the two adults enter the tent, the blond squire slipped his hands holding the armor, and the gorilla, which was trying to fit Robert's thick neck, flopped to the ground.

"Lannisters who deserve to go to the Seven Hells!" King Robert cursed loudly. "Do I have to put on the armor myself? You two are really Lannisters. Hurry up and give me the armor." Pick it up, don't just stand there with your mouth open. Lancel, pick it up for me quickly!"

The Lannister boy named Lancel jumped up in fright. King Robert couldn't look at the stupid guy. He turned around and noticed two new visitors in his tent. .

"Ed! And Gao Yuan, you came at such a good time, look at these fools!" King Robert complained, "Cersei insisted that I take them both as squires, and they turned out to be worse than trash They can't even do the small thing of helping their master put on the armor. What kind of servants are they? I think they are just pigs with clothes on."

"It's not the fault of the squires." Eddard Stark saw the problem at a glance, and he reminded Robert, "Robert, you are too fat to wear the original armor, you know You are now more than four or five laps fatter than when you were at the Trident River."

Robert Baratheon gave Ed an annoyed look, then poured a large glass of beer down his stomach, threw the empty horn on the bearskin bed, and casually wiped it with the back of his hand. Then he said darkly, "Too fat? Is that how you talk to your king? How dare you say I'm too fat."

Before the trembling attendant could react, King Robert patted his big belly and laughed, and heard him change the subject: "Ah, my old man, fuck you! De, why are you always able to point out my problems straight to the point, are you never wrong?"

Hearing King Robert laughed, the two attendants also smiled, but King Robert turned his head to look at them again and asked seriously, "You think it's funny, don't you?"

The two attendants immediately restrained their smiles when they heard the words, and Lancel replied submissively: "No, Your Majesty. I don't think this is funny."

"Not funny? You don't think the Prime Minister's jokes are funny?" King Robert demanded.

At the right time, Ed Stark stood up and rescued the two attendants: "Robert, stop torturing the two children."

King Robert was unmoved: "Did you two hear what the Hand said? The king is too fat to wear his armor. So why don't you go to Ser Alan Santagar and get the pincers that open the breastplate?" Find it for me, hurry up! Why are you still standing here?"

The two boys hurried out of the tent, tripping over each other on the way.Robert tried to hold back his own smile, putting on a stern look until they were gone, and then he couldn't help but slump back in his armchair and burst out laughing.

Gao Yuan also laughed along with him, and even Ed Stark, who had always had a bitter face, rarely smiled.However, both Gao Yuan and Ed noticed how special the two attendants who escaped from the tent were: they were both very beautiful young men with fair and delicate skin and a slender and well-proportioned figure.The most important thing is that they all have golden curly hair and emerald green eyes like Queen Cersei.

"Ha! I should like to see the look on Santagar's face when they heard they were looking for pincers to open the breastplate." King Robert slapped his legs and said, "If Santagar has a brain, We'll send them off to someone else, and we can run them all day in this camp."

"These two lads." Ed asked curiously, "are they from the Lannister family?"

"The two cousins ​​of Queen Cersei, the two sons of Kevan Lannister, the younger brother of Duke Tywin, Queen Cersei always tries to squeeze the Lannister family into this palace." Gao Yuan snatched Robert answered first, that one of the attendants named Lancel would soon kill the king in a hunt in the royal forest.

"Duke Gaoyuan is right. These two servants were forced by my wife, that stinky woman. Ed, my wife comes from a big family. This is what Jon told me before I married Cersei. Yes." King Robert nodded, wiping tears from his laughter.

The problem is that the Lannister family is also an ambitious family, for which Ed Stark can't help but have some doubts.His two young servants themselves had no objections, but when he saw that Robert was surrounded by relatives of Queen Cersei day and night, it was inevitable that he would feel a little worried about it.

The Lannister family's greed for power and honor is really endless. I think of the things that the other party confessed to me when I was interrogating Pai Sear.This made him have to start thinking, if he hadn't brought the troops to King's Landing City in time, would the person sitting on the throne at this moment be his brother Robert?

"I heard that you had trouble with the queen last night?" Eddard Stark didn't know how to speak for a while, and told Robert the truth about Jon Arryn's murder.

Hearing Ed mentioned last night's unhappiness, the smile on Robert's face suddenly froze: "That stinky woman tried to prevent me from participating in today's group competition last night, so she must be sulking in the castle now. Just get angry Kill her, anyway, Renly said he would introduce a new queen to me, and your sister Lyanna would never humiliate me like this."

"Robert, I'm afraid you don't know Lyanna as well as I do." Ed took a deep breath when he heard his sister's name, and he told Robert, "You only saw her beauty, but you never knew her real identity." Hard tempered, my father said my sister had the same blood as Brandon. If she was alive today, she would tell you that you have nothing to do with gang fights. If you choose to ignore her advice, she will be very angry. Maybe I'll beat you up."

"I wish she could stand in front of me and give me a punch right now. Did you come to me today to persuade me to give up participating in the group competition?" King Robert frowned and said, "Stark, you The guy has become more and more annoying since returning to the north. I think you have stayed in the north for too long, and the blood in your body has been frozen to ice."

"Tell you, my blood is still boiling right now." King Robert patted his chest to prove it.

"Robert! Don't forget, you are the king of the Seven Kingdoms now." Ed reminded.

"Can't I just have my ass on that damn iron chair? Can't I just have a drink and a girl and ride a horse " King Robert retorted, "Let those bloody kings and rules go to the seventh hell! Ned, I just want to experience the thrill of fighting again."

"Your Majesty Robert." Ed Stark still did not give up persuading his old friend, "It is not appropriate for the king to join the team competition, because it would make the competition unfair. Who would dare to join the competition there?" What about fighting with you in the martial arts arena?"

"I want to try beating the king!" Gao Yuan said with a sudden smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Ed and Robert immediately set their eyes on him, and Gao Yuan said with a smile: "Why are you all looking at me? You must know that such a precious opportunity does not come every day. Yes, I've never really beaten a king in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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