Chapter 268 Approval
Ed Stark covered his head in pain: "It's already this time, Duke Goyuan, don't come out to make trouble again."

"Prime Minister, I'm just talking." Gao Yuan explained helplessly, "It's just a pity that I didn't participate in this group competition. If I learned that the king will participate in the group competition when I signed up, then I Will definitely be the first to sign up."

"Duke Gaoyuan, you missed an opportunity to beat me up." Robert really didn't expect this kind of relationship to exist, "It's really a pity that you can't fight with Duke Gaoyuan in the arena. Sigh, whether it is Anyone can, even if there is no Duke Gao Yuan to participate. As long as they have the ability to defeat me, anyway, the last one standing."

"You will definitely be the one standing in the arena at the end." Ed took over the words casually, "No one from all over the Seven Kingdoms would dare to take the risk of hurting you."

Ed knew exactly how to persuade Robert. If he just emphasized the danger of fighting with him, it would only irritate Robert more.And if he said it like this, it would be a matter of his self-esteem. He would rather withdraw from the group competition on his own initiative, and he would never win the competition because someone put water on him in the competition field.

As Ed expected, King Robert was really angry at his words. He stood up with a flushed face and stared at himself: "You mean those useless cowards will deliberately Missed?"

"It's conceivable." Ed said helplessly, and Gao Yuan on the side also nodded in agreement by default.

After receiving affirmative answers from the two, Lao was too angry to speak for a while.I saw him walking from one side of the tent to the other, then turned around and walked back again, pacing back and forth in front of the two of them with a gloomy and angry face.

Then he grabbed the breastplate from the ground and angrily threw it towards the washstand beside Gao Yuan. The beautiful washstand was smashed to pieces by the breastplate, but Gao Yuan who was close at hand was completely unmoved.

King Robert looked up at Gao Yuan and asked coldly: "What if I order them to do their best in the tournament?"

"Which is more serious, being scolded by your Majesty or losing your own life, I think those who participated in the contest will be able to distinguish clearly." Gao Yuan replied in a flat tone.

King Robert was at a loss for words for a while, and he picked up his horn glass again, filled it with beer from the barrel in the corner, and then abruptly stuffed it to Ed and Gao Yuan: "Drink!"

"I'm not thirsty." Ed rejected Robert's kindness, but Gao Yuan frowned and looked at the black and thick beer in his hand. He really didn't want to drink this horse urine-like thing.

"Drink quickly! This is the king's order."

So Ed reluctantly took the horn glass and drank it down. The strong smell of dark beer made him frown, and tears almost flowed out of the stimulation.

Then Robert looked at Gao Yuan again: "Drink quickly, too!"

But Gao Yuan shook his head and rejected his request: "Your Majesty, I still have a contest to participate in later."

Robert sat down again with a glass of wine helplessly: "Go to you, Ed Stark and Gao Yuan! Ed, you and Jon Arryn, do you know how much I love you, and what did you do to me? Mine? You or Jon should be the king."

"Your Majesty, you are the most legitimate of the three of us, and the one most qualified to be king." Ed reminded him, "Robert."

"I told you to drink, but I didn't tell you to talk back. Damn you two who made me king, you should have listened to what I had to say when I spoke," complained Robert. Duh, look at me and see what I've become when I'm king. Gods, I never thought I'd be so fat that I couldn't wear my own armor, how could I be like this ?”

"Robert, in fact, I brought the Duke of Gaoyuan to find you today, not just to persuade you not to participate in the group competition." Hesitantly, Ed still opened his mouth to tell the real purpose of coming to Robert today, "Joan Ern Arryn's death may not have been that simple."

Robert frowned and looked at Ed, he asked with some doubts: "Ed, what do you want to say, what do you mean by this, don't you come here today to persuade me not to participate in the tournament?"

"I want to say that we have investigated the real cause of Jon Arryn's death." Ed said sadly, "Jon Arryn's sudden death may not have been caused by a serious disease, it should have been intentionally poisoned and murdered."

As soon as the words came out, Robert was stunned immediately, and the tent was suddenly quiet and scary, almost a needle could be heard.Gao Yuan saw that Robert's hands were tightly pinching the armrests of the chair, his knuckles turned white from too much force.The sound of the king's gnashing of teeth was even more clearly audible in this silent tent, which made people feel horrified.

The extreme anger made King Robert tremble all over, but what is surprising is that he did not vent this anger immediately, but walked to the wine barrel seemingly indifferently and took it for himself. Glasses filled with beer.

It wasn't until he drank five glasses of beer that he walked back to the two of them and sat down without saying a word, as if it was the last calm before the storm.

Soon, King Robert couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, raised his hand and slammed the horn cup in his hand on the ground, and then stepped on it into pieces, countless beer and debris were scattered everywhere one place.

Smashing the horn cup in his hand was not enough, and then he picked up the chair under him and threw it viciously towards the outside of the tent; a full-length mirror was smashed by him in a circle; he kicked down several beautifully decorated table; lifted the bearskin on the couch and tore it to pieces
After angrily smashing all the things that could be smashed in the tent, King Robert, who could no longer vent his anger, sat down on his bed profusely with sweat, staring blankly at the ground in front of him, and then He roared again.

Ed swears that he has never seen Robert in such pain in his life, even when he learned of Lyanna's death, he never showed such pain.At that time, what he showed in front of himself was more anger towards Prince Rhaegar. At that time, he wished to dig out Rhaegar's body and tear it into pieces.

It can be seen that he really respects and loves the old man very much. The reason why Robert was so indifferent to Jon Arryn's death before that was just because he had been kept in the dark.

Now after learning the truth of the matter, he vented all the emotions accumulated for a long time.

"Robert, don't be like this." Seeing this scene, Ed felt a little unbearable, and wanted to step forward to comfort his old friend, "Now that Jon Arryn's death is irreversible, our most important The task is to bring the murderer who murdered him to justice, only in this way can he comfort the old man's soul in heaven."

"Ed. Tell me who it is." King Robert raised his head to look at Ed, his eyes were bloodshot at the moment.

Law turned to him and snarled, "Who the hell... Who the hell murdered Jon Arryn!"

"It's Petyr Baelish and Lysa Arryn." Ed said in a deep voice, "Petyr is the real mastermind behind all this, and he conspired with Jon's wife Lysa Arryn." secretly poisoned her husband."

"Lysa Arryn, that damn crazy woman, no wonder she took Jon's son and fled from King's Landing overnight after Jon's death. She even had the face to flee back to her husband's territory castle. I don't think it's that simple!" Robert was furious when he heard this, "I just didn't expect that she murdered Jon! What's going on here, Ed, please tell me carefully!"

"I'm afraid Duke Gaoyuan will tell you this in person. All the truth about Jon Arryn's death was obtained by Duke Gaoyuan's secret investigation in the city of King's Landing." Ed will tell the truth. Handed it over to Gao Yuan, "If it wasn't for Duke Gao Yuan who has been helping us conduct secret investigations, I'm afraid we are still kept in the dark. He is also the key witness to accuse Petyr and Lysa."

"I did not misunderstand you, Duke Gaoyuan!" Robert turned his head to look at Gaoyuan, "You did a good job in this matter, and helped us find the real murderer of Jon Arryn. I owe Robert this time I owe you a favor. If you have any requests in the future, just ask me, I believe there are not many wishes in the Seven Kingdoms that I cannot fulfill for you."

"Your Majesty, this is what I should do! The reason why I agreed to help the Prime Minister investigate this incident is not to ask His Majesty, you or the Prime Minister." Gao Yuan rejected Robert's request to repay him "In addition to rewarding you for ennobling me as the guardian of the east, I actually participated in this matter for myself. In exchange for the support of the princes of the valley, I promised that they would come to King's Landing to investigate Joan. The truth about Lord Ern Arryn's death."

"Duke Gao Yuan! Please don't chat with me about the rewards and princes. I have no interest in the so-called motives and reasons you said." Robert was quite impatient with Gao Yuan's high-spirited words, "Now I Just wondering why they murdered Jon Arryn, he was so amiable and trustworthy, and Jon was always kind to his young wife. What did he do wrong that forced them to kill him .”

"The cause of the whole incident probably started with an investigation conducted by Sir Jon Arryn during his lifetime."


Around the truth of Jon Arryn's death, Gao Yuan spent about 10 to [-] minutes before and after, and then completely told the ins and outs of the whole incident.

During this period, Gao Yuan didn't even forget to ask King Robert some questions of his own: What exactly was the investigation conducted by Lord Jon Arryn during his lifetime?What kind of secrets are there between the Lannister siblings?What kind of key role did Stannis Baratheon play in this incident?What is the motive of Littlefinger, the mastermind behind the whole incident, to help Lady Lysa murder Lord Jon?Is it possible that his little finger was instructed by someone else?
"Someone once told me that Jon Arryn asked too much!" Ed said in a deep voice, "Just like you, Duke Gaoyuan at this time, you can't help but go to investigate if you are too curious. Only then did he enter the enemy's sight, and thus put himself in danger."

Gao Yuan turned to look at Ai De: "Master Ai De, are you reminding me to be careful to guard against the enemy's plot?"

"At this moment, we must be careful of the enemy's plot!" Ed looked at his old friend Robert, "Robert, especially you should be very careful, the people around you at this moment are all members of the Lannister family. Although Lannister The Nestors don't know yet that we've noticed their secret, but we've got to take precautions just to be on the safe side."

"Fortunately, we now at least know who our enemy is, and at least we can trust each other in this tent. And Jon Arryn didn't know who killed him until he died. Not even a single person to trust."

"Hmph! With me here, what kind of tricks can that stinky woman Cersei and the kingslayer play!" Robert snorted coldly after a long silence: "These important ministers have eyeliners all over King's Landing, don't you think? As a king, don't I have eyeliners in this city of King's Landing?"

"Duke Gaoyuan, are you really sure that Jon Arryn's former attendant is willing to stand up and accuse Littlefinger? Where is this Sir Xiufu now? You have to protect him firmly. Now Littlefinger He has already noticed, and he will definitely try to get rid of this Sir Xiufu who threatens him."

"Your Majesty Robert, please rest assured that Sir Hugh has promised to stand up and uphold justice for the dead Lord Arryn. He is currently staying in a courtyard of Bronze Eyon in King's Landing City." Gao Yuan replied, "Now In that other courtyard, the two sons of Earl Jon Royce and many knights from the valley are guarding at all times, even if Petyr Baelish is powerful in this city of King's Landing, there is absolutely no possibility of hurting him. Nothing to Sir Hugh."

King Robert nodded heavily when he heard the words, and he turned to look at Ed Stark: "Ed, you found the poison bottle named 'Tears of Lys' in the room of Grand Maester Pycelle. Well?"

"Live up to the high expectations of Duke Gao Yuan, I led people to search the bottle of poison from the room of Grand Maester Pacelle yesterday." Ed carefully took the "Tears of Rhys" out of his pocket. Come out and show it to the two of them, "Now Grand Maester Pycelle has been strictly guarded by my order."

"If this incident hadn't involved this grand maester, I'm afraid we would have been kept in the dark. It turns out that he has been the loyal dog of the old lion Lord Tywin for a long time." Speaking of Grand Maester Pycelle, Ed It was even more irritating: "This old fellow Pacelle knew that Jon Arryn had been poisoned, but instead of taking any action to treat Jon, he even drove away the people who were treating Jon. Maester Cormont."

"Jon Arryn had hope of being cured. He almost caused the tragedy. The accomplice is as guilty as the mastermind." Eddard suggested, "Robert, I propose to you that Pai Seale and Baelish are being charged with the same offense."

"Ed, you don't need to suggest this in front of me, I should know how to deal with these damned bastards!" Robert almost gritted his teeth in hatred at this moment, "You should have come to me and reported this matter earlier instead of bringing Do you know how much influence this incident will cause in the Red Castle? After all, he is still an important minister of the Imperial Council. Even though you are the Hand of the King and have the right to do so, you still You should have just spoken to me beforehand."

"Robert, the situation was urgent. Besides, I originally planned to report to you on this matter yesterday, but I heard that you were drunk at the tourney banquet yesterday, so I gave up this plan." Ed hurriedly explained, "So early this morning, I brought Duke Gaoyuan with me to report to you."

"Hell of the Seven Gods!" King Robert slapped himself on the head twice angrily, "I almost missed a big deal because of drinking."

"Robert, it's not important now, what matters is what we do next?" Ed Stark didn't continue to blame the king on this matter, but instead asked him what to do next.

"Since we have all the witnesses and evidence in our hands, our next step is to arrest Littlefinger as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" Gao Yuan said, "Petyr Baelish at the banquet held last night , He once wanted to approach me intentionally or unintentionally, he seemed to want to test me, or he wanted to get some news from me, obviously he has noticed something now."

(End of this chapter)

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