Chapter 269

"Duke Gaoyuan, you have emphasized this matter many times, and I also know that it is urgent to capture Baelish. I think we have reached a consensus on this." Ed said impatiently, "Now I want to ask What Robert is going to do with the mother and son at the Eyrie."

"Duke Gaoyuan, you are the current guardian of the East Territory, and the Eagle's Nest City is your castle now, so let me give you your opinion on this matter first." King Robert turned his head to look at Gaoyuan.

How to deal with the mother and child in the Eagle's Nest City is indeed a headache for Robert now: on the one hand, Lady Lysa has indeed committed an unforgivable crime now.If he chooses to conceal the truth of the matter, or just punish her with other crimes, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among many people in the valley.

On the other hand, Lady Lysa was Robert Arryn's biological mother after all.As the only heir left by Jon Arryn in this world, he will inherit his father's family title and Guardian position in the future.

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to directly sentence Mrs. Lysa to death.If King Robert doesn't care about it now and directly announces the execution of Lady Lysa, how will the young Duke of the Eagle's Nest think of him as a king when he grows up?

Therefore, the clever King Robert directly threw this headache to Gao Yuan, so that he no longer had to face the dilemma.

"Your Majesty Robert, kinslayers are absolutely unforgivable! The crimes they committed are unbearable even to the gods, and the act of killing their own relatives will be cursed by the gods forever, and will always be spurned by the world. "Gao Yuan reminded King Robert how serious this crime was, but he didn't offer to execute Lady Lysa.

Although Gao Yuan, as the guardian of the East Territory, now has the right to directly try Mrs. Lysa without going through the king, but after all, the former Prime Minister and the current King Robert are involved.Therefore, the important decision of whether to execute the wife of the former prime minister can only be decided by King Robert himself.

"Of course I know what you're talking about, Duke High!" King Robert said harshly, "I'm just now in doubt and I'm asking you for advice!"

"Ed, since you are the first to ask this question, you should also come and give me some advice. You said how to deal with that crazy woman Lysa." Seeing that Gao Yuan couldn't get the answer he wanted, Robert had to turn his target to Eddard Stark.

"Robert. I'm afraid I can't come up with any good ideas at the moment, but I have the same opinion as Duke Gaoyuan." Ed said with a wry smile, "We all think that Lysa Arryn committed an unforgivable crime, but Jon and The children of Lysa and the others are innocent, I just hope that he will not be involved in this matter."

"The child is poor enough"

"Ed, you think too badly of me, don't you, I love that old man as much as you, and I never thought about what I would do to that child." Robert interrupted him, "I'm I just want to kill that crazy woman Lysa Arryn, but I'm afraid that child will hold a grudge against me for killing his mother in the future."

"If what His Majesty Robert is worried about is that little Robert will hold a grudge against you, it can be easily resolved." Gao Yuan said, "As long as no one else knows that you ordered someone to kill Lady Lysa, All these problems will naturally be solved.”

"Perhaps you can arrange for someone to create an accident in which Mrs. Lysa died, so that no one will link Mrs. Lysa's death with you." Gao Yuan suggested, "You even You can choose to use your own way to treat your own body, the poison Madam Lysa used to poison Lord Arryn is now ready-made, and the bottle of Lys' Tears is now in the hands of Lord Eddard."

When Gao Yuan and King Robert were discussing how to use the poison that killed Jon Arryn to murder Lady Lysa, Ed Stark stood up decisively and objected: "Duke Gao Yuan's suggestion is indeed a good idea. It's a clever strategy, but I will never agree with you using poison to assassinate Lysa. This is an extremely despicable act. Robert, what is the difference between you doing this and those who killed Jon? ?”

"Ed, that crazy woman killed Jon Arryn!" King Robert slammed his fist on the pillar of the tent, and the whole tent began to shake immediately, "We will take revenge the way that bitch killed him Is there anything wrong with her?"

"Just like what Duke Gao Yuan said, this is called using one's own way to treat another's body."

"But poison is not the only option you want to kill Lysa Arryn! If you do, you will be infamous forever!" Eddard Stark retorted, "Robert, you can make a An accident, just like what Gao Yuan originally proposed. Although it is not fair to do so, it is at least better than taking people's lives with poison."

"Poison is a weapon only women and cowards use. Don't you want to admit that you are a coward, Robert!"

"Call me what you want, call me a woman, or a coward! As long as this can avenge Jon Arryn," King Robert said indifferently, "you don't want to stop this matter Me, Ed!"

"It's not enough for you to send someone to assassinate a weak woman, and you have to use the same poison that killed Jon Arryn. You might as well do it yourself, Robert!" Eddard was almost fed up, " The person sentenced to death should perform the operation yourself. Before you kill her, you should look at her desperate eyes, see her weeping and begging you to let her go, and listen to her last words. At least you should do it so."

"By God!" King Robert cursed loudly, the words almost burst out of his mouth, as if he could no longer contain the anger in his heart, "weak woman? I think that crazy woman should It was a poisonous snake, and she killed her husband with her fangs."

"But come on, Robert, stop using Jon Arryn as a shield anymore, you are just doing this to satisfy your desire for revenge." Ed scolded angrily, "I believe that even Jon Arryn Lin is still alive now, and he will not agree with you to do this."

"Damn it, do you really want to fight against me?" King Robert walked to the barrel and was about to grab a glass of beer for himself, but when he saw the black liquid flowing all over the floor, he remembered that the barrel had just I was kicked to death by myself, "My wine is gone, and my patience is gone. Don't be a mother-in-law. Hurry up and get things done."

"Robert, I will never be an accomplice to murder, and I will never agree with you to use this bottle of poison in my hand." As he spoke, Ed took Reese's tears into his arms, making it clear that he would not hand them over. To Robert, "You are a king and you can do what you want, but you can't expect me to join you. There is one coward in this tent as long as I am."

"Fuck you, Stark!" King Robert yelled. "You bloody bastard, why can't you get over your stubborn temper?"

During the quarrel between the two, Gao Yuan remained silent the whole time.He himself has no opinion on which method to use, after all, in his opinion, as long as the guilty person can be punished, it is enough.

"Duke Gao Yuan!" Robert's voice pulled Gao Yuan back from his wild thoughts, and he only listened to King Robert's order, "Since our former Prime Minister is afraid of getting his hands dirty, it just so happens that that crazy woman is staying here again In your territory, then this task has to be entrusted to you."

Gao Yuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said helplessly: "Your Majesty Robert, I have made an oath to the old and new gods. During my tenure as the Guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, I will never harm the former Prime Minister." The orphans and widows left behind."

"Damn it!" King Robert patted himself on the head angrily, "I almost forgot about this, forget it, it's not your fault, I'll arrange other people to help me complete this task then."

After the conversation in the tent, they sat at the folding table by the river and had breakfast.The royal chef prepared a rich breakfast for them, including black bread, boiled goose eggs and fried fish with onions and bacon.

King Robert's previous anger and sentimentality also dissipated with the morning mist, while Ed Stark, who was sitting far away, still looked sullen, obviously he was still worrying about what happened with Robert in the tent just now. The quarrel and brooding.

It wasn't until halfway through their breakfast that Robert happily told Ed about their childhood in the Eyrie while eating a tangerine, the haze on Ed's face gradually disappeared.

"Ed, do you remember who gave Jon a bucket of these oranges? They were all rotten when they were shipped to the Eagle's Nest City, so I threw my share at Dax and hit him the bridge of his nose." Robert laughed heartily, "You remember, even Redford's pockmarked squire, he also threw one over. As a result, Jon didn't even have time to fart, and the entire Eyrie City The hall is already full of citrus.

Ed couldn't help but smile when he reminded him of the past. This is the boy who grew up with him.

Ed thought: If he could prove that the Lannisters were behind the murder of Bran, if he could find out the secrets that Jon Arryn was investigating, this man would listen.

At that time, Queen Cersei will be punished, and the "King Killer" will also be finished.If Duke Tywin dared to use this as an excuse to start a rebellion, Robert would mercilessly extinguish the flames of war he and his army ignited just like he smashed Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident River. Pretty much seen it all happen.

"Hey, Duke Gao Yuan!"

Taking advantage of everyone's happy mood at this moment, King Robert suddenly became playful. He threw a citrus in his hand towards Gao Yuan's face, but was cut off by Gao Yuan with a silver fork in his hand.

"Your Majesty Robert, I will not show mercy just because you are the king!" Gao Yuan took off the citrus from the silver fork, held it in his hand and shook it, then threw it in Robert's face, and settled down Hit each other on the bridge of the nose.

Robert hadn't reacted from the moment just now, and then another orange was smashed on his face, and this orange came from the head of Eddard Stark beside him.

It was like lighting a gunpowder keg, and the three of them threw oranges to each other on the folding table by the river.

Ed Stark hadn't had such a pleasant meal for a long time, and the smile on his face became relaxed afterwards, until the tournament continued, Gao Yuan and Ed walked into the tournament venue with King Robert .

Sister Mordane is still sleeping soundly because she drank too much last night, but after waking up today, Sansa has been arguing to see Duke Gaoyuan win the championship.Seeing that his daughter has made up her mind and doesn't want to miss the final jousting joust, Ed has no choice but to agree to accompany Sansa to watch the championship match.

After he and Gao Yuan escorted Robert to sit on the main seat, Ed discovered that Queen Cersei Lannister seemed to be absent on purpose today, and the seat next to the king was empty.

This added to his confidence and hope in dealing with the Lannisters.

Gao Yuan left early to prepare for the first match of the day, while Ed pushed through the crowd. When he walked to his daughter Sansa, the horn for the first match of the day just blew.

Sansa was so engrossed in staring at the arena that she didn't even notice him coming.

When Gao Yuan first appeared on the field riding a white steed, Sansa Stark next to Ed's eyes suddenly lit up, with a sweet smile on her face, and said softly, "It's Lord Gao Yuan."

Amidst the tide of cheers at the scene, Sansa Stark ignored Ed beside her and stood up gracefully. She raised the silk handkerchief in her hand and swayed it in a high direction, as if to tell The opponent's own position.

Gao Yuan leisurely rode a white steed to Sansa Stark, and at this moment he was still holding a bright red rose in his hand.He was dressed the same today as yesterday, wearing the dark gold dragon scale battle armor and a gray green elf cloak.

This dewy red rose was picked by Ed and Gao Yuan from the flowers on the side of the road on the way just now.Before that, Ed was still teasing him with the king, which beautiful girl he was going to give this rose to, but Gao Yuan just shook his head with a smile without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, Duke Gao Yuan took off this bright rose to give to his daughter. Seeing Gao Yuan gracefully dedicating the rose in his hand to Sansa beside him, Ed looked at her with strange eyes .

"Thank you, Lord Gouyuan!" Sansa Stark took the rose from Gao Yuan's hand with a smile, but kept her eyes fixed on Gao Yuan's face, as if she didn't want to move away for a moment.Ed Stark looked at his daughter and Gao Yuan blankly.

Ed Stark, who seemed to have expected something, suddenly seemed a little embarrassed. He looked at Gao Yuan on horseback from a distance, and saw the other party nodded towards him, and then rode away. here.

Immediately afterwards, James Lannister entered the arena. When he came to the auditorium on an elegant blood-brown war horse, he heard Littlefinger, who was sitting not far from Ed and the others, announce loudly: "One Who would dare to follow a hundred golden dragons betting against the Kingslayer?"

Littlefinger's voice immediately attracted Ed Stark's attention, and he turned his head to look at the complacent expression on the other's face, his eyes suddenly filled with hatred and killing intent.

Hmph, let your little finger be proud for a while, after this jousting is over, it will be the end of your little finger, Ed thought so.

Turning his eyes back to Kingslayer again, the war horse he was riding was covered with gold-plated ring mail, Sir Jaime himself was shining with gold from head to toe, and his spear was made of golden wood from the Summer Isles. cut system.

"I followed!" Lord Renly shouted, "I heard that the dragon slayer beat up the kingslayer at the dinner party in Winterfell. I think this dragon is going to kill the kingslayer today." Shred it."

"The dragon slayer may indeed be better than the king slayer in terms of swordsmanship, but it doesn't mean that he can also surpass the king slayer in riding and spear skills. I have also seen the performance of the dragon slayer in the competition field yesterday. I've seen it, he can't even hold the lance in his hand." Littlefinger replied coldly.

As if to respond to Littlefinger's question, Gao Yuan, who was already in position, raised the lance in his hand with one hand and played with it in public, which drew cheers from the audience.

Sir Jaime, after blowing a kiss to every lady in the crowd, gently pulled down his mask and rode to the sidelines.

The kingslayer lowered the lance in his hand and charged towards Gao Yuan first, and Gao Yuan took back the lance in his hand without haste and rushed towards the kingslayer.

Ai De didn't come to watch their match yesterday, and he didn't know how Gao Yuan performed in this competition field yesterday.

It's just that he looked at Gao Yuan's movements and shook his head in disappointment. There was no reason for a knight to hold a lance with one hand when he charged.In this way, when a collision occurs, the lance in the rider's hand is easily deflected, and in this way, it is also easy to shift the aim of the lance head due to the shaking of the horse during the charge.

Even a novice attendant can see the problem from Gao Yuan's posture holding the lance, and he doesn't know whether he made it to today's game yesterday because of luck, or whether he really has such proud strength to support him.

Sansa Stark eagerly stared at the situation on the field with her eyes wide open. At this moment, the two horses in the field had already started the final acceleration. Sansa felt that the vibration frequency of the stands under her feet was like her own heartbeat. Same.

Gao Yuan's body on horseback began to lean forward, and he held the spear in his hand as easily as if he were holding a straw, and the spear head was already aimed at the kingslayer.

The Kingslayer suddenly twisted his body just before the attack, as if he wanted to avoid the point of Duke Gao Yuan's spear.

But how could Gao Yuan let him get what he wanted, no matter how the kingslayer's body twisted, his lance was always aimed at the opponent's chest.

Reluctantly, the kingslayer had no choice but to bow his upper body, trying to block Gao Yuan's lance with the lion-patterned gold shield in his hand.As the two sides collided, the kingslayer was stabbed by Gao Yuan's lance, and the lion-patterned gold shield in his hand was instantly torn apart, while the lance in the kingslayer's hand was dodged by Gao Yuan.

The lance in Gao Yuan's hand turned into flying pieces of wood, while the King Slayer was staggering on his horseback, trying to maintain his balance, and almost fell off the horseback.

Everyone present couldn't help but gasp, knowing that Gao Yuan was a lance held with only one hand.In this way, he was able to smash the strong shield in the hands of the king slayer into pieces. One can imagine how strong this duke who is known as the dragon slayer is.

After the two separated, there was a burst of applause from the audience.Sansa Stark even ignored the image of a lady and stood up and cheered loudly for Gao Yuan, as if he had already won the victory.

Lord Renly walked up to Littlefinger and challenged him, "Have you prepared your hundred golden dragons? It seems that our Duke Dragon Slayer is about to win."

Littlefinger narrowed his eyes and snorted in cold sweat: "I'm afraid it's too early to talk about the outcome. I won't waste your hundred gold dragons, don't worry!"

The kingslayer finally managed to stabilize his body and not fall off the horse. He slammed the rein in his hand to turn the horse under his feet. He took the new shield from the attendant and rode back. The sidelines are preparing for the second round.

And Gao Yuan came to the attendant, casually threw the broken gun in his hand to the other party, then grabbed a new cavalry gun, put his foot on the horse's belly and rode back to the sidelines.

Lannister also rode to meet him, this time James still wanted to do the trick again and move his body to avoid the high spear point.But who knows that Gao Yuan is also a good learner, I saw that he bent his waist like a kingslayer.

This time, the lances in the hands of the two knights exploded almost at the same time. The lance in the hands of the kingslayer hit the shield in Gao Yuan's hand, while the tip of Gao Yuan's spear rubbed against the opponent's shield and hit the helmet of the kingslayer. superior.

When the pieces of wood scattered all over the sky fell to the ground, the reddish-brown horse lost its owner on its back, and ran to the grass beside the field to graze alone.Jaime Lannister was lying on the sand and rolling continuously, shining golden in the sun, but there was a huge dent in his helmet.

"I knew the High Duke would win!" Sansa Stark jumped up and screamed excitedly, completely disregarding her ladylike image at this moment.

Littlefinger heard this, and he hurriedly yelled at Sansa Stark: "Miss Sansa, if you know the winner of the second game, please tell me quickly, before Lord Renly takes my money." There's nothing left to win."

Duke Renly said resentfully: "It's just a pity that the little devil is not here today, otherwise I can win double the money."

Kingslayer Jaime Lannister struggled in the sand for a long time before he got up, but his golden lion's head helm, richly decorated, had been badly dented by the impact of the lofty lance.

The result was that he couldn't take off the helmet from his head at all at the moment. The audience on the side pointed at him and booed him again and again, and the nobles and wives couldn't help laughing out loud.

Among the din, what Ed heard most clearly was King Robert's hearty laughter, which was louder than all the people present.

In the end, they had to send someone to lead the "Lion of Lannister", who was blind and stumbled, to find a blacksmith to take off the helmet.

(End of this chapter)

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