Chapter 271
The winner of the martial arts tournament rode a white steed into people's field of vision without slowing down. There was thunderous cheers at the scene, and countless spectators screamed and cheered for him.

It wasn't until Gao Yuan got off his horse and stood in front of the king that he began to receive the cheers of the crowd. Only then did Ed and other spectators think of his opponent in this contest. They still haven't seen the hound in this match.

After the smoke and dust on the field cleared away, Ed and the others saw the hound lying on the field without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

At this moment, Sandor Clegane had already passed out, and he was lying on the ground still maintaining the posture he had when he finally faced Gao Yuan.On the shield clenched tightly in his left hand, a complete lance was stuck upright, and the tip of the lance pierced deeply into his left arm.

Ed recognized the lance cut from weirwood. The last time he saw this lance, it was still in Gao Yuan's hand.

Unexpectedly, at this time it was inserted into the hound's body.

Before that, Ed thought that the lance had burst into countless sawdust fragments in that violent collision.

Seeing that the hunting dog was unconscious, the two medical staff who had been waiting for a long time rushed into the center of the field with the stretcher in their hands.

Fortunately, after their inspection, it was quickly confirmed that the unconscious Sandor Clegane was fine at this time.

The lance didn't really pierce his arm, although it looked extremely terrifying, but it only pierced through the armor on the hound's shoulders.

It took a lot of effort for the two medical staff on the field to pull the lance off the hunting dog.

When they tried their best to carry the hound onto the stretcher and transfer him to the camp, the two accidentally tripped because of weak legs in the middle of the journey.

At this moment, Gao Yuan had already left the field on his steed. When he got off the field and returned to the camp, there were already dozens of heavily armed soldiers waiting here for a long time.

Chief among them was Ser Barristan, now Captain of the Kingsguard.

"This is really a wonderful match, Lord Gouyuan!" Sir Barristan nodded respectfully at Gouyuan, "insert a lance used in the competition into the opponent's armor intact, West I am afraid that few people in Luo can do this."

"What's more, you pierced the shield in his hand before that. This shocked me even more than what happened in the Eagle's Nest City that night."

"Thank you very much for your appreciation, Sir Barristan." Gao Yuan responded with a smile, and then his face straightened again, "Are you ready for action, sir?"

"There are forty members of the City Guard here, and I personally selected them all." Ser Barristan's expression turned serious when he heard this, "We are always at your service and His Majesty Robert's orders, my lord Gao Yuan!"

Looking past Sir Barristan to the forty soldiers neatly lined up behind him, Gao Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Because of the martial arts tournament, dragons and snakes are mixed at the scene. You must get my order later before you strike, so as not to hurt the innocent and those family dignitaries who follow Littlefinger." Gao Yuan told everyone in the tent. road.

"We must take down Littlefinger right away. If you let Littlefinger go because of the negligence of any of you, or let him take other hostages as a threat." Gao Yuan issued a stern tone to them. Warning, "Neither King Robert nor I will spare any of you here easily, understand?"

"Understood, my lord!" The soldiers in the camp replied in unison.

"Now, everyone changes into their usual clothes."

Just when everyone was preparing for the next action, Sir Barristan suddenly approached Gao Yuan: "Master Gao Yuan, do we really need to do this?"

"At this rather grand martial arts tournament, take away the important ministers of the imperial council in full view."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan, who was changing his armor, turned his head and gave him a hard look: "What? Ser Barristan, haven't you received instructions from His Majesty Robert?"

Sir Barristan was a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "Of course I have received instructions from His Majesty Robert, so I dare to take action. After all, Lord Baelish is still an important minister of the Royal Council."

"But Lord Gaoyuan, what is the reason for His Majesty Robert to do this? Taking Lord Baelish for no reason like this may cause huge adverse effects in the city, especially in front of such a large number of nobles and commoners. "Ser Barristan still had doubts about this action, because of the arrival of King Robert's order and the suddenness of it all.

"I must at least know what kind of crime Lord Baelish has committed! Why should he be taken away at this time."

"Ser Barristan, you'd better not inquire about things you shouldn't inquire about. As King Robert's Kingsguard, what you should do is to learn to trust your king. Since he ordered you to do so, there must be The reason why he asked you to do this." Gao Yuan stood up and looked at Sir Barristan seriously, "Although I know some of the inside information, but for the sake of the overall situation, I can only tell you that I have no comment!"

"You don't need to worry too much about the repercussions of this incident. I believe that it won't be long before King Robert will put Littlefinger on trial, and then you will naturally understand what kind of felony he has committed."

The highlight of this martial arts competition has now come to an end, and the large number of nobles and civilians on the scene are gradually dispersing.Although there will be two archery competitions and group competitions to be held soon, it is clear that the attraction of these two competitions to them is quite limited.

In addition, it is now approaching the noon meal time, so many people choose to return to their tents temporarily, or enjoy today's lunch at the temporary market set up by the river.

Those who hadn't left hurriedly walked towards the venue where the archery contest was about to be held after enjoying a delicious lunch.Eddard Stark and Sansa were walking along the way to the archery range along the dense crowd, while Littlefinger, Lord Renly and several other characters suddenly followed.

Soon they arrived at the scene of the archery competition, pushed past the crowd, and they managed to sit in the stands respectively.

Coincidentally, Littlefinger and Lord Renly happened to sit next to Sansa Stark.Therefore, while she was waiting for Gao Yuan's arrival, she had to endure the bickering and noise between the two enemies.

"It's a pity that the game in the morning. The Hound failed to win the final championship." Littlefinger suddenly sighed in Sansa's ear, "The smoke and dust raised by the two horses was so thick that everyone present No one could see clearly what happened on the field at that time."

"Littlefinger, I think you are regretting the two hundred gold dragons you lost to me!" The young and handsome Duke Renly suddenly sneered, "I heard in the palace that you had more than one incident with that hound I don't believe your nonsense that you're sorry for his defeat."

"It's just that it's really a pity that the Duke of Gaoyuan defeated the Hound to win the championship." Renly sighed, "The only thing we can know is who the champion of the tournament is, and the Hound's defeat It's a foregone conclusion now"

"Lord Baelish, please forgive me for being curious. The Duke of Gaoyuan has clearly proved his strength in today's first competition." Renly said with a smile, "In the last competition, why did you, Littlefinger? How about betting on Duke Gaoyuan's opponent? By the way, how do you manage to bet on the loser's side every time you bet with someone?"

"Hmph, I'm just used to betting on people I know well." Littlefinger snorted dissatisfiedly, "It seems that before the next martial arts tournament starts, I should get acquainted with the Duke Gaoyuan first. Otherwise, I am afraid that my wallet will be emptied by you, Lord Renly."

"A gambler like you deserves to lose all his money!" Ed Stark said in a particularly serious tone. After the Harrenhal Tournament ended.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that last night I was close to the Duke Gao Yuan from the other side of the strait, and Miss Sansa can testify to me." Littlefinger pretended to be sorry and said, "It's a pity that we It seems that the Lord Duke does not lack a friend like me who also comes from the other side of the strait."

"Haha. Duke Gaoyuan really made a wise choice last night. Whoever and your friend will be unlucky for eight lifetimes, don't you think Littlefinger?" Duke Renly seemed to remember something funny.

"I seem to have heard someone mention my name, Littlefinger and Duke Renly, what a wonderful combination! Did you just talk about something about me behind your back?" During the time between the two of them talking, Gao Yuan didn't know when he had come behind the two of them. His voice came from behind Duke Renly, "Are you praising me just now, or are you saying something shameful behind my back?"

Hearing Gao Yuan's voice, both of them couldn't help turning around and looking up at him, only to see that Gao Yuan, who had put on a fancy dress, was looking down at the two of them at the moment.

"Duke Gaoyuan, don't get me wrong. Littlefinger and I have never been on the same side. Your brave performance in the arena today helped me win two hundred golden dragons from him." Duke Renly took the opportunity to challenge Divorced, "I'm firmly on your side! On the contrary, it's his little finger, who seems to be complaining about you because of the two hundred golden dragons in the morning."

"Is what Duke Renly said true?" Gao Yuan turned his head to look at Littlefinger, with a meaningful smile on his face: "Littlefinger, if you really have a problem with me, you don't have to tell me This is to say some bad things in secret. If others listen to it, everyone will probably think that your little finger is the kind of villain who only chews people's tongues behind their backs."

"I think we can find an open field to practice after the tournament is over, just you and me!"

Littlefinger couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, why did he suddenly have the feeling that the other party was targeting him at this moment?Those gunpowder-flavored words behind Gao Yuan made him even more annoyed.

But now it's not easy for him to explode immediately, Little Finger knows that with his current strength and class, there is absolutely no possibility of fighting against the opponent.

Now is not the time for him to choose to completely turn against Gao Yuan. In Little Finger's view, Duke Gao Yuan may indeed be a tough nut to crack.

But he believed that as long as he could follow the original plan, he would gnaw down the two more difficult bones, Stark and Robert.

At that time, Gao Yuan will lose the protection of these two people. No matter how hard his body is, under his own iron teeth and copper teeth, he is just a boiled brittle bone.

"Quickly. Hurry up. Now I have eliminated a Jon Arryn. Those of you who look down on me will soon pay a huge price for the contempt for me today. I will let you all die There is no place for burial." Thinking of this, Littlefinger couldn't help but frowned, and in the blink of an eye, he put on his signature smile on his face.

"Master Gaoyuan, you are serious. You are the star figure in this martial arts tournament now. Who dares to compete with you alone? Isn't this asking for trouble?" Littlefinger flattered, "Besides, I was just here You gossip behind your back, I'm just lamenting my lost two hundred gold dragons with Lord Renly."

"The heroic demeanor you showed when you defeated the Hound in the tournament field this morning made all the spectators and the king dazzled."

After Littlefinger's series of flattery, even Gao Yuan, who came here specially to trouble him, didn't know how to get angry for a while.

"Petyr Baelish, is it convenient for you to make room for me next to Miss Sansa?" Gao Yuan's words seemed to be asking Littlefinger to make room for him, but in fact, his words The tone was full of commands, as if he hadn't thought about giving the other party the right to refuse at all.

Seeing Littlefinger deflated in front of Gao Yuan with his own eyes, Duke Renly couldn't say how happy he was at the moment.In order to prevent himself from laughing impolitely, his handsome face was almost as tight as a monkey's butt, and anyone could see how hard he was holding back at this moment.

Hearing this, Littlefinger was not annoyed at all, he gracefully got up from his original seat: "Since Lord Gao Yuan wants to stay with Miss Sansa, I will be happy to help others as long as you tell me The last one is enough"

"It's just that you should probably seek Miss Sansa's opinion." Littlefinger had a hypocritical smile on his face, "If Miss Sansa has no objection to this, I will immediately vacate my seat for you, Mr. Gao Yuan."

As soon as the words fell, several people set their eyes on Sansa Stark beside Littlefinger.Seeing that Littlefinger drew everyone's attention to herself, Sansa felt a little lost for a moment.

She turned her head and looked at her father beside her, as if asking for his advice.After getting Ed Stark's nod of approval, she turned her head again and said, "I'm sorry Lord Baelish! We have already made an agreement with Lord Gao Yuan to watch this archery competition together."

"It's okay, Miss Sansa!" Littlefinger said to Sansa with a smile, "Since you and Lord Ed have already made an agreement with Duke Gaoyuan, it's my fault! I was the one who took the seat of Duke Gaoyuan rashly. , you don't have to apologize to me." After saying that, Littlefinger lifted his feet and left his seat, and sat on the other side of Duke Renly.

As the archery competition approached, there were more and more nobles sitting in the stands where Gao Yuan and the others were.Under Ser Barristan's long-distance command, disguised soldiers were arranged to sit around Littlefinger one after another.

Either he noticed that the atmosphere around him was not right, or he felt those unkind eyes that kept falling on him.Littlefinger, who was still sitting upright and chatting with Duke Renly, began to use his peripheral vision intentionally or unconsciously to look at these sturdy soldiers around him.

Although these soldiers were all dressed up in disguise, how could this insidious and cunning guy like Littlefinger be so simple.Littlefinger noticed something was wrong with just one glance, there were too many men sitting around him at the moment.

Moreover, these people who surrounded him were all unfamiliar faces in Little Finger's eyes, he had never seen them in King's Landing City or among the big and small powerful families.

They did not wear any aristocratic coat of arms, which is very rare in the stands where the aristocrats are all over the place.

In fact, there were more flaws that Littlefinger didn't look at carefully, and in fact he didn't need to look closely, because just these small flaws were enough to arouse Littlefinger's heightened vigilance.

Since he knew that there was something wrong with it, he didn't check it carefully, because it would only disturb those people in advance.

Littlefinger turned his head and pretended to look in the direction of Gao Yuan as if nothing had happened, but immediately there was a frightened expression on his face.

The terrified emotion didn't last long in Littlefinger's mind, it soon turned into a wry smile, and at this moment he knew that he could never escape.

He asked calmly and calmly, "Master Gao Yuan! Why do you still wear your own sword when you come to watch this archery contest?"

(End of this chapter)

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