Chapter 272 Provoking Discord
Knowing that Sir Barristan and the others had been exposed, Gao Yuan simply stopped pretending.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he stood up suddenly, pulled out the silver-white sword from his waist, and pointed at their target this time—Petyr Baelish.

Duke Renly, who was sandwiched between the two, was at a loss for a moment. The sharp blade in Gao Yuan's hand was placed horizontally in front of him. The face of this Baratheon was full of horror at this moment.

Until now, Duke Renly is still wondering what kind of conflict exists between these two people, so much so that they draw their swords to each other in this stand: "Duke Gaoyuan, if you have anything to say, we can sit down and talk about it. It’s getting to the point of using knives and guns.”

Before the words fell, more swords were unsheathed in the surrounding area, and Duke Renly quickly closed his mouth when he saw this.Although he knew that these people were not coming for him this time, there was no guarantee that they would never hurt him. After all, the sharp blade in Duke Gaoyuan's hand was still on his neck.

Looking around, they were already surrounded by heavy siege at this moment, and the father and daughter of the Stark family, as early as the moment Gao Yuan got up and drew his sword, they retreated outside the encirclement early.

For Renly, this is exciting news!
Since they didn't hurt the father and daughter of the Stark family, it proved that this was definitely not a rebellion against their king's brother.Perhaps they did come prepared this time, but their actions were not aimed at all the important ministers of the kingdom.

From the current point of view, they all came for that little finger!Renly breathed a sigh of relief at the thought, as long as they weren't targeting him.The next step is to see what they are going to do. Duke Gaoyuan seems to be with them.

"I'm sorry, Lord Renly! I accidentally frightened you!" Gao Yuan smiled and moved the sharp knife away from the opponent's neck, "This matter is the entanglement between us and Littlefinger that has nothing to do with you! According to our original plan, you should not have been affected by this incident!"

"Sir Barristan!" Gao Yuan shouted loudly, "Please take our Lord Renly out so that he can continue to watch the next archery competition."

Hearing Gao Yuan shout out the name of the captain of the Kingsguard, Duke Renly finally realized: "Ser Barristan. It was Robert who asked you to do this, right, Duke Gaoyuan?"

Before Duke Renly could get the answer he wanted from Gao Yuan, Sir Barristan, who had been hiding in the crowd, walked up to him and took the king's youngest brother out of the encirclement.

"Your performance is more calm than I expected, Baelish!" Gao Yuan once again put his eyes on Littlefinger, "I thought you would have a final struggle to the death, so we show you the sword After that. You don't look like the type of person who would take it without a fight, can you tell me why you act so calm?"

"Lord Gao Yuan, you really like to joke, in such a situation, do you think I still have room to resist?" Little Finger looked around casually, "As early as the time when you, Duke Gao Yuan, came into contact with Sir Hugh From the very moment, I had expected that such a day would come to me, but what I didn’t expect was that this day would come so soon.”

"Don't pretend to be surprised. Didn't you, Duke Goyuan, and Lord Stark have already planned it?" Petyr Baelish turned to look at Eddard Stark who was outside the wall, He only heard him ask loudly, "Are you saying that I am right, Mr. Prime Minister?"

Ed Stark stared at Littlefinger who was surrounded by siege, patted Sansa beside him, and told her to stay where she was and not to move.Squeezing through the wall of soldiers brought by Ser Barristan, Ed walked up to Littlefinger and looked him in the eyes: "Baelish! I never had any doubts about you before that." , because my wife Caitlin told me you can be trusted!

"Do you know how surprised I was when I learned from Duke Gaoyuan that you were the one who killed Jon Arryn?"

"Ed Stark, now you have finally learned that I have warned you not to trust me?" Littlefinger smiled meaningfully, "Remember, don't trust anyone in Game of Thrones, Even the Duke Gao Yuan who is standing with you now."

"You don't really think that Duke Gao Yuan is as selfless as you see, do you not ask for anything in return?" Littlefinger pretended to be very surprised, "Since he brought Bronze Jon and his gang to King's Landing After that, my people have been watching him secretly."

"Duke Gao Yuan, do you really think that after getting rid of those who secretly followed you, no one would know about the small actions you did in private?" Little Finger looked at Gao Yuan who was behind the prime minister, and said proudly, " In fact, I can clearly see all your small actions, do you dare to tell the Prime Minister how you came into contact with those members of the Lannister family in private?"

Ed Stark turned his head to look at Gao Yuan when he heard the words, the suspicion in his eyes must be obvious: "Duke Goyuan, is what his little finger said just now true? Are you really talking to Lannis in secret? People from the Te family made contact?"

"Petyr Baelish, don't play tricks here, your little tricks look so ridiculous to me." Gao Yuan sneered, "I'm not afraid to tell you now, I and Ai Lord De is an ally of the same spirit. If I had really contacted the Lannister family in private, then I would not personally help him investigate the dirty things you have committed. "

Then he looked at Eddard Stark again, his eyes full of sincerity: "Master Prime Minister, Little Finger's mouth is full of lies, you must not be easily deceived by him."

Hearing this, Ed nodded in agreement!In the process of investigating the cause of Jon Arryn's death, he knew very well how important Gao Yuan's help was.

Thinking about myself following Robert's first arrival in King's Landing, facing the affairs left over by the former Prime Minister who seemed never to be busy, and the heavy fog shrouded in Jon Arryn, I was almost helpless at that time.

If Gao Yuan hadn't come from the valley in time, and worked tirelessly to help him conduct a secret investigation in King's Landing, I'm afraid I still don't know about it until now, let alone catch Little Finger, the real culprit who murdered the former prime minister. .

It can even be said that the investigations on the former prime minister were almost all completed by Gao Yuan alone, and his current prime minister provided little help in the process.

Based on this alone, Ed thinks he can completely trust Gao Yuan.

"I believe in you, Duke Goyuan!" Ed Stark said with some shame.

In the end, Ai De chose to believe in Gao Yuan, and listened to Littlefinger's slander and thus became suspicious of Gao Yuan, which made Ai De feel extremely ashamed of his stupidity.

He had to admit that, because of Littlefinger's provocative words just now, his trust in Gao Yuan was shaken a bit.

Ed turned his head and looked at Sir Barristan, "Sir Barristan, please take Petyr Baelish to the dungeon of the Red Keep and keep him under strict surveillance. Until King Robert decides to No one will be given the opportunity to see him until he goes to trial."

Ser Barristan led Littlefinger away, and the forty soldiers of the City Guard who he brought with him also left together, and the audience at the archery range finally returned to calm.

It's just that in this hustle and bustle of the martial arts tournament, this calm seems a little scary.Those in the audience who witnessed Gao Yuan's actions with their own eyes were discussing in private.

What kind of crime did his little finger commit, so that the current Prime Minister personally led someone to arrest him and punish him.

People in the stands have different opinions about this: some people say that Littlefinger has been embezzling the king’s golden dragon while he was the Minister of Finance; others say that Littlefinger offended the current Prime Minister, so he was arrested.
With the late arrival of King Robert, those private discussions quickly disappeared without a trace, and this twists and turns full of archery competition finally kicked off.

The competition on the archery range lasted all afternoon.

That afternoon, there was a Dousheng Xiaomin named An Gai from the Dorne frontier, after eliminating other opponents with shorter range.In the final of the hundred-step shooting, he defeated Sir Balon Swann and Jalabah Thor and won the archery championship.

Delighted to see Hunting Heart, Ed Taerkang sent Erin to recruit the other party, and asked him if he was interested in the position of a bow and arrow captain in the prime minister's bodyguard.

But the boy, basking in wine, victory, and undreamed-of riches, was quick to reject Ed's offer.

Instead, Gao Yuan went off in person and successfully attracted the opponent with the price of a canonized knight and two golden dragons per month.It's just that Gao Yuan also made a request with the other party, that is, if he canonize the other party as a knight, then he must swear an oath of eternal allegiance to himself.

In this continent where the aristocratic class is supreme, I am afraid that few people can resist this temptation.To be a knight is for those people of insight who were born in the wilderness, and I am afraid that it is difficult to even dream of it.

When Ed Stark learned about this from Gao Yuan, he couldn't help but sigh.

I lamented that Gao Yuan really spared no room for recruiting this archer. If Ed was the archer himself, he might not be able to resist such a temptation.

Even if a knight conferred by one of the guardians and the Duke himself is a proletarian, he probably won't have to worry about eating and drinking in the Duke's territory for the rest of his life.

If there is a war during this period, and it happens that the archer has made great contributions in this war, then his future life and his children may be on the same path from now on.

It was not until the evening that the group contest of the Prime Minister's Tournament kicked off with King Robert's lazy voice.

This group of people fought for a full three hours from the beginning of the competition.

A total of nearly 40 people participated in the scene, most of them were free knights, hedge knights, and knight attendants who had just been appointed to seek fame in this martial arts tournament.

Holding tattered blunt weapons, rusty iron swords, and stones tied with ropes, they kept fighting and fighting each other in the mud of the arena.

The brutality of the battle at the scene can be seen by looking at the scenes of mud splattering and blood flying in all directions.The people inside formed a small team to fight against the enemy for a while, and in a blink of an eye there was infighting and killing each other. The alliance was just formed and then declared to be broken until the last person stood.

The final victor was Thoros from Myr, the madman-like red monk with a shaved head and a flaming sword.

He is almost a frequent visitor to this group's martial arts competitions, and has won several championships in martial arts competitions.Because the horses of other riders were afraid of the flaming sword in his hand, but he himself was never afraid of the flames on it.

When the field personnel began to clean up the mess on the ground, Ed Stark was still whispering in Gao Yuan and Sansa's ears, and he was very grateful that King Robert did not participate in this team competition.

The final list of casualties included two severed thighs whose owners could no longer be found; a man with a shattered collarbone; a dozen battered fingers;

No one bothered to count the rest of the minor injuries from team fights, the cuts, sprains and scrapes, and the number of guys knocked unconscious from hitting their heads.

On the day when the tournament ended, a grand banquet was held as usual. Ed Stark, who drank too much during the banquet, found Gao Yuan and expressed to him that he felt unprecedented optimism and hope for the future. Throw them to talk to each other.

Speaking of rising, King Robert immediately patted Ed and Gao Yuan on the shoulders and said: "Ed, Duke Gao Yuan, we are still very young now, and now I have Ed by your side to assist you. Everything will change soon Yes. Together, we will create a peaceful and prosperous world that will be praised by future generations, and then send all the Lannisters to the seventh level of hell of the Seven Gods."

"Speaking of hell. I smell like bacon."

Looking at the back of King Robert's departure, the drunken Ed turned his head to look at Gao Yuan and said, "Fortunately, all the Lannisters are absent today, otherwise if they listened to Robert's words just now, That queen is probably going to make a big fuss at the banquet today."

Later in the party, Jory Cassel brought Arya along.Sansa hadn't spoken to Arya for nearly two months since that incident at the Trident River.

Today it was rare for her to take the initiative to chat with her younger sister about the competition held in the martial arts field today.Especially when she talked about Gao Yuan and the dust and smoke shrouded in lightly taking the champion of the jousting joust, Sansa hugged Arya and said: "This tournament is really great!"

"Arya, you really should have come with me these two days!" Sansa exclaimed loudly, at this moment she had already lost her ladylike image, "how is your dancing?"

"Although I also regret not being able to come to watch this tournament, but I don't regret it." Arya also happily reported the progress with her sister, and proudly showed off a big chunk of her thigh Purple bruise, "It's just a little sore from training."

"I think you must be a terrible dancer," said Sansa suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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