Chapter 273 Secret Visitor
After this, Sansa went alone to listen to a suite sung by a group of singers.

It was a suite called "Dance of the Blood Dragon", composed of many narrative poems.What is described in the suite is the bloodiest civil war that occurred in the middle of the Targaryen dynasty.

The origin of this civil war was a dispute between Rhaenyra, the eldest daughter of Viserys I, and Aegon, the eldest son of his second wife Alison Hightower, over the succession to the Iron Throne.

It was also the occurrence of a series of events such as the Dance of the Blood Dragon that directly or indirectly caused the Targaryen dynasty established by Aegon the Conqueror to turn from prosperity to decline.

Most of the members of the Targaryen family died in this civil war. The dragon, which the Targaryen family relied on most to rule Westeros, was almost exhausted in this civil war. In the end, only four dragons survived. After Dance of the Dragons.

Sansa Stark originally wanted to invite Gao Yuan to accompany her to listen, but Gao Yuan refused on the grounds that he was not interested in this kind of poetry praising war.

After rejecting the other party, Gao Yuan suggested to her that Arya could be invited to listen together, but Sansa shook her head and rejected his proposal.

In Sansa's view, her wild sister doesn't have the patience to listen to these poems, she would only listen to the stories Jon Snow told her.

Moreover, after the conversation between the two just now, she has been keenly aware that there may be no common language between herself and Arya now.

Hearing that his little daughter was injured, Ed hurriedly put down the wine glass in his hand, and came to check the bruises on her body himself: "I hope Forrell is not too harsh on you."

Arya seemed to show off in front of her father, performing on one foot. Recently, Syrio has always praised her for getting better at it: "Syrio said that every injury is a lesson, and every time Lessons will only make us stronger.

Gao Yuan, who sat on the side, looked at the bruises on Arya's body, whether light or heavy: "Master Ed, the study of swordsmanship is a difficult and laborious process, and it is normal to get some injuries during the process of practicing swordsmanship." .”

Eddard couldn't help frowning. Syrio Forel was quite famous in Braavos, and his swift and beautiful water dance was also suitable for Arya's slender sword.

However, now he felt that it might be a wrong choice to let Forrell teach his daughter.A few days ago he saw Arya dangling in the Prime Minister's Tower with a black cloth tied over her eyes.

I went up to ask her why she did this, but Arya told him that Syrio taught him to use his ears, nose and skin to perceive his surroundings.

Before that, he told her to do backflips without protection.

"Arya, are you sure you really want to continue studying?" Ed Stark looked worried.

Arya nodded stubbornly: "Tomorrow we will start learning how to catch cats."

"Catch the cat," Eddard sighed resignedly. "Maybe I shouldn't have hired this Braavosi man to teach you. If you want, I can put Jory in his place and let him teach you swordplay."

"How about Ser Barristan? When he was young, he was the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms. I can tell him." Seeing that Arya still didn't respond, Ed turned his gaze to Gao Yuan, "Duke Gao Yuan I must be very happy to teach you swordsmanship, his swordsmanship is still higher than that of Ser Barristan, and I have never seen a stronger swordsman than him in the Seven Kingdoms."

"It's just that Duke Gaoyuan is usually busy, so he may not be able to spare too much time to practice swordsmanship with you."

"My swordsmanship is quite special. It requires a lot of physical fitness for those who learn it. Miss Arya, you may not be able to reach my level." Gao Yuan was a little surprised by this, but he still nodded and agreed: "But as long as If you work hard and practice hard, I don't think it will be worse than the water dance of the former chief swordsman of Braavos, or even better!"

Arya raised her head and looked at Gao Yuan when she heard the words. The little girl was obviously a little moved at the moment, but after a moment of hesitation, she shook her head firmly: "Sorry, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

"Although I really want to learn swordsmanship with you, Syrio once told me that I must never give up halfway, and I don't want to let him down."

Gao Yuan shook his head: "You don't have to feel sorry for this, it's not a bad thing to be able to strengthen yourself in swordsmanship!"

Arya suddenly had an idea at this time: "Master Gao Yuan, after I have learned Syrio's water dance, can I still learn swordsmanship from you?"

Gao Yuan suddenly felt a little funny and angry, and he reached out and rubbed Arya's head vigorously: "You are such a greedy and clever little brat!"

"Okay, I promise you!" Gao Yuan readily agreed, "But I have a condition, you must master the water dance that Syrio gave you before I will teach you my swordsmanship. It’s to prevent you from chewing too much.”

Arya looked at her father happily when she heard the words, and saw Ed Stark sighed. He knew his little daughter's personality too well to know that it would be useless to argue with her stubborn jaw: "Then Sealy Oh, but you must be careful, if you are seriously injured during this period, I will never allow you to learn swordsmanship from Syrio."

"I will," Arya assured him solemnly, before skipping away.

"Arya's personality is very different from yours, Mr. Ed." Looking at the back of Alia playing in the field, Gao Yuan suddenly sighed.

"Arya's character is very similar to my dead sister, even her appearance is almost the same." Ed said with some helplessness: "Lyanna Stark, my father, Duke Rickard, once said that she and I Like my older brother Brandon, I have the blood of running wolf, but I have not inherited it at all."

"Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid Arya's body also has the blood of running wolf."

Gao Yuan turned his head suspiciously: "Is this why Duke Rickard sent you to the Eagle's Nest?"

Faced with Gao Yuan's unrestrained speculation, Ed Stark just smiled bitterly and said nothing. In fact, he himself didn't know why his father sent him to the Eagle's Nest City at that time. Maybe Gao Yuan's guess was indeed true.

After the banquet that night, Eddard Stark took his daughters back to the city and put them back in his bed himself.After watching Sansa, who was full of daydreams, and Arya, who was covered in injuries, fell asleep peacefully, Ed stepped up to the top of the Prime Minister's Tower and returned to his living room.

The weather is warm and humid during the day, so the room is very boring now.Ed ignored Gao Yuan who was waiting in the room, but went straight to the window, opened the heavy lock in front of the window, and let the cool morning breeze blow into the room.

"Duke Gaoyuan, don't you feel any discomfort in this stuffy room?" Standing by the window, Ed felt like a drowning person who had just been dragged ashore.

Across the vast atrium, he noticed that candles were still flickering in the window of the king's bedroom in Maegor's Tower in the center of the Red Keep.It was past midnight at this moment, but far away by the Blackwater River, the noise had just begun to subside a little, and it was unknown who was staying in the king's bedroom at this moment.

"Since bathing in dragon blood, I can no longer feel the influence of flame and temperature on me." Gao Yuan sat cross-legged in front of the prime minister's desk, "After that, ordinary flames can no longer hurt me, just like That's right!"

In order to prove that he was not lying, Gao Yuan put his palm on the candlestick in front of him.I saw the swaying flames constantly scorching his palms, but Gao Yuan didn't show any painful expression that a normal person should have.

"You'd better not perform this in front of Robert, who still hates members of House Targaryen until now." Eddard Stark warned him, frowning, "Tank is not afraid of fire." The unique characteristics of the Glian family, at least in this Westeros, no one else can do it."

"If it weren't for your beautiful black hair and golden eyes, I would also conclude that you are a descendant of the Targaryen family." Ed said in a deep voice, "A person like Duke Gaoyuan who is not afraid of flames usually Called the 'True Dragon' by members of House Targaryen!"

"When the Targaryen family was still prosperous, if you had silver-gold hair and violet eyes, I am afraid that all the people in the Seven Kingdoms would have made you their king."

"There are not so many ifs in the world. I am neither a descendant of the Targaryen family, nor do I have their unique silver-blond hair and purple eyes. I know this very well." Gao Yuan spread his hands and said, "And Targaryen The family has maintained a rule in Westeros for more than 300 years, and it has been overthrown by you and Robert now."

"Duke Gaoyuan, you are right. The Targaryen family has been overthrown by us now." Ed nodded deeply, "Maybe we should stop talking about these old millet and rotten sesame seeds."

"This is the keel-handled dagger you want." Ed Stark took out the dagger that his wife gave him before leaving, Ed placed it between the two of them and examined it carefully, "I don't understand, Duke Gaoyuan, why did you ask me for this dagger?"

"As for who assassinated Bran, the truth is already very clear." Ed was a little puzzled by this, "This dagger once belonged to Littlefinger, who lost a bet to Tyrion Lannister in the tournament. Used to kill Bran in his sleep."

"Lord Ed, do you still believe Littlefinger's words?" Gao Yuan asked back, "What Tyrion Lannister told me and Mrs. Caitlin is completely opposite to what Littlefinger said. "

"It is true that Tyrion did win the dagger from Littlefinger, but it was later stolen from Littlefinger's female branch."

Ed murmured: "Who knows which of these two is telling the truth, whether it's Petyr Baelish or the Lannister family, they are all lies."

"The little devil has no motive to kill Bran." Gao Yuan said in a deep voice, "On the contrary, I think Little Finger has the biggest motive, and no one knows what he is planning.

"After taking this dagger, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to talk to someone who knows this dagger"

Before Gao Yuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by a light knock, and Harwin's voice came from outside the door: "My lord, someone wants to see you outside the door, but he refuses to announce his name."

Ed looked at Gao Yuan suspiciously, then turned his head and said, "Let him in!"

The mysterious visitor was stocky, wearing muddy, tattered boots, and a heavy brown robe of the most coarse material.The face is hidden under the hood of the robe, and the hands are hidden in the wide sleeves.

Ed stood up and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm your friend here in King's Landing." The masked man's voice was extremely low and strange, "Master Stark and Mr. Gao Yuan, this is really an unexpected surprise!"

"Our conversation tonight must not be overheard by outsiders"

Seeing the other party's mysterious and unpredictable appearance, Ed Stark couldn't help being curious: "Harwin, you step back for now."

After Harwin closed the door, leaving only the three of them in the room, the mysterious visitor lifted the cloak covering his head.

"Lord Varys?" Ed Stark looked at the man in front of him in surprise, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lord Stark, and Lord Gao Yuan." Varys politely saluted the two people in the room, and then sat down on his own. He raised his head and asked Ed: "My lord, may I trouble you?" Give me something to drink?"

Ed poured three glasses of Summer Red on the table and handed one of them to Varys.

"Master Varys, why are you dressed like this? If you hadn't taken off your hood just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recognize it even if I stood under your nose." Ed was very puzzled by this.

He had never seen eunuchs in anything other than silk, velvet, and the finest satins.Moreover, the eunuch's body has always been filled with the fragrance of cloves, but the person in front of him is covered in sweat.

"This is exactly the result I hope to see." In the blink of an eye, the wine glass in Varys' hand has bottomed out. It seems that he was really very thirsty just now. "We must not let others know about our private conversation. , your every move is under the close watch of the queen. This wine tastes really good, thank you, Lord Stark."

"Master Gao Yuan, I'm very glad to meet you here!" Varys put down his glass and looked at Gao Yuan, "Originally, I planned to visit you after visiting Lord Stark, but it saves you to be with Lord Stark." It took me a lot of effort.”

"There seems to be nothing to talk about between us, Lord Varys!" Gao Yuan frowned and said, "Master Varys, you have never met me, and the only thing I can think of related to you is that we are in a martial arts competition today. Your nemesis Littlefinger was arrested at the meeting."

"Master Gao Yuan, your performance in the martial arts tournament today was wonderful." Varys complimented.

"I've heard too many people say this to me today." Gao Yuan didn't accept this at all, "If you visit late at night just to talk nonsense with me, Earl Jon Royce is very May throw you out of his other house."

"Lord Varys, how did you get past me, the other guards of the Tower?" Eddard Stark interrupted the conversation between the two.There are people guarding the outside of the prime minister's tower and the stairs inside the tower.

This is not the first time someone bypassed his guards and broke into the room. It was the first time Gao Yuan came to visit the Prime Minister's Tower. Now Varys, the eunuch, can also enter and exit his Prime Minister's Tower at will.

This made him have to start worrying about his own safety, and Ed really couldn't figure out how they did it.

Ed's eyes kept wandering between Varys and Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan knew what he was thinking now, so he smiled and said, "Master Ed, I came in through the window of your room."

"There are many secret passages in the Red Castle that only ghosts and spiders know about." Varys smiled apologetically, "I won't waste your time too much."

"However, there are some things you must know, my lord! You are the Prime Minister, but the king is an idiot." Varys' previous sweet tone was replaced by a light and sharp tone, "I know he He's been your best friend since childhood, but it's undeniable that he's a fool...and probably a doomed fool."

"Unless you can save him, or only you can save him. They almost succeeded today. They originally planned to murder him during the group competition."

Varys' words directly made Ed speechless in shock, and he spoke again after a long while: "Who are they you are talking about?"

Varys filled his glass full of wine, he did not answer Ed's question directly, but gave him a disdainful look: "If I have to tell you even this, then in my opinion you Stupider than King Robert, and I'm obviously on the wrong side."

"Now the only person in King's Landing who wants King Robert to die unexpectedly is the Queen Cersei of the Lannister family." Gao Yuan told Ed, "If King Robert dies unfortunately, what I can think of The only beneficiaries are the Lannister woman and her children."

"Lannister?" Ed yelled in surprise, "Queen. This is wrong. Even someone as vicious as Cersei would not do such a thing. She is clearly opposing Robert's participation in the group competition."

Varys also smiled when he heard the words: "To be honest, Lord Ed, do you know of a better way to force King Robert to participate in a group competition?"

"That's right, the queen did expressly forbid him to participate in group tournaments! She said it very loudly at the banquet that night, and she said it in front of Duke Renly, all the knights of the Seven Kingdoms, and half of the important officials of the kingdom " Gao Yuan added in time after hearing the words.

"Lord Ed, you should be very clear about King Robert's character. King Robert has always been good-looking, and Queen Cersei did this deliberately to keep him from stepping down."

"Look, there are still smart people in this room." Varys praised Gao Yuan without hesitation, "I originally thought that your actions in the martial arts tournament today were all arranged by Lord Stark. It turns out that all of this was actually directed by Mr. Gao Yuan behind your back."

When Ed heard this, a cold sweat broke out on his back. Today, he finally realized how despicable Game of Thrones really is.Gao Yuan and Varys are right, they absolutely cannot persuade King Robert like this.

It's like forcing him to do it with a knife around his neck.The more you try and tell him not to do it, the more King Robert will do the opposite.

What's more, Queen Cersei is in front of so many people, and this is almost deliberately trying to prevent him from stepping down. How could King Robert follow your wishes?

"Even if King Robert did end up in a joust today, would any of them dare to beat the king?" Eddard Stark asked.

Varys shrugged, and then a strange smile appeared on his face: "It's not easy to murder King Robert in a group competition."

"Today, there are a total of forty guys participating in this competition. The Lannister family is quite powerful and rich. Wouldn't it be easy to buy a few guys to participate in the competition?"

"The fence in the martial arts arena is in such a mess, horses are running around in the field, and people have broken hands and feet everywhere, and that guy Soros is waving the flame sword in his hand, which attracts the attention of all the audience present." Rhys said darkly, "If someone did accidentally hurt His Majesty Robert in the chaos, can you accuse him of murder?"

(End of this chapter)

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