Chapter 275 Judgment
In the early morning of the next day, Gao Yuan took Sir Hugh to the towering walls of the Red Castle, accompanied by Earl Yohn Royce and his two sons, who will attend the meeting of Littlefinger as witnesses. The trial at this time represents the princes who were unable to attend the trial in the valley at this time.

In the morning, the city of King's Landing was full of morning haze, as if an invisible cloud was pressing above their heads.The gray morning light shines on the thick walls of the Red Castle made of light red stone through the clouds. There are countless battlements and bunkers on the walls for archers to shoot. The heads of traitors are usually stuck on the iron guns on the crenels of the walls. .

If everything goes well in today's trial meeting in the Red Castle, I believe it won't be long before his little finger's head will be hung on one of the many iron spears.

After Bronze Jorn informed the guards on the city wall, the huge bronze gate and iron gate of the Red Castle were slowly opened.In fact, there is not only one entrance to the Red Castle. There are also some narrow side doors in other parts of the city wall for passage.

The eight-clawed spider Varys also holds many secret passages leading to the outside of the castle, some of which are unknown to the current king.Since the former King Aerys II was killed by the Kingslayer, the only people who still know these secret ways are Varys and his little birds.

Stepping into the gate of the Red Castle, they first came to a square paved with cobblestones.At this time, Ed Stark, Jory and others had been waiting here for a long time, and behind them was Lord Varys, the intelligence chief they met last night.

Ed's two daughters were also allowed to attend the trial, and the two Stark girls were standing behind their father.

"I hope we didn't come too late today!" Gao Yuan looked at the huge square fortress behind Eddie, which is located in the very center of the Red Castle. It is also the king's bedroom and the place where the trial will be held later. Surrounded by the city wall and countless iron spikes, there is also a dry moat below the city wall.

"Lord Gao Yuan, don't worry, there is still some time before the trial will start, and we have just come out of the Prime Minister's Tower." Ed Stark said with a relaxed face, "Robert was at the dinner party by the river last night. I was drunk last night, and I am afraid that he is still lying in his bedroom and sleeping soundly."

"This is the Sir Hugh I told you about. Whether we can successfully punish Petyr Baelish today depends entirely on him." Gao Yuan turned sideways to introduce the two, "Sir Xiufu, this It is Eddard Stark, the current Lord Prime Minister."

"It's a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you, Prime Minister!" Sir Hugh seemed a little embarrassed at the moment.

Ed looked up and down Sir Hugh in front of him, then patted him heavily on the shoulder: "Don't be nervous, Sir Hugh!"

"Duke Gaoyuan has told me everything about you." Ed Stark said in a deep voice, "Don't have any psychological pressure when you face the king at the trial later, just tell what you know about Tell all about Petyr Baelish, and King Robert will never hold you accountable for keeping it secret."

"With Duke Gaoyuan and I here, no one will dare to attack you at the trial. You don't have to worry that someone will retaliate against you afterwards."

Sir Hugh could only nod obediently when he heard this. Now that the matter has progressed to this point, he has no room or reason to back down at this moment. He can only accept the upcoming trial with a heavy heart, not to mention Eddard Stark had made him a promise of safety.

After the two got to know each other, Gao Yuan turned his gaze to the bronze Jon next to him: "Earl Jon Royce, Lord Stark, you and King Robert have lived in the valley for a long time, I believe you We have already known each other, so I don’t think I need to introduce more.”

"Earl Jorn, my old friend!"

Ed Stark stepped forward and hugged each other: "I'm sorry about Weimar! Four years ago you asked me to take care of your son in Winterfell, but I didn't finish mine. promise."

"Lord Gao Yuan told me about this matter in the valley." Although a long time has passed, Bronze Jon still couldn't help sobbing when talking about this matter, "Since the moment I decided to send Weimar to the Night Watch Corps , I expected that such a day might come. I never regret my decision back then, at least in my opinion, Weimar died well, he was sacrificed in the process of fighting against the White Walkers."

Eddard Stark and Bronze Yonn exchanged their hearts for a long time, and Eddard's guard captain, Jory, stepped forward to remind his lord that the trial would start soon, and they had to arrive at the Red Keep ahead of time. waiting for the king's arrival in the hall.

The two teams left the square together, with Gao Yuan and Ed Stark driving side by side at the front of the team, followed by Bronze Yon, Varys and Jory Cassel.

The Winterfell guards and valley cavalry in heavy armor and steel helmets followed behind them in two columns. The total number was almost a hundred.Guards escorted them across the square past the inner gates of the Red Keep, countless gray and sky-blue cloaks flapping in the wind.

Although there were no bright red banners and cloaks of the Lannister guards around the inner castle, there were many city guards with golden cloaks patrolling the walls and gates. Such tight guards made Ed feel at ease.

But then he remembered the conjectures that Varys had said to him in his study last night.Carefully looking at the golden robes waiting in battle along the way, he couldn't help but secretly wondered in his heart how many of them were truly loyal to Robert, and how many of them had been bought by the Lannister family's huge amount of copper coins.

When the group of them arrived at the entrance of the hall in the Red Castle, Janos Slynt, Commander of the Capital Guard of King's Landing, had already greeted him at the entrance of the hall. At this moment, he was wearing a gorgeously carved black-gold armor with clips under his armpits. Wearing a tall feathered helmet.

The commander of the capital guard nodded to Gao Yuan and the others, and his subordinates pushed open the wooden door of the oak hall, which was [-] feet high and bordered with golden bronze.

This hall in the Red Castle is where the king's throne is located. The Iron Throne stands on a high iron platform, and a wide red carpet extends from the throne to the bronze oak gate at the end of the hall.The space in the hall is extremely wide, enough to accommodate 1000 people to hold a grand event here at the same time.

The hall faces south as a whole, and there are two long and narrow glass windows on the east and west walls. What is depicted on the colorful glass is the process of Aegon the Conqueror conquering the entire Westeros.

The dragon skulls of the Targaryen family used to hang on those walls, but after Robert Baratheon was crowned the Iron Throne, he ordered them all to be thrown into the dragon's blood and replaced by a picture tapestry.

On either side of the walls, beneath Robert's tapestries of hunting and war, stood the city watch in golden cloaks, each of them clutching eight-foot spears with black iron tips, as if In the preparation of the trial meeting, there will be accidents.

Gao Yuan and the others walked into the hall under the leadership of the imperial chief. There was still a long way to go from the door to the other end of the hall.At this moment, the ferocious Iron Throne is empty, which means that King Robert has not yet arrived, and the hall is already full of nobles and nobles who came to participate in the trial.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the hall, Ed Stark walked towards the Iron Throne, which symbolized supreme power.As King Robert's former prime minister, he needs to sit beside King Robert at the trial meeting so that he can remind the current king and make suggestions at any time.

Ed Stark still remembers the scene when he first set foot on this road. At that time, he broke into the hall alone on a steed, holding countless Targaryen and Lannister blood in his hand. The sword of the soldier's blood forced Kingslayer Jaime Lannister to roll from the Iron Throne.

At that time, Targaryen's dragon heads were still hanging on the four walls of this hall. Ed's father, Duke Rickard, and his brother Brandon also died in this hall. They watched all this happen with cold eyes, even It was the same when the Kingslayer stabbed Aerys II through the back with the sword in his hand.

With the exception of Ser Jaime and Ser Barristan, the five remaining Kingsguard had already arrived before the Iron Throne, forming a crescent around the base of the Iron Throne.At this moment, they were fully armed, with exquisite armor and helmets from head to toe, long white cloaks behind them, and shiny white shields tied on their left arms.

The Kingsguard gave the Hand a passage to the Iron Throne, but Eddard Stark went straight to the high-backed chair next to the throne.After sitting down on the high-backed chair, Ed turned to look at Cersei Lannister and her three children sitting on the other side of the throne.

Today's queen is wearing a sea-green silk robe with a white Myrish lace skirt trimmed all over the skirt. On her hand is a gold emerald ring inlaid with the size of a dove's egg, and her hair is pinned in a certain style. Matching gold flower headband.

Queen Cersei is only in her early thirties now, and the years don't seem to have left any traces on her pretty face.If it weren't for the death-like expression on her face, she might still be as beautiful as when she first married Robert.

Sandor Clegane, who had lost yesterday's tourney to a high hand, stood beside Prince Joffrey.The Hound was still wearing the smoke-gray armor from yesterday's tourney, and the hideous dog helmet.

It's just that his left shoulder looks much looser than the other side. It seems that the injury Gao Yuan caused to him in the jousting competition yesterday was quite serious.Ed Stark had heard that Sandor Clegane had been unconscious since he fell off his horse, and he didn't know when he woke up.

"Greetings, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lord Robert of House Baratheon." The steward sang aloud in the silent hall.

The drowsy nobles in the hall were shocked suddenly, and Ed Stark, Queen Cersei and others also stood up suddenly to meet the king.As a side door in the hall was slowly opened by the golden robe, one of the protagonists of today's trial meeting finally appeared.

I saw that King Robert, accompanied by Ser Barristan, walked slowly into the hall. The dark brown soft satin was covered with gold thread, and on the left and right sides was a crowned stag embroidered with gold thread. A golden crown of antlers atop his combed but still disheveled head.

King Robert had just sat on the Iron Throne when he heard him order loudly: "Ser Slynt, you go and bring me that bastard Petyr Baelish."

The bronze oak door of the hall was slowly pushed open by the two gold robes, and Littlefinger was escorted by the two gold robes slowly across the hall on the red carpet. Gao Yuan and Sir Xiufu beside him.

Little Finger, who is at the scene of the trial at this moment, is almost completely different from him at the martial arts tournament yesterday.He was still wearing the long black brocade robe from yesterday, which was stained with a lot of reddish gun ash and mud that were unique to the dungeons of the Red Castle.The dark brown hair, which was meticulously groomed all day long, also looked messy at this time, and a pair of black iron rusty handcuffs were baked on the wrists of both hands.

Petyr Baelish came before King Robert and Eddard Stark, escorted by two gold cloaks.Now that he was still in the mood to bow deeply to the king and the prime minister, he was actually taking the opportunity to look around at the people present.

In today's trial meeting, almost all the nobles and knights in King's Landing City were present.King Robert had gathered them all in this great hall, so that they could witness his trial and confession, and let them know what would happen to a traitor like his Littlefinger.

There were quite a few people here who had been his "friends" of Littlefinger, and Petyr knew every face of them, but at the moment they were all watching with cold eyes.Among the hundreds of pairs of eyes of different colors at the scene, none showed pity for him.

Petyr Baelish looked meaningfully at Queen Cersei on the Iron Throne, wondering what bad idea he was planning
King Robert stood up from the Iron Throne first, followed by Ed Stark and Queen Cersei. King Robert faced everyone and solemnly announced: "I, Robert of the Baratheon family Bo I, the king of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the guardian of the whole territory, hereby announces that I will personally preside over the trial, and I will personally announce the final judgment. "

"Assisting me in this trial are the Guardian of the North, the Prime Minister, and Duke Eddard of the Stark family. And the Guardian of the East, Lord Gaoyuan, Duke of the Eagle's Nest City." King Robert looked at Gaoyuan and Bronze in the audience. Jon, "Earl Jon from the Royce family will be the witness of this trial. He will represent the princes who are unable to attend this trial in the valley at this time, and witness the whole process of this trial with his own eyes."

"If the defendant is indeed guilty, may the gods punish him severely!"

Having delivered these proclamations before the trial began, King Robert sat back on the Iron Throne.Gao Yuan walked out of the crowd, walked to the front of the stage, and showed his family's Evening Star Golden Dragon Cross badge to show his identity and qualifications to everyone.

After doing all this, he turned around and sat down on the other side of the Iron Throne. King Robert and Gao Yuan sitting beside him looked at each other.

Immediately, Eddard Stark began to read the crime that Littlefinger was accused of committing: "Petyr of House Baelish of the Five Fingers, you are charged with a felony: colluding with the former Prime Minister's wife Lysa Tully , and conspired with her to poison former Prime Minister Jon Arryn with a poison from Braavos called 'Tears of Lys'."

"I hereby ask you in the name of the old and new gods: Do you admit that you have committed the above crimes!"

(End of this chapter)

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