Chapter 276 Unexpected Interruption
Eddard Stark read the accusation like a boulder dropped into calm water.A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and immediately caused a commotion among the crowd in the hall.

Because the news was too shocking. The former prime minister, Jon Arryn, was actually murdered.Most of them didn't know about it before, so how could they not be surprised when they suddenly learned the truth of the matter.

"I don't know what you mean, Lord Stark!" Facing the accusation, Littlefinger still asked the other party confidently, "You accused me of colluding with the wife of the former prime minister, Lysa Tully, what evidence do you have? Can you prove it?"

"That's right, I do have a relatively close relationship with Lysa in private, I have to admit that." Littlefinger categorically denied that his relationship with the former prime minister's wife had gone beyond that, "but here I dare to say The gods guarantee that the relationship between the two of us is only limited to normal friendship."

"Lady Lysa and I both grew up in his father's castle, Riverrun, so it shouldn't be surprising that we have a slightly closer relationship than ordinary people, right?" Littlefinger was constantly defending himself, "Lord Stark, I have a very close relationship with your wife Caitlin. You can't say that I also colluded with your wife and wanted to murder you, right?"

Queen Cersei Lannister wasn't the first to burst out laughing, but she was the loudest in the hall, and apparently she'd heard Littlefinger brag about it to herself.

In fact, he said to everyone he met in the Red Castle over the years that he took away the first time of the Tully sisters when he was in Riverrun.

Then more joined in the frivolity, Ser Loras Tyrell and an incalculable number of other lords and ladies.This sudden burst of laughter was like a hurricane, sweeping through the entire hall in an instant, until the entire throne room began to shake.

Gao Yuan, who was sitting on the high platform, looked solemnly at the laughing people below, they didn't laugh blatantly like the queen.At least when they laughed, they also knew how to cover their faces with large sleeves, so that the current Prime Minister would not find out that they were making fun of him and his wife.

There are also some people, in order not to laugh too loudly, they try their best to hold back the smiles on their faces. Judging by their blushing faces, it must be hard work to hold back the smiles.

At this moment, Eddard Stark's face was as ugly as a pig's liver, and his sharp eyes kept wandering between Littlefinger and Queen Cersei, as if he wished he could draw his sword right now to kill these two. Everyone was slaughtered.

Angry, Ed slapped heavily on the armrest under him. Seeing that the Prime Minister was about to explode on the spot, King Robert got up from the Iron Throne before him. He widened his big eyes and stared viciously. Looking at Cersei: "Smelly woman, you'd better shut that stinky mouth of yours to me, don't force me to tear it apart, so that you won't be able to laugh anymore!"

Then he yelled at everyone in the audience: "Everyone keep quiet!!!"

"You damned fellows, do you all think it's funny that the king's former Prime Minister is insulted?" Robert Baratheon's thick voice echoed in the hall, making the whole hall instantly quiet, "Don't Forget where you are now! This is the scene of the Holy Judgment. If I hear any laughter among you in this hall again, I will let Ser Ilyn cut off his head first. Judgment by the gods!"

Seeing the silence restored in the venue, Ed Stark wanted to continue the trial of Littlefinger, but was stopped by Gao Yuan not far away, who stood up solemnly and came to Littlefinger: "Don't Tried to change the subject, Petyr Baelish!"

"Neither His Majesty Robert nor Lord Stark has any interest in your affair with Lady Lysa." Gao Yuan turned sideways and pointed to the seven-pointed star symbol on the top of the Iron Throne, "What we want to know now is that you Did you join Lysa Arryn in murdering Lord Jon Arryn with poison?"

Littlefinger, who was in the middle of the two golden robes, looked up at Gao Yuan upon hearing the words, only to see him shaking his head with a smile: "Of course I didn't murder Lord Jon Arryn!"

"Since you refuse to admit it, then I will ask you in another way." Gao Yuan had long expected that the other party would deny it, "Is it you Petyr? Baelish found it and gave it to her?"

"Lord Gao Yuan, no matter what method you use to interrogate me, the answer you get from me is no." Littlefinger looked confident at the moment, "Because I have never done the things that Lord Stark accused just now. "

"In order for today's trial to go smoothly, we have invited many witnesses to accuse the criminal Petyr Baelish." Seeing that the other party was not getting enough, Gao Yuan had no choice but to call witnesses in advance, and he faced the audience to participate in the trial The audience at the meeting solemnly declared: "We will listen to their testimony first, and then the criminals will call out witnesses for the defense. Please note that without the permission of His Majesty Robert, the presiding judge, others are not allowed to interrupt the witnesses."

Gao Yuan put his eyes on Littlefinger: "This naturally includes you, Petyr Baelish!"

"Now we are calling the first witness to the stage." Gao Yuan said loudly, "Sir Xiufu from the canyon, please step up to the stage and present your testimony."

Hearing Gao Yuan summoning himself, Sir Xiufu slowly walked out of the crowd under the gaze of everyone at the scene. He came to Gao Yuan with some uneasiness, not daring to turn his head to look at Littlefinger's meaningful smile and eyes.

"Master Gaoyuan."

Gao Yuan nodded towards the other party: "Sir Xiufu, you don't have to worry about the oath you made. This is a fair trial held to maintain justice."

"Tell the truth in front of King Robert and the Hand! You tell everyone present that Petyr Baelish gave you a total of How many golden dragons?" Gao Yuan asked him.

Sir Hugh, after taking an oath of honesty in front of the archbishop, began to testify: "Lord Baelish gave me a total of one hundred golden dragons at that time, my lord!"

"For this reason, he also forced me to swear an oath to the gods. All the money was spent on armor and horses for the tournament."

"Don't be overly nervous, Ser Hugh of the Vale! Lord Gao Yuan didn't ask what you did with those golden dragons." Robert Baratheon said softly. "You just need to tell us, Petyr Baelish Just whatever the secrets you've been told to keep are."

"He's lying! He blackmailed me to take those golden dragons he said." Littlefinger retorted.

King Robert interrupted his defense impatiently: "Silence!"

But Littlefinger continued as if he didn't hear it: "He told me that if he didn't give him a hundred golden dragons, he would go to the former Prime Minister to report me, saying that I was in the Prime Minister's Tower during the period when Lord Ayrin was not in the Prime Minister's Tower." Take the opportunity to meet Lady Lysa."

"Silence!!!" King Robert yelled angrily, "Petyr, it's not time to question you yet, so don't interrupt the witness and give you a warning."

Petyr Baelish looked at Ser Hugh with cold eyes. At this moment, he was like a poisonous snake spitting out letters. This almost scared Sir Hugh into a cold sweat, but in the end Littlefinger still gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. own mouth,
"Sir Hugh, please continue." Ed Stark kindly motioned the other party to continue, "What kind of secret is it, Petyr Baelish will not hesitate to spend a hundred gold dragons to keep you silent about it? ?”

"On the day when the incident happened, Lady Lysa had a big fight with the former Prime Minister in the room. It seemed that it was because of Lord Arryn's decision to send his son to Dragonstone Island. Leave it to Lord Stannis to raise him." Ser Hugh swallowed nervously, "After the quarrel was over, Lord Arryn followed Lord Stannis out with a few guards."

"After that, Lord Baelish came to the Prime Minister's Tower to comfort Lady Lysa."

Robert Baratheon asked curiously: "Do you know why Duke Jon Arryn sent his son to Dragonstone?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Robert! I don't know why Lord Arryn rushed to send little Robert to Dragonstone." Ser Hugh replied, "I only know the part about Lord Arryn before he fell ill. time, always go out with Lord Stannis to investigate something."

"Does Petyr Baelish visit the Hand Tower often?" King Robert continued. "Does he visit Jon Arryn in the Hand Tower, or does he visit Lysa Tully alone?"

"Lord Baelish usually only finds Lord Arryn in the Royal Council, and he rarely goes to the Prime Minister's Tower to find Lord Arryn." Sir Hugh shook his head, "Lord Baelish always goes to the Prime Minister's Tower to find Lord Arryn." Lady Lysa, and all when Lord Arryn left the Prime Minister's Tower."

As Sir Hugh's testimony deepened, the truth of Jon Arryn's death gradually emerged.All the people who were watching the trial meeting couldn't help holding their breath and frowning at this moment, for fear of missing every detail that Sir Hugh said.

Eddard Stark looked at Littlefinger: "You still dare to say that you and Lady Lysa are just ordinary friends. Now that the facts are in front of you, Petyr Baelish, what else do you have to say?"

"This doesn't mean anything, Lord Stark!" Littlefinger spread his hands, "I just don't want Lord Jon Arryn to misunderstand this, and I don't want to affect the relationship between Lady Lysa and her husband. "

"Hmph!" Ed snorted coldly, and the look he was looking at at the other party was no longer just disgust, "I want to see how long you can keep your mouth so hard, and you will cry later."

Seeing that the trial was interrupted by the grievances between Ed and Littlefinger, Gao Yuan had no choice but to stand up again and remind Sir Xiufu: "Sir Xiufu, can you tell us that after Petyr Baelish came to the Prime Minister's Tower, what happened again? What's the matter?"

"Lord Baelish took out a bottle of potion from his bosom and handed it to Lady Lysa. I only found out afterwards that the potion was a bottle of poison." Sir Hugh finally spoke out the most important testimony against Littlefinger. , "After Lord Baelish gave the bottle of poison to Lady Lysa, he also told her that the bottle of poison was called 'Tears of Lys', and he stole it from Grand Maester Pycelle's shelf."

Eddard Stark continued: "What else did Littlefinger say to Lysa Arryn?"

"Lord Baelish also assured Lady Lysa that no one would be able to recognize this potion, and no one in Westeros would know the name of this potion except the two of them, because it It's from Braavos, the free city on the other side of the gorge." Sir Hugh replied honestly.

"Sir Hugh, thank you for your testimony at this trial today. You have done us a great favor." Robert Baratheon said in a deep voice, "You can go down now, Hugh Sir!"

So far, Sir Hugh's mission for today has been completed, but the trial of Littlefinger is still going on.King Robert set his eyes on Eddard beside him, wanting him to stand up and call the next witness.

At the same time, Ed Stark understood the king's intentions, stood up and said loudly in Jory's direction, "Call the next witness."

Before the Prime Minister could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Queen Cersei's complaining voice: "Wait."

Seeing that the process of the Judgment Conference was interrupted again, and it was his wife who interrupted the process, King Robert was suddenly furious.

Robert stood up from the Iron Throne in great resentment. At this moment, he completely ignored his image as a king and the eyes of others, and only heard King Robert shouting at her angrily: "Stinky woman, this is the scene of the holy judgment meeting, and I am the presiding judge presiding over this trial. Cersei, you are just an observer of this trial conference, what right do you have to interrupt this trial."

"I think this trial lacks fairness. Is this reason enough? My dear presiding judge." Queen Cersei also stood up to retort unceremoniously, "The so-called witness you invited has nothing to say. There is no credibility at all.”

"Oh, Sir Hugh from the valley!" Queen Cersei said, "everyone knows that he is a knight under Duke Gao Yuan. Come out and slander Littlefinger."

"In order to slander an important minister of the imperial council, you actually instructed your knights to make such absurd and false testimony in this 'sacred' trial meeting. Duke Gaoyuan, you have no honor to speak of such behavior." Speaking of which, Cersei Lannister turned her goal to Gaoyuan again.

"Even if everything this Sir just said is true, his behavior just now has violated the oath he once made. For such a perfidious person, the testimony he gave as a witness is somewhat true Sex at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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