The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 278 Disputes in the Imperial Council

Chapter 278 Disputes in the Imperial Council
"The will of the gods has been revealed, and now the judgment will be announced!"

Robert Baratheon stood up from the Iron Throne, and he announced loudly to the nobles in the audience, as well as Littlefinger, the subject of this trial: "The King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men , Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Guardian of the Realm, King Robert I of House Baratheon is hereby proclaimed."

"Petyr of the Baelish family, together with Lady Lysa of the Arryn family, was convicted of poisoning her husband, the former Prime Minister, the Guardian of the East and the Guardian of the East, Jon Arryn!"

"I hereby declare that I will permanently deprive Petyr Baelish of all titles and rights. As his lord, Duke Gao Yuan, the guardian of the East, will take back for me the Baelish family's castle in the Five Fingers Peninsula, as well as his personal possessions. all of his property. Petyr Baelish himself is sentenced to death with immediate effect."

King Robert's voice echoed loudly in the empty throne room for a long time, but the condemned Petyr Baelish remained silent.

Until two golden robes stepped forward to hold his arms, ready to take him away.

Only then did he raise his head and look coldly at the three people on the stage.

"I'll wait for you in hell!" Littlefinger said through gritted teeth, "I believe it won't be long, and you will come down to accompany me soon."

"Ser Slynt, take the criminal awaiting execution to the dungeon, and no one will have a chance to see him until then." King Robert yelled at the audience.

As Petyr Baelish was taken out by Sir Slynt, the trial meeting held in the Throne Hall also came to an end, and the people in the Throne Hall immediately began to disperse and leave.

At this time, Ed Stark suddenly approached the king: "Robert, I have something to tell you"

"It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about, Ned!" After finishing speaking, King Robert turned his head and looked at Gao Yuan who was talking with Bronze Jon, "Duke Gao Yuan, come here and I have something important to discuss with you and Ed talk."

"Is it related to my wife's affairs?" Ed Stark asked with some surprise.

"Ned, why are you talking to me about Caitlin?" King Robert shook his head. "That's your family business. I came to you because I have more important things to talk about. About Daenerys Tan You've got to give me some advice about that bitch Gryan."

"What's wrong with that little girl Daenerys Targaryen?" Gao Yuan walked up to the two and asked knowingly.

"That bitch is pregnant!" King Robert roared, immediately attracting the attention of the crowd in the Throne Hall.He glared at those curious people viciously, and then said to Gao Yuan and the others, "There are a lot of people talking here, let's go to the imperial council hall at the back to continue the discussion."

Ed Stark frowned and suggested: "It's best to call Duke Renly and Lord Varys together, they are also members of the Royal Council."

"I've informed them, and they're waiting for us there now," King Robert told him, "and you, Lord High, are coming with me. I need you to raise the security of the Strait for me when I get back to the Vale. That bitch If you choose to land in Westeros, you will definitely choose to land near Dragonstone Island and Seagull Town."

"I'll go talk to Earl Yohn Royce and ask him to write a letter and send it to Eagle's Nest City, so that the princes in the valley can prepare for this!" Gao Yuan nodded and agreed, "I heard that Seagull Town's The Grafson family has always been restless, and I am worried that they will become the internal support of the Targaryen family in the valley, and the Royce family can suppress their restless thoughts for us."

"Go and tell Earl Royce that if there is any change in the Grafson family in Seagull Town, I will kill them all." King Robert said solemnly, "I used to be concerned about these people who used to belong to the royalist party. The members are still too merciful, if they still have hearts for the two evil dragons of Targaryen, I will take this opportunity to kill them all."

Gao Yuan turned around and found the bronze Yon who was waiting beside him: "Earl Yon, wait here for now and don't leave. I will come to you after I go to the imperial council to attend the meeting."

"Lord Gao Yuan, did something happen when His Majesty Robert came to you?" Bronze Ioan asked curiously.

"It has something to do with the two leftovers of the Targaryen family who have wandered outside. The king is worried that they will take the Dothraki army across the Strait and land in Westeros." Gao Yuan told him, "The specific matters and arrangements will wait for the imperial court. Let's talk after the meeting."

After arranging all this, Gao Yuan thoughtfully walked through the side door of the Throne Hall and rushed towards the deliberation hall of the Imperial Council.

Before he entered the meeting hall, he heard Eddard Stark's pleading voice coming from inside, "Robert, please! Please think carefully, you are murdering children!"

"That bitch is pregnant!" King Robert slammed his fist on the council table like thunder.

This almost startled everyone present, they had never seen King Robert so angry in this imperial council, and in fact King Robert rarely attended the imperial council.

Speaking of everyone, in fact, there are only five people in this huge conference hall now, and Gao Yuan must be added to these five people.Because of the trial just now, the number of participants in the Imperial Council suddenly dropped by almost half.

Stannis has now fled to his own territory, Dragonstone Island, due to the death of the former Prime Minister, and shows no sign of preparing to return.Because of the "Tears of Rhys" incident and the ineffective treatment of the former Prime Minister, Grand Maester Paicell is currently waiting for the trial in the soldiers' barracks in front of the Prime Minister's Tower.Littlefinger was sentenced to death at the trial just now because his partner Mrs. Lysa poisoned the former prime minister.

This also led to the originally full meeting table. Now, apart from King Robert and Ed Stark, only the king's younger brother, Duke Renly and the eight-clawed spider Varys are still sitting here. up.

"I'm sorry, Duke Gao Yuan!" Robert Baratheon told Gao Yuan apologetically, "I didn't mean to target you just now, but just now Ed was trying to persuade me not to assassinate Daenerys that bitch, what did you say about me? It's murdering young children."

"Your Majesty Robert doesn't need to care about this, I have heard the quarrel between you outside the door just now." Gao Yuan found a vacant seat on the discussion table and sat down.

"Ed, I have warned you about this a long time ago, remember?" King Robert turned his head and looked at his old friend again, but his tone did not sound polite at all, "In the grave of the First Men I told you when I was in the grave, and I said that this child will spread his legs in a short time and breed a bunch of evil dragons to seek revenge on me."

"What did you tell me then?" King Robert became more and more angry. "She was just an innocent child! Now this innocent child is pregnant, and you tell me it's murder. toddler."

"Don't we have to wait until that bitch brings himself and the evil dragon spawn of the horse king to land in Westeros surrounded by an army of [-] Dothraki, threatening the safety of the entire Seven Kingdoms or cutting off your and my heads? , let’s discuss how to get rid of him?”

"Well, then, I want you to hear me clearly now: I want them dead, mother and child together, and Viserys, the beggar king," roared the king. "Is that clear enough? I want them dead." Die, before they landed in Westeros with an army of one hundred thousand Dothraki, all dead."

Listening to the king's roar, the rest of the important ministers were trying their best to pretend not to be there, even Gao Yuan had to keep silent.He is actually the least suitable person among them to participate in this topic. First of all, he has a good relationship with King Robert and Ed Stark. No matter who he speaks for, he may offend the other.Secondly, he is not an official member of the imperial council, so he is really not qualified to speak on such an occasion.

They chose to remain silent, which is undoubtedly much smarter than Ed's direct confrontation with the king.At this moment, only Ed Stark dared to do this in this meeting hall. In this respect, he was undoubtedly fighting alone.

Ed Stark seldom felt so alone, and he looked hopefully at Gao Yuan, hoping that he could help him persuade Robert, but Gao Yuan just shook his head at him.

So Ed Stark had to face King Robert alone: ​​"If you really do this, you will be infamous from now on."

"I don't care what people like you say about me when I'm dead. Blame it on me if it works," King Robert retorted. "I'm not blind to the knife." The sharp edge of the ax is dangling on the neck, and I still can't see it."

"In this imperial council, you are the only one who is chasing after the wind and shadows. Where are the swords and axes?" Eddard Stark told his king, "This is an old story from 20 years ago. Not yet known."

"Still unknown?" Varys' sharp voice resounded in the hall, and while pulling his powdered hands out of his cuffs, he said eccentrically, "My lord, you have wronged me. Could it be that I would make up Do you want to deceive His Majesty the King and your lords with false news?"

"Lord Varys, your news comes from a traitor thousands of miles away." Ed looked at the eunuch sternly, "Maybe Mormont made a mistake, or maybe he was lying, just to deceive Get that pardon."

"Lord Stark, Sir Mormont is not the only person I am lurking beside Daenerys. Ser Jorah must not dare to lie to me." Varys had a sly smile on his face, "Please rest assured, my lord There is absolutely nothing wrong with the princess being pregnant."

"It's really unconvincing to rely on your one-sided words. If you make a mistake, we will spend a lot of manpower and material resources on it." Ed Stark saw that he couldn't convince the other party, so he began to quibble, " We need not be afraid if the girl miscarries; we need not be afraid if the child is a girl and not a son; we need not be afraid if the child dies in its infancy before it grows up."

"But what if she bore a son?" King Robert retorted. "What if the child survives?"

"The Strait remains in the middle, our natural barrier against foreign enemies. Until the day the Dothraki teach their horses to walk on water; until they have enough ships to carry a hundred thousand men across the sea The day that comes, I will be afraid of it."

King Robert took a sip of his wine, and then glared fiercely at Eddard Stark from one end of the conference table: "You mean to tell me to do nothing but wait for the evil dragon Let's talk about it after landing with an army of one hundred thousand Dothraki, will you?"

"This 'brood of the dragon' you speak of is still in its mother's womb," Eddard Stark told the king, "Even Aegon the Conqueror waited until he was weaned before he began his conquest. "

"Gods, Stark, you always have such a stubborn temper!" King Robert looked around at the meeting table, and he scolded angrily, "Why are you all dumb today? A confused fool talking about reason?"

Varys smiled at the king, then walked in front of Ed and stretched out his limp hand on his shoulder collar: "Lord Stark, in good conscience, I can really understand your concerns, It would detract from the honor that is dearest to you and King Robert."

"I don't want to bring this news to the members of the imperial council." The eunuch persuaded, "The matter we are discussing now sounds really terrible, and it is also a despicable thing from a moral point of view. But Those of us who have taken the liberty to govern, as well as King Robert, have to put the well-being of the people of the Seven Kingdoms as the priority in everything, regardless of our own feelings and honor."

"If you ask me, this matter is actually very simple." Duke Renly shrugged his shoulders in an indifferent manner, "Viserys and his sister should have died a long time ago, it's just that His Majesty, Brother, mistakenly believed in Jon Eyre Lin's words."

"Now that the evil seed has been planted, we should not repeat the mistakes we made before. This matter has nothing to do with honor, but the safety of many lords and people of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Lord Renly, it is definitely not a wrong thing to be merciful." Eddard Stark also retorted, "on the beach of the Trident River, Sir Barristan who is here now cut down more than a dozen people alone. A good sir, and some of Robert's friends, some of mine."

"When he was escorted to us, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Roose Bolton urged Robert to cut his throat." Speaking of this, Ed Stark still glanced at them Ser Barristan behind him, "But your brother said, 'I will not kill a man for his loyalty and valor.'"

"He then sent his maesters to heal Ser Barristan."

Ed Stark looked at the king meaningfully with cold eyes: "It would be great if the man from the Trident River was here today, he would never agree to such a despicable behavior, and he would never want to see This order comes from my own mouth."

King Robert blushed when he heard that. He had made many decisions in his life that he would never regret, but none of them included the time when he bypassed Ser Barristan on the Trident.

"That's different!" the king grumbled. "Ser Barristan is a knight of the Kingsguard. He is bound by his oath to be our enemy, and he is a worthy opponent."

"Daenerys is just a 14-year-old girl!" Ed knew that it was irrational for him to press so hard, which would only make Robert more determined in his mind, but his honor and sense of justice could not tolerate it. He remained silent on the matter. "Let me ask you, Robert, wasn't the reason we raised our armies against Aerys Targaryen to stop him from murdering innocent people?"

"We are going to kill all the Targaryen family; we are going to take your sister Lyanna back from Rhaegar; we are going to avenge your father and brother!" King Robert was furious, "Do you remember How did Aerys Targaryen kill your father, Lord Rickard, and your brother, Ser Brandon, in that great hall just now?"

"I never forgot what Aerys Targaryen did, but Robert you are not like the Mad King Aerys."

"Your Majesty Robert, I remember that even Rhaegar and his army could not frighten you." Although Ed Stark tried to restrain his tone when he said these words, the words themselves were full of Contemptuously, "What I didn't expect is that after so many years, your courage has become so small, can even an unborn child make you tremble?"

"Ed, you'd better stop talking!" Robert's face was already purple from his anger at this moment, and he warned him with trembling fingers, "Don't say a single word, maybe you forgot who is the king?"

"Your Majesty, I have never forgotten it!" Ed replied, "You should have never forgotten, have you?"

"Enough!" Eddard Stark's words finally drove the king into a hurry, and Robert yelled at him, scratching his neck, "I don't want to waste any more time with you here. If I don't kill that bitch, I must damned"

The king turned his head and looked around at the people at the table: "What's your opinion?"

"The remnants of Targaryen are not worthy of death, they should be killed!" Duke Renly's attitude was very clear.

Varys said: "I'm afraid we have no choice. It's a pity, a pity. For the safety of the Seven Kingdoms and the well-being of the people, we have to do this."

Ser Barristan Selmy stepped forward, raising his light blue eyes, his eyes were full of pity and strangeness: "Your Majesty Robert, it is an honor to meet the enemy on the battlefield, but I don't think it's honorable to lay hands on someone who's still in the womb."

"Please forgive me, I must stand on Lord Stark's side."

"Regarding this matter, what I saw was not a little girl with a child, but an imminent and coming war." Seeing that everyone else had finished expressing their opinions, Gao Yuan had no choice but to get up from his seat, "I have nothing against this little Targaryen girl."

"But I know that if the war resumes, many soldiers will die in the wilderness; countless villages will be burned by the Dothraki army; countless children will be snatched from their mothers' arms and die. At the hands of the brutal Dothraki." Gao Yuan looked at Ed with firm eyes, with a look of compassion.

"I have traveled in Essos for a long time, and I know the cruelty and terror of the Dothraki. Everywhere their iron hooves are scorched and deserted, they have never known mercy, and naturally You don’t know tolerance and forgiveness.”

"If only sacrificing one Daenerys can save thousands of civilians and innocent people in the Seven Kingdoms, I would rather sacrifice my honor and rights." Gao Yuan told Ed, "Your Majesty Robert's decision is the most wise He is no longer the young Duke of Storm’s End but the King of the Seven Kingdoms, and he needs to be responsible for his own people and all the lords of the Seven Kingdoms.”

"I am sorry, Lord Stark! I must side with King Robert in this matter."

"clap clap"

Varys stretched out his hands full of scented powder, and began to applaud Gao Yuan's speech: "You are so good, Duke Gao Yuan, this is really the right choice."

"Indeed, if the gods in the sky should accidentally give Daenerys Targaryen a son, the kingdom will be bloody."

(End of this chapter)

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