Chapter 279 Fleet Plan
Renly also applauded at the same time: "Four votes to two votes! It seems that the situation is quite clear now, and the imperial council has reached a rare consensus. So what should we do next?"

"That's it, Ed!" King Robert turned to look at his King's Hand, "On the matter of Daenerys, only you and Selmy have objections, and the remaining question is whether we should send Who is going to kill her?"

"Ser Mormont is desperate for a royal pardon. He has been wandering in Essos for too long. It is time to let him go home." Renly reminded them that there is a ready-made man at hand, " Who is the current head of the Mormont family, while we pardon Sir Mormont, we may also allow him to return to his family, I believe he will find it difficult to refuse this condition."

"Maggie Mormont, Lady Bear Island!"

"She is Jeor Mormont's sister, and she has been in charge of House Mormont ever since Ser Jorah was exiled by me for the slave trade," Eddard Stark told Lord Renly, "Mrs. Bear Island has long considered Jorah a traitor to House Mormont. Lord Renly, you'd better not expect Mrs. Bear Island to take him back."

"Even if Mrs. Bear Island is willing to accept Mormont again, it won't help. He will never accept this task, because asking Sir Mormont to assassinate the princess now is undoubtedly letting him die." Varys spread his hands and expressed helplessness. "The princess has reached Vaes Dothraki now, and drawing his sword there will kill him. If I tell what will happen to any fool who dares to raise his sword against the Khaleesi in the holy city, Renly You may not be able to sleep tonight, my lord."

The eunuch pointed at the king with an orchid: "Other than that, the only way I can think of is to poison... Why don't we use the tears of Lys, as we have ready-made poisons in our hands, so we don't need to spend a lot of money to buy them." A new poison. There is no need for Khal Drogo to know his wife and children were murdered."

"It's likely to draw Khal Drogo's revenge."

Eddard Stark's eyes widened when he heard this, and he squinted at the eunuch in disgust.Pycelle was right when he told himself that poison was the eunuch's weapon. It seemed that the octospider used poison to deal with his enemies.

And King Robert remembered what Eddard had said in the camp yesterday, and only heard him complain in a low voice: "Poison is a coward's weapon!"

"This is the best and most convenient way I can think of. Moreover, you are not the executor of this assassination, Your Majesty Robert. You just issued an order to the person who assassinated the princess and sent a bottle of poison Just leave it to the other party." Although Varys's words were soft, the viciousness contained in them almost made everyone present sick, and even Gao Yuan didn't feel disgusted with him when he heard these words.

"Of course, if His Majesty the King has a better way, you can also say it and let us important ministers of the kingdom discuss the specific feasibility."

Gao Yuan couldn't listen anymore, he stood up and proposed to the king: "There is an organization called 'Faceless' in Braavos on the other side of the strait. As long as you are willing to spend a lot of money, Your Majesty, they can Kill anyone you want for you."

"Master Gao Yuan, I'm afraid you don't know the market price of asking the Faceless Man to sell, otherwise you wouldn't say these words." Varys complained, "Half of the price of asking the Faceless Man to sell is enough. You hire an army of ordinary mercenaries. If you give all the money to the Golden Company, they would even dare to fight head-to-head with the Dothraki cavalry."

"And that's just the price of assassinating an ordinary merchant!" Varys sneered, "The gold dragon that would cost the Faceless Man to assassinate the princess is probably enough to buy your Eagle's Nest City."

"In this case, let's do it according to Varys' idea!" King Robert finally made up his mind, "Varys will choose the specific person in charge of this assassination mission, and you, Ed, will be responsible for Varys. Funding for this operation."

"Robert, have you forgotten what I said to you by the river yesterday?" Ed was fed up at the moment, he pushed his chair back and got up angrily, "You hired It is not honorable for someone to assassinate a 14-year-old girl. Now you still want someone to poison the little girl who is about to become a mother."

"You don't want to drag me into this vile business; I'm not going to raise money for Varys' vile plan; and I'm not going to put my stamp on this order that shames me."

"Hell of the Seven Gods!" King Robert suddenly stood up and confronted him, "Damn Ed, you really decided to fight me to the end today, didn't you?"

"I'm not doing this against you, but to prevent you from making mistakes, Robert!" Ed's tone was full of sincerity, but the king who was angry at the moment could not listen to his advice, " If it were Jon Arryn standing here today, he would not agree with you to do this. When we first came out of the valley, you were not such a despicable person."

King Robert immediately picked up the wine glass in his hand in a rage, and threw it hard at Eddard Stark.Ed dodged the wine glass thrown at him by the king, but he did not escape the scarlet wine inside, and summer red spilled on Ed.

"Don't mention Jon Arryn in front of me again, Jon Arryn is dead now!" King Robert yelled at him, "Remember? We just judged and punished his murderer murderer."

"I've had enough of your stubborn temper today, Stark!" King Robert's face was flushed with anger at this moment, and a blush spread from his bright forehead to his neck, and even into his forehead In the velvet neckline.

He pointed at Ed angrily: "My patience is limited, stop being a mother-in-law in front of me, go and get things done, it doesn't matter which method you use."

"What if I still choose to refuse?" Ed Stark obviously didn't understand King Robert's words, and didn't understand that King Robert had made a compromise with him at this moment, and he still insisted on his position and point of view.

Robert had seldom been rejected, not since he sat on the Iron Throne as King of the Seven Kingdoms; not since Jon Arryn was murdered.

This made him wonder secretly: Is this really what he wants.

"I'm afraid it's up to you to refuse!" King Robert threatened, "Lord Stark! You are my Handlord, and you must do as I tell you, or I will hire someone else!"

"Then I wish him good luck!" Eddard Stark was not afraid of the king's threat at all. Both he and the king were raised by Jon Arryn in the Eagle's Nest City, so their stubborn tempers were almost the same.

After finishing speaking, he unbuttoned the cloak, which symbolized his status as the imperial prime minister.He threw the badge so casually on the council table in front of King Robert, and he couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of the man who had given it to him, the friend and brother he loved so much.

"Robert, I thought you were not of the same kind as Aerys, and I thought we had a nobler king," Eddard Stark told the king sadly, "but it turns out we were wrong! Tomorrow I will take my two children and leave here, and I will never set foot in this land that makes me sad and hopeless."

"Then get out of here!" King Robert's face turned purple with anger at his words, "Get out of here quickly, you bloody bastard, I've had enough of you already."

"What are you waiting for?" He was almost speechless in anger, and his voice became extremely hoarse, "Go back to your Winterfell, you'd better not let me see you again in this life That face of yours, or else I swear I'll chop off your head and hang it on a gun."

Ed Stark bowed deeply to the king, and then left the meeting hall without saying a word.He could feel Robert's gaze on his back, but he had made up his mind at the moment, and he decided never to set foot in the muddy waters of King's Landing again.

Before he walked out of the conference hall, he heard a distant voice coming from behind: "Your Majesty Robert, the matter should not have turned out like this, maybe you can talk to Lord Stark later, so that Losing Lord Stark will be your greatest loss. Don't wait until Lord Stark really leaves King's Landing with his two children, then you may not even have time to regret it."

"No one in this world is indispensable. I don't believe that without him, Stark, tomorrow's sun will not rise from the eastern horizon." Robert's voice came into Ed's ear, This made Eddard Stark even sadder to hear it.

yes!I have never been the one who is indispensable, and the kingdom can still function as usual without myself.

Before he could hear what the king said behind him, the door of the meeting hall was closed behind him, blocking the sound from inside.Ser Boros Braun stood guard at the chamber door, in the long white cloak and mail of the Kingsguard.He glanced at Ed quickly and suspiciously out of the corner of his eye, but didn't ask any further questions.

After Ed Stark left, the hall of the imperial council suddenly became much quieter.King Robert is still in a fit of anger, and no one in the conference hall dares to touch his beard at this time, except for Gao Yuan who had just persuaded the king, everyone else was watching and posing I have nothing to do with the appearance.

"Varys!" After a long while, King Robert spoke again after the anger accumulated just now disappeared, "Since the former Prime Minister was unwilling to do such dirty work, then this matter is all up to you Let’s do it. You quietly spread the news in King’s Landing, whoever can get rid of that girl from the Targaryen family for me, I will reward that warrior as a nobleman.”

"So are we going to let assassins become nobles?" Duke Renly questioned, "Let those mercenaries who are full of noble dreams go to the other side of the strait to assassinate that girl, I guess most of them will miss. The Lak people will definitely be more careful."

"Then you come and tell us what to do?" King Robert's anger was suddenly rekindled by his words: "Don't just sit there and say some sarcastic words, when you ask me to give me some advice, you But there he pretended to be deaf and dumb."

Duke Renly was dumbfounded when he heard the words, obviously he couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

King Robert turned his head and looked at Gao Yuan aside: "Duke Gao Yuan, what should you tell me?"

"Although I agree with Your Majesty the King's decision to assassinate Daenerys, I agree with Lord Ed on the assassination method." Gao Yuan didn't want to quarrel with King Robert here, and he was not Ed Smith. Tucker, he doesn't have the confidence to keep himself safe after beating the king.

"Then this matter is decided like this, Varys, you do as I said just now." King Robert made the decision impatiently.

"Duke Gaoyuan, is there any difficulty in the request I told you before?" Robert Baratheon suddenly changed the subject, "I know that the foundation of the Eastern Territory is still unstable for you to take charge of the Eastern Territory, and you must still face many challenges in the territory. difficulties and obstacles. If you need any help, or need me to give you some support, please feel free to speak up!"

"As for the stability of the valley's rule, don't bother His Majesty the King to worry about me. Now I have won the support of the lords of various important towns in the valley. As for the lords of other castles and other island owners such as the Three Sisters Islands, when I return to the valley I will visit them one by one," Gao Yuan told the king.

"However, if the little girl from the Targaryen family really came across the sea with the Dothraki army, we are bound to have a fierce naval battle with their fleet in the middle of the strait." Gao Yuan finally said He explained his real purpose of participating in the imperial meeting, "This is exactly what I am worried about. Although there are many ports and cities along the east coast of the valley, there is still a lack of a decent sea fleet."

"As far as I know, there is not even a decent rowing warship in the valley, let alone a large sailing ship that can sail in the deep sea." Gao Yuan complained, "It means that we can only stay on the shore and wait for each other's arrival , and wait for that little Targaryen girl to come and attack our harbor and coastal towns with her own army."

"Duke Gaoyuan, what do you mean, let me find a way to support your fleet that can fight in the ocean?" King Robert frowned when he heard this, he couldn't help feeling the Duke Gaoyuan's big appetite, "I still need to do it for you Are you preparing a navy of well-trained sailors?"

"How dare I expect a fleet, Your Majesty!" Gao Yuan pretended to smile bitterly, but he was thinking in his heart that it would be great if he could have a complete fleet, "I heard that His Majesty is located in King's Landing and Dragonstone Island. The Royal Fleet is one of the three most powerful fleets in Westeros. I just hope that His Majesty the King can reluctantly part with fifteen sailing warships and twenty galley warships from the Royal Fleet to protect the valley. Seaports and territorial waters are safe."

Duke Renly suddenly spoke mockingly at this moment: "Fifteen sailing warships and twenty galley warships, Duke Gaoyuan, you really dare to think! Do you know that even the two shipyards of Dragonstone Island and King's Landing , keep building ships at full speed around the clock, you can only build so many warships in a year, and now you want to take them all at once!"

"Lord Renly, I don't think my request is too much! I don't think you are aware of how vast the coastline is near the valley. The peninsula where Seagull Town is located, the peninsula where Longbow Hall is located, the Five Fingers Peninsula, and the three Sister Islands, these are the areas we need to guard against." Gao Yuan sternly retorted, "This is far longer than the combined coastlines of the Crab Claw Peninsula and King's Landing."

"If Daenerys is really going to come across the sea, my territory and people will always be threatened by the enemy. We don't even know which direction the enemy will choose to attack the valley, only the few ships in the valley The shabby small galleys and dozens of longships can't defend the long coastline of the valley."

"I think Master Gao Yuan is right!" Varys also stood up at this time, and stood on Gao Yuan's side, "The coastline between the valley and the Strait Sea is too long, and the sea that Master Gao Yuan now owns The strength is simply not enough to resist the enemy's attack, let alone stop and harass the enemy's fleet."

"If the little princess of the Targaryen family chooses to bypass the Blackwater Bay and Shipwreck Bay where the royal fleet is stationed, go directly to the many seaports in the valley and the towns along the coastline." Varys continued, "This will give us It will cause huge trouble, and it will also bring a huge threat to the valley where Mr. Gao Yuan is located and the Seven Kingdoms."

"If Daenerys and her Dothraki army really occupy the valley, I can't even imagine the consequences."

"Duke Gao Yuan, tell me a real number!" King Robert frowned and paced in front of them, as if he was considering whether to agree to Gao Yuan's request, "Fifteen sailing ships and twenty oars Warships, this is still too much."

"Your Majesty, this is not much at all!" Long before he made this request to the king, he was fully prepared, and he knew the number of the royal fleet almost like the back of his hand, "As far as I know, your The royal fleet now has a total of 210 warships, including [-] galleys."

"But there are only fifty warships in the port of King's Landing now!" retorted King Robert, "twelve galleys and eighteen galleys, and the rest are swan-ships. And the long ship that you speak of, Duke Gaoyuan."

"Most of the warships of the Royal Fleet are now stationed near Dragonstone Island and Chaotou Island. There are a total of 160 large warships there, and countless small warships."

"Since King's Landing currently has insufficient warships." Varys suggested, "Your Majesty, can we find a way to divide some ships from the Royal Fleet stationed on Dragonstone Island and hand them over to Lord Gaoyuan? "

King Robert shook his head helplessly: "It's not like you don't understand the character of my younger brother Stannis, Varys. He regards those warships as his own treasures. Will allow me to do this!"

"What if we don't tell Lord Stannis the truth of the matter?" Varys showed a sinister smile, "In the name of Your Majesty, call these warships, and then let Lord Gaoyuan's people drive these warships to the east in the port."

"We will tell Lord Stannis the truth after all the dust settles. In this way, because of your majesty, His Majesty the King, and for the sake of the overall situation, Lord Stannis will not dare to say anything at that time."

 Longship, a highly maneuverable vessel designed for plundering.They travel twice as fast as typical commercial flat-bottomed boats[9] and can carry up to about 1000 people.Specifically, a 50-foot long boat needs to be equipped with 100 oarsmen, and its deck can accommodate [-] people at the same time

  Galleons (Carracks), large ocean-going vessels.It can also drive smoothly in the deep sea, and there is enough space to store supplies.Cross-ocean expeditions are possible.

  Swan ships (Swan ships), they are called swan ships because they are often seen in the Seven Kingdoms with huge milky white sails, and their bows are often the image of birds and animals.In fact, they were built in the Summer Isles and designed for ocean voyages.

  The rowing warship is bigger and has a higher tonnage than ordinary rowing boats.This is because they are often equipped with siege weapons such as ballistas and trebuchets, and they also need to provide corresponding space and luggage for more oarsmen and soldiers on board.The standard tactic in battle is to destroy the navigating capabilities of the opponent's ships first, and then engage in ramming and boarding operations.

(End of this chapter)

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