Chapter 280 Solicitation
"Master Varys, thank you for standing up and speaking for me at the imperial meeting just now!"

Coming out of the meeting hall of the Imperial Council, the first thing Gao Yuan, holding the king's order, did was to express his gratitude to Varys.If Varys hadn't helped him persuade King Robert at the meeting just now, he would have had to spend a lot of time to get this transfer order, and I'm afraid the number of ships would be greatly reduced.

"Lord Gao Yuan, you are welcome!" Varys put his hands in the wide sleeves, "After all, no one wants to see the flames of war ignited again among the Seven Kingdoms, whether it is the king or the lord, they need to be responsible for their own people! "

"I appreciate your speech at the Imperial Council just now, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

Gao Yuan looked at the other party with some doubts: "I made a lot of speeches in the Imperial Council just now, and I don't know which sentence Lord Varys is referring to?"

"That's what you said when we were discussing the princess."

"If only sacrificing one Daenerys can save thousands of civilians and innocent people in the Seven Kingdoms, I would rather sacrifice my honor and rights." Varys told Gao Yuan politely. "Believe me, this is the greatest speech I have heard since Essos came to this continent."

"That's just my heartfelt words." Gao Yuan seemed a little flattered, "Thank you for your praise, Lord Varys!"

"Master Gaoyuan, do you know?" Varys said to him frankly, "At first I had some doubts about your real purpose."

Gao Yuan was confused by the eunuch's words: "What do you doubt me?"

"Please understand the particularity of my job and position, which makes me always subconsciously doubt anyone who appears in my field of vision." Varys told Gao Yuan bluntly, "Since you brought the bronze After Jon and the others came to King's Landing, I have been doubting and speculating about your purpose."

"Guess why you chose to come to King's Landing at this time; suspect that you helped Lord Stark investigate the real purpose of the death of the former Prime Minister; guess the real reason why you chose to be an enemy of the Lannisters."

"Why did you choose to tell me this now?" Gao Yuan asked in a deep voice, "Since Lord Varys, you have always doubted me"

"Because your performance today, Mr. Gao Yuan, let me know that you are a trustworthy person! Whether it was in the trial meeting against Baelish before or in the imperial council just now, your performance made my eyes shine. "Varys said, "There are not many people who pay attention to honor in King's Landing. You are one. Although it sounds strange, I think I am one. And Lord Stark is one."

"It's not enough to just pay attention to honor, otherwise you will become a fool who only pays attention to honor like Lord Stark"

"A fool who only pays attention to honor is not what I want." Varys' tone is full of contempt and disdain, "The partner I need must be a smart person who pays attention to honor, and at the same time he must be a benevolent A good man who loves and sympathizes with the people."

"Now that I have passed your test, what about you, Lord Varys?" Gao Yuan asked meaningfully, "Why do you think you can gain my trust? What is your real purpose?"

"Master Varys, I know all about your little tricks in the dark," Gao Yuan told him, "I also have my own eyeliner and channels in King's Landing City. Unfortunately, a certain kid of mine happened to bump into you today." Had a thorough communication with a mysterious visitor from a foreign land."

"Of course, Lord Varys, it's normal for you to have some friends on the other side of the strait, after all, that's where you came from." Gao Yuan smiled, "Let me guess who your friend is, Illyrio Mopatis? The wealthy merchant governor of the free city of Pentos?"

"It seems that he is right!" The shocked expression on Varys's face at the moment has betrayed him, which made Gao Yuan more sure of the identity of the mysterious person.

"Now I probably have guessed your purpose, Lord Varys!" Gao Yuan showed a strange smile on his face, "But you can rest assured that in return for Lord Varys speaking for me at the Imperial Council today, I am I will not tell His Majesty Robert about your attempt to restore the princess. We are friends after all, aren't we, Lord Varys?"

Gao Yuan suppressed the smile on his face: "But don't think that I will be with you and join the ranks of supporting the princess."

Varys' face was already uglier than a pig's liver at the moment, only to hear him warn: "The war is imminent now, my friend!"

"The lion will soon be in a ball with the wolf." Varys said with a serious expression, "and there is no one in the Seven Kingdoms. There are many people who are qualified to fight for the throne, but none of them A true enlightened master."

"What if I tell you that I have the ability to overturn the entire game of chess, and I can end this upcoming war at the fastest speed and cost?" Gao Yuan asked back, "I'm curious, Lord Varys, what are you doing? What choice will you make?"

"Whether you choose to continue to pin your hopes on the princess of the Targaryen family who is living abroad. Or choose to stand by my side and help me quickly quell this war that may sweep the entire Seven Kingdoms."

Varys shook his head when he heard the words: "Master Gao Yuan, with the power of the Eastern Region alone, it is impossible to defeat the mighty Lannister family alone. You can't imagine how powerful the Lannister family is today. His Majesty Robert died. In the future, their power will continue to expand until they become an unstoppable behemoth among the Seven Kingdoms."

"Not to mention your opponents are Lords Stannis and Renly, even if you really defeat the Lannister family, they will definitely not watch you sit on the Iron Throne."

"What if I have the support of the Starks in the North and the Tullys of the Riverlands?"

"That's impossible, they would rather choose to support His Majesty Robert's two younger brothers than agree to support you on the Iron Throne." Varys analyzed, "Trout, Crowned Buck, Falcon and Direwolf Gone are the days of uniting against the Iron Throne during the Reaver's War."

"So, what's the use of going to war now for the princess you support?" Gao Yuan retorted, "Neither you nor the princess is ready yet, and when the princess is ready, the war will be over long ago I believe you are well aware of the virtues of the Dothraki. Khal Drogo will definitely not send troops until Daenerys' child is born."

"Master Gao Yuan, that little friend of yours is really supernatural!" Varys couldn't help but sighed when he heard the conversation between himself and Illyrio Mopatis, without saying a single word from Gao Yuan's mouth.

"In this case, why didn't you choose to give it a go and support me, the contender for the throne that you are least optimistic about before that, Lord Varys?" Gao Yuan had a confident smile on his face at this time, "If war really breaks out, Personally, I have the confidence to take the Iron Throne, but Lord Varys, you don't want to believe me."

"Believe and support me, Lord Varys!" Gao Yuan decided to persuade the other party for the last time, "You can still choose to hedge your bets, support me to win the new war, and wait for the princess you are optimistic about to do. Get ready, this is nothing for you to lose!"

At the same time, on the other side of the Red Castle, after Ed Stark angrily left the meeting hall of the Imperial Council, he went straight through the outer court of the castle and returned to his Prime Minister's Tower.

The sky at the top of the Prime Minister's Tower is gloomy and oppressive, which seems to represent Ed's mood at the moment.He could feel the dampness in the air, and he would be happy if it really rained, maybe a rain would make him feel a little less filthy.

After plodding into his study, he summoned Vayon Poole again.The steward of the Stark family rushed to his study in a short while: "Master Prime Minister, what do you want from me?"

"I am no longer the Prime Minister!" Ed Stark announced a big news to him, "I just had a quarrel with King Robert, and now we are going to pack up and return to Winterfell."

"Okay, my lord!" Poole nodded with some surprise, "Sir, we need two weeks to prepare for the journey back to the north."

"I'm afraid we don't have two weeks, and I'm not sure if there is even a day." Eddard Stark said sadly, "The king said he would hang my head on a gun!"

Eddard was sure the king wouldn't really want to hurt him, at least not Robert.He was furious when he said that, but once Ed was out of his sight, his anger would die down, as it had always done before.

It's always been like this before, but will Robert still be like this now?He had been sure of it before, but now he found himself uncomfortably not sure.Catelyn had warned him before he set out for King's Landing that what you know is the old Robert.Now that Robert is king, he is a stranger to you.

This reminded him of Rhaegar Targaryen who was killed by Robert. He had been dead for 15 years, but Robert still hated him as much as before.

These thoughts really disturbed him. The troubles he was facing right now were not limited to this, the first one was the disputes between Caitlin and the dwarf imp who Gao Yuan warned him last night.

No need for him to think too much, it has been so long since the incident happened, and the news will soon spread in King's Landing.King Robert is now very angry with himself. Robert may not care if Tyrion Lannister lives or dies, but this matter touches his self-esteem.

Robert was certainly not going to mediate the dispute for him, or offer himself asylum.Not to mention what actions the queen will have.

Thinking of this, his heart became even more uneasy, and he told his housekeeper Poole: "It seems that it is safer for us to leave early. I will take my daughter and a few guards and leave King's Landing first. The rest of you wait until you are ready." Follow up."

"Inform Jory of the news, but don't let anyone else know. Don't do anything until my daughter and I leave King's Landing! The castle is full of eyeliners watching us, and I don't want my plan to leak out." .”

"Master, I will do as you ordered!" Ed Stark's remonstrance gradually made Vayon Poole feel uneasy.For the sake of safety, he decided to let his daughter Jenny Poole leave with Lord Stark and the others, "My lord, when you leave King's Landing, can you take my daughter Jenny with you?"

After hearing the words and thinking for a moment, Ed Stark finally agreed to the request of his house manager.After all, these people staying in the city will still face danger at any time. If the vicious queen queen can't find herself, who knows if she will vent her anger on these people she stayed in King's Landing.

The dangers faced by these people who followed him were brought to them by Ed Stark, and it was his compensation to leave with Wei Yang's daughter.

After Poole, the steward of the Stark family, left, Ed Stark walked to the window and sat down to meditate.It was Robert who made him have no choice. In fact, he should thank Robert for being able to drive him away today. Being able to return to Winterfell is actually a good thing for Ed.

If it weren't for Caitlin's strong persuasion at the time, he would actually be unwilling to leave his Winterfell from the very beginning.

His sons are waiting for him in Winterfell, and maybe he can have another son with Caitlin after he returns.The husband and wife are both in their 30s now, and they still have the ability and capital to have children.

In recent days, he often dreamed of the heavy snow in the north, and the depth and silence of the wolf forest at night.

But there was another thing that annoyed him at the thought of his imminent departure.

The question of what secrets former Prime Minister Jon Arryn was investigating during his lifetime haunted him.With the help of Duke Gaoyuan, he did find some clues, but these investigations have now been shelved.

I don't know whether Duke Gaoyuan will complete this unfinished investigation for him after he leaves.Ed Stark thinks that there is a high probability that this will not happen, because as long as he leaves King's Landing, the cooperation between Duke Gaoyuan and himself in Winterfell will be over.

In fact, it's not just one thing that can annoy him, there are many things he hasn't done yet.Left unchecked, Robert and his court of cowards and sycophants will squander the treasury.

It occurred to him that perhaps he should return to Winterfell by sea.Although Ed Stark is not familiar with water, under normal circumstances he would rather walk on the King's Road for more than a month.But if he takes a boat, he can stop at Dragonstone Island halfway and go to the island to have a good talk with Stannis Baratheon.

Before the tourney began, he had ordered Pycelle to send a raven over Blackwater Bay, with a letter from Eddard Stark on the raven's feet.In the letter, he politely asked Duke Stannis to return to King's Landing to report on his duties, but there has been no reply so far.The other's silence only deepened his suspicion that Stannis must know the secret that Jon Arryn was investigating when he was alive.

Gao Yuan once said this to himself, and he was very sure at that time.The truth he is looking for is likely to be in the ancient island fortress of the Targaryen family, waiting for him to come and get it.

But even if he finds out the truth of the matter, so what?Some secrets were too dangerous for him, and even Jon Arryn died because of them.If he really didn't want to go through this muddy water again, he should keep this secret in his heart forever, just like the secret about Lyanna.

And why did the dwarf put Bran to death?Although Duke Gaoyuan has been emphasizing with him that this may not be the truth of the matter, but he still can't produce any evidence.Now that the keel-handled dagger is still in Gao Yuan's hands, Ed thinks that he will never understand the truth hidden in it.

Whether Bran's murderer was a dwarf or not, the murderer must have wanted to silence Bran for good.This is another secret that he needs to stay in King's Landing City to investigate. Perhaps this is a different thread in the same spider web as the secret investigated by Jon Arryn.

But now he just wants to leave King's Landing as soon as possible, and join the ship that just goes north tomorrow, and it would be the best thing to be able to catch it.If the queen woman hadn't sent a chasing soldier, he might still be able to disembark in the valley and go to the Eagle's Nest City to bring his Caitlin back to the northern border.

Heartbeat is worse than action, so he called Weiyan Poole again, and told him to go to the port to ask if there was a ship heading to the north tomorrow, not to make public but to act quickly.

"Help me go to the port to find a fast boat, preferably with an experienced captain." Ed told the steward, "I don't care about the laughter or luxury of the cabin, as long as it is fast and safe. I plan to leave immediately!"

Just as the butler was about to leave, Jory announced the arrival of a visitor: "Lord Stark, Duke Goyuan wants to see you now."

Ed Stark remembered that at the imperial meeting today, Gao Yuan stood on the side of the king, that is, the side that agreed to assassinate Daenerys, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​driving Gao Yuan away.But thinking about when he left the conference hall angrily, Duke Gao Yuan spoke for himself in front of Robert again, he softened his heart and dismissed his thoughts.

"Jory, please come in, Duke Gaoyuan!"

I saw Gao Yuan walking into the study with the note in his hand as if nothing had happened. He looked at Ed Stark's packed luggage on the bed, as if nothing happened in the morning, and asked with feigned surprise on his face: "Lord Stark, are you planning to leave King's Landing now?"

"You must know that we have not uncovered the secrets investigated by the former Prime Minister during his lifetime!" Gao Yuan took out the keel-handled dagger to remind the other party, "I originally planned to find an insider to learn about this dagger after I talked with you. Who is the owner of the dagger?"

Gao Yuan said with some regret: "Now it seems that I was unnecessary!"

"Thank you for the help you have given me in recent days, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Ed Stark's tone was rather cold, but he still politely thanked Gao Yuan, "I have decided not to interfere in this matter anymore Well, King Robert now clearly doesn't want me in his castle, and he says he'll have my head cut off and put on a gun."

"As for who the owner of this dagger is, I think we have come to a conclusion now, haven't we?"

Gao Yuan looked at Ed Stark with a stern expression, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. How could this Duke Stark still have a childish temper: "It turned out to be this matter. Lord Ed, those are all It's just His Majesty Robert's angry words."

"Although His Majesty is indeed very angry with you, and he continued to scold you after you left in the morning. If I remember correctly, words such as arrogance, rudeness and ungratefulness appeared repeatedly in his words." Gao Yuan said with a smile, "But I believe His Majesty Robert is still reluctant for you to leave. He just couldn't save his own face. After all, at that time, Lord Ed, you were contradicting him in front of all the important ministers of the kingdom."

"I believe it won't be long before King Robert will quietly come to this Prime Minister's Tower to look for you in the middle of the night, and persuade you to continue to be his King's Hand."

After Gao Yuan's persuasion, Ed Stark finally stopped facing him with a bad face.He stretched out his hand to signal Gao Yuan to sit down in front of him, and poured a glass of summer red for the two of them: "Duke Gao Yuan, did Robert take back his life in the end?"

I saw Gao Yuan shook his head towards him after sitting down: "It's not so easy to let His Majesty Robert take back his order. You just contradicted him and prevented him from stepping down. No one else in the imperial council dared to Shout out."

"Although the king did not take back his order, he never mentioned poison again after that." Gao Yuan told him, "Just let Varys quietly release the news in King's Landing, who can get rid of that Targaryen family?" girl, he made that warrior a nobleman."

Ed Stark suddenly felt disgusted: "So now we're going to let assassins become nobles?"

"Duke Renly questioned the same way at the time, but he couldn't think of any other better way." Gao Yuan shrugged and replied, "If he can still succeed and retire after assassinating the girl from the Targaryen family King Robert may really consider making him a noble if he returns to King's Landing smoothly."

Gao Yuan's implication is that the warrior who went to assassinate Daenerys will most likely never come back.Regardless of whether the assassination is successful or not, this will be a one-way trip with no return, and he doesn't even need to prepare a return ticket for him.

Ed Stark was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then he asked Gao Yuan's purpose of this visit: "Master Gao Yuan, what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

"You came here to find me this time, you definitely didn't just come here to persuade me not to leave Junlin City."

"If I can't persuade you to stay in Junlin City, then the purpose of my trip is not important." Gao Yuan said helplessly, "My lord, when do you plan to return to Junlin City?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better, if possible, I intend to leave today"

"Although you may not be able to listen to my words, I still have to advise you not to leave King's Landing City today." Gao Yuan said in a deep voice, "According to the information I got, before I came to visit you at the Prime Minister's Tower. Lannister Sir James of the family has already dispatched a large number of Lannister family guards from his sister, and at this moment they are probably blocked on the only way to pass through every exit of King's Landing City."

This is not Gao Yuan deceiving Ed Stark, he did get the news from Bronze Yon that Kingslayer Jaime Lannister is mobilizing many guards of the Lannister family.

"As long as you take the two girls out of the Red Castle, you will definitely be attacked by the Kingslayer outside the city or even in the city. At least you are safe staying in the Red Castle. How is the castle treating you?" Gao Yuan solemnly warned the other party, "If you insist on returning to Winterfell, Lord Stark, you can choose to leave with us tomorrow."

"Well, Bronze Jon and I will take a boat to Dragonstone Island tomorrow, and we can escort you and the two girls along the way."

(End of this chapter)

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