Chapter 284 Private?public?
On the way to escort the Kingslayer to the Red Castle, Gao Yuan and Arya, who was still in shock, talked about why she suddenly ran to the pier of Blackwater Bay.But Arya's answer made him dumbfounded for a while. The cause of all these things turned out to be because she practiced catching cats in the castle.

"I didn't go out of the city on purpose." Arya emphasized to him with some grievances, "I lost my way in the castle, and ended up accidentally entering a dark cellar. The entrance to that cellar is very High, I couldn't reach that little window any more after I jumped in."

"You couldn't see anything in the cellar, and I had no torch or candle in my hand, so I was terrified staying there," Arya told him in a low voice. Go straight down that tunnel. I didn't dare to go back the same way, because there was no way out in the cellar, and there were many monsters behind me."

Gao Yuan naturally knew what the cellar and tunnel Arya was talking about. It was originally a secret passage used by the suspicious mad king Aerys to monitor the ministers, and now it is used by King Robert to store the keel of the Targaryen family.The dragon skulls that hung in the throne room during the Targaryen days are all stored there today.

Since the mad king Aerys was killed by the Kingslayer, the only person who knows these secret passages now is Varys the octopus spider.These secret passages connected the various corners and rooms of the Red Keep, many of which were only separated from the rooms of the high officials by a wall.

It was behind these walls that Varys and his little birds hid, eavesdropping on the little secrets that your ministers talked about in private.

There is even a secret passage that leads directly to the study room where Prime Minister Taed is.When Varys came to visit them secretly that night, the reason why he could easily bypass Ed's heavy guards was because there was a secret passage leading directly to the prime minister's room.

"So, Arya, how did you get out of the castle?" Gao Yuan asked her curiously. You must know that the secret passages all over the Red Castle are intricate, and it is quite difficult for a little girl to get out of it. easy.If she's unlucky enough to get lost inside, Arya may well be lost in those secret passages forever.

"I don't know how I got out of there. At that time, I was completely lost. I just kept walking along those dark tunnels." Recalling her experience in the dungeon, Arya's eyes were confused Shaking his head, "I didn't see the fire until I counted to 87, so I entered a room full of monster skulls, and I stayed there for a long time."

"After that, I followed the torch and found a downward ladder, so I just blindly walked down the ladder. Fortunately, I chose the right direction. At the end of the cave is a sewer and The water outlet connected to the sea." Arya patted her chest and said with lingering fear, "It was only after I swam out of the cave that I realized that I had arrived at the Black Water Bay pier behind the Red Castle."

After telling about her experience in the dungeon, Arya stared at Gao Yuan and pouted, as if to warn him not to tell his father about it.

In fact, Arya still has something to hide from him here, that is, the incident that she knocked down Prince Tommen in the Red Castle.She thought that if Mr. Gao Yuan knew about this, he would definitely report it to his father, and it would be no wonder that he would not die of anger by then.

"I promise you, I won't tell Lord Stark about this!" Gao Yuan nodded in agreement with the girl's request, but then he changed the topic again, "But at the same time, you have to promise me that you will never tell me about it again." I won’t run around. And when Lord Stark asks you about this, you have to tell Lord Stark the truth like today.”

Seeing that Arya in his arms was uncertain about agreeing, Gao Yuan had no choice but to warn the girl sternly, "Arya, you should be very clear about how big a mistake you made today. Don't think that I can't see your little thoughts. , you must have other things to hide from me, you must have caused other things, otherwise, how could you run into the dark and uninhabited cellar for no reason?"

Arya, who was poked by Gao Yuan, was shocked, and hurriedly agreed: "I assure you, Mr. Gao Yuan, I will never run around again!"

Only then did Gao Yuan nodded in satisfaction. At this moment, the rain in King's Landing City was still falling, and Gao Yuan could clearly feel the body of the girl in his arms trembling constantly.He took his elven cloak from his shoulders and threw it over the thin body of Arya.

He looked up and down the whole body of the little girl. At this moment, she was barefoot and her whole body was filthy.Arya's hair was a mess after all that had been through, and it was stained with a lot of inexplicable filth.The leather vest on his body was also covered with cat scratches and tears, and the brown trousers made of coarse cloth were cut from the knee down, exposing his legs full of bruises and scars.

With such an image, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will not believe that the dirty little girl in front of him is the daughter of the current Prime Minister Lord Stark.

After being covered with the elven cloak, Arya felt much better, and her body no longer couldn't stop shaking.The heat from Gao Yuan's body was continuously being transferred to her through the elf cloak, and she even felt a little hot for a while.

When Gao Yuan and the others brought Kingslayer to the gate of the Red Castle, Sir Jon, who had been sent by him to look for Ed Stark, had already brought people here to wait for him for a long time.

"What's the matter, Sir Jon!" Gao Yuan stepped forward and asked sharply, "Didn't I ask you to take someone to Blackwater Bay Pier to find Lord Stark?"

"Report to Mr. Gao Yuan, Mr. Prime Minister has been rescued!" Sir Jon rushed forward
"What's going on here, who rescued Lord Stark?"

"On our way to the pier of Blackwater Bay, we happened to meet Earl Yorn and the others who were returning with the Prime Minister. When Earl Yorn and the others were recruiting sailors on the pier, they happened to find Lord Stark who was seriously injured. "Sir Jon told Gao Yuan.

"When Earl Yorn and the others found him, Lord Stark was sitting on the pier, still holding Jory Cassel's body in his arms, so Earl Yorn and the others hurriedly took Lord Stark back to the Prime Minister's Tower among."

After Sir Jon's reminder, Gao Yuan suddenly realized.Because of this sudden change, he almost forgot about Earl Jorn and the others recruiting sailors on the pier.

"Is my father okay?" Arya hurriedly struggled to get up from Gao Yuan's arms after hearing this, and now she was eager to know that her father was safe and sound.

"Miss Arya, don't worry, Earl Yonne and the others have already found a bachelor to treat Lord Stark, and the Prime Minister will not be in danger for the time being." Sir Jon continued after pondering for a moment, "But Lord Stark now Still in a coma."

"I'm going to see him!" After that, Arya broke free from Gao Yuan's arms, jumped off her horse and ran towards the Prime Minister's Tower.


In the study room of the Prime Minister's Tower, the heavy rain outside the window was still pattering, and the high temperature in the city for several days finally fell silent at this moment.The pale Ed Stark was lying unconscious on his bed at the moment, and his two daughters stood around his bed with Gao Yuan and others.

Ever since seeing Ed lying on the bed with a pale face and falling into a coma, Arya didn't say a word, just stood there blankly looking at her father on the bed.Arya has always been a fiery temper, and even Poole, the Stark's butler, said he had never seen the little girl so angry.

And Sansa Stark had already cried into tears at this moment, lying in her father's ear and constantly calling his name, hoping that Ed would wake up early.

The bachelor that Earl Jorn had found temporarily had already treated the wound on his leg and wrapped a bandage for him at this moment.During this period, Eddard Stark woke up once, still chanting Arya's name in his mouth.Until Gao Yuan brought Arya to her father, Ed, who was relieved at this point, fell into a coma again.

After the bachelor fed YS flower milk to Ed, Bronze Yon and others headed by Gao Yuan left the room, leaving only his two daughters inside to take care of them.

"Master Gao Yuan, His Majesty the King has ordered you to meet him now." After exiting Ed's room, Eoin Royce told him the news, "My lord, His Majesty Robert has something to say to you talk."

"I happen to have something to talk to him about!" Gao Yuan's voice seemed to be suppressing some kind of anger, "But it's not now, how many people have you brought here, Earl Jorn?"

"But, my lord," said Earl Jorn with some hesitation, "Your Majesty said that you should go to see him now, and the queen is with you."

"Is he going to ask me to ask my teacher?" Gao Yuan asked angrily.

"I'm afraid it's not His Majesty Robert who wants to ask you to question me, but Queen Cersei of the Lannister family."

"Just because that stinky woman is worthy of asking me to raise a teacher?" Going down the steps of the Prime Minister's Tower, Gao Yuan roared in the hall, "I haven't held her accountable for letting the kingslayer go, and now she dares to come to me to raise a teacher condemn!"

"Earl Jorn, you haven't answered my question yet. How many people have you brought here now? I'm asking about the number of people currently staying in the Red Castle."

Bronze Jon hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "My lord, I have brought all the soldiers who followed us to King's Landing this time, except for the 20 people who stayed in the other courtyard."

"You tell these people to prepare their horses. After I go to meet King Robert, we will go out of the city and lead people to hunt down that kingslayer!" Gao Yuan's voice was quite loud, as if he was not afraid of being heard.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this now?" Earl Jon Royce frowned and advised him, "This may trigger a war between us and the Lannister family, and now our manpower is quite limited. There must be someone taking care of the Kingslayer right now."

"And even if we kill the Kingslayer, it won't help, but it will completely anger the old lion Lord Tywin." Bronze Jorn persuaded earnestly, "Besides, the Prime Minister and Miss Arya are all safe and sound now. Is it better to have one more thing than one less thing, let's stop causing trouble for His Majesty Robert and the Prime Minister!"

"I'm afraid the trouble has just begun." Gao Yuan said in a deep voice, although what Queen Cersei did made him so angry, but after he calmed down and considered carefully, he finally gave up his plan to go out of the city to hunt down the Kingslayer.

"The fact that we assisted Mrs. Caitlin in arresting the little devil may have spread throughout the streets and alleys of King's Landing."

Gao Yuan took a deep breath and asked, "Have you brought back the bodies of Jory and the others?"

"I have ordered them to be sent to the sisters of the Sisters of Silence. I believe that after Lord Stark wakes up, they will send them back to Winterfell."

"Yon, you did a good job!" Gao Yuan praised, "How is the recruitment of sailors and captain going?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gao Yuan. Due to the rush of time and the Prime Minister's affairs. Although we have promised a lot of money to recruit those experienced sailors, so far, we have only recruited about [-] sailors. ' Bronze Jon was a little ashamed of that.

"And most of these sailors have only ever worked on some merchant ships."

Gao Yuan shook his head: "It's not your fault, it's pretty good to be able to recruit two hundred sailors."

"Let's go, now take me to meet the queen and Her Majesty Robert!"

The place to meet the king was chosen to be Maegor’s Tower in the Red Castle. When Jon Royce followed Gao Yuan to the door of the king’s bedroom, Gao Yuan turned to him and said, “If there is someone from the queen If you want to come in, Earl Jorn, you must stop them for me. If they don't listen to dissuasion and insist on breaking in, you draw your sword and shout loudly."

"You mean the Queen wants to"

Gao Yuan shook his head to tell him not to worry: "You don't have to worry too much. With His Majesty Robert around, I think the queen would not dare to mess around. I'm just in case."

Pushing the door into the king's bedroom, I saw that King Robert was sitting at an oak table with exquisite carvings, his queen Cersei Lannister was sitting opposite him, and Ser Barristan Standing behind the king with a sword hilt in his hand.

King Robert had even gone to some lengths to dress himself, in black velvet with the crowned stag of House Baratheon embroidered in gold thread on the chest, and over a black and gold checked cloak.He held a glass of half-drunk wine in his hand, and his face was flushed, and he seemed to have drunk a lot.

Seeing the heavily armed Gaoyuan push the door and walk in, Cersei Lannister suddenly got up and asked him: "How dare you. How dare you openly attack my family on the streets of King's Landing, Duke Gaoyuan. You are really big courage!"

"I'm sorry, Queen!" Gao Yuan said calmly, "I have to correct your words first. The truly bold person should be Sir James. He led the people to attack in front of the Baelor Cathedral Square first. Me and my people, queen, you must not distort the facts."

"And regardless of whether the kingslayer is guilty or not, you shouldn't let the kingslayer go without authorization, queen!"

"Shut up, all of you!" King Robert slapped the table heavily, "You all have your own arguments, but I didn't call you here today to let you quarrel in front of me. Know the truth of the matter?"

"Duke Gao Yuan, come and sit here first." After greeting Gao Yuan, the king turned his head and gave the queen a hard look, "And you sit down for me too, don't force me to stand up and slap you!"

"Would you like to have a drink with me? This is a good thing from Qingting Island." On the surface, the king seemed to be asking for Gao Yuan's opinion, but before Gao Yuan could answer, he had already poured a large glass of wine for him .

"Happy to accompany you!" Seeing King Robert's attitude, Gao Yuan knew that the king was going to make a mess, and he had already given up much hope for this meeting.

"He led someone to attack James just now, and you still want to buy him a drink?" Cersei Lannister immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

"Smelly woman, do you really want to force me to slap you now?" the king scolded.He handed the wine glass in front of Gao Yuan, "How is Ed doing now?"

"Lord Stark's life is not in danger for the time being. The bachelor has treated and bandaged the wound on his leg. He woke up once but fell into a coma soon." Gao Yuanqian tasted the wine in the glass, "The bachelor After feeding him YS flower milk, he has completely passed out now."

"When did the maester say he would wake?" King Robert frowned.

But seeing Gao Yuan shook his head heavily, King Robert knew what his old friend was doing now: "I think you should know what good deeds Ed's wife has done? At this moment, it has spread all over King's Landing, and they all Said Lady Stark had kidnapped Tyrion Lannister."

"I know!" Gao Yuan didn't shy away from this topic, and admitted to them openly that he and Caitlin kidnapped the little devil together, "Mrs. Caitlin and the Dragon Inn captured Tyrion Lannis My people and I were there all the time, and I helped out."

"What Mrs. Caitlin did is not wrong, and the reason why I help is to maintain peace and justice."

"High, I'm not happy about this!" muttered King Robert.

"What do you think you are?" demanded Cersei Lannister sharply. "What makes you lay hands on my family? What makes you think you have the right to judge my brother?"

"I am the guardian of the East of the Seven Kingdoms, the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City!" Gao Yuan replied with a stern expression, "I think I am qualified to uphold fairness and justice in the name of the king. Although the little devil belongs to your Lannister family People, but as long as he violates the laws of the kingdom, I have the right to arrest him and question him."

"You keep saying that Tyrion violated the laws of the kingdom, so tell me which one of the laws he violated?" Cersei Lannister still insisted, "If you can't say something today .”

"Give me peace!" growled King Robert. "You asked him what he was entitled to, and he has told you now."

Facing the king's scolding, Queen Cersei snorted coldly with an angry face.

After reprimanding the queen, King Robert turned to Gaoyuan again: "Duke Gaoyuan, you keep claiming to maintain peace and justice in the name of the king. Is this the way you maintain peace and justice?"

"In broad daylight, you brought Earl Yorn's men in King's Landing, and almost had a war with Sir James. A total of 43 people died."

"First, he openly kidnapped on the king's road, and then provoked and killed people in this city." King Robert slammed his fist on the table in front of him, "Duke Gao Yuan, you should know that I will never allow this kind of thing to happen. Happening right under my nose."

"Mrs. Caitlin has sufficient evidence and reasons to catch the little devil!"

"I said I would never allow this to happen! I don't care what her reasons are, I ask you to order the people of the Eyrie to release the dwarf immediately, and then make peace with Ser Jaime." King Robert growled .

"Your Majesty Robert, is this your idea of ​​governing the country and your so-called justice?" Gao Yuan sneered and asked him back, "In that case, the kingslayer brought the Lannister soldiers in King's Landing to openly attack your former Prime Minister and What about kidnapping his daughter Arya?"

"Stark used to be the Prime Minister." Cersei Lannister said disdainfully, "now...he is just a lord of a remote area."

"Could it be that the lords of remote areas can only be slaughtered by your Lannister family in King's Landing City?" Gao Yuan suddenly stood up and asked the other party, "The dignity of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms cannot be desecrated, and I am just a person from a remote area. Lord, Cersei whore of the Lannister family, today you have the ability to imitate the appearance of a kingslayer and take your sword to me!"

Faced with such a tough Gao Yuan, Cersei Lannister immediately became discouraged: "This dispute was not initiated by my brother, it was you and Mrs. Stark who brought people to kidnap my brother first, Jen He will bring people to Stark to settle accounts with you."

Gao Yuan turned around and looked at King Robert: "Your Majesty, do you think so too?"

"All the nobles in the Seven Kingdoms are only divided into titles, and there has never been a difference in geographical location. Naturally, there is no such thing as a remote area lord." King Robert looked at Cersei Lannister coldly.

"Cersei's words are correct. You and Caitlin were the first to start this dispute. It's no wonder that Sir James brought someone to find trouble for you and Ed."

"Whether this dispute really started because of us, Your Majesty Robert, you will understand after reading this." Gao Yuan threw the keel-handled dagger that he had prepared in front of the king, "This is the weapon that the little devil handed over to the assassin. It was used in the assassination of Lord Stark's son Bran after we left Winterfell with you, Your Majesty."

"The little devil has personally admitted that this dagger once belonged to him, and Littlefinger has also identified this dagger as the one he lost to the little devil in the tournament."

"Duke High, where did you get this dagger?" King Robert looked at the dagger in front of him, with a somewhat puzzled expression on his face.

"Where else could it be? Naturally, Mrs. Caitlin got it from the assassin who assassinated her son."

"But I remember this dragonbone-handled dagger in my hoard before," murmured King Robert. "I should have won it from Littlefinger!"

The king looked at the queen while talking, but she seemed to be wearing a snow mask, her face was pale but calm, and she did not show any emotion.

"So the truth has come to light, although I don't know who stole this dagger from my treasure house and gave it to the assassin to assassinate Caitlin's son, but I can be sure that the person , definitely not Tyrion Lannis." King Robert breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, Duke Gaoyuan, release the dwarf as soon as you return to the Eagle's Nest City, and then shake hands with Sir James to make peace."

"Since your Majesty the King said that you were the one who stole this dagger, this proves that the little devil is indeed innocent. I will naturally release him when I return to Eagle's Nest City." Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, also understands the little devil. He is innocent, so after he achieved his goal, he didn't want to embarrass this hapless dwarf anymore.

But the matter was one by one, the little devil was proved innocent, which does not mean that he will reconcile with the kingslayer, but then he changed the subject again: "Sir James led people to openly attack History in the city." Lord Tucker took his daughter away, this is the grievance between Lord Stark and Kingslayer, it is up to Lord Stark to decide whether to forgive Kingslayer."

"But I don't want to let the Kingslayer attack me in the city. He killed three of my subordinates in front of me. If I let it go, how can I deal with them? The family members to explain?" Gao Yuan said in a cold voice, "Your Majesty, the kingslayer was let out of the city by the queen, I ask you to allow me to bring him back to accept the punishment of the law."

King Robert shook the wine in his glass, thought for a moment, took a big gulp, and then resolutely rejected Gao Yuan's request: "No, I'm afraid it will be endless if this goes on!"

"James killed three of you, but you killed him forty, so you should be making a lot of money."

(End of this chapter)

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