Chapter 285 Dragonstone Island

"You made a lot of money?" Gao Yuan couldn't believe it. The words came from the mouth of the king in front of him. He threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground angrily, "What do you think my subordinates are? Can you throw away discardable chess pieces at any time?"

"I regard everyone who follows me as a brother, Sir Vardas, Kanter and Lance, I remember the names of each of them." At this moment, the high voice is as cold as the ice and snow in the north, "I don't know Lao Your Majesty, do you still remember the names of those who followed you and were willing to sacrifice their lives for you?"

"If this is what you call justice!" Gao Yuan said angrily, "Those who once fought side by side with you in the War of the Reavers and rebelled against the rule of the mad king Aerys are really blind. They sacrificed everything to get justice , but only got hypocritical kings, I really don't deserve these people."

Hearing this, Cersei Lannister immediately said sarcastically: "If someone dared to speak to the Targaryen family in such a tone before."

"Do you think I'm Aerys?" King Robert interrupted her, and by the way, warned Gao Yuan with something in his words.

"I think you are the king of the Seven Kingdoms. When it comes to laws and in-laws, both James and Tyrion are considered your brothers. Now the Stark family and outsiders drove away one and captured the other." When Queen Cersei said this, her tone was quite disdainful.

"Every word this outsider said just now is humiliating you, but you will just sit there obediently, and let him humiliate and despise you, the king."

King Robert was furious at what she said, and he scowled sullenly, "Stinky woman, how many times do you have to say it before you shut up?"

"Those gods in the sky really played a big joke on us." The look on Cersei Lannister's face was beyond contempt, "I'm the one who should go into battle, but you You only deserve to wear a skirt and be a woman."

Robert could no longer hold back the anger in his heart at this moment, and the king, whose face was purple with anger, got up and came to the queen, stretched out his hand and slapped her across the face.

A loud slap sounded in the room, and Cersei Lannister was slapped to the ground by the king's slap.Queen Cersei staggered up from the ground without saying a word, she just looked at her husband with resentment in her eyes.

Stretch out slender fingers to caress the half of the face that was slapped. The smooth and delicate snow-white skin on the cheeks has already started to turn red at this moment, and then began to swell up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Robert's slap looks like a slap light.

"I will take this as a badge of honor!" Cersei Lannister declared to the king.

"Since it's a medal, you can wear it quietly for me, or I don't mind putting a medal on the other side of your face." King Robert threatened.

After speaking, the king asked Ser Barristan to send the queen back: "The queen is tired today, Sir Barristan, take her back to her room."

Ser Barristan went up to the queen, lifted her up, and led her out without a word.

When Ser Barristan led the queen out of the room, King Robert graciously picked up the wine glass that had been thrown on the ground, and filled his glass with wine without hesitation.

After doing all this, the king sat down in front of him again, and drank himself a large glass of wine: "Duke Gaoyuan, you also saw how she contradicted me just now."

"This is my dear wife, the mother of my child!" At this moment, his anger disappeared, but Gao Yuan only saw sadness and fear in his eyes. He looked down at his hand that slapped the queen, as if not quite I understood why I was so impulsive just now, "I shouldn't have hit her, this is really not... really not what a king should do."

"I'm sorry for what I just said, Your Majesty!" Gao Yuan also apologized to him, "What I just said was indeed too much."

"No, I'm the one who should say sorry!" King Robert shook his head, "I know that what you and Ed are doing are correct, but I can't uphold justice and justice for you. Just because I am a king, I need to maintain the stability and order of this country, and absolute justice and fairness cannot make this country peaceful and peaceful."

"In order to maintain the peace and stability we have now, sometimes I have to compromise with them politically, even if it goes against what the world sees as justice and fairness, and that's politics."

"Duke Gaoyuan, what you said just now is correct. I am indeed not worthy of everyone's following, and I have never been a qualified king. The reason why I chose to overthrow the mad king was not to maintain justice, but to regain my Lai. Anna and help Ed get revenge."

"Let me tell you in secret: I have dreamed of giving up the throne more than once, and taking my steed and warhammer by boat to the Free Trade City, experiencing the feeling of fighting every day and taking different women in my arms. I think that's what I should do." experience." King Robert poured out his heart to him.

"Being the head of a mercenary group, bards will definitely fall in love with me and tell the world about me everywhere."

"Do you know why I didn't really do that?" Before Gao Yuan could answer, the king explained, "Because I know that as long as Joffrey sits on the throne, Cersei will definitely influence his decisions and decisions by his side. Thoughts. Maybe the old lion Tywin will also guide and control, so that he becomes a puppet of the Lannister family."

"If someone from the Lannister family is allowed to sit in my position, then this country will be over, and Joffrey's end will certainly not be any better than Aerys." Speaking of this, King Robert said again Drank a large glass of wine.

"The Lannisters have always been ambitious!" Gao Yuan nodded approvingly, "Since your majesty knows their ambitions, why don't you make up your mind to eradicate them?"

"It's not as simple as you think to eradicate the Lannister family headed by the old lion Tywin, Duke Gaoyuan!" The king told him, "I only discovered these things after the death of Jon Arryn. , I was already surrounded by the Lannisters when their ambitions began to appear, and it was too late to completely eradicate them now."

"Your Majesty Robert, I have something to talk to you about." Gao Yuan said, "It's about Jon Arryn's life."

King Robert reached out his hand to stop him from continuing, and he rubbed his swollen temples: "Duke Gaoyuan, stop here!"

"I think we've talked enough today, and I plan to go to the Prime Minister's Tower to visit Ed later," the king said, "If there is anything important, you can talk to Ed directly after he wakes up."

King Robert stood up from his chair, he took out the heavy hand-shaped silver badge from the inner lining of his cloak, and placed it in front of Gao Yuan: "By the way, after Ed wakes up from the coma, you will give me the Give him back the emblem of the Hand of the King, and say sorry to him by the way."

Gao Yuan pushed the badge of the King's Hand back to the king: "Your Majesty, you should give it to Lord Ed in person!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for the day when Lord Ed wakes up. I will take Earl Yorn and the others to Dragonstone Island tomorrow." Gao Yuan told the king, "There are still many things waiting for me in Eagle's Nest City." Go back and deal with it, and I also need to go back and make preparations for that little girl in the Targaryen family."

The next morning.

Before leaving, Gao Yuan said a final goodbye to Ed Stark in the Prime Minister's Tower.Although the other party was still lying unconscious on the bed at the moment, he thought it was necessary for him to meet the Duke of Stark for the last time before leaving.

It's just this farewell in King's Landing City, the two may never see each other again.This lord from the north is now deeply mired in the political quagmire of King's Landing. As long as he still has a glimmer of hope in the king, he will only sink deeper and deeper into it.The deep friendship between Ed and King Robert determined that he could not withdraw from this dangerous vortex.

Political naivety and kindness are his greatest weaknesses. There is no middle ground in Game of Thrones. If you don't want to be a winner, you will only die.His kindness and innocence will kill him sooner or later, and sooner or later he will kill everyone around him.

Although Ai De's failure was almost doomed, Gao Yuan finally left him a secret letter before leaving.This secret letter was handed over to Stark's steward Poole by him for safekeeping, and the secret letter would be handed over to him only after Ed woke up.

Gao Yuan recorded everything he knew about the king's illegitimate son in this secret letter.However, he did not directly point out in the secret letter the ulterior secrets of the Lannister siblings.

Because if he confided these secrets to Ed in advance, this may bring unpredictable results to the subsequent plot, and this is not what Gao Yuan wants to see.

The contents of this secret letter may not be able to save Ed from the final outcome of failure, but it can at least leave him and his two daughters with the last retreat.As for whether Ed and his two daughters can escape from King's Landing City, it ultimately depends on Ed's personal choice.

But what is certain is that if he can follow his own arrangement at the last critical moment, this will at least save Ed's two daughters, and will not cause the tragedy of the two girls in the original book to happen again.This can be regarded as Gao Yuan repaying Ed's help to him before, and that's all he can do.

After bidding farewell to Ed Stark in the Prime Minister's Tower, Gao Yuan, who was all ready, went straight to the pier of Blackwater Bay.The sailboat that Bronze Jorn had contacted the day before was already waiting at the pier, and the temporarily recruited sailors were moving the large amount of supplies he purchased from King's Landing into the cabin

The sailors on the pier were busy with work, and there was a slightly salty sea breeze blowing on the beach of Black Water Bay.The blood-red comet dragged its long tail, hanging above the blue sea level in the morning, and a wound seemed to be cut on the white sky. The sailors said that it was the gods in the sky weeping blood.

The preparations before going to sea were not completed until near noon. Under the yelling of the old captain, Gao Yuan took Bronze Jorn and a group of people aboard the old-looking sailing ship.The end point of their sea voyage will be the Runestone City of Earl Jon, and they will also stop briefly on Dragonstone Island, the land of dragon prosperity of the former ruler Targaryen family.

Dragonstone Island is an island formed by the eruption of Longshan's active volcano. It is located at the mouth of Haihai Bay.Its special geographical and strategic location allows the Royal Fleet stationed here to easily guard or block the sea throat leading to Blackwater Bay.

Since the sea breeze blows from the sea to the land during the day, the speed of Gao Yuan and the others' sailing boat has been unable to increase.During this period, they even encountered the weird Gulf Stream, and the experienced old captain almost lost his way.

It wasn't until halfway through their journey that the wind direction on the sea was reversed and the sailboat began to sail smoothly. Only then did the old captain named Hans find the right direction of sailing and move on.

The wharf in King's Landing was hundreds of miles away from Dragonstone, and they had only traveled half a voyage by nightfall.The shaky sailboat sailed on the sea all night, and the old captain Hans arranged for an experienced sailor to be on duty at night to steer the ship.

So they don't have to worry about wasting too much time at night. According to the old captain's speculation, if the sailing at night goes well, they will see the port of Dragonstone Island in the early morning of the next day.

As the old captain expected, when the sea level in the east was covered with an orange-red glow the next day, everyone on the deck could see the hazy outline of Dragonstone Island.The sky above sea was already bright as their ships sailed slowly into the harbor of Dragonstone.

As the ship gradually approached the wharf of Dragonstone Island, many sailors on the deck began to get busy, and they were preparing for the ship's docking under the command of the old captain.

Looking far away from the deck, you can have a panoramic view of Dragonstone Island.With just a glance at Gao Yuan, he understood why Stannis Baratheon was full of resentment for his brother entrusting him to Dragonstone Island.

On the huge Dragonstone Island, apart from a huge castle, there is only a small fishing village.Dragonstone Island, an island formed by volcanic eruptions, is filled with nothing but stones.In this small fishing village, there are only a hundred or so people, and they are all fishermen who have lived here for generations.

Although there are still a large number of royal ships moored in the port, compared to the prosperity of the Black Water Bay pier in Junlin City, this place looks so desolate and desolate.

Gao Yuan can assure you that if the Royal Fleet hadn't been stationed here all year round, this small fishing village on the seashore might not have existed.Those merchant ships passing by here would not choose to stop here at all, because those merchant ships could not even get the most basic supplies here.Unless they encountered a storm at sea and the ship was damaged, they might rather sail all night to the sharp corner dozens of miles away than stay here.

(End of this chapter)

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