Chapter 288 Belongs to Stannis' Omen?
"It does sound very tempting. Maybe I can consider it." Stannis combed his short, neat black beard, and he was quickly analyzing the pros and cons of the matter.

And Gao Yuan waited patiently for the other party's reply, he couldn't think of any reason for Stannis to reject him.Looking at the vast continent of Westeros, although the forces in the Eastern Territory are not top-notch among the Seven Kingdoms, they are still among the best.

The products of the valley are extremely rich, second only to Highgarden in the Reach. It is surrounded by the Bright Moon Mountains in the east. The terrain is extremely dangerous and easy to defend. There is only one road leading to the Riverland. It's very safe to stay there.

Moreover, on the east coast of the valley, there is still a long coastline and many strait outlets adjacent to the strait sea, and its large number of ports is even more inferior to that of the Iron Islands.

The most important thing is that the Eastland under the command of Gaoyuan is not far from Stannis' Dragonstone Island.Seagull Town, the most important port city at the southern end of the valley, and Dragonstone Island are only separated by Crab Claw Peninsula and Crab Island.Leaving aside all the dangers and other factors of sea voyage, the Vale was actually closer to his Dragonstone than King's Landing.

Marrying Robert Arryn of the Vale was almost the best choice for Stannis.On the one hand, Stannis can take the opportunity of this marriage to expand his influence on land.Since his younger brother Renly became Lord of Storm's End, he has gradually lost influence on land.

On the other hand, Stannis has indeed been troubled by his daughter's marriage.Tragically, the child contracted greyscale as an infant, a dreadful disease that nearly killed her.In the end, although she survived, there were still hideous gray-black dead skin marks on her left face and most of her neck skin.

No well-known and powerful person would want his wife to have such a terrifying face.Unless that person was greedy for the power of his Stannis family, he would not even accept some dignitaries whose status was much lower than him, let alone those great nobles who were in the same family as Stannis.

"Davos, tell me what you think about this matter."

"What do you think of this 'gift' that Duke Gaoyuan offered me today?" Stannis, who was a little hesitant, turned his head to look at the onion knight. In fact, he already had an answer in his heart when he asked this question.He just didn't want to agree right away because of sympathy, that's all, it would make him look like a villain who only cares about benefits.

Ser Davos Seaworth was one of the people he trusted most now, Stannis trusted him even more than his own wife.Stannis once told his wife: Anyone around him may betray him for profit, but only Ser Davos will never betray him.

The Onion Knight would never lie to himself, Sir Davos would never tell him the truth.

"Lord Stannis, Miss Shireen is still too young, I'm afraid it's not suitable for you and your wife to leave your side." The Onion Knight stepped forward and replied, "These two children have a long future, no one knows What will happen at that time. It may be too hasty to make a marriage contract between Miss Shirene and the young duke right now, and I think your lord should consider it carefully."

"Davos, you are right!" Stannis frowned and thought, "I should really consider this marriage carefully."

"Since Sir Davos thinks this marriage is a bit hasty, Lord Stannis, you might as well send Miss Shireen to live in the valley for a while." The corners of Gao Yuan's mouth slightly raised, "Let these two children get acquainted and get along with each other in Runestone City for a while Time, so that the two can take the opportunity to cultivate their relationship with each other."

"After that, if Miss Shireen and my little Robert still don't like each other, I will order someone to send your lord's daughter back to Dragonstone." Gao Yuan continued, "If during this period they develop feelings and the two Love each other, it will not be too late for us to talk about the marriage of these two families."

"Lord Stannis, what do you think of this proposal?"

"Why didn't you, Lord Gao Yuan, send Robert Arryn to my Dragonstone Island?" Stannis frowned and asked back, "Well, the father of this child also hoped that I would adopt him as an adopted son, isn't that right? Does it just fulfill Jon Arryn's last wish?"

"I will let Robert Arryn follow me as a squire and adopted son, receiving combat training, learning the laws of the kingdom and the words and deeds of nobles."

"My lord, Dragonstone Island is too desolate and gloomy, and it is not suitable for a child like little Robert to grow up here." Gao Yuan shook his head helplessly, "You also know that this child has been weak and sick since he was a child, and his body needs constant maintenance. Nursing and recuperation. And the lords of the valley will not agree, I will send him to Dragonstone."

"Since the death of Jon Arryn, that boy has been the only heir of the Arryn family. The lords in the valley don't want to see any accidents happen to him. There are still many nobles in the valley who are loyal to the Arryn family." Gao Yuan spread his hands Expressed regret, "If Lord Stannis is really reluctant to part with Miss Shireen, then I'm afraid this marriage can only be done at this point."

"Duke Gaoyuan, are you sure you can guarantee my daughter's personal safety while staying in the valley?" Stannis seemed to be afraid that Gaoyuan would repent, and when these words came out of his mouth, it almost meant that he had agreed.

"That's natural."

"My lord." Ser Davos seemed about to say something more.

"This matter is so decided, Davos!" Stannis interrupted him sharply, and his tone did not allow any arguments, "I know that you have a very good relationship with Shireen on weekdays, and then Sir Davos will you Go escort Shireen to the Vale."

"Obey, my lord!" Sir Davos finally gave in. He knew that his master had a stubborn personality and strong self-esteem. Once he made up his mind or made a certain decision, there was no room for change. .

"Stannis, Shireen is your daughter and mine! How could you decide to send our daughter to a strange place without my consent?" A woman's voice came from the door of the round table hall, He asked sharply and angrily, "As King Robert's brother and Duke of Dragonstone, do you still need to beg for mercy from widows and marauders?"

The three people in the hall turned to look at the door, and saw a woman standing at the door, who was almost as tall as Stannis, and beside her was a beautiful woman with copper-red hair and a fiery red robe. woman.

"Ma'am!" Ser Davos hurriedly bowed his head, although he said so, but in his heart he was annoyed that he didn't lock the door properly and hear her footsteps.

Looking closely at the person coming, Stannis Baratheon frowned: "Since when did I beg for mercy? I never will. Woman, it's best for you to figure it out for me!"

"I was just talking about marriage with Duke Gaoyuan!" Stannis explained in a stern tone, "The Arryn family is rightly related to our family, and the heir of the Vale Arryn family wants to marry our Shireen. Is it a bad thing?"

"Your Majesty, I am very pleased to hear that!" Lady Selyse Florent was the wife of Stannis Baratheon. Although she was about the same height as her husband, she was particularly thin.The pointed face is in line with the coat of arms of its mother family. People of the Florent family usually have a pair of protruding ears and a sharp nose.

She has a lot of fine hairs on her upper lip, and she often has headaches and complaints because of these fine hairs. Even though she pulls them out every day, it still grows endlessly.Her eyes were light and her mouth was stern, and when she spoke her voice was as sharp as a whip blade.

At this time, Mrs. Selyse had already come to her husband. Regardless of the presence of outsiders and her husband's face, she immediately asked her husband sharply: "Since you are in the right family, why do you have to bargain with them for this? Isn't that a little bit unfair?" Lose your dignity as Lord of Dragonstone?"

"The real ruler of the valley is the people of the Arryn family. Although the child has lost his father, his mother is still alive. Regarding the marriage of the heir of the Arryn family, when will you, the unknown usurper Make the decision?" Mrs. Selyse turned her head and stared at Gao Yuan, "Who should my daughter marry should not be decided by you and my husband, but by the will of Allah in heaven."

Lady Selyss speaks of the "God" in the sky, not the "gods" of most people in Westeros.Apparently the "Red Robe Girl" beside her has completely captured her heart at this moment, making her abandon the old and new gods of the Seven Kingdoms that she has believed in for many years, and instead believe in the new God whom they call the "King of Light". gods.

"Keep the will of your God for your own use!" said Lord Stannis Baratheon in a deep voice. He did not worship the Lord of Light as fanatically as his wife did. Lynn's life, that is my right. I am Shireen's father; I am the lord of this castle; I am not you the Lord of Dragonstone!"

"Selyse of the Florent family, you can't help being wild here!" There was no emotion in Stannis' words.

Stannis has never been good at getting along with women, even with his own wife and daughter, and his tone is almost the same as when he reprimanded his subordinates.He left his wife, Selyse, and daughter on Dragonstone when he went to Robert's King's Landing as Sea Lord.

Even during his tenure in King's Landing, he hardly wrote home letters to his wife and daughter who stayed on Dragonstone Island, and visits were even rarer.If it weren't for the sudden death of Jon Arryn, he probably wouldn't be here now.Once or twice a year he fulfills the obligations of marriage, but he, being cold by nature, gets no pleasure out of it.

He once sincerely hoped to have a son, but he never got his wish. This may be one of the reasons why he has a rather indifferent attitude towards his wife.

"I am your wife, yet you call me Selyse of the Florent family?" Mrs. Selyse's eyes widened in disbelief, "Our daughter is only nine years old now, I can't believe you will You plan to send her away so easily, have you never loved our daughter?"

"Shireen is indeed only nine years old now, but so what?" Stannis snorted coldly, "My brother Robert was sent to the Eagle's Nest City when he was eight years old, and was adopted by Jon Arryn and bring them up."

"I want to expand my influence on land now, and marrying the Arryn family of Eyrie City is the best opportunity, besides, the boy of the Arryn family is worthy enough for my daughter of Stannis, yes So what do you have to complain about?"

"So, what have you, the Florent woman, brought me?" said Stannis viciously, "I hoped, Selyse, that you would bring me a son, but after all these years In the past, you only gave me a daughter."

"A daughter, Xilin, she is a girl, can she inherit my family's title and territory?"

"My brothers, uncles and cousins ​​have an army!" Madam Selyse's confidence was obviously lacking at the moment.She wanted to complain about her husband very much. She stayed in King's Landing City all year round but didn't think about her own home. There were only two husband and wife duties a year. How could her belly grow bigger?
"The Florens family can also help you expand your influence on land."

"The Florent family is loyal to the Tyrell family in Highgarden, and your uncles and brothers have at most two thousand troops." Stannis's days in King's Landing were not in vain. The strength of each prince of the Seven Kingdoms is well known.

Don't talk about the distance, just talk about Duke Gao Yuan who is standing in front of them at the moment.As the guardian of the East Territory and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, he has at least [-] troops in his hands.

Due to the high-quality horses produced in the valley, at least one-third of the large army in the valley is cavalry.Not to mention the terrain advantage of Aylin Valley, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the rich natural resources in Aylin Valley.

No matter from which point of view, all of the Florens family is not enough to compare with the power possessed by Duke Gaoyuan.

"My lady, I'm afraid I don't have as much confidence in them as you. The Florents' land is too close to Highgarden. I don't think your uncle dares to stand against Mace Tyrell." Stannis told his wife, "Of course , if your uncles and brothers can help me convince Duke Mace Tyrell, I can also give up this chance to marry the Arryn family."

"There is another way!" Mrs. Selyse pointed out the window with some bewilderment, "My duke husband, please look at the sky outside the window. The comet hanging high in the sky is just the harbinger you have been waiting for for a long time: it Red as fire, like the flaming heart of Allah in heaven, this is His Banner - and yours!"

"Look at it, it's like a dragon's flame flying above the sky, it just appeared at the moment you came back from King's Landing by boat and set foot on Dragonstone Island. It means that your time is coming or has come, there is no need to Doubt that."

"You are destined to sail away from this isolated island. Just like Aegon the Conqueror 300 years ago, you swept across the entire continent of Westeros." Selyse turned her head and looked at her husband intoxicated, " Now, with just one word from you, the power of the Lord of Light will be at your disposal."

"How many troops will the Lord of Light give me?" Stannis asked dubiously.

"You can have as many troops as you want." Mrs. Selyse was completely bewildered at the moment, and Gao Yuan stood aside silently. He didn't expect Melisandre's bewitching to be so powerful.According to the plot of the original book, the red-robed priestess from Asshai has only been in Dragonstone for about a month.

"Start with Storm's End, Highgarden and all the vassals that you desire most."

"Seris, I have to admit that what you said just now is indeed very tempting." Stannis frowned and said, "It's a pity that my brother Robert is still sitting on the cold Iron Throne. I would not like to see that I have the support of the two forces of the Stormlands and the Reach at the same time."

"And the lords of Storm's End have already sworn allegiance to Renly. They love my handsome brother, just as they loved my brother Robert. And they don't like me at all."

"That's true." Madam Selyse showed a strange smile on her face, "But if I tell you that King Robert will die soon."

Hearing this, Stannis narrowed his eyes and stared at his wife's face. Finally, Davos couldn't bear it anymore. He stood up and reminded his master: "My lord, you must never do this! No matter Robert His Majesty has treated you unfairly, but he has always been your brother."

"Melisandre has foreseen King Robert's death from the sacred fire, and I believe that bad news will come from King's Landing soon."

Stannis had a rare smile on his face: "Or good news!"

"My lord, are you planning to become a kinslayer despised by everyone in the Seven Kingdoms?" The Onion Knight was shocked when he heard this, "The act of imposing a butcher knife on one's own relatives will be cursed by the gods. This is too much. Evil and despicable, it is simply unimaginable and heinous. Please be sure to listen to my advice."

The red-robed woman Melisandre stood in front of the Onion Knight and looked him up and down: "Sir Davos, when did I say that King Robert died at the hands of Lord Stannis?"

"Not only did the king not die at the hands of Lord Stannis, he did not even die at the hands of any man."

Sir Davos frowned as he looked at the beauty in front of him: "Melisandre! Then tell me who will kill the king? Could it be the White Walkers from the north of the Great Wall?"

"You just have to wait for the good news to come from King's Landing." The red-robed woman said leisurely, "I believe it won't take long for the Lord of Light to give me an omen in the flames. The night is dark, and everything is dangerous. Sir Davos .”

(End of this chapter)

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