The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 289 The Uninvited Guest at the Dinner Party

Chapter 289 The Uninvited Guest at the Dinner Party

Due to the sudden appearance and disturbance of Mrs. Selyse and the red-robed woman, their previous talk about the marriage was put aside, and Stannis did not respond to this until Gao Yuan left.

Coming out of the round table hall, Gao Yuan immediately found Bronze Jon and others outside the door.When he was asked by Earl Yorn and the others how the conversation with Stannis was going, Gao Yuan just informed Earl Yorn and others that they would leave here early tomorrow morning.

Gao Yuan, who had a bad nose at Stannis, originally planned to leave Dragonstone Island by boat on the same day.However, the ships they leased are still replenishing supplies in the port at the moment, so they are destined to be unable to leave here today.

Gao Yuan, Earl Jorn and others will also be invited tonight, and Stannis specially prepared a dinner for them in the castle.And the Duke of Dragonstone had ordered someone to prepare a room for them in the castle.Under such warm hospitality, if they leave quietly without even saying hello to the host here, it is obviously not in line with the etiquette of the Seven Kingdoms.

Gao Yuan and the others made a special trip to Dragonstone Island as guests, and left in a hurry without even enjoying a decent dinner. This taught other noble colleagues how to treat him Stannis.In this way, everyone will think that he, Stannis, did not entertain well, and even think that he, Stannis, deliberately harmed Gao Yuan and others who came to their house as guests.

If you, Stannis, said that things were not as everyone guessed, how would you explain that Gao Yuan and the others would rather give up enjoying the dinner carefully prepared by the host's house than "escape" from your house?

At that time, even if Gao Yuan took the initiative to stand up and explain to Stannis, it would probably be useless.People would only think that Gao Yuan was threatened by him, so they had no choice but to stand up and say so.

In this way, Stannis was completely offended by Gao Yuan to death.With the serious and stubborn character of the Duke of Dragonstone, I am afraid he will not easily let go with himself and others.

As night fell, Earl Jorn and the others followed Gao Yuan out of the room.Passing through the deep and quiet castle corridor again, the bitter night wind was cold and sharp, filled with the salty smell of the ocean, and whispers came from the high windows on both sides of the corridor.

The torches flickered on the walls of Dragonstone Island, and the bonfires in the naval camp outside the castle blazed like stars falling from the sky.The comet hanging in the sky is still blood red, it seems to herald the end of tonight's dinner.

In this castle, Dragon Legacy engravings are everywhere.The hall where the dinner party will be held tonight is a giant stone dragon lying at the end of the corridor, and the entrance to the hall is its hideous mouth.

The kitchen is a dragon with its head curled up like a snake, and the smoke and steam from the oven spew out from its nostrils, as if it is really a sleeping dragon.The tower is a dragon entrenched on the top of the city or flapping its wings to fly; the dragon on the Flying Dragon Tower raises its head and shrieks and despises all living beings;

Smaller dragon carvings decorate the frame of the door opening, the dragon claws protruding from the wall are the torch stands for placing torches, the huge stone wings cover the blacksmith shop and weapon shop under the body like protecting dragon eggs, and the dragon tail is Frame arches, bridges, and exterior stairs.

Everyone came under the dragon's teeth at the entrance of the banquet, and two guards opened the thick red door for them.Apart from Sir Davos, only the servants who were busy preparing for the upcoming dinner were left in the dinner hall at this moment.And Stannis Baratheon and the other princes attending the dinner tonight have not yet arrived at this time, Gao Yuan and the others obviously came earlier.

Seeing them coming in, the onion knight rushed up to greet them: "My lords, I am very glad to see you all come to this dinner hosted by my lords!" Although Sir Davos was born in the bottom class and poor, but he is bronze Jon must also admit that the other party's etiquette is in place.

"Originally, I was a little worried about this. I was worried that Mr. Gao Yuan would hold grudges because of what happened in the morning, so you refused to participate in the dinner prepared by my lord."

"Sir Davos, I'm afraid your worries are a bit unnecessary." Gao Yuan replied in an indifferent tone, "Since we have accepted your lord's dinner invitation, we will naturally not break the appointment easily."

Sir Davos was a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "Lord Gao Yuan, I'm sorry about what happened in the morning! My lord wants me to say sorry for him, and he hopes to get your forgiveness."

But Gao Yuan said indifferently and indifferently: "This is a transaction. The conditions I proposed did not satisfy your lord. It is reasonable for Duke Stannis to reject this transaction. There is nothing to forgive .”

Although Gao Yuan said so, it would be a lie to say that he really had no idea about it.It is a pity that his purpose of coming to Dragonstone Island this time has not been achieved, but it is not enough for him to care so much.As he said, this is just a special deal.

What really made him unacceptable was: in the round table hall in the morning, Stannis's wife, Mrs. Selyse, called herself "The Snatcher" incessantly.

The use of the title "Snatcher" fundamentally negates Gaoyuan's legal rule over the east and the valley.Gao Yuan didn't know if there was Stannis's instruction in it, or if it was the idea of ​​the Florens woman herself.But no matter what, it is unforgivable for the other party to be so outspoken in front of him.

"Lord Gao Yuan, what I'm referring to is not about the marriage." Onion Knight told him, "In fact, my lord has already made a decision, shortly after you left the round table hall."

"Although Madam Selyse strongly opposed him marrying her daughter to the Eyrie, Lord Stannis finally agreed to marry the Arryn family. My lord hopes that I can pass on his decision to you. "

"This is really a surprise, Sir Davos!" Gao Yuan raised his mouth slightly, "But I prefer your Lord, Lord Stannis, to inform me of this decision in person."

"I just don't know when Lord Stannis is going to send Miss Shireen to Runestone City?"

"My lord means that the sooner the better, he hopes that you can take Miss Xilin to the valley with you, Mr. Gaoyuan." Sir Davos hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "But I'm afraid it will take some time, You should also know that Mrs. Selyse is the biggest opponent of this marriage. Mrs. Selyse loves her daughter very much, and I hope that Mrs. Gao Yuan can leave more time for Mrs. Selyse and Miss Xilin."

"Besides, the handover of the ships will also take a considerable amount of time. Twenty sailing warships and 35 paddle warships are not a small number. This is almost equivalent to a small fleet." Sir Davos said apologetically he.

"Sir Davos, you don't have to beat around the bush with me anymore, I know what you're thinking in your heart now." Gao Yuan said impatiently, "Just tell me how long it will take, I'll tell you the next day I will set sail from Dragonstone and rush back to the valley, and I will leave enough sailors and cronies to hand over the ship."

"As for your lady's matter, I personally can understand it very well!" Gao Yuan smiled lightly, "The days to come are still long, and I'm never in a hurry! When will Lord Stannis and Mrs. Selyse plan to send Xi Miss Lin can be sent to Runestone City, as long as she and her mother are ready, Runestone City welcomes them at any time."

The Onion Knight hurriedly expressed his thanks: "Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

"Please rest assured that the division and handover of the ships will be completed as soon as possible. I believe these ships will appear on the pier in Seagull Town soon."

"That's great!" Gao Yuan murmured to himself.

In fact, these ships are what he values ​​the most right now, and now he can be said to be in a crazy race against time.I believe that it won't be long before that King Robert will die under the tusk of the boar, and then this seemingly well-placed transaction will be meaningless.

If you don't take this opportunity to get these ships as soon as possible, when the news of the king's death spreads from King's Landing to Dragonstone Island, Stannis will definitely not agree to deliver these ships to Gao Yuan them.

Stannis originally planned to trade these ships and his daughter in exchange for his future expansion of influence on land and a potential future ally.But when the king passed away, all the promises Gao Yuan made here immediately lost all meaning.

In this transaction, Gao Yuan paid almost nothing, but gained a small and elite fleet.And the promise Stannis got at this moment is nothing more than a big pie that Gao Yuan drew for him in the future.

For this reason, Stannis not only had to lose his only daughter, but also "damaged" a small fleet in it. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

With the king dead, Stannis must begin to gather strength for the upcoming battle for the throne below.The power of Dragonstone Island represented by Stannis was originally weaker than other contenders for the throne, but at the critical moment before the war really started, Stannis suffered such a huge loss for it.

From this, one can imagine what unfavorable situation Stannis will face when the war begins.Although this will not cause Stannis to recover from a setback, the forces on Dragonstone Island headed by him will definitely be hurt by this.

Then Gao Yuan talked with Sir Davos about the red-robed woman next to Mrs. Selyse.When they talked about Melisandre, the Onion Knight seemed to be very afraid: "The servants dare not call her by her name directly, they just call her 'Red Robe Lady'"

"I am not afraid of her!" Ser Davos told him, puffing out his chest, "her real name is Melisandre, and it is said that she is a Shadowbinder from Asshai, and a priestess of Rah, the Lord of Light. "

A hint of disgust flashed across the Onion Knight's face: "Since Melisandre came to this island, she has preached her god of shadow and fire everywhere on this island, and now she has completely captured Selyse. Lady's heart, and now she wants to seduce Lord Stannis."

"Rhllor. I know that god, those people on the other side of the strait prefer to call him the Lord of Light." Gao Yuan said leisurely, "It's hard to imagine that someone like Duke Stannis would also Believe in the gods."

"I'm curious, how did that red-robed woman named Melisandre seduce your lord?"

"How can you confuse me, just like what you saw in the round table hall this morning, Mr. Gao Yuan." Onion Knight's tone was full of contempt, "She always claims that she can see the King of Light in the flames." The vision of the future was shown to her, but none of the things she prophesied have come true so far."

Bronze Jorn stood up and asked curiously: "Lord Stannis believes the words of the red-robed woman?"

"How is this possible!" Onion Knight retorted, "My lord once told me that since the day he witnessed the 'Proud Wind' carrying his parents hit the rocks and fell silent in Shipwreck Bay, he no longer believed in any gods. .”

"Lord Stannis hated the Seven who brutally took his parents, so he would never worship any cruel god who drowned his parents. Lord Stannis also told me that all the 'justices' he saw Justice' comes from the work of man."

"In that case, why didn't Lord Stannis drive this red-robed woman out of Dragonstone?" Earl Jorn continued to ask, "Hasn't any of you ever suspected her purpose?"

"My lords often say that people are free to choose which god they believe in. As their lord, he should not interfere with their freedom to believe in gods, even Lord Stannis himself hates the seven gods very much." Ser Davos said seriously He sighed deeply, "Until now, the temple and the statues of the Seven Gods still remain on the island and in the castle."

"As for the purpose of Melisandre's coming here, it is already well known to all the islanders. From the first day she stepped off the deck and set foot on the land of Dragonstone Island, she told everyone on the island , I followed the Lord of Light's guidance and followed Azor Ahai who was resurrected by the King of Light."

"Azor Ahai?" Sir Anda looked at his father suspiciously.

Gao Yuan replied softly: "That is a prophesied prince, and he was recorded in a prophecy in an ancient book of Asshai 5000 years ago."

"According to the prophecy, the Lord of Light will regenerate Azor Ahai and send his chosen one to all living beings, and all this will happen after the long summer and the long night of darkness. This 'prince' will Recall the Lightbringer and fight against the ghosts." A dignified female voice came from behind the crowd, "If he fails, the whole world will be destroyed!"

Earl Jorn and the others were startled. They suddenly turned their heads to look at the gate of the banquet hall, only to see the red-robed woman they were talking about just now walking towards them.The ruby ​​on the neck of the red-robed woman shone brightly, like the blood of a comet in the sky for a moment.

But Gao Yuan was not surprised by this, because he had already noticed the other party's arrival.Although at this moment he has not activated his mind perception, but his keen hearing is now far superior to that of ordinary people, and he can easily distinguish the identity of the incoming person.

Sir Davos squeezed through the crowd, blocking the way between Melisandre, Gao Yuan and the others: "Melisandre, why did you appear here? I remember that you should not be on the invitation list for the dinner party." The name is right."

The Onion Knight sternly reprimanded: "You are not welcome here, priestess of the Lord of Light!"

Melisandre ignored the Onion Knight's scolding, she walked straight in front of the Onion Knight in a red robe: "Sir Davos, you are not the owner of this castle. I am afraid that you are not qualified to drive me out of this castle or the hall."

"You damn red-robed woman" Sir Davos was immediately furious, but he couldn't refute this. If the red-robed woman was indeed invited by Mrs. Selyse to come to the dinner, if he forced her If the opponent is expelled from the hall or the castle, Lord Stannis will definitely punish him.

"Sir Davos, may the Lord of Light bless you." Melisandre reached out to caress Sir Davos's face, but the other party turned his head away, "Remember the long night is dark and dangerous everywhere."

Looking at the pretty face of the red-robed woman, Sir Davos did not hide the disgust in his eyes at all.But Melisandre didn't seem to see the other person's eyes looking at her, but turned to look at the tall figure standing at the back of the crowd.

Turning around following Melisandre's gaze, everyone's eyes were fixed on Gao Yuan's stern face at the moment.The slender and tender fingers of the red-robed woman lightly brushed across the Onion Knight's face, but her eyes never moved away from Gao Yuan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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