Chapter 296 Night Talk at Moon Gate Fort ([-])

It was not until late at night that the door of Gao Yuan's room in Moon Gate Fort was pushed open.Mia Stone, the illegitimate daughter of King Robert who stayed in the valley, was the first to enter the room, followed by Sir Nestor Royce, and then came into the room wearing a Lady Catelyn in a black ermine cloak.

Walking into the room, Gao Yuan noticed that Mrs. Caitlin's face was still full of tiredness at the moment.After all, she had just come down from the Eagle's Nest City before she had time to rest, so she rushed here non-stop to meet with her, so it was normal to look a little tired.

When the three people who had just come down from Eagle's Nest City entered the room, Gao Yuan was sitting in front of the trestle table, holding a glass of wine in one hand, and flipping a scroll full of lines with the other hand.

It's no wonder that Sir Ronan Grafson, who was guarding the door, didn't inform him, but Gao Yuan had already told the other party that if Sir Nestor and the others came to visit him, he would let them in directly.

Sensing someone entering the room, Gao Yuan unhurriedly stuffed the scroll in his hand into an ancient book, and raised his head to look at the three people who entered the room.

"Sorry, Mr. Gao Yuan! I really kept you waiting." Before Gao Yuan could speak, Sir Nestor first apologized to him, "When I received the news from Miranda that you had returned to Gate of the Moon Immediately after that, I took Mrs. Stark and Miss Mia and drove them down from the Eagle's Nest City, but I still didn't come down until now."

"You should have sent a message in advance, so that we can send someone to meet you outside the Blood Gate."

"It's not your fault, Sir Nestor!" Gao Yuan smiled at him, "Your cousin Earl Yonne and I came back from the sea by boat. You don't have to feel sorry for this, I am the one who should say sorry That's right."

"It caused you to risk coming down from Eagle's Nest City in the middle of the night. If I didn't really have something important to talk to you and Madam Caitlin, I wouldn't want to summon you in the middle of the night."

Caitlin frowned a little uneasy: "What is the important matter that makes Mr. Gao Yuan insist on talking to us late at night?"

"Mrs. Caitlin, don't worry!"

"Sometimes it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. You must be exhausted all the way down from the Eagle's Nest City. Madam, please take a seat first, and Sir Nestor, please take your seat soon." Gao Yuan hurriedly greeted the two to sit down first, and immediately Then he turned around and took out a jug of warm wine from the weak fireplace, and placed it on the table in front of the two of them.

"The golden wine from Qingting Island has a sweeter taste than the summer red from Dorne. Would you like to have a drink with me, Mrs. Caitlin?" Gao Yuan asked softly, "Your face looks very tired. Look, this will help relieve the fatigue on your body."

"Very happy, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Caitlin replied politely.

He turned to Mia Stone: "Dear Ms. Mia Stone, please also trouble you to serve as a waiter to pour wine for our distinguished guests."

Mia Stone nodded respectfully, then picked up the wine jug on the table, and filled Lady Caitlin's glass with golden wine.Caitlin hurriedly said thank you to Mia Stone, and then politely raised the wine glass in front of her. Before she could taste the sweetness of the wine, the mellow aroma of wine rushed towards Caitlin.

Carefully sipping the wine in the glass, the warm and sweet taste of the wine instantly hit her limbs.Caitlin felt an unprecedented sense of ease and joy flowing through her whole body, and all the fatigue brought to her by the long journey before was swept away.

"Ned will definitely not like the taste of this wine. This wine is too sweet for him. Ned, who was born in the north, prefers some strong ale." Caitlin thought so.

"First of all, the truth about the real murderer behind the assassination of your son Bran has gradually begun to emerge." Gao Yuan's expression suddenly became serious, he put down the wine glass in his hand and sat up straight, "Although we have not yet We have found out who is behind the assassination, but now we can basically rule out the possibility that that person is Tyrion Lannister."

"Lord Gao Yuan, do you mean that the dwarf is innocent?" Caitlin covered her lips and exclaimed, "But the little devil already admitted that the dagger was his. And Petyr also stood up to testify against the dagger There's no way of getting it wrong who owns it. Petyr told me he lost that dagger to the imp in a tourney."

If Gao Yuan's judgment is not wrong, Tyrion Lannister is indeed innocent or was framed Caitlyn simply dare not think about how big a mistake she has made.This is equivalent to saying that Caitlin personally provoked the war between the Stark family and the Lannister family.

"Tyrion Lannister did admit that the dagger once belonged to him, but he also said that the dagger was stolen from him." Gao Yuan reminded the other party, "It's just that we all thought that Xiao The devil is just lying, and the results of my investigation in King's Landing have also confirmed that he is not lying."

"As for Littlefinger Petyr Baelish, that guy is a liar full of lies, everything he does is for himself." Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "Petyr Baelish is now Sentenced to death by King Robert, the crimes he committed are too numerous to describe."

"As for the crimes committed by Littlefinger, I will talk to Madam in detail later. In short, Madam, don't believe everything Littlefinger says."

Madam Caitlin's face was tense at this moment, and she was eager to know who the real culprit was behind the scenes: "Master Gao Yuan, since you are so sure that the dagger was not given by the dwarf to the assassin, then you must already know the dagger Who is the owner of the dagger, right?"

"The owner of the dagger may not be the real murderer who sent an assassin to assassinate your son Bran, Mrs. Caitlin!" Gao Yuan did not directly say who the owner of the dagger is, because once he tells the real owner of the dagger, the truth of the matter will be revealed. The truth will become more confusing,

"Master Gao Yuan, please tell me who that person is!" Caitlin tried hard to sound less aggressive, but she still failed.As a mother who loves her child deeply, Caitlin's anger can't help but be vented.

"I will tell who the owner of the dagger is, but I hope you don't act impulsively, Madam." Gao Yuan understood the anger in Madam Caitlin's heart. At this moment, no one could control herself.But this matter was so important that he had to confirm in advance that Mrs. Caitlin would not do something stupid because of it.

"The owner of that dagger is none other than His Majesty Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms."

Hearing Gao Yuan's answer, Caitlin immediately slumped on the seat. If Mia Shidong was not behind her to support her, she might have fallen to the ground.This answer hit Caitlin's heart like a bolt from the blue, she would never have thought that that person would be her husband's brother.

"When I knew about this, I was as shocked as you, madam!" Gao Yuan told her, "but these were all admitted by King Robert himself in front of me, when I showed him the dagger .”

"He also won this dagger from Littlefinger. The king told me that after he won the dagger from Littlefinger, he threw it into his treasury, but the king didn't know who stole it from his treasury. The dagger is gone." Gao Yuan continued, "There are still many daggers like this in the king's treasury, and the king has no way of knowing that this dagger was stolen from the treasury, so our only clue to find the real murderer is Broken."

"There's no way of knowing who stole the dagger from the king's treasury, and we'll have a hard time finding out who sent someone to assassinate Bran."

"Thank you, Miss Mia Stone!" Mrs. Caitlin thanked Mia again, and she sighed after she sat down on the chair again, "Master Gao Yuan, you don't have to blame yourself for this, I and I Ned knows you've done your best."

"Ned and I will always remember your help to the Stark family."

"I didn't tell your husband about this, because I was afraid it would affect the relationship between Lord Ed and the king. He had a big fight with the king because of something before." Gao Yuan's face Showed a look of shame.

"Master Gao Yuan, you are right! Maybe the gods in the sky are teasing us, deliberately not letting us know the truth of the matter." Madam Caitlin turned her gaze to the night sky outside the window, and a new moon was hanging high in the sky at the moment. "I just feel sorry for my child Bran, but I believe that evil people will have evil rewards. Since the gods don't want us to punish the person who hurt Bran, then the gods must have their arrangements."

Gao Yuan nodded approvingly. In fact, he has always known who the real culprit behind the scenes is, and that person will indeed suffer retribution in the near future.Although the poison of the strangler works extremely quickly, it is said that the poisoned person will suffer unprecedented pain before dying.

The poisoned person will first have a severe constriction of the throat muscles, followed by deep suffocation because the trachea is blocked by the constricted larynx.In the end, they will die from suffocation and lack of oxygen. It is said that the victims are often directly suffocated to death.This is like a drowning person falling into the water, struggling desperately in the water to breathe but still unable to.

"Lord Gao Yuan, what do you plan to do with the dwarf of the Lannister family brought by Mrs. Stark?" Sir Nestor asked Gao Yuan for advice, "He is still imprisoned in the sky prison in Eagle's Nest City."

"Now that the dwarf has been proven innocent, we have no reason to imprison him here anymore." Gao Yuan told him firmly, "I once made a promise to him in front of everyone at the Xianglong Inn, as long as If the dwarf is proved innocent in this matter, then he will be set free."

"But Lord Gao Yuan, I'm afraid this is inappropriate? That dwarf is from the Lannister family!" Sir Nestor seemed a little hesitant, "You once told me and the other princes in the canyon that we and Lannister A war between families is about to break out."

"Let the old lion Tywin's son go now, and we won't have a handle to blackmail the Lannister family."

"Sir Nestor, you are very wrong if you think so." Gao Yuan retorted, "A person as proud as the old lion Tywin, do you really think he would care about the life and death of a dwarf? Even if this dwarf He is Tywin's own son, but I'm afraid he wants to see him die in the Eagle's Nest city more than you and I."

"Unless we can catch the kingslayer, not only will the old lion Tywin not care about the life and death of the dwarf in our hands, but he may use this as an excuse to attack the valley in advance." Gao Yuan looked at Sir Nestor with a stern look, " You must have recently received the news that the caravan in the valley was attacked by the Lannister army in the west, right?"

"War is indeed coming soon, but it doesn't mean we have to be the one to start the war." Gao Yuan ordered him again, "Let the people in Longtian Castle bring the dwarfs down from Eagle's Nest City tomorrow. No one can stop the dwarf from leaving the Vale of Arryn, and I want to see him leave the Bloody Gate with my own eyes."

"Ms. Caitlin, there is one more thing I need to tell you." After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan turned to look at Mrs. Caitlin again, "Because it is related to your sister Lysa Tully, I think you need to know."

"Lysa, what happened to her?" Caitlin was a little puzzled. "Aren't Lysa and her child staying in the castle of the Royce family now?"

"She's safe and sound staying there now, but it won't be so after a while." Gao Yuan spread his hands, "Do you still remember what I told you about Little Finger being sentenced to death by the king?"

At this moment, when she heard that Gao Yuan mentioned Little Finger and was sentenced to death by the king, Caitlin's heart was completely calm.Since the day she married Ned, Catelyn had completely cut ties to Littlefinger.This time, because of Littlefinger's lies, she almost caused a catastrophe. After that, she planned to cut off the last trace of her relationship with Littlefinger.

But she still couldn't figure out why Littlefinger, who was sentenced to death by the king, would have anything to do with her own sister: "My lord, you said just now that Littlefinger committed an unspeakable crime, but what does it have to do with my sister Lysa?" What about the relationship?"

"Mrs. Catelyn, do you know what crime Littlefinger is accused of?"

Caitlin shook her head suspiciously, since she left King's Landing, she has been staying in this castle.It would take at least ten days for the news from King's Landing to reach the Gate of the Moon, so how would she know what crime Littlefinger was accused of committing.

"I was negligent. The king's trial of Littlefinger just ended a few days ago. No wonder you don't know about it." En Allin."

"And your sister, Lysa Tully, is one of the accused in this trial. She is accused of having an affair with Littlefinger and conspiring to poison her husband, Jon Arryn, with the poison 'Tears of Lys' , and now Earl Jon Royce has returned to Runestone City to deal with this matter."

"As a witness to the trial in King's Landing, Earl Yohn Royce will soon gather all the Lords of the Valley in Runestone City to hold a public trial against your sister Lysa Tully."

(End of this chapter)

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