Chapter 297 Moon Gate Fort Night Talk ([-])
The night in the Vale of Arryn was extraordinarily quiet, and the bright moonlight sprinkled across the entire valley from above the sky, turning this beautiful land into silvery white.Catelyn Stark rested her hands on the ornately carved window sill, staring at the cold moonlight that was gradually spilling.

The new moon climbed across the golden fields and dense forests, and the dawn would not be long before her eyes, and the last darkness before dawn would strike.

Looking from the top of the tallest tower of the Gates of the Moon toward the Eagle's Nest, ghostly waterfalls burst out of the ridge, like the Milky Way in the sky crashing down from the top of the Giant's Lance, and the white gleams on Alyssa's Tears The fog reflected silvery moonlight.

It is rumored that Alyssa Alyn watched her husband, brother and children being murdered, but never shed a tear.So the oracles decreed that she shall weep in her death till the tears she shed fill the black fertile fields of the valley and plain, for there are buried her loved ones.

The legendary Alyssa has been dead for 6000 years, yet not a drop of water has flowed to the black field.After death, she might also be cursed by the gods, because when she heard the news that Lysa was about to be judged, she didn't feel any sadness in her heart.

This made Caitlin wonder how big a waterfall her tears would turn into after she died?
"Is there really no room for redemption in this matter?" Caitlin muttered to herself while looking at the moon scene outside the window in a daze.I don't know who she is talking to at the moment, maybe Gao Yuan, or the gods in the sky.

"I believe Ma'am, you should have the answer in your heart by now." Gao Yuan came to the window with the wine glass in his hand, and he imitated Caitlin's appearance and leaned on the window sill, "The one who was killed by your sister is not someone else but hers." Husband, Madam, you must also know how much the lords of the valley love and respect Jon Arryn, and each of them is willing to sacrifice their lives for Jon Arryn."

"Now the murderer who killed their lord is standing in front of them. If the lords in the canyon can agree to allow Lady Lysa to be judged by the gods, this is the greatest tolerance for her."

"And the crimes she committed are unforgivable no matter where they are. For the people of the Seven Kingdoms, killing relatives is a taboo. People spurn and curse those who kill their own family members." Gao Yuan took the cup "No matter the lord or the common people, they are convinced that the act of imposing a butcher knife on their relatives will be cursed by the gods."

"Those who harm their loved ones have never had a good end since ancient times, and no one has ever escaped the sanction of the gods after committing such a crime. Lysa must take responsibility for the crimes she committed." Gao Yuan resumed Sit back in your seat.

Caitlin also looked away. No matter how charming the night scene in the canyon is, it is difficult to calm her mood at the moment.Caitlin had never imagined before that her sister would commit such a crime that everyone hates.

During these days at the Gates of the Moon, Caitlin had heard rumors about Lysa, but she always believed that those were just prejudices against her sister in the castle.It wasn't until she got the news that Lysa was about to go to trial today that she suddenly realized that all this was true.

Who would have thought that the shy girl in Riverrun would become such a vicious woman now.She was no longer what she looked like when she left Riverrun with her husband. Now Lysa has become a shrew who is sometimes arrogant, sometimes fearful, has an unpredictable personality, is timid and likes to laugh at others in the mouth of the servants in the castle.

Worst of all, she was so careless about human life, according to the illegitimate daughter of the Vale who brought her to the Eyrie: since Lysa returned to the Eyrie from King's Landing with her precious son, there has been at least one steward, In the name of Robert Arryn, she threw three maids and ten prisoners from the moon gate of the Eyrie.

"What if someone made a mistake?" Caitlin came to Gao Yuan with a tense face, "I mean, is it possible that Lysa was framed by someone? Didn't you just say that Little Finger is a liar Liar, maybe he is deliberately framing my sister."

"Mrs. Caitlin, are you questioning the fairness of the trial?" Gao Yuan looked up at the other party and frowned, "As a juror assisting His Majesty Robert in the trial of Petyr Baelish, I am here I can tell you responsibly: the trial was held under the witness of the gods, and it is definitely a fair trial!"

"The evidence against Lysa and Littlefinger is convincing, and it was collected by me and your husband, Lord Stark. The final result of the trial was also negotiated by us and His Majesty Robert."

"If you still have doubts about this, I suggest that you go to a Sir Hugh who used to be an attendant by Jon Arryn's side." Gao Yuan told Caitlin, "Sir Hugh is now He was a key witness in that trial, and now he is in this castle, maybe you can learn the ins and outs of the whole incident from him."

"I didn't mean that. Lord Gaoyuan!" Caitlin hurriedly defended herself, "Please forgive my offense just now. I didn't know that you and my husband were the jurors in that trial. I was just worried that Lysa would be framed. .”

"Speaking of your husband, I'm afraid I have some sad news to tell you!" Gao Yuan didn't continue to pursue the offense that Mrs. Caitlin had just caused him, but changed the subject and talked to her about Ed Stark things.

Anyway, Caitlin will know about this matter sooner or later, after all, paper cannot contain fire after all.As a witness to the attack, Gao Yuan thought he had no reason to deliberately hide it from the other party.Instead of waiting for Caitlin to question herself afterwards, it is better to tell the truth about Ed Stark's current situation now.

"What happened to Ned in King's Landing?" Madam Catelyn clapped her hands heavily on the table and leaned over to ask him, "Did the Lannister siblings do something to my husband?"

"It's a kingslayer!" Gao Yuan replied truthfully, "He was resentful because of your kidnapping of dwarves in the river land, madam, so he led people to attack your husband in the city of King's Landing in broad daylight, and tried to escape from Take your little daughter away from him."

"What? You said that Arya was taken away by the Kingslayer?" Mrs. Caitlin screamed brokenly. When she first heard the news that Arya was taken away by the Kingslayer, Caitlin ran around the room anxiously. stand up.

"Ma'am, don't be too nervous, the Kingslayer didn't succeed!" Gao Yuan calmly explained to Caitlin, "I happened to meet the Kingslayer when he was about to take Arya out of the city. To save your little daughter from the hands of the Kingslayer, we fought a fierce battle in the streets with the Lannisters."

"Fortunately, we still brought your little daughter back safely from the hands of the Kingslayer. Arya was just a little frightened."

"Thank you for your timely help, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Under the great sorrow and joy, Caitlin rushed up in a moment of excitement, spread her arms around Gao Yuan and repeatedly kissed him on both sides of the cheek, "Gods bless you. The gods bless the gods, Arya is fine, I really don't know how to thank you. Mr. Gao Yuan thank you so much."

After loosening Gao Yuan's neck, Mrs. Caitlin sat on the chair again and began to cover her face and cry bitterly, and kept muttering: If I had known that King's Landing was so dangerous, I shouldn't have agreed to let Ned take his two daughters Going to King's Landing I shouldn't have persuaded Ned to go to King's Landing as the Prime Minister
After Mrs. Caitlin calmed down and calmed down again, Gao Yuan, who was extremely embarrassed, spoke again, and told Mrs. Caitlin the ins and outs of the whole incident.

But when Caitlin asked him about her husband's current situation, Gao Yuan could only tell him helplessly: when she left King's Landing by boat, her husband Ed was still lying unconscious in the study of the Prime Minister's Tower Awake.It's just that according to the bachelor, his husband's physical condition is no longer serious, but he still needs to recuperate for a while, and he believes that he will be able to wake up from the coma soon.

"Originally, I planned to escort the kingslayer to the king to wait for punishment. But who would have thought that when I took Arya back to the prime minister's tower to visit Lord Ed, who was seriously injured, the queen's people rushed to surround my people and Take the Kingslayer from them."

"When I learned about this, the kingslayer had already been let go by the queen. I used to argue in front of the king, hoping that the king would allow me to take someone to bring the kingslayer back for punishment, but The king is acting like he wants to calm things down."

After that, Gao Yuan didn't continue to talk.It just means that because of the fierce battle with the Kingslayer in King's Landing, he had to take Bronze Jorn and others back to the valley by boat in advance, before Queen Cersei made an excuse to attack them.

As for the kingslayer, there has been no news since he was released by Queen Cersei.Presumably in disguise, he fled along the Golden Road back to Casterly Rock, his father's domain.

"Speaking of Kingslayer." Sir Nestor, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke to report to him. "Master Gao Yuan, I have received a piece of news about the King Slayer."

Gao Yuan turned his head and looked at Sir Nestor suspiciously: "Oh Sir Nestor, what news have you received?"

"The caravan returning from the Western Territory reported to me that the Kingslayer is gathering troops at Casterly Rock." Sir Nestor took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Gao Yuan, then he turned his head and glanced at Caitlin, Then he continued, "Mrs. Stark's elder brother, Lord Edmure Tully, had already sent someone to Casterly Rock City to ask Lord Tywin to express his intention to gather troops on the border of the Riverlands at this moment, but so far he has not I haven't seen any response from the Lannisters."

"Lord Edmure is now summoning the vassals of the Tully family in the riverlands. It is said that he plans to send two lords, Vance and Piper, to take the lead in leading troops to guard the pass below the Golden Tooth City. Edmure also went out Openly stated that I will never give up every inch of the Tully family's land, and if the Lannisters come to invade, they will water it with their blood."

Mrs. Caitlin seemed a little worried when she heard the news, and she doubted Edmure's appeal in front of the vassals.If his father, Duke Hoster, hadn't stepped forward at this moment, how many vassals would respond to Edmure's call?His father has often been ill since his mother died, and now he has been bedridden for many years and has not appeared in front of his vassals for a long time.

"Edmure summoned all my father's vassals, and made an oath." Caitlin seemed a little worried about gain and loss, and she didn't want to hear any bad news tonight, "But he is not Lord of Riverrun, Lord Nestor, any news from my father?"

"Lady Stark, I'm sorry! Our people have not reported to me about Lord Hoster." Ser Nestor twirled his beard.

"If my father hadn't been seriously ill, he would never have handed over the defense of Riverrun to Edmure." Caitlin was even more anxious at the moment, "Sir Nestor, when you send someone to the Riverlands to inquire about news, By the way, inquire about my father for me."

"But Mrs. Stark, I'm afraid Lord Edmure might misunderstand you if you do this...and" Sir Nestor looked a little embarrassed at the moment.

After all, the Riverlands and Riverrun City are the territory of the Tully family. At this extremely sensitive moment, if I send people there to inquire about news, it will definitely cause Edmure's misunderstanding. The hostility of the princes of Hejian.

"Sir Nestor, don't forget that before Lady Stark married Lord Stark, she was Catelyn of the Tully family." Gao Yuan reminded, "Don't worry that this will cause misunderstanding among the Tully family. Since Madam Stark has asked you to find out about Duke Hoster for her, then you can just follow her orders."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Lord Gao Yuan, I still have one piece of news to report to you!" Sir Nestor said while turning his head to look at Mrs. Caitlin and Mia Stone.Obviously, he thought that what he was going to report next should not be heard by these two people.

"Ms. Caitlin, you must be very tired tonight, you should go back to your room and have a rest early!" Gao Yuan who understood it immediately began to see off the guests, and he turned to look at Mia Shidong, "And Miss Mia You too, thank you for your hard work tonight!"

"You don't need your service here. After you send Madam Caitlin back to her room to rest, you should go back to her room early to rest. I am sorry for your trouble to take the two adults (madame) to and from Eagle's Nest City tonight. It's between Gate of the Moon Fort."

"Master Gao Yuan, thank you for the news you brought me tonight." Caitlin bid farewell to Gao Yuan tactfully, "My lord, you should rest earlier, then I will take my leave!"

Mia Stone also left the room very interestingly: "My lord, you are too polite, I will go and send Mrs. Stark back to her room."

When the door was closed again by Sir Ronan outside, Gao Yuan turned his head to look at Sir Nestor again: "Say it, Sir Nestor! What made you so secretive?"

"My lord, it's about the caravans we sent out to rush to buy food, and they are constantly being attacked by mysterious teams in the western region and the river!" Sir Nestor replied with a serious expression.

Many of the caravans that went out to the valley recently were attacked by a mysterious team. That team seemed to be deliberately targeting the caravans in the valley, even though the people in the caravan did not trade under the banner of the valley.

These things caused Sir Nestor a lot of headaches. The caravan was attacked by bandits in the process of doing business. This was quite a common thing in the Seven Kingdoms. After all, not all business roads are as safe as the King's Road.

But this time is different. Judging from Nestor Royce's years of experience as the head of the Vale of Arryn, this matter may not be as simple as an ordinary bandit attack, so he plans to report the matter to Gao Yuan, hoping that It can attract the attention of your own adults.

 Watch: 1. Alyssa's Tears is a waterfall in the Vale of Arryn, located on the west side of the Giant's Lance

(End of this chapter)

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