Chapter 299

A scroll several meters long unfolded slowly in front of Gao Yuan. Through the efforts of generations of the Arryn family, they described in detail all the territories of the Seven Kingdoms ruled by Aegon the Conqueror since the Conqueror's War. on the map.

From the Lands of Eternal Winter north of the Wall, to the Arm of Dorne shattered by the magic of the Children of the Forest.All the mountains, rivers, bay islands, and castles on the continent of Westeros are outlined in simple lines.

Although the continent of Westeros depicted on this map is far less detailed than the map table on Dragonstone Island, it is already the limit that the ancestors of the Ayrin family can do.You must know that Aegon the Conqueror flew all over the continent of Westeros on the back of a giant dragon back then, and this is why there was a map table in the round table hall of Dragonstone Island that was comparable to a modern satellite map.

"My lord Gao Yuan, you are preparing." Sir Nestor looked at the map in front of him in shock. He had served as the steward of the Vale of Arryn in the Gate of the Moon for 14 years, but he had never seen the map in the castle. over this map.An extremely important item like this is usually hidden in the library of the Ayrin family, and it must have been brought down from the Eagle's Nest by his lord.

"The war has already begun, but we have been misjudging the situation." Gao Yuan came to the map of the riverland, pointed to the two locations of Golden Tooth City and Casterly Rock City, "The Kingslayer assembled the Western Territory army in Casterly Rock City with great fanfare. , in order to attract Edmure's attention there."

"In order to resist the invasion of Casterly Rock City led by Kingslayer, Edmure has now concentrated almost all the troops he has gathered in the lower pass of Golden Tooth City, and this is exactly what Tywin Lannister wants have witnessed."

"All the troops in Pink City and Acorn Hall are now dispersed and sent to the border by Edmure to guard against Sir Loki's harassment of the hinterland of the Riverland." Gao Yuan followed the gold marked on the map The avenue, starting from Jiaogu City in the west, stretched all the way to the northeast, and then stopped at the location marked on the map as Hongfen City.

"While the forces of these two castles are dispersed, the old lion will personally lead the main force of Casterly Rock City to attack the hinterland of the Riverlands." Gao Yuan's fingers were on the two castles of Acorn Hall and Harrenhal After tapping, he finally stopped at Harrenhal near God's Eye Lake, "His real target is Harrenhal!"

"Before, the actions of the Lannister family were all Tywin Lannister's strategy of smacking east and west. He let the Kingslayer gather an army in Casterly Rock City with great fanfare. Burning, killing and looting occasionally is just to deceive the other party to disperse their forces."

Sir Nestor didn't dare to blink his eyes at the moment, he stared at the three castles that Gao Yuan pointed out for him just now and couldn't help frowning: "It seems that all the Tully family's land south of the Red Fork River is Will be threatened by the Lannister army, my lord!"

"Sir Edmure made a wrong decision. He shouldn't disperse the troops in Pink City and Acorn Hall. This is tantamount to opening the door to the hinterland of the Riverland to the Lannister family. Heh Most of Mrs. Lunburg's troops followed Edmure to the City of the Golden Tooth to confront the Kingslayer, and the rest of the troops were simply powerless to resist the attack of the army led by Tywin."

"It's more than just being threatened!" Gao Yuan sighed, "Once the Lannister army arrives at Harrenhal, with the current strength of Mrs. He'an of Harrenhal, I'm afraid she won't even be able to defend her own castle, let alone resist Tywin... The attack of the Lannister army has begun."

"In this way, the crossroads on the King's Road and the Ruby Ford Ferry will all fall into his hands, Tywin Lannister."

"The army of Riverrun and the Riverlands, who have been cut off from their back and supplies, will be like a bird in a cage, and will be manipulated by Tywin Lannister's family." Gao Yuan is not sensational , and now the land of Hejian is truly in a desperate situation.Edmure lost most of the Riverland territory to the Tully family just because of this one move.

Just relying on the strength of the two castles south of the Red Fork River is simply not enough to support the Tully family to restore the inevitable defeat, unless there are new forces joining the war.Earl Mallister of Haijiang City needs to be on guard against the ironmen's looting at all times, even if he wants to send troops to help his lord, he is powerless.

Walder Frey of the Twins is another volatile master, and he's also a vindictive and vengeful man.During the Reaver's War, he was also scorned by Lord Hoster as "Late Lord Frey" as he was the last to answer Lord Hoster Vain's call.

For this reason, Walder Frey has always had a heart for him, until after the official outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, when Robb Stark borrowed the Twin River City from him in order to cross the Green Fork River, he still did not forget to share with him Catelyn Stark brought up the matter and repeatedly sneered at the other party.

This is not the worst place, the intersection on King's Road and the ferry at Ruby Beach are also extremely important strategic locations for the valley.Once these two locations fall into the hands of the Lannister family, the only land passage from the valley to the riverland will be blocked by the Lannister family.

At that time, let alone sending troops to support the northern army of Riverland and Robb Stark, I am afraid they will not even be able to carry out normal business activities.

Gao Yuan had even anticipated Tywin Lannister's next plan, and the old lion would definitely leave an army behind, stationed near Earl Harroway's town.In order to block the only passage from the valley to the riverland, and prevent the valley army led by Gao Yuan from going to support Riverrun City.

Due to the existence of the natural barrier of the Mingyue Mountains, it is extremely difficult for the enemies outside to attack the canyon.An old fox as cunning as Tywin would never be so stupid as to go to war with Riverrun and Eyrie at the same time.Combat on two fronts is bound to greatly weaken the Lannister family's current advantage in the frontal battlefield, so Tywin Lannister only wants to concentrate on dealing with the Tully family in the riverland at this time.

When the battle between Lannister and Riverrun is completely over; Tywin Lannister and his army are free; or the city of Riverrun is completely captured.

According to the Lannister family's style of action, the old lion must immediately turn his guns and aim at the high and low valleys.It's just that even if Tywin Lannister counts thousands of times, he probably didn't count the changes that will happen in King's Landing next.

King Robert Baratheon was killed by a wild boar's tusk during a hunt due to excessive drinking.

As the regent, Ed Stark, because he learned that none of the queen's three children were born to the king, he wanted the orthodox heir to the throne-Stannis Baratheon to inherit the throne.However, because of his momentary kindness, he lost the political struggle with the queen and was imprisoned in the dungeon in King's Landing.

Ed Stark's defeat and imprisonment directly led to Robb Stark leading the northern army to intervene in this war that was originally limited to the lion family and the trout family.

The intervention of the northern army was unexpected by the old lion Tywin, which brought unpredictable results to this war.This made Lannister, who seemed to be in sight of victory, instantly fall into an unfavorable situation.

Originally, the Lannister family and the Stark family still had some room for change.But who would have thought that the new king, Joffrey, would be capricious for a while, and ordered someone to behead Ed Stark, and the two families have fallen into an endless situation since then.

"Lord Gao Yuan, what should we do next?" Even Sir Nestor could see the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and he looked worried, "Should we send an army to assist the Tully family? Resist the Lannister invasion?"

"After all, the relationship between us and the land between the rivers is now a bitter relationship. If Tywin Lannister and the others are allowed to occupy it, the crossroads of King's Road and the ferry of Ruby Beach, Blood Gate and Canyon will also face Lannis. The threat of the special family."

"I'm afraid it's too late to send troops now. Tywin Lannister may have led the army at this moment and started to attack Pink City." Gao Yuan looked at the map in front of him in a daze.

"My lord, it is not too late to gather your vassals!" Ser Nestor said anxiously. "We can send a force from the Vale before the Lannisters take Harrenhal."

"If you say this, I'm afraid you won't even believe it yourself, Sir Nestor!" Gao Yuan raised his head to look at the other party, but Nestor Royce didn't see any emotion in his eyes, "Facing the menacing Lannister hosts, so what if we can send an army to support Harrenhal?"

"This hastily gathered force has no combat power at all."

"The recruited soldiers need to be trained. Sending them to the battlefield now is tantamount to sending them to death!" Gao Yuan is very sure of this, "This army will only become a piece that we feed into the mouth of the old lion Tywin with our own hands. Meat."

"Even the elite soldiers we sent to garrison the Blood Gate were the same, but this fell right into the hands of the old lion Tywin, making the most important defense of the Vale of Arryn empty. This is just like what Sir Edmure said before The mistake you made is the same, I believe Sir Nestor, you don’t want to see it, the Blood Gate will be breached one day, right?”

"Should we just do nothing and watch Harrenhal fall by Tywin Lannister, and let them lead an army to block our only exit?" Sir Nestor was emotional He questioned him, "This is simply a cowardly act. If it were me, I would never allow the Lannister family to destroy the princes of the riverlands and the Tully family."

"Please pay attention to your words, Sir Nestor!" Gao Yuan's face immediately turned serious when he heard the words, "Please don't forget who you are talking to now!"

"Sorry. Sorry, Lord Gao Yuan!" Seeing his lord's face gloomy, Nestor Royce realized that he had made a slip of the tongue just now, "I didn't mean to offend you just now, I just didn't want to see it"

"What don't you want to see?" Gao Yuan's voice gradually became majestic, like a god asking, "You don't want to see me hiding in this canyon as that shrinking turtle?"

Facing Gao Yuan's scolding, Sir Nestor quickly lowered his head and apologized: "My lord, I didn't mean that."

"Hmph, I forgive you for not daring to think that way! I think Sir Nestor should be very clear about the consequences of offending the king." Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "It seems that I have always treated you too much. Being tolerant makes you forget even the most basic difference between monarch and minister!"

Seeing that Gao Yuan was really angry at this time, Sir Nestor hurriedly knelt in front of Gao Yuan, saying that he had absolutely no intentions just now, and repeatedly prayed for Gao Yuan's forgiveness.

"Forget it, get up! I just hope you can remember today's lesson." Gao Yuan leaned casually on the backrest behind him, "Remember, only once and never twice! Next time if I hear you If you speak so impolitely, then don’t blame me for disregarding the respect of the monarch and his ministers and the achievements you have made.”

After receiving Gao Yuan's forgiveness, Sir Nestor hurriedly got up and thanked him.

"I never said that I would allow the Lannister family to act recklessly in the river, but now is not the time!" Gao Yuan said, "But Sir Nestor, you are right about one thing, I am now It is time to begin gathering the vassals of the valley."

"Sir Nestor, how is the grain harvest in the canyon this season?" Gao Yuan began to ask Sir Nestor about the situation in the canyon during the time he left, "Also, I ordered the lords to start sowing For grains with short maturation time and high yield, how is the task done now?"

"Reporting to my lord, all the canyon lords have strictly followed your instructions. Now the mature grains and grains in the canyon have been harvested. The remaining wheat that was planted later is about to mature, and I believe it will be done soon. Harvested." Sir Nestor replied respectfully, "All the fields in the canyon have also been replaced with potatoes and corn that mature quickly and have a huge yield."

"Very good!" Gao Yuan nodded in relief, "How much food did the caravan we sent out buy?"

"According to your orders, my lord, we have almost bought out all the food in the western region this season." Sir Nestor continued to report, "It's just that our caravan was attacked by the Lannisters recently, which caused us to lose money." A large quantity of grain has been shipped from Highgarden."

"Where is all this food stored now?"

"Reporting to Mr. Gao Yuan, the grain purchased by the caravan is now stored in the Bright Moon Mountain Range behind the Gate of the Moon Castle!" Sir Nestor explained, "Because of the large amount of grain transported into the canyon by the caravan, I specially ordered people to Some new granaries have been rebuilt in the Mingyue Mountains behind Moon Gate Fort, and all the grain brought in from the canyon is now stored there!"

"According to the preliminary estimate of Ms. Mia Shidong, who is in charge of managing the granary, the grain stored in the granary has been used by everyone in the canyon for up to three years. This is not counting the food in the canyon. In the case of the grain harvested this season."

(End of this chapter)

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