Chapter 300 Summary (subscribe later, the company is delayed by overtime)
"At present, we probably have more food than anywhere else. Even if the Lannister army is blocked in front of the bloody gate for four or five years, these are enough to support us until the victory comes, not to mention the current situation in the canyon. There is still a steady stream of food being produced.”

"Lord Gao Yuan, do you think it is necessary for us to continue to purchase grain from outside the canyon?" Sir Nestor asked, "It's just that the current land passages may be difficult to transport grain in, and the funds in our hands are now exhausted." Some are dwarfed by the fact that a lot of money has been spent buying these grains, while we have to prepare other war materials."

"The purchase of grain must not stop. Since the grain cannot be transported in by land, we will send merchant ships to transport the grain from the sea." Gao Yuan shook his head and told him, "We not only need to buy grain from Gaoting, we also need to We need to cross the strait to buy food from the free city-state of Essos."

Sir Nestor would never understand why Gao Yuan wanted to hoard food so urgently. What he said just now was indeed very reasonable, but he only considered the current war factor.But Gao Yuan's vision is longer than his. What really makes him anxious is the coming long night and winter season.

The seven countries in the future will inevitably be unable to grow food for quite a while.This does not mean that the arrival of long nights and harsh winters makes it impossible for food to grow.But because wherever the flames of war reached, the homes that civilians depended on for their survival were all burned to the ground.

During the war, those brutal and benevolent princes and their soldiers would not care about the life and death of the people of these hostile forces.Whether it is the Lannister army under Tywin or the northern army under Robb Stark, they will not care about the lives of these innocent civilians.

Even if they want to control the behavior of their subordinates, they can only have more than enough energy.

The civilians who produced food and raised livestock were massacred, and the fertile land originally used to grow food was trampled by the iron hooves of war.After the War of the Five Kings ended, the originally prosperous Hejian Land became empty, and the harmony and tranquility since the War of the Snatchers was broken by wars and disputes among nobles.

Faced with such a harsh living environment, how do you teach the people of the Seven Kingdoms how to grow food with peace of mind?

Maybe someone will say at this time, what does the life and death of the people of the Seven Kingdoms have to do with you, Gao Yuan, you are just a guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, Gao Yuan only needs to take care of the valley under his rule Lords and subjects are fine.

But if Gao Yuan becomes the king of the Seven Kingdoms in the not-too-distant future, wouldn't these troublesome problems still have to fall on Gao Yuan's head.As early as the moment the system released the main task, Gao Yuan was doomed to never be alone again.If he still wants to return to Middle-earth and reunite with Arwen, then he is destined to embark on this kingly road to rule Westeros.

Gao Yuan's fate has long been firmly tied to the Seven Kingdoms. Whether it is to return to Middle-earth, or to help the living of the Seven Kingdoms fight against the cold god and his army of strange ghosts, Gao Yuan must rely on the help of the Seven Kingdoms. The power of all above and below.

When necessary, Gao Yuan can pretend to be a snake with the priestess of the King of Light, and deceive the King of Light in exchange for his power to fight against the ancient alien god who came to the world in person.

"Sir Nestor, you don't have to worry about the money! I brought us [-] golden dragons this time when I came back from King's Landing, and Earl Grafson of Seagull Town also promised me to pay back what I owed. The tax will be compensated by ten times." Gao Yuan said with a smile, "If it is still not enough, then we have to raise funds from the lords in the canyon."

"[-] golden dragons plus ten times the tax paid by Seagull Town is enough for us to 'splurge'." Sir Nestor secretly kept an account in his heart, recording the time since he started implementing Gao Yuan's plan. Since the task, all expenses and project details.

"But it's only for now. With the continuous storage of other combat preparations and the continuation of the war, we still have to make careful calculations."

"Oh, that's right!" Gao Yuan seemed to suddenly think of something, "Speaking of the preparations for other combat preparations, Sir Nestor, please come and give me a brief report on how the preparations for combat preparations are going in recent days? "

"The lords in the valley have been actively preparing for the coming war these days." Sir Nestor explained to him loudly, "After you left the valley, I recruited a large number of craftsmen in the Vale of Arryn. The skilled craftsmen, and then collected a large amount of funds and basic materials from the lords."

"The funds and basic materials raised from the lords were handed over to the craftsmen I recruited. These funds and basic materials were used to create armor, long swords, long spears and Bows and arrows and other combat supplies."

"Previously, I have ordered the craftsmen I recruited to work around the clock. As long as you give the order, Mr. Gao Yuan, these newly created war supplies will be handed over to your lords." Sir Nestor is proud He said, "According to incomplete statistics, the war preparation materials we currently have are enough to arm our valley army of up to [-]."

"Among the [-] valley army, how many cavalry can account for?" Gao Yuan asked.In the era of the Middle World, when guns were not yet available; on the continent of Westeros, where swords are king, the strongest arms are cavalry and archers.

The former can easily and effectively break up enemy infantry formations, and can also flexibly walk around the edge of the battlefield and wait for opportunities.The latter can take the lead in attacking the opponent without contact with the enemy and cause a large number of casualties. What's more, it can easily kill the knights and high lords commanded by the enemy leader.

"You're asking me, Lord Gaoyuan!" Sir Nestor said awkwardly, "Although the valley is good at producing horses and can always produce excellent knights, most of these horses and knights are in the hands of the lords below. I have no way of knowing how many war horses and knights are in the hands of the lords."

"And your lords will not tell me this truthfully. War horses and knights are the basis for the survival of those lords. Once their true strength is accidentally leaked out, it may bring disaster to their own family."

"Even I have no right to ask?"

Gao Yuan was a little surprised by this. He always thought that those loyal vassals had no reservations about their lords.But what he never expected was that these lords below him would actually have reservations about him.

And this is not aimed at Gao Yuan, but it has been like this since ancient times.

"My lord, the lords also have selfish intentions, and they will not trust their lords unreservedly." Sir Nestor told him, "You can only get a peek when you recruit the lords below. What is their strength? Even if you recruit the lords, all you can see is only what they want you to see."

"In the long history of the Seven Kingdoms, it is not uncommon for the vassals under the lord to bully the king because of their power. It is not uncommon for the lords to tolerate the power of the vassals under their hands to grow stronger, and it is common to try their best to suppress them. That’s hardly surprising.”

"Sir Nestor, since you can understand these principles, you must have your own channels to learn about the strength of other lords, right?" Gao Yuan squinted at Sir Nestor's seemingly simple and honest face, "Maybe you Can tell me how many cavalry there really are in the valley today."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to sit in the position of Grand Master of the Vale of Arryn safe and sound during the 14 years since Lord Jon Arryn left the Vale."

"Nothing can be hidden from your eyes, Lord Gao Yuan!" Sir Nestor smiled helplessly, "The reason why I have been able to serve as the chief steward of the Arryn family all these years and help Lord Jon Arryn The management of the valley is indeed due to my understanding of the strength of the various families in the valley."

"But it doesn't mean that I have my own secret channel. All I know is obtained from the deceased Lord Ayrin. In order to maintain the stability of the valley, Lord Ayrin will use the ravens every year to share these information about the Lord Ayrin. Send me your secret message."

"Master Ayrin often told me that mutual checks and balances, mediation, and reaping the benefits of fishing are the most effective means to maintain the stability of the valley."

"I don't care if you have any secret channels. I only care about how many cavalry the lords can produce to respond to my call!" Gao Yuan spread his hands and said that he didn't want to delve into this, just like Sir Nestor just now As it was said: lords also have selfish motives, and he, Nestor Royce, is no exception.

Knowing that Nestor Royce had concealed something from him, Gao Yuan, instead of being annoyed by it, seemed very calm on the contrary.He can allow Sir Nestor to have some small selfishness, but as long as he can use it for himself and will not hinder the implementation of his grand plan, Gao Yuan can choose to ignore it.

"All I can give is an approximate figure, Lord Gao Yuan!" Sir Nestor said respectfully, this was a response to Gao Yuan's failure to pursue his own selfishness, "The land of the Eastern Territory you guard, except for the fact that you have always refused to obey the Eagle Outside of the Three Sisters Islands guarded by Nest City, there are now about [-] cavalry in total."

"And among the [-] cavalry, the cavalry directly under your command and able to be driven by you is only [-]."

A total of [-] cavalry, this number is beyond Gao Yuan's expectations.However, it is reasonable to have such a large number of cavalry in such a large valley. After all, the land in the Vale of Arryn is quite fertile, and it is especially suitable for growing pasture and feeding horses.

"As for how many knights the lords who responded to the call can bring you after you issue the call, I don't know."

Gao Yuan snorted coldly with disdain: "Hmph! You'll know when the time comes!"

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about the elimination of the Gaoshan clan." Gao Yuan picked up the flagon and poured a glass of golden wine for Sir Nestor, "It has been more than a month since I left the valley. A group of Knights of the Blood Gate went deep into the Bright Moon Mountains, and what is the result of the battle from Sir Brynden Tully who wiped out those high mountain clans?"

The high mountain clan left behind by the Andals when they invaded the valley has been a problem for the rulers here for thousands of years.The first time the Andals came across the sea was the Westeros continent that landed on the Five Fingers Peninsula in this valley.

At that time, the entire valley still belonged to the ancestors, and a protracted war broke out between the two races for the territory.Although the ancestors were defeated in the end, the ancestors who lived here never became extinct.

The ancestors who did not want to submit to the Andals escaped into the depths of the Mingyue Mountains, where they multiplied and formed clans and tribes, that is, the mountain clans that have been troublesome for the valley people for thousands of years.

Therefore, they also retained many of the ancient traditions of their ancestors, and had customs similar to those of the savages beyond the Great Wall—plundering and disobedience.They do not recognize the rule of the Eyrie, independent of the Seven Kingdoms and their political and economic systems.They often hide among the mountains and forests, and on both sides of the road at the foot of the mountain, and rob those unlucky passers-by.

The mountain clans have never been involved in farming and animal husbandry. They mainly rely on looting nearby villagers for a living. They rob all food, weapons and women they can rob.Even the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City would suffer a surprise attack from them if he didn't bring his guards.

The threat of the mountain clans has always existed, but the Arryns who rule here are helpless.Because the terrain of the Mingyue Mountains is too complicated, once the people of the mountain clan find out that the people in the valley are going to wipe them out, they will hide in the deep mountains and old forests of the Mingyue Mountains. No one knows that they will hide in the Mingyue Mountains. where in the mountains.

In the face of the vast and boundless Mingyue Mountains, the guardians of the canyon have thought about exterminating these barbaric clan bandits, but they have no way of finding them.But when the canyon army that went deep into the forest retreated, these bandits would come out again to harass the residents living near the mountains.

The news from Sir Brynden Tully was basically the same as before.Heiyu Brynden and the blood knights he brought with him wandered around the depths of the Mingyue Mountains for a month. They only wiped out a small local clan and tribe, but they never found a mountain in the Mingyue Mountains. Clan figure.

Some people think that the reason why the mountain clans can escape the siege of the valley people every time is because they can smell the valley people who have stepped into the Mingyue Mountains even if they are separated by a big mountain.

However, Gao Yuan thought that it might be because of the existence of shapechangers among the mountain clans.

A skinchanger, also known as a warg by the First Men, refers to a human being who can invade the consciousness and control the behavior of animals or other people.

Typically, only one in a thousand is a born skinchanger.

The ancestors often believe that among the many human races in Westeros, only those who believe in the old gods like the children of the forest, the northerners and the wild people have the potential to change shape.But this kind of thinking is obviously wrong, there must be skinchangers among the mountain clans living in the Mingyue Mountains.

The skinchangers monitored all the movements in the Bright Moon Mountains by controlling birds or beasts, and they accurately grasped the movement of the valley army that entered it.This is why those mountain clans can often escape the encirclement and suppression.Because those who participated in the siege had been under the real-time monitoring of the skinchangers from the moment they entered the Bright Moon Mountain Range.

 The evil ZBZY who was dragged by the company boss to work overtime until nine o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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