Chapter 304 Lure the Enemy Deep (Subscribe Later)
In the past two weeks, due to the frequent entry and exit of people from all over the canyon, Sir Nestor ordered all the gates on the inner and outer walls of the castle to be lowered, and the suspension bridge connecting the Gates of the Moon Castle and the canyon was also raised. No exception.

When Gao Yuan came down from the city wall and ordered the guards on the city wall to lower the drawbridge, a long row of heavy-armored cavalry was passing in front of the moat in a column. They were the troops of the Royce family.The full-face iron helmets completely covered the faces of this group of people, and they wore brown cloaks with orange rune pebble patterns.

Previously, due to lack of manpower, many violent incidents occurred in the canyon. Seeing this, Bronze Jorn took the initiative to bring his subordinates to join the team of maintaining order.

Residents in the Vale of Arryn haven't seen the canyon overcrowded for a long time, and the last time they saw so many people gathered here was 14 years ago.The Duke of the Eagle's Nest City was also here at that time, calling all his vassals, but not everyone responded to Jon Arryn's call at that time.

Soldiers wearing various armors can be seen wandering on the roads in the canyon. These days, the Vale of Arryn has almost become a sea of ​​chaos.

Two days ago, the Countess of Waywood's subordinates killed one of Earl Hunt's subordinates in the tavern in the canyon, and the two sides almost faced swords because of this incident.

In the end, it was Bronze Jorn who heard the commotion in the camp and rushed over with his troops, which prevented a bloody conflict from breaking out in time.

At that time, little Earl Hunt stood out from the line with a red nose like an apple.Perhaps because he drank a lot that night, he dared to speak wild words in front of Bronze Jon.When claiming that if Gao Yuan didn't give him a full explanation on this matter tonight, he would immediately take his own people home, but Bronze Jorn said that he was welcome to do so.

"Your Majesty Gao Yuan doesn't need to personally come forward for this matter." Earl Jon Royce drew his long sword from his waist, "Earl Jerwood Hunter, as long as you dare to take your people out of this camp tonight In the name of Mr. Gao Yuan, I will call on all those who are loyal to him to extract you from the guards of many Hunter family members, and execute you on the spot as a forsaken oath."

When the little Earl of Hunter heard this, he cursed loudly and pulled out the fine steel long sword from his waist.He blew his beard and stared at him, implying that Bronze Jon and his cousin were just a dog around the Duke of Gaoyuan, and probably even thought his farts were fragrant.

Xiaohunte's two younger brothers stepped forward to dissuade him, but he pushed him to the ground.The sons, vassals and subordinates around him also stepped forward one after another, reaching out and drawing their weapons.However, there were obviously more people standing on Bronze Jon's side. As soon as he gave an order, the Countess of Waywood, Sir Nestor of the Gates of the Moon, and Bronze Jon's own subordinates sent Little Hunt The Earl and others surrounded him.

It wasn't until the situation became extremely serious that Lord Jerwood Hunter suddenly woke up from his drunken state.Looking at the Bronze Jon and the soldiers under him who were waiting in front of him, he was suddenly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. Knowing that he almost caused a catastrophe, his hairs stood on end.

Seeing the threatening situation at this time, his two younger brothers also retreated to the side with their own people.The reason why Earl Jerwood Hunter is able to inherit his father's family business is because his father, Earl Ian, died suddenly of a sudden illness, and his two younger brothers have always been suspicious of his father's death. His brother killed his father.

"Lord Gao Yuan once told me that the only thing he can do in the face of those who break their oath is to send them to face the Seven Gods." Bronze John said, "If you are willing to bring your own, Earl Hunter, If you go back to the camp, I'll treat the outrageous things you said just now as just drunken nonsense."

"Yes, you are right, Earl Jon." Seeing that the bronze Jon gave him the steps, Jerwood Hunter hurried down the steps, "I was just drinking too much and talking nonsense just now."

Although Jerwood Hunter's stupid act was stopped in time by Bronze Yon, the incident eventually reached Gaoyuan.After all, Mrs. Waywood's subordinates were at fault for this matter. It was she who failed to manage her subordinates well, which led to the conflict between the two parties.

In this regard, Bronze Jorn still had to give an explanation to Earl Hunter, so he brought both parties to the castle to find Gao Yuan, hoping that he could give a fair verdict.However, Gao Yuan did not disappoint them. After he heard the incident described by Bronze Jorn, he calmly and politely made a fair judgment in a short time:
The man who killed the young Earl of Hunter was sentenced to wear black and join the Night Watch Corps, and the Countess of Waywood was required to compensate the poor family of the deceased.And for the next few days, the Countess of Waywood and her subordinates will be forbidden to drink a drop of wine.

As for the young Earl of Hunter, who led his subordinates to make trouble, Gao Yuan asked him to personally take the Hunter family members to maintain order in all the taverns in the Vale of Arryn on the grounds that he had gathered people to make trouble after drinking, and was also ordered to prohibit drinking.

The Countess of Waywood and the Earl of Hunter Jr. were very satisfied with Gao Yuan's practice of hitting [-] boards each and the fair judgment he made.After all, they didn't want to really make matters worse. The reason why the little Earl of Hunter brought his subordinates to the Countess Waywood's camp to make trouble was just a drunken impulse.

Since then, Countess Waywood and Earl Hunter have become Gao Yuan's most loyal and staunch supporters.When the two met in the Vale of Arryn, they spoke of the lofty name of kindness and justice.Although this new guardian is still young, he is not inferior to the previous guardian Lord Jon Arryn.

Thus, the reputation of Gao Yuan's benevolence and justice spread throughout the vast Vale of Arryn.

At first, the residents of the Vale of Arryn were skeptical about this, but when they heard the knights from afar mentioned in the tavern that Lysa Tully and Littlefinger, who were suspected of murdering the former guardian, , has been brought to justice by the new guardian.Only then did people slowly begin to believe the rumors circulating in the Vale of Arryn.

That night, the grand banquet was held in the white stone hall of the Gate of the Moon Castle as usual.This time Gao Yuan did not choose to sit on the high platform, but chose to sit at the long table under the stage.The shield painted with the Gaoyuan family coat of arms was hung on the top of the back of the high chair behind him: on the shield made of pure steel, a finely carved four-clawed golden dragon spread its wings and spread its wings along the silver-white sword Soaring seems to be chasing the ever-flickering eternal evening star on the tip of the sword.

Tonight, Gao Yuan did not wear a gorgeous dress, but put on his exquisite dark gold dragon scale armor in a rare way, with the dark green elf cloak sewn by Arwen himself on his shoulders, and the evening star blade hanging around his waist and the two dragonbone daggers, Catelyn Stark, and the bronze Yon, sat on his left and right.

"My lord Gao Yuan, how long are you and your army? When do you plan to set off?" Catelyn Stark's face seemed to be full of anxiety.

"I think I have already answered your question this morning, Lady Stark!" Gao Yuan looked at the princes of the canyon who were entering the hall one after another, "As long as your son Robb and his northern army cross the Twin River The Green Fork River where the city is located, my army from the east and I can cooperate with the Stark family at any time to meet Tywin Lannister and his army of Casterly Rock."

"But now time is running out, the Lannister army will soon arrive at Earl Holroway's town." Mrs. Caitlin said anxiously, "Wait until the crossroads of King's Road and the ferry of Ruby Beach are taken by Lannister. Now that the Nist family has taken over, you and your army will no longer be able to break out of the encirclement of the Mingyue Mountain Range, my lord."

"Madame Stark is right, Lord Gaoyuan!" Bronze Yonn spoke out in support at the right time, "Now that the flames of war have spread in the Three Rivers Valley, Tywin Lannister and his army of Casterly Rock City have captured the battle on the battlefield." Got a head start."

"Right now, we only have this last chance left. If we don't even seize this last chance, then how can we talk about rushing out of the canyon and supporting the Stark family's northern army?"

"Furthermore, the Vale of Arryn is already overcrowded. The troops under my lords and I are stationed here, and we need to consume a lot of food every day. I am afraid that if these people under our hands stay longer, I am afraid that the people in the nearby area will be overwhelmed." The stored food is eaten clean."

"Since I dared to let Tywin Lannister and his Casterly Rock army occupy the crossroads and Ruby Beach, I naturally have the confidence and reasons to do so." Gao Yuan said inscrutably, "Blood Gate has always been Not the only way in and out of the valley!"

"The crossroads and the ruby ​​beach seem to be very important to us, but in my opinion, they are just two dead places!" Gao Yuan analyzed, "There is no strong castle to defend these two locations, and they are not very important. town."

"To the west is the deep and swift Trident River, and there is no other ferry for us to cross the river except for the one at Jewel Beach. To the east is the Bright Moon Mountains surrounded by mountains, with only the gorge leading to the valley for us to pass through. , as long as we walk out of the gorge, we will be in a situation of no retreat."

"Although I am confident that I can defeat the old lion Tywin's army, it will bring me and my army in the east a lot of unnecessary losses." Gao Yuan told the two, "The army of Riverrun City is fighting against the Kingslayer. Almost completely collapsed. No one knows whether Jaime Lannister, who is fighting in the Red Fork River Basin at this moment, will lead a large army to suddenly attack from the flank or rear of our army."

"After all, in the current Red Cross Valley, no one can hold back the Kingslayer's footsteps for us."

"Besides, capturing the crossroads and ruby ​​beach is of no use to my army in the east or to Stark's army in the north. We don't have to fight the army of Casterly Rock there. A head-to-head contest." A smile suddenly appeared on Gao Yuan's face, "On the contrary, the strategic location at the confluence of the Trident River can also become the best bait for us to lure the enemy deep."

"If he, Tywin Lannister, really led the army to occupy those two positions, it would be in my favor." Gao Yuan finally expressed the first step of his strategic plan at this moment, "such an old lion, Tywin Lannister, His Casterly Rock army will fall into the dilemma of attacking from front to back, and then we can work together with the northern army led by your wife, your son, to wipe out all the Lannister army here."

"If we're lucky, we can capture that Duke Tywin of the Lannister family alive, and use this to release Eddard Stark and your two daughters, madam, for the poisonous woman in King's Landing."

"Even if the luck is bad, we can at least take this opportunity to wipe out all the living forces in the western region, making his Lannister army unable to recover from a setback, unable to fight against our righteous army, and instead retreat to the western region to defend Casterly Rock City."

Even though Gao Yuan had confessed his battle plan to her at this moment, Caitlin still seemed a little worried: "Master Gao Yuan, your plan is indeed exquisite, but how do you plan to bypass the blockade of the Casterly Rock City army and let the army in the valley Come behind Tywin Lannister and the others?"

"That depends on how the warships in Seagull Town are built now." Gao Yuan told Caitlin with a bright smile on his face, "As I said just now, the blood gate has never been the only way to enter and exit the valley!"

"I plan to let Earl Yorn as the vanguard, leading [-] soldiers to take a boat deep into the Crab Bay Strait, pass through the salt pan town near the mouth of the Trident River to the riverlands, and fight against Tywin Lannister's Casterly Rock army. Sneak attack from the rear." Gao Yuan explained, "If the old lion Tywin didn't eat our bait and still garrisoned Harrenhal with a large army, Earl Jorn could lead the landing in Maiquan Town."

Caitlin was a little puzzled by this: "The Mooton family in Maidenquan Town will probably not allow your army to land through his territory and go to Harrenhal."

"There is a busy port in Nuquan Town. If the Mooton family does not want the army in the valley to turn it into ruins, I think they will choose to turn a blind eye." Gao Yuan replied, "The lord there once A staunch supporter of House Targaryen. I suppose he is now."

"The old lion Tywin was the chief culprit for the fall of King's Landing, and his subordinates also killed all of Prince Rhaegar's family. I don't think Lord William Mooton would tip off to Tywin Lannister unwisely. "

"In order to let Madam, you can have fun at this dinner tonight." Gao Yuan suddenly changed the subject, "I have another great news to tell you, Madam Caitlin!"

Caitlin tilted her head in confusion when she heard the words: "What good news?"

"A friend of mine in King's Landing has now found one of your daughters for me. That friend of mine has already tightly protected the girl at this time, and when the defense in King's Landing becomes slightly looser, my Someone can secretly send your daughter out of King's Landing and escort her to you."

"You can just guess who that girl is!"

"My two daughters are in King's Landing at the moment." Caitlin muttered to herself, "Sansa is still in the hands of Queen Cersei, and she was taken as a hostage and bargaining chip by that vicious woman. The only person not mentioned in the letter is Arya!!"

"Arya!!" Mrs. Caitlin couldn't help but screamed after reacting, which immediately attracted strange gazes from everyone present.Seeing Mrs. Caitlin covering her lips at this moment, surprise and tears overflowed in her eyes.

 The evil capitalists have to work overtime every day, they are not human, not human
(End of this chapter)

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