Chapter 305
Seeing the lords of the valley pass through the gate of the gate of the Gate of the Moon Castle one after another, and pour into the wide hall.Catelyn's worries had grown since the day she received the letter from King's Landing.Although these days she has buried her inner fear under a calm and calm mask, this still cannot change the fact that it still exists.

Fear, instead of disappearing with more and more soldiers from the east pouring into the Vale of Arryn, on the contrary, continued to grow as the days passed.Caitlin was anxious during the day, and tossed and turned in bed at night, every raven that flew over her head made her grit her teeth.

She was terrified of her father, who was seriously ill in bed, and puzzled by his silence.The Kingslayer had led his father's army to the Golden Tooth, but Riverrun had never heard of his father.She was afraid of her brother Edmure, and secretly prayed that if he had to meet the Kingslayer on the battlefield, she also asked the gods in the sky to take care of him.

Caitlin was afraid of the two good sons she left in Winterfell. Robb led the vassals and the northern army to the south, and the two children they left in Winterfell did not know what was going on.

She is even more afraid of Ned and her two daughters who are in prison in King's Landing at the moment!

Especially Arya, since Ned's accident in King's Landing, she has not received any news about Arya.The few words Sansa wrote in her letter did not mention her sister, which made Catelyn think at one point that Arya had been murdered by the Lannister woman.

But no matter how frightened Caitlyn was, there was nothing she could do about the predicament each of them faced, so she forced herself to put those thoughts behind her.You have to win the greatest support for Robb in the Vale, Caitlin often comforts herself in private.

Now the High Duke is the only one Robb can help!Now, Catelyn Tully, you must be as strong and strong as the direwolves of the north, and you must be a true Stark, like your husband Ned.

Caitlin's deduction is not wrong, Gao Yuan is indeed the only person who can help her now.Her natal family, Riverrun, is now retreating steadily in the face of the fierce attack of the Kingslayer; the northern army led by her son has only just marched to Cailin Bay, so who can she rely on if she does not rely on Gaoyuan now?
Gao Yuan has always been aware of Caitlin Stark's recent state, so he chose to tell the other party the good news tonight.Gotta let the nervous mother get a good night's sleep before she heads north to join her son, no?
"Lord Gao Yuan, where did you find Arya, your friend in King's Landing?" Caitlin tried to calm down her excitement, "Queen Cersei and her people are now looking for her everywhere in King's Landing , is her current location safe?"

"Is your friend really reliable? He won't hand over Arya in exchange for the queen's reward."

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Caitlin, you have too many questions." Gao Yuan hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt Caitlin's anxious inquiry, "Let me answer your questions one by one."

"First of all, my friend in King's Landing, Madam, you can rest assured that he will never hand Arya to Cersei Lannister in terms of reliability."

"As for where my friend found Arya." Gao Yuan told Caitlin, "I can only tell you that there is a secret passage in the Red Castle that only Arya and I know."

Gao Yuan actually lied here. In fact, there are quite a few people who know the secret passages in the Red Castle. Many people know the existence of those secret passages in the Red Castle.But only the octospider Varys and his little birds know where the entrances and exits of those intricate secret passages hidden deep underground are, and where they lead to.

"Arya told me about these secret passages. You should also know that girls have always liked to take risks." Gao Yuan said with a smile, "At the same time, she is also a smart girl. When your husband was seduced in the Red Castle After Xi took it, Arya hid in those little-known secret passages."

"The girl stayed in the secret passage for three days and three nights, which also allowed her to successfully escape the queen's search of the entire city. Fortunately, my friend found her in time when she was about to starve to death in the secret passage. .”

"It's really blessed by the gods." Caitlin crossed her fingers in front of her chest, thanking the gods in the sky for the blessing, "May the gods also bless you and your friend Gao Yuan. Although I don't know your friend's name , but I would like to ask Mr. Gao Yuan to convey my thanks to him for me."

"That's unnecessary, that friend of mine never believed in the gods in the sky." Gao Yuan laughed when he heard the words: "As for your thanks, I'm afraid you can only wait until he brings Arya to the Vale of Arryn. Only then can I convey it to him face to face.”

"I had hoped. If the little devil was still in your hands, we could exchange hostages with King's Landing." In order to express her gratitude to Gao Yuan, Caitlin picked up the jug on the table and poured wine for Gao Yuan herself, "I know I You shouldn't judge your decision, but I always think it was the wrong decision."

"We can't predict the future like the gods, ma'am!" Gao Yuan raised his glass full of wine, "And I never regret letting go of the little devil. If I were given a chance to choose again, I would still choose Let the imp go free from the Eyrie."

"You, I know that Tyrion Lannister is innocent in that matter. Whether it is to safeguard my own honor or uphold the principles of fairness and justice, I will do that." Gao Yuan will turn his head to Madam Anya, who was greeting him, nodded, "If it were your husband, Lord Stark, I believe he would make the same choice as me."

After Gao Yuan finished drinking the wine in the glass, almost all the lords who were invited to this swearing-in meeting tonight were present.After all the princes in military uniforms sat in front of the long table, everyone turned their heads and looked at the silent Gao Yuan.Immediately Gao Yuan stood up solemnly in the eyes of everyone, and loudly announced the official start of the dinner.

Under the command of Mia Shidong, the servants in the castle began to serve the delicacies that had been prepared to the table.As the meat-scented barbecue and wheat-scented bread were placed in front of the lords, the hall of Moon Gate Fort suddenly became lively this month.

The walls of the hall are made of white stones, and the golden dragon flags of the Evening Star symbolizing the Gaoyuan family are hung on the walls.In the corner of the hall a female singer was strumming a harp and singing ballads.But the melodious voice of the singer was lost in the din of roaring fires, clashing cups and saucers, and drunken conversation.The female singer sitting in the corner of the long hall suddenly felt helpless, so she had to try her best to raise her singing voice, hoping to attract the attention of an adult among them.

Time passed quickly between the cups and cups, and Gao Yuan slowly put down the tableware and wine glasses in his hand when the candle on the candle was half burned.Seeing this scene, the princes sitting on both sides of the long table also tacitly stopped the movements of their mouths and hands, turned their heads and set their eyes on Gao Yuan, who was above the main seat, in the huge hall. Zhong suddenly became silent.

"Presumably all the adults here should also know the purpose of my summoning you here tonight!" After a long silence, Gao Yuan said loudly, "Now King Robert is dead."

"This shouldn't be the reason for me to summon you here, because I have no intention of competing for the name of the illusory king. Presumably all the princes here don't care much about the cold Iron Throne." Gao Yuan said loudly, "Whether it's Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone, or Lord Renly of Storm's End. Whoever ends up on the Iron Throne has nothing to do with me and the lords of the Vale, because they Both are King Robert's rightful heirs after all."

"And Prince Joffrey, who is about to inherit the Iron Throne, is the product of Queen Cersei's incest with her brother, the Kingslayer."

"I will never agree to let Joffrey Baratheon, the product of incest between the Lannister siblings, sit on the Iron Throne that symbolizes the pinnacle of power in the Seven Kingdoms." Gao Yuan said suddenly Turn around, "Let Joffrey of the Lannister family become our king. I believe this is a result that we, the people of insight who abide by honor and uphold justice, are unwilling to see the result."

"Therefore, in the name of upholding justice and the seven gods, I request all of you present to join me in the battle. Together, I will crusade against the false king who is entrenched in the city of King's Landing—Joffrey, and destroy the people who disturbed the Seven Kingdoms in the name of the false king The reigning Lannisters!"

"Let's defeat the false kings in King's Landing and clean up the government affairs of the Seven Kingdoms!" As soon as Gao Yuan's voice fell, Earl Yohn Royce took the lead in drawing out the long sword at his waist in response to Gao Yuan's call.Then more lords stood up. They took up the weapons in their hands and raised them above their heads, shouting the slogan of justice in unison.

"Together defeat the king and the puppet king, clean up the government of the Seven Kingdoms"


Caitlin looked at the excited valley lords in front of her, and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like when her son Robb gathered her husband's vassals in Winterfell and held a swearing-in meeting.When Robb announced to the northern princes that he was going to lead his army south, there would definitely be some objections, but he didn't know how he persuaded those stubborn northerners to go south with him.

People in the northern border generally think that going south and crossing the Neck will bring them misfortune. This is not groundless, nor is it that the northerners are afraid of going south.But after the people of the Stark family went south, the usual result was that they never returned.

Ed Stark's father, the old Duke Rickard, also went to the south, and his husband's brother Brandon, the man who almost became Caitlin's husband, went south with him.The duke led two hundred elite soldiers to King's Landing and asked Prince Rhaegar to hand over Lyanna Stark, but they never returned.

Her husband also went to the south. He took Arya and Sansa, Jory, Hullen, Fat Tom and more than 100 elite soldiers from the north.Most of them have now died on this southern continent where there is no ice and snow.

Now his son Robb is about to go south, but his purpose is not to go to King's Landing to swear allegiance.Instead, with a sharp sword in hand, go to King's Landing or Casterly Rock.This made Caitlin start to worry about whether the fate and curse suffered by his grandfather and his father would be fulfilled again in Robb.

After confirming the target of the swearing-in meeting, Gao Yuan then discussed the current situation on Westland with his ministers.Because the princes have different means of obtaining information, when Gao Yuan listened to the opinions of the princes and the information he received, he heard many unique and ironic rumors.

After all, there is a distance of nearly a thousand miles between the valley and King's Landing, so it is normal that the rumors in the valley are different.What is the truth, no one can be sure except Gao Yuan, who is firmly seated on the throne.Every traveler and hedge knight spoke a different version, each more terrifying than the other.

Some people say that the heads of Eddard Stark's men are now stuck on the point of guns, hung outside the walls of the Red Keep, and left to rot naturally; some say that King Robert died at the hands of Eddard Stark Some people say that the Baratheon army led by Renly is besieging King's Landing at the moment; others say that Ed has fled to the south with the king's brother Renly.

Some people also said that both Arya and Sansa were killed by the hound, Gao Yuan just laughed off such rumors.I just don't know how the Hound and Arya will feel when they hear such rumors.

Some news that is close to the distance is genuine. For example, someone told Gao Yuan that Duke Tywin Lannister has now begun to lead his troops northward, intending to occupy the exit of the canyon in the Mingyue Mountains.

What's even more outrageous is that Earl Wakeley of Candlehole City, who even claimed that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen has been resurrected from the dead, and is now calling on the ancient heroes and resurrected stone dragons on Dragonstone Island, preparing to take back his father's iron king. throne.

In the end, Gao Yuan waved his hand to interrupt the discussion among the princes, and instead told the lords the current status of the Seven Kingdoms by himself.After King Robert was seriously injured by a wild boar and brought back to the Red Castle for medical treatment, the Duke of Renly, who suddenly felt that something was wrong, escaped from King's Landing with the Knight of Flowers and dozens of guards. It is said that Sir Loras has taken Renly with him. Go in the direction of Gaoting.

Renly Baratheon must have planned to return to his territory Storm's End, gather his vassals and join forces with the Tyrell family in the south to crusade against the Lannister family in King's Landing.

"Lord Gaoyuan, since Duke Renly has the same purpose as us, why don't we also join hands with the heirs of the Iron Throne like the Tyrell family to defeat the false king Joffrey and the Lannister family in King's Landing?" Nine Star City Ser Simon Templeton suggested.

"Renly Baratheon's real goal is the Iron Throne, not the crusade against Joffrey and the Lannister family, and he is only the second in line heir to the Iron Throne." Gao Yuan explained to him, "And the Iron Throne The first in line of succession should be his brother Stannis Baratheon."

"The original intention of our crusade this time is to crusade against the false king Joffrey and the Lannister family. Besides, the Eastern Realm has no intention of participating in any war for the Iron Throne. As long as we join any of them , will be the enemy of the other. So we will not choose to join forces with either Stannis or Renly."

After answering Lord Tamperton's question, Gao Yuan continued to tell: "Shortly after King Robert passed away, the former prime minister, Lord Eddard Stark, was accused of usurping the throne and treason by Cersei of the Lannister family. He was imprisoned in the dungeons of the Red Keep to this day on the charge of crimes."

"My husband will never do such a dishonorable thing. All these are unwarranted crimes imposed on my husband by Cersei of the Lannister family." Lady Caitlin stood up at this time and assured the princes, "Now My daughter Sansa Stark is still in the hands of Cersei, and she is regarded as a hostage and imprisoned in the Red Castle."

"Cersei Lannister wrote to Winterfell, asking my son Robb Stark to go to King's Landing in person and swear allegiance to the false king Joffrey, so he agreed to release my daughter."

"That is a trap set by the Lannister family, Lady Stark!" Countess Anya Waywood stood up and reminded her, "The Lannister family has almost no honor at all. Madam, you and your son are worthy Don't be fooled. During the War of the Reavers, after Duke Tywin of the Lannister family deceived the gate of King's Landing, his subordinates led people to bloodbath the entire city of King's Landing and brutally killed Rhaegar Tan All of Glian's family."

"They don't even spare their infant children. If your son Robb Stark really goes to King's Landing alone, he will be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered."

(End of this chapter)

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