Chapter 306 Displaced Riverland Refugees
"Mrs. Anya, thank you for your reminder!"

"They asked my son to go to King's Landing to swear allegiance to the new king. Robb has no reason to refuse their request." Mrs. Caitlin looked around at the adults present, "but he is not alone. Robb summoned all the people under my husband's command Vassal."

"My son has already personally led the army to the south, and the army from the north is heading towards the Hejian land, and will cross the Neck soon."

"Mrs. Stark, your husband was Lord Jon Arryn's adopted son, and he is also a friend of us valley lords." Earl Houghton Redford of Red Base slowly stood up from the bench: "In order to rescue your husband from the dungeon of the Red Castle, how do you want us to cooperate with your son, madam!"

"Lord Redford, thank you for your great support for me and Ned." Mrs. Caitlin did not forget who the host of the dinner tonight was, she turned her head and drew her eyes and the topic to Gao Yuan, "But today It was not I who summoned all of you to come tonight, but Lord Gao Yuan."

"Master Gao Yuan has given me the promise I want now, and I really dare not ask for too much."

"My lords may not know, but Mr. Gao Yuan has done a lot for me and Ned before." Mrs. Caitlin put her fingers together and pointed at Gao Yuan, "Just before the dinner, Mr. Gao Yuan brought me an exciting news .”

"Master Gao Yuan has found my poor little daughter—Arya for me!" Speaking of her little daughter, Caitlin's eyes were filled with tears, and then she began to sob softly Get up, "Soon, I will have the opportunity to meet my daughter again!"

"I just feel sorry for my eldest daughter Sansa Stark. Now she is still in the hands of that vicious woman Cersei. I don't know when she will have a chance to escape from the clutches of the Lannister family."

Mrs. Caitlin, who was crying like pears and rain, couldn't help but move all the lords present.Mrs. Anya Waywood even left the bench under her, and came to Mrs. Caitlin to comfort each other: "Mrs. Stark, don't worry, we and Lord Gao Yuan will definitely save your husband and daughter. from."

After this episode ended, Gao Yuan talked with the lords about the current situation of the riverland war: "About a week ago, the Casterly Rock City army led by the Kingslayer was in the hills under the Golden Tooth City, and the garrison there There was a fierce battle between the army of four thousand rivers."

"Ser Edmure commanded Lord Vance and Lord Piper to defend the Pass of the Downs, but the Kingslayer stormed the Downs from the hills, and the Tully army nearly fell at one blow." Gao Yuan's voice gradually became lower and lower, "The final result of the battle was that Earl Vance died in the line of duty, and Earl Claremont Piper escaped back to Riverrun."

"The two Sirs Karel Vance and Marco Pepper are still leading the remnants of the army to continue to resist the invasion of the Kingslayer. They are constantly harassing the supply line of the Lannister army behind the Kingslayer. .”

"According to the latest news Sir Nestor has received, Earl Piper is withdrawing his troops towards Riverrun at this moment, in order to join Lady Catelyn's younger brother Edmure and his other vassals." Wait until the servants set the long table After cleaning up the mess on the Internet, Gao Yuan signaled Mia Shidong to take out the map of the river land and spread it out on the table.

"The army led by Jaime Lannister is still chasing them." Gao Yuan pointed to the confluence of the River Road and the Red Fork River, and then he set his sights on Harrenhal, " But this is not the worst situation. At the same time that the Kingslayer and the Tully family were fighting at the mountain pass, the old lion Tywin was leading another army from the south to attack the Riverland. Mu's army is much larger."

"Lord Ed Stark must have known about this before, so before he was imprisoned in the dungeon for treason by Cersei, he sent someone to stop under the king's banner. The leader was the man from Black Harbor City. Lord Beric Dondarrion, and with him Ser Raymond Darry and Thoros of Myr."

"Lord Gao Yuan, the letter said that there are other knights, as well as a group of guards around Lord Eddard Stark." Sir Nestor added.

"However, this is a trap. As soon as Sir Dondarrion led his people across the Red Fork, he was immediately attacked by the Lannister army. The king's banner was useless against him, Tywin Lannister. Trampled by him and his army." Sir Nestor described the tragic battle on behalf of Gaoyuan, "They wanted to evacuate from Mummer's Beach, but they encountered a sudden attack from the rear by Amory Lodge .”

"We are not yet sure whether Lord Dondarrion and a few others escaped later, and there has been no news of that team since that battle. But what is certain is that Sir Raymond and Ed Star Most of the northern soldiers sent by Master Ke have died in battle."

After Sir Nestor finished these news, the atmosphere in the hall of the Gates of the Moon suddenly became sad.Sir Nestor didn't need to say much, they all already knew what would happen to that army.

Lord Eddard Stark, who sent them to the riverlands, is now a prisoner of the Lannister family.Without the support of King's Landing, Sir Dondarrion and the others have almost no way of retreating. If they retreat to the south, they may be hunted down by King Joffrey's troops, and if they go north, they will have to face the Lannister army that is almost all over the riverland. .

"It is rumored that the army of the old lion Tywin has now captured Harrenhal, and Lady Hean of Harrenhal had to surrender because she had no troops to defend her castle." Sir Nestor added, "Many rivers The castles of the land lords have been looted and razed to the ground by the Lannister armies."

"Tywin Lannister is leading his army northward at this moment. He intends to occupy the crossroads on the king's road and the only crossing beach in Ruby Beach, hoping to meet us and the northern army going south here. The soldiers of the western border are currently on the king's Along the road, they carried out frantic burning, killing and looting to supplement the supplies they consumed."

The Countess of Waywood couldn't help sighing: "These news are getting more and more creepy!" In fact, the reality may be worse than she imagined.

"Speaking of Lord Gaoyuan of the Riverland who was ravaged by the Lannister army, I have to tell you another bad news."

Gao Yuan turned his head and looked at Sir Nestor suspiciously: "What bad news?"

"Because their homes were affected by the flames of war, more and more riverland residents have flocked to the Blood Gate through the canyons of the Bright Moon Mountains in order to escape the war. According to the report of Blood Gate Knight Sir Donnel Waywood, More than ten thousand refugees from the riverlands have gathered before the Blood Gate," Ser Nestor told him.

"Why didn't Sir Donnel let in those refugees from the riverland?" Gao Yuan doubted whether so many refugees could really be accommodated in the canyon in front of the Blood Gate, "everyone of us here before becoming a knight , have sworn to protect all weaklings, women and innocents."

"But... my lord, you once ordered... until the end of our war with the Lannisters, no one should be allowed to enter or leave the canyon through the Blood Gate." Sir Nestor seemed very embarrassed at the moment, "Besides, we can't guarantee that , there are no spies sent by the Lannister family among these refugees."

"So, you would rather watch the residents of the Riverlands starve to death outside the Blood Gate?" Furious Gao Yuan slammed his fist heavily on the long table in front of him, which was made of weirwood. A piece of the edge was smashed off immediately, which almost frightened all the princes present, "And I was talking about the caravan, not anyone!"

"Lord Gaoyuan, please don't blame Sir Nestor on this matter. He did this for the sake of the valley and everyone, after all, it is a time of war." Bronze Jorn stood up and pleaded for Nestor Royce , "I don't think what Sir Nestor did was wrong. We should indeed be careful that Lannister's spies follow those refugees into the valley."

Gao Yuan glared at Earl Jon Royce furiously: "I think you two brothers are scared out of your wits by the old lion of the Lannister family!"

"Arryn Valley has been friends with the people of the Three Rivers Valley for hundreds of years, so you can't tell which people are from the Riverlands and which people are from the western region of Casterly Rock?" Gao Yuan asked. , "And even if a few Lannister spies sneaked into the valley, so what?"

"Can they make any moths in this valley?"

As the saying goes, despise the enemy strategically, but value the enemy tactically.When we rightly point out that the whole should strategically despise the enemy.But we must never underestimate the enemy in every part and in every specific issue.

While Gao Yuan severely pointed out the erroneous thinking of the two, he also took this opportunity to express his strategic and tactical thinking to the lords present.Gao Yuan took Sir Nestor and others as examples, and told them what kind of mentality they should have to face this war between them and the Lannister family.

Sir Nestor, who was reprimanded by Gao Yuan, had a bad face. The news that Tywin Lannister led the army of the Western Regions to sweep the entire riverland kept spreading from outside the Blood Gate into the valley. He admitted that this really made him a little uneasy.

Even Bronze Jon was a little suspicious at this moment, whether the old lion Tywin and his army in the west had been deified in his heart.There is nothing wrong with being cautious about the enemy in war, but if you are too cautious, it will be a little timid.

In order to let the lords and Sir Nestor understand what to do, Gao Yuan took the incident of the refugees in the riverland as an example and told them how to realize what he just said.

The first thing they have to do is to open the bloody door and bring all the refugees from the riverland into the valley.But in the process, they must not take it lightly. They must investigate the life experience of everyone who crosses the Blood Gate, and must not let those carrying weapons and suspicious items enter the valley.

"However, Lord Gaoyuan!" Little Earl Hunter asked at this time, "After we put the residents of the river land into the Blood Gate, how should we deal with these homeless refugees?"

At the same time, Earl Beneda Belmore also questioned: "Those refugees are under the rule of the Tully family and many lords of the riverlands. They have no sense of belonging to the valley and us valley lords."

"And so many refugees suddenly poured into the valley, which will inevitably bring us food shortages and huge pressure on public security."

"Then let them exchange their hard work for food and housing rights." Gao Yuan said loudly, "They are just a group of poor people who have been displaced, not waste who just sit and eat!"

"Arrange those refugees to reclaim the mountains and fertile fields. Those who have special skills, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, horse trainers and other skilled craftsmen, will be assigned to Sir Nestor to arrange the work." Gao Yuan told them, "As for other Those who don’t have any skills will be handed over to the lords present here and your vassals to distribute them arbitrarily.”

"Either let them reclaim wasteland to grow food, or let them become shepherds grazing cattle and sheep, or let them go to mines to collect iron ore, all of which are up to you."

After saying this, Gao Yuan added emphatically: "However, you must not wantonly bully these poor Hejian residents, let alone bullying men and women. I will never spare those criminals lightly. Branch people."

Just as Gao Yuan was teaching the lords how to deal with the refugees from the Riverland, the door in this hall was suddenly pushed open.I saw the emaciated Bachelor Ke Meng from the Eagle's Nest City suddenly broke into the scene of the swearing-in meeting.

"What made you so flustered, Bachelor Komon?" Gao Yuan turned to look at the letter in the bachelor's hand.

"Sir Brynden, the black fish, sent you a request for help." Maester Komon panted, and then he handed the letter of help from Sir Brynden to Gao Yuan, "My lord, you should read it yourself Bar!"

"What's wrong with my uncle Brynden?" Mrs. Caitlin asked Gao Yuan anxiously.

"Ser Brynden Tully's letter said that a fierce battle broke out in Riverrun!" Gao Yuan pursed his lips, "He learned from a captured Lannister scout that the Kingslayer wiped out the The army of the Riverlands gathered by Edmure scattered and fled the princes of the Three Rivers Valley."

Gao Yuan's big hand holding the envelope was grabbed by a cold hand all the time. At this moment, Mrs. Caitlin was almost ashamed, but she still asked the question with a glimmer of hope: "How is my brother?"

"Ser Edmure Tully was seriously injured and captured by the Kingslayer!" Gao Yuan told Caitlin, "Lord Blackwood and other survivors were trapped in Riverrun, and James' army was stationed along the Three Rivers and almost completely surrounded them. .”

Mrs. Caitlin only felt panic in her heart: "I have to leave immediately. Go north to find my son Robb, otherwise it will be too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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