Chapter 307 Combat Task Arrangement
"Even if the battle in Riverrun City is urgent, don't rush this moment, ma'am!" Gao Yuan handed the letter to Madam Stark, "The canyons in the Bright Moon Mountains are high and dangerous, and there are often vicious mountain clans haunting them. Outside the Blood Gate is now full of Hejian refugees flocking in."

"Tomorrow morning I will personally send someone to escort you out of the valley"

"Don't be so troublesome, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Mrs. Caitlin shook her head and rejected Gao Yuan's kindness, "No matter how difficult the journey is, I must start to go north tonight. I just ask Mr. Gao Yuan to send someone to escort us to Seagull Town, From there, Ser Roderick and I will sail north to join my son."

"Since you insist on this, madam, I will order Sir Ronan Grafson to personally escort you to Seagull Town. Sir Ronan's father is the Earl of Seagull Town, and he will arrange for you to sail to the north merchant ship, and personally watch you board the merchant ship before leaving.”

"I really don't know how to thank you, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

"You're welcome, Mrs. Caitlin!" After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan ignored Caitlin and turned his attention to Bachelor Komon, "Where are Sir Brynden and his troops now?"

"My lord, Sir Bryndon and his troops should now be stationed along the banks of the Green Fork." Maester Komon replied respectfully, "Sir Bryndon wants me to tell you, my lord, that he and his troops are in line with Ty The vanguard of Duke Wen has already encountered an encounter on the ferry of Ruby Beach."

"The vanguard force is about a hundred or so. Lord Brynden and the others wiped out that army. Probably no one will go back to report to Lord Tywin for the time being."

"Hahahaha." Bronze Jon laughed loudly, "I don't think they will ever go back."

"The person in charge of commanding the enemy's reconnaissance force is Ser Adam Marbrand. He was turning south and setting fire to destroy farmland along the way." Maester Komon nodded incredulously: "Duke Tywin's Casterly Rock army followed closely Behind them, Lord Brynden is now leading the retreat north along the Green Fork."

"Lord Brynden requests that you send troops to the Riverlands immediately to prevent Tywin Lannister's army from occupying the crossroads of the Riverlands and the Ruby Shoal ferry."

"The fish hasn't bit the hook yet. Pulling up the fishing rod now will only scare away the big fish I've been waiting for!" Gao Yuan didn't agree to Brynden's request in a flash, but ordered Maester Komon to send a letter to Brynden. Sir Lyndon, "You tell Brynden them that the crossroads and the ferry are not important to me, and let him lead the troops north to join the Stark army."

After Bachelor Komon left, Gao Yuan came to the old sheepskin map full of faded lines.One of the corners was turned up due to long-term scrolling, Gao Yuan smoothed it with the palm of his hand, took out the dagger at his waist, and nailed it to the table.

"The lion is slowly stepping into the trap now, and it's time for us to take action." Gao Yuan took the "flag" symbolizing the valley from Mia Shidong, and planted it in Yantang Town and Nuquan Town These two positions, "Earl Yohn Royce!"

"After the meeting is over, I ask you to start gathering your troops immediately. Take Sir Lynn Corbray and the Countess of Waywood's family and go to Seagull Town." Gao Yuan issued an order to Bronze Yon, "You guys There, you will board the warship that Earl Gerald Grafson has already prepared for you, and wait for my order to lead the troops to land at the port of Yantang Town or Maiquan Town."

The Earl of Jon Royce brought more than 1 people to Gaoyuan this time, and the combined troops of the Countess of Waywood and Sir Lynn Corbray were almost the same.In this way, Bronze Jorn will lead a total of more than [-] troops this time, and take a ship from the sea to circle behind Tywin Lannister and his Casterly Rock army.

After receiving the order, Earl Jon Royce frowned and came to the map. He seemed to be speculating on Gao Yuan's intentions for such an arrangement, and he seemed to be thinking about how to hide in the two ports login.

"Master Gao Yuan, your strategic arrangement is indeed exquisite, but you see, the combined forces of the Waywood family and I have exceeded [-] people. Are you sure the ships in the port of Seagull Town can accommodate us?" Everyone?" Bronze Jon boldly raised his doubts.

"And if we try to bypass the back of Duke Tywin's army, we will definitely risk being discovered by many castles and lords in the kingdom; and the risk of being flanked by Duke Tywin and the princes of the kingdom."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to fight simultaneously with the Lannister army on the north-south front. Although Duke Tywin couldn't expect that we would go around behind them so that we could catch him unprepared and catch him off guard, but in my opinion, like Tywin A man like Win Lannister, who has experienced many battles, probably won't fall for it so easily."

"If we can't defeat Duke Tywin Lannister and his troops in one fell swoop in the first place, then we may face the joint siege of the princes of the kingdom and Lord Tywin."

"Those princes in the king's land, do they have the courage to lead their troops out of the castle?" Gao Yuan asked the other party, "Earl Yorn, don't forget that some lords on the Crab Claw Peninsula belong to Duke Stannis."

"Since you have so little confidence in yourself, Earl John, then I will send you another 1 troops!" Gao Yuan's words immediately caused ridicule among the princes.They laughed at Bronze Jorn, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Gao Yuan, and led such a large number of troops to the expedition, but was still timid here.

There are almost only a handful of castles in the king's land. It's not that the people in the valley look down on the princes of the king's land, but that Bronze Jorn thinks of those princes too highly.Based on the strength of the lords of those castles, it is already impressive to be able to gather 4000 troops at this moment, not to mention the relatively affluent castles on the Crab Claw Peninsula, which are still under the rule of Dragonstone Island.

"Do you all think this is funny?" Gao Yuan looked around at the princes with a serious expression, "Or do you think you can do better than Bronze Jorn? If anyone dares to stand up and say that he can do better than Earl Jorn If it is better, then I will give this army to him to command."

"But I'm going to say something ugly, if any of you released Tywin Lannister, leaked the news in advance, and let go of an important army in the Western Region because of the defeat in the war, then you You can only hold your own head to see me."

As soon as these words came out, the hall of Moon Gate Fort suddenly became silent.The princes present here are masters who have experienced many battles. If they still can't see Gao Yuan's battle plan, then it's time for them to clean up the accumulated water in their heads.

Of course they understood how heavy the burden was on Earl Jon Royce, otherwise Gao Yuan would not have allocated more than [-] soldiers to the other party with a swipe of a pen.There is nothing wrong with despising the enemy strategically, but there is nothing wrong with being cautious when implementing specific combat plans.

The situation on the battlefield is usually changing rapidly, and there are almost countless cases in history where the few defeated the many, and the weak defeated the strong.No one can guarantee that they will never make mistakes on the battlefield, and no one can guarantee that they can win every battle, even if our side is stronger than the enemy in all aspects.

It is often said that sailing carefully for thousands of years, if you want to perfectly execute and achieve lofty combat missions and goals, as the commander of this important mission, you must imagine all possible accidents before the battle begins .

"Very well, since no one is willing to take the initiative to take on this combat mission." Gao Yuan said solemnly, "Then this combat mission should be handed over to Earl Yohn Royce."

Gao Yuan's voice echoed in the huge hall, and his words were as unquestionable and refutable as steel.This reminded the valley lords who had participated in the Harrenhal Tournament before, they couldn't help but think of the once mighty Targaryen Prince Rhaegar.

At the end of House Targaryen's reign, it was a joyous thought that Rhaegar Targaryen would be a better king than his father.It's just a pity that this Prince Rhaegar, who had been expected by countless people, died on the Ruby Shoal at the hands of Robert Baratheon, who rebelled against his father.

Gao Yuan looked up at Countess Waywood who was opposite him: "Mrs. Anya, who is the commander of your family's army now?"

"Morton Waywood is my eldest son and the heir of the Waywood family. Naturally, he will personally lead the Waywood family's army." Countess Waywood told Gao Yuan with a smile.

"I know Sir Morton Waywood, he is a good player on the battlefield." Gao Yuan admired, "With Sir Morton and Sir Lynn Corbray as assistants to Earl Jon Royce, then I Don't worry any more."

In fact, Gao Yuan didn't say anything, that is, to make Bronze Jon and Sir Morton be careful about Sir Lynn, Sir Lynn is notoriously capricious.At the beginning of the Reaver's War, Lynn Corbray had joined the Targaryen side against Lord Jon Arryn and his Vale army outside Seagulltown.

But shortly after the war started, Sir Lynn Cobray, who saw the situation was not good, betrayed the royalist party again, and joined the rebels in the valley where Jon Arryn was, fighting under the command of the Duke of Arryn.

In the original book, when Bronze Yonn led the Alliance of the Righteous to denounce Petyr Baelish, he was bought by Littlefinger in advance and drew his sword against Littlefinger during the negotiation.This act of trampling on the rights of the guests shamed all the princes of the six towns, and the action of expelling Littlefinger was also stopped because of this.

"Lord Gao Yuan, what if Duke Tywin Lannister is not fooled?" Earl Holden Redford asked suddenly.

"He will definitely be fooled!" Gao Yuan was particularly confident about this, "I will lead an army of [-] valleys to personally face Tywin Lannister."

"Once Tywin Lannister learns about our army's West Bleeding Gate, he will definitely lead his army to fight our main force outside Earl Harroway's town."

"I heard that I personally led the troops in the middle battle. He will definitely try his best to defeat us, and at worst, he will drive us back to the valley."

"Only in this way can the Kingslayer take down Riverrun and Riverland, which are within easy reach, and let go to deal with the imminent northern army." Gao Yuan told everyone present, "This is what I am The reason why the refugees from the riverlands were put into the valley, I know that Lannister will definitely send spies to mix among those refugees."

"I just want him, Tywin Lannister, to know that I have come for them from the Vale myself."

Now that the [-] Valley Army has gone to its fourth part, when Sir Nestor Royce asked Gao Yuan what arrangements he would make for the rest of the army.Gao Yuan just told them that the remaining troops had their own arrangements, but now was not the time for them to dispatch.

Gao Yuan needs these soldiers to be ready to go out at any time, and they must never stop combat training.If the lords feel that they have nothing to do, they can let these soldiers join the team to receive refugees and maintain order in the canyon.

Gao Yuan sat down on the bench after speaking, with a bright smile on his face, it could be seen that he was quite satisfied with his performance and arrangement, as if everything was under his control.

Caitlin frowned and looked down at the map: "The terrain of the Mingyue Mountains is too steep and narrow, and your army from the east can't form a battle there."

"The old lion Tywin Lannister must also think so." Gao Yuan smiled even more happily, "As proud as he is, he will definitely think that I am too young and inexperienced to make such a stupid decision."

"Just as you, Lady Caitlin and Sir Brynden are determined, Tywin Lannister must also be determined, I will not give up the two important strategic locations across the river, the crossroads and the ferry."

"He will never think that I have never paid much attention to those two locations, and he will never think that I am using these two locations as bait to lure his old lion step by step into the trap I have already set. among."

"What do you think of this plan?" Gao Yuan asked her.

Looking at the smug expression on Gao Yuan's face, Mrs. Caitlin couldn't help being in a daze.For a moment, she seemed to see her son in Gao Yuan.Same pride, same handsomeness and same boyishness.
Still a little apprehensive, but she still had to agree it was a brilliant plan.Gao Yuan almost used the enemy's dynamics, the inertial thinking of the opponent's commander, the current terrain and situation of his own side, and people's hearts to the extreme.No matter who is standing in Tywin Lannister's current position, they will all fall into the traps arranged by layers of high and far.

It is even possible that without the support of Robb's army from the north, Gao Yuan will be able to wipe out all these robbers from the west.It's just that the outcome of the war is often unknown, and even if they win the Victory Valley, they may have to pay a heavy price for it.

This is why Master Gao Yuan refused to "fight alone".What he wants most at the moment is to solve these threats at his doorstep at the least cost, not to help the Stark family win this war as a pawn.

What kind of family can teach such an excellent son?
Caitlin once heard her husband mention that Mr. Gaoyuan came from the easternmost continent across the strait. Before he crossed the sea and came to Westeros, he was a ranger, and it is rumored that he was also a warrior who used to use a long sword. A ranger who has slain dragons.

There is no doubt about it, just look at the dragon scale armor shining with dark golden light on his body.Extraordinary wisdom, and inestimable force value by ordinary people, it is hard to imagine that these advantages are all concentrated on a ranger who lives in nowhere.

Catelyn had never met Prince Rhaegar Targaryen before, and the legendary Targaryen prince was nothing more than that.Prince Rhaegar was not even as good as him, otherwise he would not have died under the hammer of Robert Baratheon.

Caitlin even has the idea of ​​staying on!

She wanted to see with her own eyes how this lofty lord realized her plan step by step and defeated the cunning Tywin Lannister.

It's just that she has to choose to leave now. The Kingslayer led an army to surround the entire city of Riverrun; her younger brother Edmure was captured by the Kingslayer; and her father, Duke Hoster, was lying dying under siege. of Riverrun.

(End of this chapter)

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