The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 308 Margaery Tyrell's Journey to the Vale

Chapter 308 Margaery Tyrell's Journey to the Vale

Immediately after the battle meeting at the Gates of the Moon was over, Catelyn Stark and Ser Roderick Cassel rode out of the castle under the escort of Ronan Grafson.If their physical strength can bear it, it will only take three days for them to reach the port of Seagull Town, where Caitlin and the others will take a boat to the north to meet her son Robb Stark.

That night, a crescent moon floated on the water.The valley in front of the Gate of the Moon is brightly lit, and Earl Yohn Royce and the others have launched a rally tonight.Morton Waywood, the son of the Countess Waywood, and Sir Lynn Corbray are leading the troops towards the center of the Royce family camp.

The soldiers held high torches in their hands, and the two columns in the moonlit valley were like a huge fiery snake, squirming into the center of the camp.The Countess Waynwood rode at the head of the Serpent with her eldest son, Willis Waynwood, her youngest son, and Sir Lynn Corbray.

Behind them came their cavalry, including knights, lancers, freeriders, and horse archers.Since ancient times, the valley has been good at producing war horses, and it is precisely because of this that the number of knights in their team accounts for a considerable proportion.It took them several hours to assemble.

Afterwards, Mia Shidong told Gao Yuan that she could never forget the movements made by countless horseshoes passing in front of her.When this mighty procession passed in front of her, the whole Vale of Arryn trembled.

The soldiers and residents on both sides of the road couldn't help being awed by it. Except for the lords who attended the battle meeting of the Gate of the Moon, no one knew where the team assembled late at night was going next, nor did they know who their enemy was. who.

This also led to many illusory rumors in the valley. Some people said that Gao Yuan was planning to go to King's Landing to fight for the throne; Some people said that they planned to go to Hejian to take advantage of the fire and rob them.

The truth is often only in the hands of a few people, and only those who have the right to contact the ruling class know that the real purpose of this team's expedition this time is to deal with the Lannister family that is raging in the riverland, and Overthrow the false king in King's Landing.

The number of troops led by Earl Jon Royce was astonishing, but the soldiers he took away were only one-third of the troops stationed in the valley today.The real main force of the eastern border included all the troops of the four major town lords; the soldiers brought by several small families in the Five Fingers Peninsula and a considerable number of soldiers from the Vale of Arryn remained in the valley.

These main forces will be commanded by Gao Yuan himself, and soon he will lead more than [-] soldiers west of the Bleeding Gate to face the Lannister army commanded by Tywin Lannister, who is advancing northward.

As for the remaining 5000 troops, Gao Yuan had other arrangements for them.If all goes well, perhaps these troops stationed here will not have the chance to leave the valley until the end of the War of the Five Kings.

But if the battle in the south is not over by then, this well-trained army will serve as the main force of his Northern Expedition.War with the living may be imminent, but war with the dead is even more brutal.Gao Yuan didn't tell the princes of the valley truthfully about his plan, because he knew that once he said it, the lords under his command would think he was crazy.

Whether the outcome of the war is good or bad, Gao Yuan must be prepared for it.Hanshen and his army of the dead are the eternal enemies of this continent and Gao Yuan. He never thinks that these lord forces on the Westeros continent are his opponents.They could never be their opponents, not even Renly Baratheon, who had a hundred thousand troops in the Reach and the Stormlands.

With an army of more than [-] people, Gao Yuan is confident that he will lead them across the entire continent of Westeros.But when they face the army of the dead who are enemies of the living, they can't, because the army of alien ghosts controlled by the cold god never know what fear is; they don't understand the reason for surrendering and losing half; Easy to get replenished.

Previously, in the towering moon tower in the Gate of the Moon Castle, Gao Yuan had an in-depth conversation with the highest commander of the southern army of the Riverland Raider, Earl Yohn Royce.In order to remove the unstable factors in the team, Gao Yuan asked Bronze Yon to arrange for the troops led by Sir Lynn Corbray to contact Tywin Lannister's army first as the vanguard.

Lady Anya of House Waynwood was worthy of their trust, but her heir, Sir Morton Waynwood, was a haughty fellow.Therefore, he must not be allowed to lead the army as the vanguard of the team. Instead, the troops he leads should be split and let him lead part of the army to recover Harrenhal, which has been occupied by the Lannisters.

Ser Anda Royce was already waiting for his father's arrival in Seagull Town, and all the warships that Stannis had promised to give him had all arrived at the port.Gao Yuan believes that Stannis, who is on Dragonstone Island at the moment, must regret it very much, but his dignity and life creed will never allow him to take back the promise he made.

Compared with the great disturbance caused by the Lannister family in the riverland, other places in Westeros are much quieter.Since the news of King Robert's death spread throughout Westeros, Stannis sent letters to the ministers of the Seven Kingdoms, exposing that the new king Joffrey was the product of the Lannister family's incest. , he did not take any further action.

Sir Anda Royce, who came back on a battleship, brought him some news about Dragonstone Island: For example, Stannis is stepping up the construction of a new warship; Stannis is recruiting from the continent on the other side of the strait Mercenaries; the red-robed woman Melisandre led the believers on the island to burn down the temples and statues of the Seven Gods.

And his younger brother Renly Baratheon, since the death of his king brother, he led the Knight of Flowers, Loras Tyrell, fled south from King's Landing to the powerful castle of the Tyrell family-Gao court.

There he had won the support of the lords of the Reach and the Stormlands about a week earlier, and declared himself King of Westeros.It is rumored that he has already led an army of [-] men under his command to march northward, advancing towards the direction where King's Landing City is located.

But Renly's advance was very slow, as if he wanted to watch the lion and the wolf fight each other from the sidelines, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman after they both lose or decide the winner.

It was rumored that Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, and his father, Lord Mace Tyrell, Warden of the South, had now knelt before Renly and sworn fealty.What surprised Gao Yuan was that there was no news from High Court that Renly married Margaery Tyrell, the rose of High Court, as queen.

"It is estimated that we will arrive at the Gate of the Moon today, my dear sister!" Ser Garlan Tyrell in the carriage tried to calm his sister's anxious mood, "If we get the news from Earl Gero in Seagull Town It is true, Duke Gaoyuan should still be in the Vale of Arryn at this moment."

"Why do we go to the Gate of the Moon first instead of going directly to the Eyrie?" Margaery Tyrell stared at her second brother with a pair of beautiful eyes.Garland was similar in appearance to her other brother, Loras Tyrell, but he was five years older and stronger, with a beard.

Garland is particularly good at using swords. When he was in High Court, he usually found three or four people to practice swords together to simulate the situation encountered in actual combat, saying that he was preparing for the upcoming war.But he doesn't seem to be very interested in things like getting honors, so his reputation is not as famous as Loras.

"Master Gao Yuan, isn't he the Duke of Eagle's Nest City, we just go there to find him."

"My dear Margaery, the Gate of the Moon is the winter palace of the Arryn family, and it is also a castle owned by the Duke of the Eyrie." Olenna Tyrell's kind voice sounded beside Margaery, " Although the Gate of the Moon Castle has now been entrusted to Sir Nestor of the Royce family by Lord Gao Yuan, it is impossible for him to gather his vassals on the towering Giant's Spear, right?"

Olenna Tyrell was Margaery's grandmother, and she was born of the Redwyne family on the Arbor.Mrs. Olenna is now 60 years old. She has silver hair and is not tall. Her hands are soft but her fingers are thin.

Lady Olenna seldom shies away from the opportunity to express her opinion. She is thin but cunning, witty and sarcastic, which has earned her the title of "Queen of Thorns" in Highgarden.Margery knew that her grandmother liked her title very much, and she used to regard it as her own unique honor.

"But what should I say when I meet that noble lord later?" The closer she got to the Vale of Arryn, the more restless Margaery Tyrell became. She didn't know how she would face that legendary man in the future. The strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms.

Long before they set off from Highgarden, Margaery had already heard from Lord Renly about the story of the High Duke, after he rejected the proposal made by his father, the Duke of Metz—to marry her as queen.

Duke Renly proposed to Margaery's father to marry her to the Duke of High Far in the East, and let the Tyrell family marry the Guardian of the East.In this way, he, Renly Baratheon, can get high support, which is why they came here by boat all the way.

Renly Baratheon was imitating his brother Stannis' method of wooing Gao Yuan, but his method was obviously better.He put the goal of the marriage on Gaoyuan, the actual ruler of the Eastern Territory, rather than the unknown and sickly little Duke Robert. It is unknown whether the child can live to the day of entering the bridal chamber.

In order to make her marriage trip safe and smooth, Duke Mace Tyrell not only sent fifty of his most reliable guards, but also Margaery's elder brother, Sir Garland, to accompany him.I hope his name and lineage can add respect and weight to her mission.

And the reason why Margaery's grandmother "Queen of Thorns" also appeared in this wedding procession was mainly because Mrs. Olenna wanted to investigate whether this noble duke was worthy of his name.

At least he can't treat his granddaughter with "coldness" like Lord Renly. Renly Baratheon's "enthusiasm" is all vented on her brother Loras, Lady Olenna once told Mary gerry.

"I'll meet Mr. Gaoyuan later, and then you just need to show your charm in front of him." Old Rose told Margaery, "My good granddaughter, you are a rose blooming in my high garden. As long as you are not like blue A man like Eli Baratheon for whom every other man would fall for you."

Mrs. Olenna handed a mirror to Margaery, as if she wanted her to regain her confidence from the mirror.Since "King" Renly refused to marry Margaery, she began to doubt her beautiful appearance and charm.Although she knew that King Lord Renly liked a man as beautiful as Loras, she still thought it was because she was not attractive enough.

With a worried expression on her face, Margaery took the mirror from her grandmother. In the mirror, she had white teeth, bright eyes, fair and delicate skin, and her long curly brown hair made her look like a princess or queen in a story.A pair of brown watery eyes are enough to make those who have seen her feel sympathetic, and her curvy figure is often praised as the crystallization of the art of the Seven Gods.

The young Margaery Tyrell is only 16 years old now. Not only is she far superior to ordinary noble ladies in beauty, but she is often praised by her brothers for her cleverness.Even her wily grandmother, Lady Olenna Tyrell, was full of praise for this, and asked to teach and protect her personally from a young age.

Such a handsome and intelligent beauty is now afraid of being rejected by men again, Margaery thought so.Putting down the mirror in her hand, Margaery Tyrell, who regained her confidence, began to despise the Renly "king" who rejected her more and more.

In her opinion, for a perfect woman like her, only a man like Gao Yuan who has a legendary experience and is strong enough to be worthy of her.

But it is a pity that the man in her eyes who is as perfect as her is not the king now.Although Duke Gaoyuan is already the best of the younger generation, and he is still in a high position and holds a lot of power like her father, Duke of Metz, but he is not the one who stands at the pinnacle of power after all. Gao Yuan has no intention of competing for the throne of the king who is subject to all the people.

It would be perfect if I could become the queen. If King Renly was defeated in the war, could I, as Gao Yuan's wife, encourage him to become king on his own and compete for the Iron Throne in King's Landing?

"Garland, how long will it take for us to reach the Gate of the Moon Castle?" Thinking of this, Margaret couldn't wait to see the Duke Gao Yuan.At this moment, she has even started to think about how she can "assist" him to become the king of the seven kingdoms, so that she can rightfully become the queen of the seven kings that countless noble ladies envy.

When Margaery and her party were discovered by the patrolling team dispatched to the outskirts of the Vale of Arryn, they were still half a day away from Gate of the Moon where Gao Yuan was.A knight with a bald head and an ugly birthmark on his face led hundreds of heavily armed cavalry to surround the carriage they were riding in. The leader of the knight stood with a black portcullis on his coat. Before the round white crescent moon.

But when he saw the green field golden rose banner on the carriage, he ordered the soldiers under him to put away their weapons and rode forward alone: ​​"Below is Sir Nestor of House Royce of Gate of the Moon Castle, I don't know which adult of the Tyrell family is in the carriage?"

Garlan Tyrell lifted the curtain of the carriage and got out of the carriage first, followed by Margaery Tyrell, and then the two helped their grandmother out of the carriage together.

"Mrs. Olenna Tyrell." Sir Nestor came to the Queen of Thorns respectfully, "I didn't know that Mrs. Tyrell came from afar, please forgive me!"

"Sir Nestor of the Gates of the Moon is willing to serve you. I don't know why your lady is visiting the valley?"

"Sir Nestor, we would like to meet your lords." The Queen of Thorns replied, "This time, I am here as a messenger of our king Renly Baratheon to meet Gao Yuan, the guardian of the East. Your Excellency the Duke."

Sir Nestor was stunned for a moment: "The king? Duke Renly."

"King Renly is duly crowned and anointed Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, ser!" the Queen of Briars cut him off, but she remained polite.

"My lord Gaoyuan is reviewing his army in the valley at the moment. It is my great honor to escort you there!" Sir Nestor laughed.

After finishing speaking, Nestor raised his iron fist tightly wrapped in the gauntlet, and the soldiers under his hands immediately dodged to make way for the carriage man.

(End of this chapter)

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