Chapter 309
Still an hour away from the valley, Margaery and the others saw smoke columns from countless campfires in the valley through the window of the carriage.Then there are all kinds of mixed sounds, drifting across the verdant cornfields, the farms piled up with straw piles and the golden fields.

Dimly, Margaret felt that she had returned to the sea again, and as the distance got closer, the sound of the waves became more intense, just like the sea calling for its daughter.

This reminded Margaery of the mermaid legends that were widely circulated in this world, and they were often mentioned in the songs sung by people at the seaside.When they passed the Arbor Island in the Summer Sea by boat, Margaery's grandmother Mrs. Olenna once told her about the legends of mermaids living under the sea.

There are still many white stone statues of mermaids in the castle of the Redwyne family on Arbor Island.On a small island beside the Arbor Island, there is also a mermaid hall dedicated to them. Legend has it that they are servants of the Drowned God.

When they finally saw the sunny paradise in the east, the voices that seemed a little noisy before gradually became clearer.Now they can at least distinguish between human speech, the clash of gold and iron, and the neighing of war horses.Even though there were early warnings and reminders from the previous smoke column and sound, Margaery still couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the army in front of her.

Thousands of campfires filled the air with a pale mist that lingered over their heads like the clouds of the day.Neatly arranged and numerous tents stretch for several kilometers in the valley, and countless war horses are tied to the wooden fences on both sides of the road.

Banners of different colors flew from the tops of different camps, and the princes of the valley almost cut down an entire forest to make poles to carry these banners.Since their trip wasn't to attack the city, Margaret didn't see those huge siege machines here.Instead, there were brand new baggage carriages neatly arranged on the green lawn in the center of the camp.

Under the bright sun, the tops of the steel guns in the hands of countless soldiers shone with a breathtaking cold light.Margaery saw the soldiers patrolling the camps with spears; and the guards holding sharp swords guarding in front of their lord's tent; rows of neatly lined up recruits were wearing armor or receiving fighting training.

In addition, she also saw the camp girls strutting through the market, the farmers driving their wagons, the swineherds feeding their livestock, the messengers rushing between the tents, the servants sharpening their long swords and driving Knight on war horse.

"I never thought that the East would have so many troops. It's incredible." Ser Garlan Tyrell exclaimed, and he turned to look at his sister beside him. It will be more than our High Court and never less."

Margaery in the carriage turned her gaze to the camp outside the car window: "That's right. The number is indeed astonishing!"

In addition to being amazed, she couldn't help but sigh that Mr. Gao Yuan has such a powerful army, but he doesn't have the ambition to compete for the Iron Throne.For a moment, Margaery didn't know whether to praise the other party for his integrity and selflessness, or accuse the other party of having no ambitions.

"If Lord Gao Yuan intends to stand up and participate in the fight for the Iron Throne, then he will definitely be our biggest competitor." Margaery Tyrell's lips parted slightly.

"He rivals Renly Baratheon, not our Tyrells." The Queen of Thorns told her granddaughter, "We just chose to side with Blue in this battle for the throne The side of the ceremony, instead of choosing to stand on the opposite side of Duke Gaoyuan and the East."

"At least as of now, the Tyrell family in Highgarden and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest are not sworn enemies."

"My dear Margaery, this is exactly the purpose of your trip." The Queen of Thorns stroked Margaery's temples gently, "Renly Baratheon had already understood the true strength of the East, because Only in this way will he propose to your father that you marry Duke Gaoyuan in exchange for the support of the East."

"And the Tyrell family also needs to plan a way out for themselves. What we need are more friends rather than more enemies."

"Is my father worried that King Renly will lose in the battle for the Iron Throne?" Margaery seemed to find this unbelievable, "How is this possible?"

Renly Baratheon has now gained the joint support of the Stormlands and the Reach, and the Tyrell family of Highgarden alone has provided him with an army of more than [-].Coupled with the [-] Stormland army brought by the many Stormland lords under Renly's command, Renly Baratheon's army has reached [-] (claimed to have [-]), which is not weak at all. The guardian of the border is the Duke Gao Yuan.

And the false king Joffrey in King's Landing can only command the [-] capital guards guarding the city.Even with the small nobles on the king's land and his grandfather, Duke Tywin's entire army in the west, the total number of people is only more than [-].

Besides, Renly wasn't the only enemy the Lannisters had to face now.In order to rescue his father who was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Castle, Robb Stark has now summoned the northern vassals to lead the army and began to march south.

Although there is no news about Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone Island at the moment, according to rumors, Stannis is currently building new ships and recruiting mercenaries. It is believed that he is accumulating strength to prepare for the battle for the throne.

Even the Guardian of the East, who had no intention of competing for the throne, immediately summoned all his vassals to attack the false king Joffrey.Almost all the nobles in the eastern region responded to Gao Yuan's call, and his army was strong enough to sweep away all the forces of the Seven Kingdoms except King Renly.

However, Tywin Lannister is still deeply mired in the quagmire of the war in the riverland. Although the Lannister army is invincible in the riverland, it seems that there is still a long way to go before the war ends completely. time.The old lion Tywin will not be able to withdraw from Hejian for a while, let alone lead troops to support King's Landing City.

With such a disparity in strength, King's Landing has almost no chance of winning. How could Renly Baratheon lose in the battle for the throne?

"Nothing is absolutely impossible. No one would have thought that King Robert, who won the War of the Reavers, would die under the tusks of wild boars." Olenna, the Queen of Thorns, tutted, "Your demented mind The father of the Duke of Highgarden at least understands this truth."

Margaery smiled wryly, no one in High Court would dare to call her father that.Only her grandmother dared to do it, and she always called her son the demented Lord of Highgarden.His own father was a prematurely decrepit man who lacked political skills, and was jokingly called "Master Inflatable Fish" by his colleagues.

He was nowhere near as wise as the rest of the family, and her own grandmother had always looked down on her only son.Although the Duke of Mace Tyrell served as the leader of the Tyrell family, he has always been in name only.

The real ruler of the Tyrell family now is actually the grandmother in front of him, who is known as the Queen of Thorns.From this, Margaret can be sure that the person who decides to marry her to Duke Gaoyuan is definitely not her useless father, but the grandmother Olenna who has watched her grow up and has been teaching and caring for her.

The reason why Olenna was called the Queen of Thorns was not because of her vicious tongue as outsiders believed.In fact, since the unexpected death of the old Duke of Ross, the Tyrell family has been able to achieve long-term development over the years, relying on the grandmother's superb political wisdom and tough skills.

Grandma has always loved herself very much since she was a child, and this love is even far more than that of her older brothers.So when her grandmother told herself that she would marry the Duke Gaoyuan of the Eastern Region, Margaret agreed without hesitation.Because she always believed that the grandmother who loved her would never harm her thoughts and thoughts.

Even if it is a marriage for political purposes, Grandma Olenna will find a husband who can make her happy and happy for marriage.What's more, long before her father and Grandmother Olenna talked about it with herself, she had already heard the legend of Lord Gao Yuan from the mouth of the troubadour who came from King's Landing and her brother Loras.

I don't know when, Margaery has gradually fallen in love with listening to those troubadours who came from afar tell her the story of the dragon slayer, Duke Gao Yuan.Although she knew that many of these were exaggerated by the troubadours, she still enjoyed it:
"The dragon slayer from the far east. He put the skin and scales of the dragon on his body, and he turned into the dragon he killed."

"When he takes human form, the sharp teeth in his mouth will turn into a sharp sword in his hand, and he will cut off the golden sword of the Kingslayer with the sharp tooth turned sword"

"His dragon-like physique makes him invincible in the prime minister's tourney."

"When he feels evil and sin, or when Lord Gao Yuan is extremely angry, the dragon flame will ignite from the tip of his sword, burning all the evil and those who have broken their vows."

In front of the moat of Gate of the Moon Fort, a row of flags of the valley lords were neatly planted.When Margaery and the others came to the gate of the Gates of the Moon, she recognized Jerwood Hunter's five silver arrow banners; the Belmore family's six silver bell banners; and the Redford family's red castle
But apart from the shield emblem she knew, there were more than a dozen unusually unfamiliar flags under these flags.Presumably they should be lower-level lords loyal to local princes, or hedge knights and free knights.

These people were not under his command before. The reason why they chose to join Duke Gaoyuan was that apart from what Duke Gaoyuan claimed was to maintain the orthodoxy of the royal family, the most important thing was that they wanted to be in this game of thrones. Among them, choose to stand on the winning side.

This is the same as their Tyrell family surrendered to Renly Baratheon.

The Evening Star Golden Dragon flag of Duke Gaoyuan fluttered high above all the flags, hanging high on the city wall in front of Moon Gate Fort.In order for everyone in the valley to see Gaoyuan's family crest clearly, and to show everyone in the valley Gaoyuan's supreme status in the Vale of Arryn.

Ser Nestor had someone hang a banner on the wall, a huge banner, big enough to cover the floor of the great hall in the castle.

A silver sword stands in the center of the banner, a dark golden dragon spreads its wings and clings to the blade of the silver sword, and on the top of the hilt is a cross star shining with golden light—this is The grandest and largest banner Margaery Tyrell had ever seen.

The drawbridge and gates of the Gates of the Moon rose slowly in front of them. After Sir Nestor shouted to open the city gate, he rode his horse to the carriage: "Dear Mrs. Olenna Tyrell, I am afraid that your subordinates will It can only stop there.”

"I have ordered my daughter to report your presence to Lord Gaoyuan, and then you and you." Sir Nestor looked at the two beside the Queen of Thorns, and suddenly fell silent.

"This is my granddaughter Margaery Tyrell and my grandson Ser Garlan Tyrell" Lady Olenna's voice was weak.

"It is a great honor to serve you, Miss Margery and Sir Garland!" Sir Nestor bowed to them politely, "I will take you to meet my lord, the Royce family of Gate of the Moon Castle will Promise to keep you safe in the castle."

"It should be so, Sir Nestor!" The Queen of Thorns smiled kindly at the other party, and then ordered her guards to wait outside the castle.

Sir Nestor stepped onto the drawbridge over the moat first, followed by Olenna, Margaery and Sir Garland.As Margaery Tyrell and her party stepped into the gate of the castle, the drawbridge behind them was slowly raised again by the guards of the Gate of the Moon Castle on the city wall.

Just when Sir Nestor led Margaery and his party into the castle, Gao Yuan on the Moon Tower had just learned from Mia Shidong that the Queen of Thorns had come to visit him.

At this moment, the expression on his face was as if he had seen a ghost. Didn't this Mrs. Olenna Tyrell stay in Highgarden Castle all year round? How could she suddenly come all the way to the valley to visit him? ?
"Lord Gao Yuan!" Before Gao Yuan could react, Sir Nestor brought the Queen of Thorns Olenna to the door of his study, "Forgive me for disturbing you, my lord."

"It is my great honor to bring you Lady Olenna of the House of Highgarden Tyrell," said Sir Nestor. Came here to meet with you, my lord."

"My rash visit seems to have caused you a little trouble, Mr. Gao Yuan!" The Queen of Thorns came to Gao Yuan with a look of astonishment, "I am very sorry for this."

After a brief surprise, Gao Yuan's face immediately changed into a bright smile: "How could this be, Mrs. Olenna Tyrell!"

"Madam, it should be my honor to be able to visit the Vale of Arryn!" Gao Yuan said, "Madam, please sit down quickly. You have come all the way from Highgarden, and you must be very tired right now."

"Miss Mia!" He looked back at Mia Shidong behind him, "Please also trouble you to prepare a pot of good tea and some delicious snacks for our distinguished guests."

(End of this chapter)

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