Chapter 313 Everyone is happy
"I won't help Renly Baratheon deal with his brother!" Gao Yuan emphasized again.Now that the girl has expressed her heart at this moment, and the Tyrell family has expressed enough sincerity to herself, Gao Yuan's original defensive line of defense has finally been gradually broken.

After all, who would refuse to embrace such a peerless beauty, and this marriage will bring him the friendship of House Tyrell of the Reach.

And before long, Renly Baratheon, the "king" whom the Tyrell family is loyal to, will die under the shadow magic of the red woman.

If he doesn't take the opportunity to win over the ruling family of the Reach as an ally now, they will fall helplessly to the side of King's Landing and the Lannister family in the end.

Instead of pushing the Reach and the Tyrell family to his enemies, it is better for Gao Yuan to draw this potential ally into his arms as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan was already a little ready to move.

Because of this marriage between them, the nobles in the entire southern region will be united with the eastern region like an iron plate.This will also save a lot of time and trouble for Gao Yuan's plan to unify Westeros in the future.

When Daenerys leads her army across the sea from the other side of the strait, I am afraid that what she will see will be the monolithic new dynasty of Westeros, instead of the chaotic Seven Kingdoms with constant wars and disputes.

"So, Mr. Gao Yuan, have you agreed to marry the Tyrell family?" Rose Gaoting raised her head and stared affectionately at Gao Yuan's handsome face, her lovely elk-like eyes seemed to be shining with stars.

"Things are far from as simple as you think, my lovely Miss Margaery Tyrell." Although Gao Yuan no longer has any resistance to this marriage, he is not overwhelmed by the gift that fell from the sky .

There has never been a free lunch in this world. Gao Yuan accepted this gift prepared for him by the Tyrell family, so he must pay the corresponding price for it.Moreover, what promise Mrs. Olenna and the Tyrell family want to get from him is still unknown.

So, how could Gao Yuan hastily agree to their marriage request?

"I still have a question that I can't figure out, Madam Olenna!" Gao Yuan turned his head to look at Rose Highgarden's grandmother, "May I ask why the Tyrell family is so eager to facilitate this dispute between me and Miss Margery?" What about combining?"

"Even though someone has repeatedly refused before, Madam, you still hope to promote this marriage between the Tyrell family and someone. Someone really can't think of a reason for the Tyrell family to do so."

"If madam, you don't make the stakes clear, I'm afraid I won't dare to agree to your marriage request easily." Gao Yuan said solemnly, "And what can I gain from this marriage?"

Mrs. Olenna did not answer Gao Yuan's question immediately, but walked slowly to Rose in High Court with the support of Sir Garland.She raised her slender and shriveled hands, lovingly caressing Margaret's delicate face.

And Gaoting Rose gently rubbed her face against the Queen of Thorns' fingertips, like a beloved cat responding to her love for her.

"Margaery grew up by my side since she was a child, and the time she spent by my side even surpassed my long-dead husband and my stupid son." Mrs. Olenna turned her head and looked at Gao Yuan, "Master Gao Yuan, I'm afraid you won't understand this feeling."

"Because in my opinion, Mr. Gao Yuan, you are only a half-grown child." The Queen of Thorns said softly, "You haven't had your own child yet, so you can't understand the feeling of happiness when you are surrounded by your own child. "

"When you and Margaery have a child of your own, or when you reach my age, you will naturally understand."

"That's not the case, ma'am!" Gao Yuan retorted with a smile, "I didn't jump out of a rock, I also experienced the kind of happiness that was loved by elders, but that was quite a distant thing. "

"The love and devotion of the elders to the descendants is often without reason and without expecting anything in return."

"Since Gao Yuan, you can understand this feeling, then you should understand why I must betroth Margaret to you." Mrs. Olenna looked at the girl tenderly, "It is because this child likes you Don't worry, the words she said to you before were not lying, but words from the heart."

"Grandma." Margaery Tyrell hugged Lady Olenna excitedly.

"If the marriage is for political purposes, there are many marriage partners that this child can marry, and there are many marriage partners that the Tyrell family can choose." After a brief embrace, Mrs. Olenna said again, "Whether it was rejected before Renly Baratheon who passed her; or the young King Joffrey in King's Landing now; or the Young Wolf Lord of the North who is leading his army south"

"They are undoubtedly very suitable marriage partners, and the Tyrell family can satisfy their own interests by marrying them." At this moment, the Queen of Thorns suddenly changed the subject, "But none of them can bring happiness to this child."

"The rumors about Renly Baratheon have never stopped, and I have further confirmed these rumors from Loras." The Queen of Thorns said, "I am very grateful for this, glad that he refused My son's stupid marriage request. That inflatable fish lord almost ruined the happiness of my precious Margaret's life."

"It has been a long-standing rumor that Lord Renly doesn't like women, and I heard about it in King's Landing. I'm afraid it's not groundless." Gao Yuan rubbed his chin, "The rumor is that your grandson, Sir Loras, Ma'am He also has a close relationship with him, and you may be able to get the truth from Sir Loras after careful questioning."

"Hmph! Although that boy Loras keeps silent about this, he is really not a person suitable for lying. The thoughts and filth in his heart are clearly written on his face." Mrs. Olenna responded She was very angry. She was angry that Loras would push his sister into the fire pit knowing that Renly was fond of men.

Lady Olenna continued to judge the three young talents: "As for young King Joffrey, my grandson Loras told me that the boy does look like a king. It just looks a little bit arrogant. , it must be down to his Lannister blood."

"However, my spiders have told me many disturbing rumors. I don't know how much of these rumors are true. I dare not hand Margaery into the hands of a man who is plagued by rumors." .”

Gao Yuan smiled and asked, "I'm curious about what those rumors are, and I don't know if they are consistent with the Joffrey I know."

"My spiders didn't tell me directly what kind of person Joffrey is, but they told me that although he bears the surname of Baratheon, he does things with all the bad habits of Lannisters." Madam Lianna replied.

"Crazy and great are two sides of a coin. Whenever a child conceived by incest is born, the gods will throw the coin into the air to determine whether the child's future will be crazy or great." Gao Yuan said loudly.

Madam Olenna couldn't help frowning: "This metaphor was usually used to describe a child born in the Targaryen family in the past."

"The gods did not treat Targaryen and Lannister differently." Gao Yuan responded to her flatly: "Unfortunately, Joffrey is the same as the dead mad king Aerys. He was drawn by the gods. It's all on the crazy side."

"Mad King Aerys was a wise and ambitious Targaryen monarch before the Duskendale riot happened," the Queen of Thorns reminded.

"But Joffrey is more brutal than in his later years, especially when facing his current fiancée Sansa Stark, he is a psychologically twisted monster." Gao Yuan pretended to grit his teeth.

"Joffrey is evil and cruel, and he likes to watch the pained looks on other people's faces. He lied about the incident at the Trident and managed to make himself a victim. But in reality he was a coward." , first drew out a sword in front of a seven-year-old girl and threatened, and then knelt down in front of her and begged for mercy."

"With Queen Cersei backing him, he forced Lord Stark to kill Miss Sansa's innocent direwolf. There are countless crimes about Joffrey, and what you have heard, my lady, is just a glimpse of his despicable deeds. That's all."

"This is really terrible. Has that brat abused Miss Sansa Stark?" Mrs. Olenna asked with concern.

"He wanted to do it, but he never succeeded. A friend of mine in King's Landing is carefully protecting her at the moment. Her mother, Lady Caitlin, hoped that I could rescue her, but it is obviously not possible now." It's not the time." Gao Yuan told the Queen of Thorns truthfully.

"From this point of view, my choice is not wrong." Madam Olenna smiled knowingly, "Lord Gao Yuan, you are the most suitable candidate for Margaret's husband among these people. Margaery is in your hands."

"Lord Gaoyuan, you have a kind heart, and you have the chivalry and virtues that others have long lost. The most important thing is that you care about others. After the two of you are united, I hope you can cherish and love her very much. treat her with dignity and protect her honor as if it were her own."

Gao Yuan couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard the words, he hasn't really agreed to the marriage with Gaoting Rose yet.Why is it that Mrs. Olenna seems to have entrusted Margaret's lifelong happiness to herself.

"Ms. Olenna, you just explained to me why you chose me as Margaery's marriage partner." Gao Yuan asked in a low voice, "You haven't answered me yet, why did the Tyrell family rush to make this happen?" The reason for the marriage!"

"The reason is actually very simple, Lord Gao Yuan!" The Queen of Thorns and Sir Garland exchanged glances, "You just don't look at the problem from the position of my Tyrell family, so you don't understand the predicament we are facing today .”

"Master Gao Yuan, do you know my son? Do you know the inflatable fish in Gaoting?"

"Lord Mace Tyrell is an ambitious lord, but he has always lacked a vision for long-term affairs. In my opinion, his ability alone can only hold one acre of land in Highgarden." Gao Yuan Unceremoniously expressed his views on the Duke of Tyrell.

"Not only was he a short-sighted lord, but he was also a muddled idiot," the Queen of Thorns corrected. "His father was also an idiot, and I mean my dead husband, the former Lord of Highgarden, Rose Tiller. Lear."

"Lord Gao Yuan, please don't get me wrong. I actually love my deceased husband very much. He is as kind-hearted as you, and he is also considered brave and good at fighting in bed." Mrs. Olenna mentioned it in front of him without hesitation. My late husband, "But both his father and son couldn't turn their minds around. Do you know how he died unexpectedly?"

Gao Yuan briefly recalled the "glorious" deeds of the Duke of Ross Tyrell, and then replied: "I remember that when the Duke of Ross was riding a falcon, he rode on horseback from the cliff with a man and a horse. We fell down together."

"You remember right, they said that my husband was staring at the sky and didn't even notice that the horse under him was rushing towards the cliff, and the damn horse didn't stop before the cliff." Queen of Thorns added.

"And now, my idiot son is doing the same stupid things as his father, only the horse under him is replaced by the crowned stag of the Baratheon family." Lady Olenna hated iron and steel Said, "This crowned stag galloping through the dangerous forest also doesn't know how to stop the precipice, and Renly Baratheon will only lead the Tyrell family to run in one direction."

"However, he didn't notice the direction he was going. He didn't know when countless thick trees had been erected. Maybe he didn't understand until he hit his head badly, or before he died. He thought Sitting in that rusty iron chair in King's Landing is not as easy as he imagined."

"I warned my idiot son that we should not easily choose to stand on either side. We should stand on the sidelines and keep an eye on the development of the situation in the Seven Kingdoms for the time being." Mrs. Olenna seemed very resentful about this, "and the icing on the cake can't be icing on the cake To win the goodwill of others, only by sending charcoal in the snow can we gain people's gratitude."

"But he just smirks with me. He regards me as the 'nagging mother'. He thinks that after becoming the Duke of Highgarden, he can become smarter, but in my opinion he Still my idiot son."

"Master Gaoyuan, if you and my Margaery have a child in the future, please remember to always scold and whip him, so that he will listen to you." Mrs. Olenna pulled Gaoyuan Rose to Gaoyuan, "I There is only such a son, so I am reluctant, so now he is more interested in cheese than me."

"Madam, do you mean that you want to find a way out for the Tyrell family, so that Lord Renly will not be liquidated by the winner after losing the battle for the throne?" After listening for a long time, Gao Yuan finally understood the queen of thorns. Meaning to himself, "Instead of finding new allies for Lord Renly's battle for the throne?"

"The smart Duke Gao Yuan can always understand what I mean quickly. You are much better than my stupid son, and you can also listen to my old lady's advice." The Queen of Thorns gave Gao Yuan at this moment." highly praised".

He just heard her comparing herself with the Duke of Names, and Gao Yuan didn't know if she was praising him or mocking him mercilessly. The name of Queen of Thorns is really well-deserved.

"That's right, this marriage is only between you and House Tyrell!" The Queen of Thorns nodded, "This has nothing to do with the Iron Throne in King's Landing and its contenders, you don't need to worry about your relationship with the East and West." will get bogged down in the quagmire of the struggle for the Iron Throne."

"You and the forces in the east that you lead, just need to stand up at the critical moment and help our Tyrell family get through the difficulties. For the sake of your 'fiancée' Margaery, help us avoid Cleansed and liquidated by the victors."

Mrs. Olenna solemnly promised: "Once the marriage is concluded, I can assure you that the Tyrell family will always stand firmly by your side, Mr. Gaoyuan."

"That sounds very tempting."

Gao Yuan stared into the deep eyes of Mrs. Olenna in front of her. It seemed that the Queen of Thorns was not lying.Then he turned his gaze to Margaery Tyrell, who had a graceful figure, and saw that Rose of Highgarden was staring at him nervously at the moment, as if waiting for the judgment of fate.

"Lord Gao Yuan, how do you feel about it now?" Although Mrs. Olenna was asking at the moment, she was already full of confidence in this matter.

"Faced with such a generous and attractive offer from the Tyrell family, I have no reason to refuse, isn't there?"

(End of this chapter)

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