Chapter 314 Reunion
Although the distance is still too far to see the pattern of the flags hanging in the camp in the distance, Caitlin can still see the white flags fluttering in the wind through the dense forest of the Neck and the misty white mist.The gray in the middle of the white banner should be the gray direwolf of the Stark family.

When the procession was close enough to the camp, Catelyn reined in her horse and bowed her head in thanks to the gods above.At last she was at the outermost edge of the neck, catching up with the team led by her son Robb.

After Catelyn bid farewell to Lord High at the Gates of the Moon in the Vale of Erin that night, she was escorted by Ser Ronan Grafson all the way to Gulltown, his father's domain.

Just above the port of Seagull Town, Caitlin saw a scene that she would never forget in her life: countless huge warships with the Golden Dragon Banner of the Evening Star docked in the port of Seagull Town.Because the port was full of warships, the originally relatively wide port suddenly became crowded.

The tung oil on the nearly new warships gleamed amber in the bright sun down there by the sea.

According to Ser Ronan Grafson, who escorted her, these almost brand-new warships were all presented to their lords by Stannis.

And his father, Earl Gerald Grafson, is still in the shipyard at the port, building more warships for Mr. Gaoyuan, and these warships will be different from other warships on this continent .

Caitlin was very puzzled by this.

She really couldn't understand why Duke Gaoyuan built so many warships for himself.Today's wars are fought on land, and it is almost impossible for his enemies to choose to attack the valley from the sea.

Whether it is the Iron Fleet of the Iron Islands or the Redwyne Fleet of Arbor Island.If they want to attack the East Territory from the sea, they have to take a boat around the Summer Sea and the Stone Step Islands to reach the coast of the East Territory, which almost requires them to go around half of the Westeros continent.

And when they came to that sea area with their warships, the valley, which had received the news a long time ago, must have built the coast there into the strongest fortress.

Unless, his target is Duke Stannis' Dragonstone fleet, which is the only fleet in the strait that Caitlin thought of that could threaten the East from the sea.

But aren't Duke Gaoyuan and Stannis allies?And most of the warships in this fleet were given to him by Stannis!Reasonably speaking, he shouldn't have been so defensive, or targeted, against Stannis' Dragonstone fleet.

"Ma'am, they are waiting for us to pass." Sir Willis Manderly's voice pulled Catelyn out of her thoughts. "As my father promised, your son Lord Robb's army Will be here waiting for your arrival."

Sir Willis Manderly is the eldest son of Earl Wyman of Whiteport in the north. In response to Robb's call, his father sent Sir Willis and his younger brother Sir Wendel to go south with Caitlin.

This time they brought to Robb's army in the north nearly twenty-five hundred men: some forty knights and an equal number of squires, four hundred horsemen and freeriders, armed with guns or swords, The rest were infantry armed with spears, lances, and tridents.

Earl Wyman himself stayed in the rear to take charge of the defense of White Harbor. Now he is over sixty years old and too bloated to fight on horseback.

"If I knew that I would still have a chance to lead troops to fight in this life, then I should eat less eels." When Caitlin and Sir Rodrik arrived at White Harbor by boat, Earl Wyman came to pick up the boat. Time to say that to Caitlin.

At that time, his belly was no different from that of a full-term pregnant woman with twins, and his ten fingers were as fat as sausages in the north.

"But you don't have to worry!" Earl Wyman assured her, "The two little ghosts of my family will escort you safely to your son's side. I have written to Lord Robb who led the army into the Neck a few days ago, He said he would be waiting for you on the outskirts of the Neck."

The two "kids" he called were even older than Caitlin. If Sir Willis was heavier, he would most likely be unable to ride a horse like his father. Caitlin really felt pity for his mount.The younger Sir Wendel was also the fattest man she had ever seen—if she hadn't met his father and brother a few days ago.

Catelyn liked them, though.They escorted her across the Neck, at least as promised, and brought her safely to Robb.That was enough, as their father assured them, and you couldn't expect more from them.

"Then let's not keep them waiting any longer, Sir Willis." Caitlin kicked the horse's belly, and galloped towards the camp. Sir Willis took his younger brother with him Walk shoulder to shoulder.

The patrol team outside the northern army camp scouted, and saw the Mandalay family flag erected in this team from a distance - a white mermaid holding a trident.They greeted Caitlin and her party warmly, and brought them to a dry highland hill where they could camp.

Sir Willis ordered the troops to stop there to pitch camp, light campfires and tend the horses.His younger brother, Ser Wendell, accompanied Catelyn to pay tribute to the Young Wolf Lord on his father's behalf.

The camp of the northern army was stationed on the outskirts of the Neck, and the ground under the horses' hooves was so wet that it continued to sink under the trampling.They passed through the smoky encampment, rows of war horses, wagons laden with rye bread and corned beef, parked in the open on both sides of the road.

On a higher bare rock, they saw three lord tents that were connected together and built with heavy canvas.Different flags were hung on the top of the three tents. On the leftmost tent, the sunburst flag of the Karstark family was flying, which was located under the direwolf flag in the middle. On the top of the rightmost tent was Greatjon’s Chainsplitter Giant.

But the flags of the Stark family are all planted in front of the door of this huge tent. If you want to come here, it is Robb's temporary headquarters.So Caitlin walked quickly towards the tent, followed by Sir Wendell and the guards he brought.

Every person from the north who saw her on the way would warmly greet her.Caitlin's husband often entertained the lords of the North in his castle, so most of the people in this camp knew her well.

Ned's vassals surrounded her son Robb when Catelyn lifted the curtain and entered the camp.Robb was sitting in front of a huge wooden table with maps and various papers piled on the table in front of him, and he was concentrating on discussing strategy with Roose Bolton and the Great Jon.

Robb didn't notice his mother's arrival at first, and it was his direwolf, Gray Wind, who spotted Catelyn first.The huge direwolf was crouching by the fire. When Caitlin first entered, it raised its head to look at her, and its golden eyes met hers.

At some point, Caitlin had memorized all the direwolf names her children had, and the direwolf recognized her now.

The princes in the north became quiet one after another, and Robb noticed the sudden silence. When he looked up and saw Caitlin, a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Mother?"

Caitlin just wanted to run over to hug her son, kiss his thick eyebrows, hold him tightly in her arms, and prevent him from being harmed. But at this moment they are in front of many princes, She had to keep Robb dignified in front of her subjects.

Gray Wind got up from the fire and walked slowly through the tent to her face. Gray Wind sniffed her fingers and her body.Caitlin had never seen such a huge wolf, and it was only more than a year since her children picked them up, and now its size was already as high as her waist.

If it stood up, it would probably be much taller than itself, not much worse than the shadow lynx raised by Duke Gaoyuan.

"You didn't have a beard on your chin when I left last time." Catelyn reached out and stroked Robb's face.

Robb touched his stubble-covered chin, as if he suddenly felt a little unaccustomed to it, and he didn't know when he had such a long beard, and his beard was more red than his hair: "Yes, Mother, you have been away from us for a long time!"

"I quite like the way you look now." Caitlin could stroke Gray Wind's wolf head without even kneeling down. "You look very similar to my brother Edmure."

Ser Herman Tallhart of Torrhen's Square was the first to greet her.He knelt down on one knee in front of Caitlin and pressed his forehead on her hand: "Mrs. Caitlin, you are still so beautiful. It is really a relief to see you in these turbulent times."

Galbert and Robert of the Glover family, the Greatjon and other vassals also came forward to pay their respects, Theon Greyjoy was the last.He still had gauze and a splint on his arm, and Catelyn knew that it was the imprint that Lord Highfar had left on him when he was in Winterfell.

It's just that he didn't expect that his injury has not fully healed until now.

"Little Kate, I really didn't expect to see you here." Catelyn's uncle, Sir Brynden, squeezed through the crowd and came to her. His body was wrapped in many gauze, and it was obvious that he had been injured not long ago, " Kate, you shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous here, you should stay in the safe Vale of Arryn and wait for the news of our victory."

"I'm tired of staying in that cold castle, waiting for one bad news after another. Even if it is the safest place in the world, I don't want to stay for a moment." Kaitlyn told own uncle.

"My husband Ned is now in the dungeons of the Red Keep; my daughter Sansa is held hostage by the Lannisters; my father's castle Riverrun is under siege by the Kingslayer; my My son Robb has summoned the vassals to lead the army to the south." Caitlin said loudly, "You taught me how to continue to endure and sit and watch the final result of the war be presented before my eyes. Whether the result of the war is good or bad, I I have to face it together with my husband and son."

"You shouldn't be here. The Duke of Gaoyuan sent you an elite army. You should take this army to rescue the besieged City of Riverrun."

"Mother, Lord Blackfish has brought us a lot of important information. He led a thousand elite soldiers of the Valley to defeat many of Duke Tywin's scouting troops along the Green Fork River." Robb interrupted his mother's hysteria .

"Forgive me, master black fish! I am very grateful that you can join us. Right now we need someone as brave as you." Robb turned to apologize to his uncle, "Sir Wendell, I am also very glad to be able to With the assistance of the Mandalay family."

"Mother, did Ser Rodrik come back with you? I miss him very much."

"Sir Rodrik has gone north from White Harbor. I have now appointed him as the acting castellan and ordered him to guard Winterfell on your behalf until we lead our army back to the north." Caitlin told Robb her arrangement, "Although Maester Luwin is knowledgeable, he is not good at leading troops to fight after all."

"You needn't worry about the safety of Winterfell, Lady Stark," Jon Umber assured Catelyn loudly, "and we'll be putting swords in the Lannister leather swallows before long. "

"My words are rather rude, Madam, please forgive me. Anyway, please trust us, and soon we will lead the army all the way into the Red Keep and rescue Lord Ned."

"Madam, if you are not surprised, I think I have a question to ask you." Roose Bolton, the lord of the Dreadfort, said in an extremely thin voice.However, when he speaks, no matter how tall people are, they will listen to him quietly, even the Great Jon, who claims to be fearless.

"We all heard that you arrested Lord Tywin's dwarf son, did you bring him along this time?" Roose Bolton's words made Caitlin almost shudder, "I swear to God, we will Make good use of this hostage."

The Boltons were famous for skinning their enemies alive, and if a dwarf were to be handed over to him, what would happen to the halfling gnome would be unimaginable.

The family language of the Bolton family is "My blade is sharper", but they obviously prefer another saying that is widely circulated in the family: naked people have few secrets, but skinned people have no secrets.

Caitlin had to tell everyone present frankly: "I did arrest Tyrion, the dwarf of the Lannister family, but it's a pity that he is no longer in my hands."

As soon as these words came out, there were bursts of astonishment and surprise in the tent.Caitlin quickly explained: "My lords, I don't want it to happen at this time either."

"However, before her husband Ned was imprisoned by Lannister in the dungeon of the Red Castle, the dwarf of the Lannister family had already been released by Lord Gaoyuan." Mrs. Caitlin said, "At that time, Duke Gaoyuan had already Cleared Tyrion Lannister of having my son Bran killed."

"Being forced by the oath, Duke Gao Yuan had no choice but to release the dwarf from the sky prison." Although Caitlin also complained about this matter when she was in the Gate of the Moon Castle, but from the perspective of fairness and justice, Gao Yuan's actions did not make any difference. any problem.

And he certainly would not have expected that Ned would be imprisoned by Lannister in King's Landing soon after.

The princes of the northern border were anxious to get further news from her about the eastern border and the war.But Caitlin didn't have the heart to describe the current situation to them at this moment. Now she just wanted to share her heart with her son who had been separated for a year.

"My lords, I believe we will have time to talk in detail later! But right now I have just finished a long journey, and I am quite exhausted physically and mentally. I just want to talk to my son alone at the moment. I believe all lords will understand right?"

Caitlin's words left them no choice, so all the vassals bowed and left the camp under the leadership of Earl Horwood, who always obeyed orders.Only Theon Greyjoy was still ignorant at the scene, perhaps because he thought he was also a member of the Stark family.

It's just that Caitlin is not her husband, and she has never regarded Theon as her family, so she added: "Theon, you go out too!"

Caitlin froze when she saw the smile on Greyjoy's face, but he reacted quickly and retreated from the tent with a smile.

 Recently, the author's family is busy with some things, and the updated content will be relatively small or relatively watery. The content of Caitlin and Robb is only about two chapters, mainly introducing the situation of the northern army and Robb's strategic offensive plan.After that, Gao Yuan led the army to encircle and suppress Tywin Lannister.It is also time for the protagonist to show his fangs to the natives. .

(End of this chapter)

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