The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 315 Robb Stark's Riverland Raiders

Chapter 315 Robb Stark's Riverland Raiders

After everyone walked out of the tent, Caitlin sat down on the seat that originally belonged to her son with a sigh of relief.There was ale and cheese on Robb's table, and she didn't mind the horn being used by him.After taking a sip, he raised his head and looked at his son carefully.

"I still remember the first time Maester Luwin brought you to me, and now I see you leading an army into battle." Catelyn sighed, "Robb, can you understand my worry now? "

Robb's eyes became stubborn: "There is no one else but me."

"No one else?" Caitlin tried her best not to sound like a questioning, "Then tell me, who are those people I just met?"

"Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark, and the Greatjon, and Herman Tallhart, you can give command of the great army of the North to any of them. Even if you send the army Leave it to Theon, though I don't trust him much, he's the son of Greyjoy of the Iron Islands."

"But none of them are Starks." Robb interrupted his mother's question.

"They're battle-hardened veterans, Robb!" Catelyn told her son sternly, "and before I left Winterfell you practiced with your wooden sword under Ser Rodrik, and you didn't even Jon Snow can't beat it."

"Jon has the strongest swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms to teach him swordsmanship, but when I asked you to let Lord Gao Yuan teach me swordsmanship, you refused on the grounds that you should not get too close to the bastard." Robb's blue eyes There was anger in his eyes, but the anger was fleeting, and he turned back into the big boy she used to be, "If you think you can send me back to Winterfell, you are so wrong."

"If I could send you back, I would have sent you back long ago, but now I don't dare to do so. There is no turning back, and you have no way out now." Caitlin sighed, "One day, you will become one of these Lord of the princes, if I send you back to Winterfell like this now, you will lose face in front of these vassals."

"They will always remember this day and laugh at you behind your back. You will demand their respect, even their fear, now and in the future. I will not give them the opportunity to laugh at my son , just as Ned would not let them laugh at him."

"Thank you, Mother!" The polite relief on Robb's face couldn't hide from Catelyn's eyes.

"I'm not sure if you know anything about your father. I have a letter here."

"Of course I know that." The news of Robert's sudden death and Ned's imprisonment scared Catelyn more than anything else, but she couldn't let her son discover her fear." The same letter was sent to the Eyrie, Mr. Gao Yuan specially asked someone to show me that letter, and it was the contents of the letter that prompted me to come to you."

"The content of the letter was written by Sansa, and Arya was not mentioned in it." Robb's tone changed from initial anger to sadness. He was angry that the queen took his sister as a hostage. What was sad was that Sansa There was no mention of her sister Arya in the letter.

"This is a letter from Cersei, not your sister." Caitlin didn't take the letter from Robb, she already knew the contents of the letter, "The real meaning of this letter is that Sansa didn't write it." The part that comes out. The fact that the Lannister family took good care of her is actually trying to tell us that Sansa is being used as a hostage and bargaining chip by them."

"As for Arya, you don't have to worry about her." Caitlin showed a rare smile on her face, "Lord Gao Yuan has found her for us, and she is in a very safe situation now, and there is no way for the Lannister family to find her." she."

"Where is Arya now?" Robb asked excitedly, the only good news he had received in recent times.

"She is still in King's Landing," Caitlin said, "Lord Gao Yuan promised me that when the time is right, he will find a way to rescue her, and then send her to reunite with us."

"But Sansa and my father are still in their hands. I hoped that if the little devil was still in your hands, we could exchange hostages." He crumpled Sansa's letter sadly. This is not the first time he rubbed.

"You just came back from the Eagle's Nest City. Do you have any news for the Lord Guardian of the East?" Robb came to his mother, picked up the horn she had just drunk, and drank the ale inside. But, "I have written to Eagle's Nest City before, requesting that the Valley can send troops to help."

"Has he summoned his vassals, will the Knights of the Canyon join us in fighting the Lannisters?"

"You should respect that guardian as Lord Gaoyuan, he is almost equal to your father. And for a long time in the past, Lord Gaoyuan not only gave your father a lot of help, but now he has found Arya for us " Caitlin taught, "Master Gao Yuan is a man worthy of respect, I hope you respect him as much as you respect your father."

Robb retorted: "I heard that his men put Aunt Lysa on trial and he didn't respond to our call for help, but sent Ser Bryndon and a thousand elite soldiers to follow him."

"That's what she deserved! She and Littlefinger killed her husband, and your father would have judged her." Caitlin reprimanded loudly, "And he didn't attend the trial, I personally Attended the Judgment Conference, the process and results of the trial were all done by Jon Arryn's past followers."

"Also, do you think my uncle can take away the thousand soldiers of the Blood Sect without Mr. Gao Yuan's consent? The reason why Mr. Gao Yuan did not respond to your request for help is because the letter has always been It's in my hands." Caitlin took out the request letter he sent to the Eagle's Nest City from her bosom, "This is another piece of good news I brought you."

"Now Lord Gao Yuan has summoned all his vassals. More than [-] Vale troops have gathered in the Vale of Arryn in front of the Gate of the Moon Castle, and he also has a brand new fleet."

"In this way, we are sure to win. This time I brought an army of 3 people from the northern border. If we add the [-] army from the eastern border of Mr. Gao Yuan, we already have an army of more than [-]. ’” Robb Stark was suddenly excited, and he seemed to have seen that victory was just around the corner.

"The kingslayers of the Lannister family and Duke Tywin have a total of no more than [-] people. They are absolutely impossible to be our opponents." Robb slapped his hands on the table excitedly.

"Robb, you shouldn't take it lightly!" Seeing Robb getting carried away with excitement, Caitlin couldn't help but think of what Gao Yuan said in the hall of the Gate of the Moon Castle, "I really don't want to do it for you." Pour a bucket of cold water on it, but I still have to tell you the truth."

Caitlin told him what she had seen and heard in the Vale of Arryn: "I attended Lord Gao Yuan's battle meeting before, in order to encircle Duke Tywin and his army of Casterly Rock City in the hinterland of the Riverlands, Lord Gao Yuan asked the northern army to You have to cooperate with their actions, otherwise they will not send a single soldier for it."

"Besides, you need to deal with the Kingslayer army in Riverrun. In his plan, he has no plan to lead the army across the crossing and march towards the west bank of the Trident River Valley and Riverrun City. Lord Gao Yuan is only willing to send a few Forty thousand troops."

Caitlin's words immediately calmed Robb down. He was a little puzzled by Gao Yuan's arrangement: "Mother, didn't you tell me just now that Lord Gao Yuan has summoned an army of [-] in the valley?"

"Why is he only willing to send [-] troops now, and how does Lord Gao Yuan plan to use the remaining [-] troops?"

"I can't understand Duke Gaoyuan's real thoughts. Lord Gaoyuan's every step of the plan has its profound meaning, and he also has his unique insights into the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms, which makes it difficult for me to predict what he is thinking." Caitlin shook her head helplessly, "Now he is completely different from the ranger we saw in Winterfell."

"However, Duke Gaoyuan seems to be guarding against some other enemies now. He not only asked for a fleet from Lord Stannis, but also ordered Earl Grafson of Seagull Town to hurry up and build a new warship for him." Kate Lynn told Robb about her discovery in the Vale of Arryn, "I also found out that Duke Gaoyuan is secretly making something right now."

"He would often discuss with the illegitimate daughter next to him in the study until the early hours of the morning. Every time I went to Mr. Gao Yuan's study to look for him, the illegitimate daughter in the valley would stay there."

"And as time went by, the unknown enemy made Duke Gaoyuan feel anxious." Caitlin analyzed, "I guess that the remaining [-] Valley Army is the one he sent to deal with the unknown enemy." Get ready."

"Since we can't guess Lord Gaoyuan's thoughts, then we don't have to guess." Although he said so, Robb still unfolded the map in front of him, intending to guess the real plan of Duke Gaoyuan.

Looking at the four important locations marked on the map of Westeros in front of him, Robb Stark couldn't help frowning.Dragonstone Island, Stormlands, King's Landing, and the West, which one is the real goal of Duke Gao Yuan?

Perhaps his real intention was the Iron Throne in King's Landing?
However, Robb quickly denied his idea, which was not in line with Master Gao Yuan's strategic arrangement.Robb's northern army has no intention of fighting for the ownership of the Iron Throne, just to rescue Ed and Sansa who were imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Castle.

If Lord Gaoyuan intends to seize the throne of the king of the Seven Kingdoms, he should also go out like Renly over there.However, he is now deliberately preserving his strength, and he has also built new warships in the port.

Is it true that, as his mother said, Mr. Gao Yuan is guarding against enemies that they don't know yet, but where do those enemies come from?Robb couldn't help asking himself that.

The only clue he could think of was that those enemies might have something to do with the sea, because Duke Gaoyuan was building a large number of new warships.This would all make sense if the enemies had come from the continent of Essos across the strait.

But on the other side of the strait, is there really an enemy of Duke Gao Yuan?Who were those enemies, if any?
Robb shook his somewhat confused head, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it anymore.The most important thing for him now is to focus on these enemies in front of him and make his own strategic arrangements based on the current situation.The army of the Western Territory led by Kingslayer and Duke Tywin is now divided into two groups, raging on both sides of the Trident River.

He is now hesitating, hesitating whether he should go to break the siege of Riverrun first, or cooperate with Lord Gao Yuan's army from the east to encircle and suppress Duke Tywin in the river land.

"How do you plan to march?"

Caitlin looked at the son in front of her, as if she saw Ned going out to war after he was newly married.It's just that this time it was her and Ned's son who led the army to march south, and the thought alone made Caitlin's hair stand on end.How could he, a 15-year-old boy, compete with experienced battlefield veterans like James or Tywin Lannister.

Although they also received the support of the valley and the river this time, Caitlin still felt a little worried.Lord Gao Yuan's plan is obviously more reliable, but she can't just watch as the kingslayer gradually captures the castles of the princes of the riverland one by one, until finally the city of Riverrun is left in a helpless situation.

There was her father sick at Riverrun, and her brother captive in the kingslayer's camp.She really doesn't want to see her family in danger, but the reality is that Robb has to make a choice.Whether to rescue her family members who are in danger, or to win a staged victory on the battlefield.

"Naturally, we need to march. Judging from the current situation alone, we have already gained an advantage in the number of personnel and allies." Robb Stark replied, "But first we need to know where to march. The siege is imminent, but if we go there, we will miss the best chance to siege Duke Tywin."

Caitlin reminded: "But we don't know how long Riverrun can last. Every time you delay, your grandfather and uncle will face more danger."

"The Greatjon thinks we should surprise Lord Tywin," murmured Robb, "but the Glovers and the Karstarks feel they should avoid it and hurry up with the nobles of the Riverlands." It would be wise to join forces against the Kingslayer."

Catelyn suddenly understood that what she heard was the Lords of the North speaking through her son's voice.Over the years, she and Ned have entertained the northern princes many times in King's Landing, and they have also visited their home many times as guests.

She knows very well what kind of people these vassals are, and she has found out the details of each family, but she doesn't know if Robb understands their temperament.

Robb kept scratching his auburn hair, seeming very annoyed: "But when we get to Riverrun, I'm not sure if it's still intact."

"You have to be sure!" Caitlin decided to force her son, "Otherwise, go home and continue practicing with the wooden sword!"

"I am discussing the battle plan with you now, not with the vassals under you. As a vassal, you must not hesitate, especially when Roose Bolton and Rickard Karstark in front of such a person."

"Since you have appointed yourself the supreme commander and commander-in-chief of the army in the north, you have to decide the command and actions of the army. Don't get me wrong, Robb, you are the one who gives orders, those who try to influence your decisions, They are nothing but your vassals."

Robb stared at his mother with wide-eyed eyes. He seemed a little surprised, as if the words were not from Catelyn, but from his father, Eddard Stark.

"Mother, you are right!" Robb's tone became firm. "I am the commander and leader of this war. I shouldn't value their opinions so much."

Seeing this, Caitlin nodded in relief: "Let me ask you again, how do you plan to march next?"

Robb pulled out an old leather map full of lines from the many maps, and laid it flat on the table: "No matter which direction we choose to march, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we choose to bypass Duke Tywin's If we march the main force into Riverrun, we will risk being flanked by him and the Kingslayer, and we may lose our most important ally in the East."

"If we choose to cooperate with Lord Gaoyuan's army from the east to encircle and suppress Tywin's army in the Riverlands, this may allow us to defeat Lord Tywin's army of Casterly Rock City in one fell swoop. But this will inevitably lead to the fall of Riverrun."

"This is not the result we want to see, and a guy as experienced and cunning as Tywin Lannister may not be caught by us so easily. So even if his army is in The losses in this siege were heavy, so he must be able to guarantee his escape."

"Unable to capture Tywin Lannister, he will have a chance to reunite with the Kingslayer and lead the Westland army back."

"Lord Gao Yuan is very confident in his plan, and he has laid a net on the ruby ​​beach and crossroads in the riverland." Madam Caitlin reminded, "In this battle, he intends to capture Duke Tywin Lannister alive in one fell swoop. "

"Mother, our goals are not the same as Duke Gaoyuan's, so we have to be prepared for this." Robb Stark shook his head, he did not intend to cater to Lord Gaoyuan's strategic demands.

(End of this chapter)

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