Chapter 319

This grand wedding banquet began at noon and lasted almost a whole day. The bride and groom enjoyed the feast and danced with all the guests at the wedding banquet.

When Mia Shidong reluctantly bid farewell to his lover Michelle and led the servants in the castle to clean up the already messy banquet scene, the originally clear sky above the Eagle's Nest City was already sunset.

The seven tall towers of Eagle's Nest City are already brightly lit, and the torches of each tower are all lit.As soon as it's time to make a bridal chamber, the lords and knights under Gao Yuan's command are all excited.They played dirty jokes in front of their lords and clamored to strip their beautiful brides naked.

For a moment, the chaotic scene at the scene almost scared Margaret to tears.According to common sense, it is not such a terrible thing if the bride is undressed by the man she loves and his loyal companions.

Having said that, which girl who is clean and self-conscious wants to be clothed in Baguang in front of the public?
Just thinking about that scene made Margaery Tyrell shudder.But fortunately, her husband Gao Yuan still felt pity for her, and didn't let those good lords and knights mess around after drinking.

And making a bridal chamber is not a must for a wedding. If the parties to the wedding resist it, the guests will usually respect their choice.

In the end, it was her husband who carried her into the new house calmly, gracefully and calmly.

Their new house is located above a small garden. After entering the new house, Gao Yuan gently put the slightly drunk Margaery Tyrell on the marriage bed.

The bride was lying on the bed weakly, and she looked at her husband's face beside the marriage bed through the weak candlelight in the room.As a bride, Margaery naturally knew what would happen next, but she still seemed a little apprehensive and worried.

It wasn't that she was nervous and shy, Margaery had been fully prepared for this before her husband carried her into the room.However, what she is really worried about now is whether her husband can still show his glory on the marriage bed tonight.

At today's wedding banquet, Margaret watched Gao Yuan drink a lot of wine with her own eyes.When he was toasting to those lords and knights under his command, he almost refused everyone.

Although what they drank were fruit wines or wines with low alcohol content, these seemingly harmless fruit wines were often the most attractive.Her father often did such stupid things. Margaery once saw the Duke of Metz drink a barrel of fine wine from Dorne, then turned around and fell unconscious on the road.

Gao Yuan must have drank more than one barrel of wine before, but now he looks the same as usual.This puzzled Margaery, who didn't even show any signs of being drunk.

Recalling the steady steps he took when he hugged himself to the new house before, Margaery's pretty face couldn't help but blush.Coupled with her bright red color that was already drunk by alcohol, Margaery looked extraordinarily lovely and moving under the orange candlelight.

However, Gao Yuan at this moment didn't know these thoughts in Margery's heart. He only felt that Margery, who was lying on the marriage bed at the moment, became more and more attractive.He couldn't wait to lie down in front of Margaery, and took off the gauze covering her brown hair for her.

When his hand was about to touch the thin silk coat on Margaery's body, Margaery raised her hand to stop him from continuing.Just when Gao Yuan thought she was going to repent, she saw that Margaret had sat up from the marriage bed, and started to untie the golden robe for Gao Yuan with her white and delicate hands.

As the elf robe slipped off, Gao Yuan's tight muscles and perfect muscle lines were undoubtedly revealed in front of Margaery.The astonished Margaery couldn't help touching the sharp muscle lines with her hands.

The tightness of the muscles and the heat from the fingertips made her intoxicated and unable to extricate herself.Margaery boldly covered his entire palm in front of his chest, the heat and the beating of the heart became more and more intense, and the girl suddenly felt parched.

As the bride, Margaret feels parched, let alone Gao Yuan, the groom who has been restrained for a long time.Smaug's dragon blood was already flowing in his body, and Gao Yuan also had a magic furnace as his heart, which allowed him to circulate blood and hormones throughout his body faster and more.

Therefore, Gao Yuan's own emotional needs are much faster and more intense than ordinary people.Gao Yuan, who couldn't hold back anymore, took the beautiful woman in front of him into his arms.He rushed towards Margaret like the evil dragon descending from the sky, and bit the girl in one bite.

The terrified Margaery immediately counterattacked Gao Yuan strongly. In the room in the castle, the two staged a fierce verbal battle.Whether it was the enthusiastic Gao Yuan or the parched girl, both of them seemed to have found an outlet for their emotions, and they argued tit for tat.

When the heated debate finally ended, the panting Margaery Tyrell still seemed to have endless aftertaste for their debate.It's just that she is at the end of her battle now, and the excitement and uncontrollable difficulty in breathing make her unable to speak a word now.

Margaery looked at her opponent in a dazed way, and her pair of lovely brown almond eyes seemed to be saying, "Come here if you have the ability!"

This taught Gao Yuan how to bear it. He was just a defeated player. He even dared to provoke him on his home court. He rushed forward with lightning speed and threw his opponent to the ground heavily.

The moon and stars were sparse in the sky above Eagle's Nest City, and the guests who had attended the wedding before were all gathered in the small hall under the tower.The Eagle's Nest City, which had been bustling almost all day, seemed unusually quiet at this moment.Because the protagonists of this wedding did not agree with them going to the bridal chamber, and they were not even allowed to guard outside the door and in the corridor to eavesdrop on the wall, so they had to huddle in this small hall and wait for the bride's "good news" "Come on.

When the long-awaited girl's first cry pierced the clear night sky, the ravens in the crow's nest of the Bachelor's Tower were disturbed and scattered.All the canyon lords and knights present looked at each other with smirks and showed complacent expressions.

What's more, he walked up to Mrs. Olenna and Sir Garland with a smile, congratulating and thanking them.However, the Queen of Thorns just mocked them with a smile on her face, saying that they were fledglings who had never tasted a woman.As for Ser Garlan Tyrell, he only responded politely with a smile.

The troubadour sang a Y-cile ditty "Madam's Dinner" in the small hall. The female singer's voice was shrill and seductive, and she immediately received a huge reward.


"What a sweet dream!"

In the early morning of the next day, Margaery, whose whole body was limp, lay powerlessly on Gao Yuan's chest.She struggled to look up at her husband who was still asleep. Recalling the crazy night yesterday, Margaery, who had just tasted human affairs, still seemed a little terrified at this moment.

The husband is brave and good at fighting in personnel affairs, which should be good news for every woman who has expectations for marriage.But she found that Gao Yuan was like the legendary dragon, his greed was almost endless.

No matter how she begged the other party for mercy, or even begged hard, even if her voice became hoarse, it would not help.She only felt that her whole body was in pain as if she was falling apart at this moment, but this painful feeling was beautiful to Margaery.

She began to pray to the gods in the sky that she could give birth to a child for Gao Yuan.As long as she can give birth to a child between them for her husband, then she can completely capture all his sincerity, and no longer have to worry about him being snatched away.

At that time, their children will become the most important bond of their husband and wife relationship.Even if Gao Yuan wanted to find the girl he was thinking of, he had to at least consider whether that girl was worth him leaving her and the child behind.

Just as Margaery was lying on Gao Yuan's chest, thinking wildly, Gao Yuan slowly woke up from his sleep.He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the girl who was crazy with him last night.At this moment, Margaery was waiting for those lovely eyes to stare at him, and there seemed to be some sadness and some helplessness in the eyes.

Feeling the gentle and jade-like touch of the beautiful woman in his arms, Gao Yuan's palms became restless again: "My dear Mrs. Margaret, you really worked hard last night."

Margaery turned her head aside shyly when she heard the words, but her fingers were still drawing circles on Gao Yuan's chest.She naturally knew what her husband meant when he said it was hard work, but she didn't want to blame him for it.

Because they are married now, as Gao Yuan's wife, she is obliged to take good care of him no matter in her daily life or in this ambiguous room in the future.

"After yesterday's wedding, we are already husband and wife, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Margaery's voice was a little hoarse, "The gods taught us that husband and wife have inescapable responsibilities and obligations to each other."

"Last night you were just fulfilling your responsibilities as a husband, and I will also fulfill my responsibilities as your wife. It would be too extravagant for a husband and wife to say hard work or thank you for fulfilling their obligations. .”

"No matter how you say it, you worked hard last night, ma'am!" Gao Yuan smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject, "It's still early, you can sleep a little longer!"

Margaret pouted her mouth angrily and shook her head desperately when she heard his coaxing words.

"Since you don't want to sleep, let's continue playing the game last night?" Gao Yuan suddenly showed a smirk.

"Hmm." Margaery's voice was like a mosquito harassing.

But this mosquito-like answer was enough for Gao Yuan. He immediately turned over and pressed Margaret into Midsummer, while the girl let out a cry like a lark.

After they returned to the royal family, the sun was already rising outside, and the exhausted Margaery fell asleep in Gao Yuan's arms again as she wished.

But Gao Yuan turned over and got up from their marriage bed after putting down his wife in his arms.Walking through the room just like thousands of times before, pulling back the heavy brocade curtain, pushing open the grille doors on the balcony one by one, letting the fresh air from the Giant's Lance Mountains pour into the room.

He stood quietly on the balcony, only wearing a thin silk robe, but he didn't feel the cold at all.Looking down at the densely packed barracks and soldiers at the foot of the mountain, the cold wind from the mountains whizzed past him.

His eyes could see very far now, and he saw the sky over the Mingyue Mountains in the north, covered with dark clouds, with only a few rays of sunlight shining in.

In the hazy morning mist, it seemed that a huge black castle was attacking them.

Flowing clouds rolled and looked like city walls, fortresses, and towers.The rising blue smoke seems to be the flag of the city, connected end to end with the weeping blood stars with many symbolic meanings.As the sun's rays became stronger, the castle also turned from black to gray until it turned into that dazzling golden color.

In the end, it turned into thousands of rose gold, shiny silver or crimson ribbons stretching for hundreds of kilometers.After all, the clouds and mists are just clouds and mists, like the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water. They were finally blown away by the breeze and disappeared in the mist, leaving only the real Vale Arryn and the Moon Mountains on the ground.

This seemed to be foreshadowing something to himself, and Gao Yuan, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly frowned upon seeing this.But seeing the appearance of the black fortress, it is almost the same as the Black Castle of the Impassable Great Wall. Could this be an omen related to the Impassable Great Wall or the Night Watchman Legion?

From this point of view, it is time for him to write a letter to inquire about the current status of the Night Watch Corps.His intervention as a time traveler has brought many changes to the world, and he does not know that the original plot of the story and major events have been changed.

While Gao Yuan was still thinking about the meaning of this vision, the door of Gao Yuan's room was pushed open.Mia Stone led a nun to bring hot water to bathe them. The new nun was brought from Highgarden by Margaery.Her name is Nastrika, and she used to be a nun who specialized in serving the Tyrell family, and now she is arranged to follow Margaery to take care of her.

According to the custom in Westeros, after the newly married bride spends her first page with her husband, nuns will wash their bodies specially for them.

Usually these nuns are members of the groom's family. They will go forward to confirm the purity of the bride and ensure that the new lady will successfully conceive her husband's child after spending the spring night with her husband.

The reason why this task is now handed over to the nun brought by Margaery is simply because the original old nun in the Eagle's Nest City was given by Lady Lysa and Little Robert earlier from the Moon Gate. pushed down.

But these are irrelevant, because Gao Yuan, as the groom, has already verified the purity of the bride last night.Although Margaery Tyrell's purity has long been damaged, Gao Yuan is still able to judge the girl's purity with modern medical experience.

Maidens of noble birth often rode war horses, and they usually wore out their innocence on horseback.But as long as the breakage is not done by men or other instruments, purity still proves its purity for them, and lack and breakage are two completely different situations.

(End of this chapter)

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