Chapter 320 The Fork in the Road

"Based on their campfires, there are at least [-] soldiers gathered in the small town at the crossroads." The mercenary Doron rode a horse to the halfling and brought him the news that there was an army stationed at the forkroad. , "In their camp hung many red banners with a golden lion on them."

"I think that should be the army your father commanded."

"My father wouldn't make such a big effort for me." Tyrion said jokingly, "The people who are sitting in that camp at the moment, maybe my brother Jaime, maybe anyway, they are all Lannisters. army."

"Also, we will soon find out who the commander-in-chief of this army is."

After speaking, Tyrion put his legs on the horse's belly and rushed towards the small town at the crossroads.Speaking of which, the reason why he is able to ride on the horse now is all thanks to the magnanimity of that noble man.

Not only did he prove his innocence, but he also released himself immediately and unconditionally according to his original promise, and gave him a war horse as compensation before he left.

It's just that every time he recalled the days when he was imprisoned in the sky prison of Eagle's Nest City, Tyrion still seemed a little terrified.He swore that he would never have anything to do with the Eagle's Nest City and the East Territory in his life, it was simply not a place for people to stay.

Especially in the sky prison on Eagle's Nest City, it is said that it is a cell for prisoners, rather it is a hell set up by the Seven Gods to hold sinners in the world.

They are located on the cliff of Giant's Lance, but there are only three smooth stone walls in the cell, and the outer wall is completely exposed to the cold air and cold wind.The smooth floors sloped outward, almost all in varying degrees.

Generally speaking, the steeper the floor, the smaller the size of the cell, and the smallest sky cell can barely accommodate a halfling.Tyrion was lucky enough to experience that prison cell, and he could fall into the bottomless abyss just by turning over. He would rather commit suicide than be imprisoned there again.

The mercenary Bronn who was walking side by side with him at this moment was hired by him with money after he was released by Gao Yuan.Fortunately, Mr. Gao Yuan didn't look down on the golden dragon in his pocket, which gave him the opportunity to hire this hedge knight to escort him all the way away from the dangerous Mingyue Mountain Range.

Long before he was taken captive, Tyrion had heard of the mountain clans there, who were as cruel as the Dothraki of Essos.

Even if a knight who is proficient in swordsmanship is unfortunately left alone there, he will face great danger, let alone himself, a dwarf who is only half the height of an ordinary person.

If he had the misfortune to meet those savage tribe members, he would probably be roasted on the bonfire by them as a lamb.At that time, he can only pray that those barbarians can add sage as a seasoning before enjoying themselves, because he has not tasted the taste of sage for a long time.

The two rode down the foothills. On the unconcrete stone watchtower in the distance, the guards were looking down, and a raven flapped its wings from the center of the camp.The mountain road turned in the middle of the bare rock, and they came to the first checkpoint with heavy defense.

The road was blocked by a four-foot low clay wall, and a dozen or so archers with crossbows stood guard on the heights.Tyrion and Bronn stopped beyond the range of the crossbow, and he rode alone to the low wall: "Who is in charge here?"

The captain in charge of the guard appeared soon, and at a glance he recognized the dwarf as the son of his lord, so he immediately sent troops to escort them down the mountain.They galloped across the blackened fields and burnt cottages into the Riverlands, nearing the confluence of the valleys of the Trident.

Although Tyrion didn't see the piled up corpses here, there was still a strong smell of blood in the air.Crows feeding on rotting carcasses are common here, and there has apparently been a massacre recently.

A few kilometers away from the inn at the crossroads, fortifications lined up with sharpened wooden stakes were erected, and many spearmen and archers were in charge of defense here.Behind this heavily guarded line, the red camp stretched for several kilometers to the end of the horizon.

Smoke from cooking smoke rose from hundreds of campfires like slender fingers, and heavily armed soldiers sat under the trees sharpening their weapons.The familiar and friendly flag fluttered in the wind, and the flagpole was deeply inserted into the soft ground.

As they entered the palisade, a group of knights stepped forward to question them.The leading knight wears silver armor inlaid with amethyst, a cloak with purple and silver stripes on his shoulders, a unicorn pattern painted on the shield, and a spiral unicorn on the front of the horse-shaped helmet.

Tyrion stopped his horse and greeted the visitor politely: "Ser Fremont!"

Ser Flement Brax lifted his mask, his face was very surprised: "Lord Tyrion"

"My lord, we all thought you were dead, otherwise your father wouldn't either"

He glanced hesitantly at the hedge knight behind the dwarf: "This companion of yours is"

"He is my closest friend and loyal subordinate. You can call him Bronn." Tyrion introduced, "Where is my father now?"

"Lord Tywin. He temporarily uses the hotel at the fork in the road as his command headquarters. I think you can find him there."

Tyrion couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the words, the inn at the fork in the road!I didn't expect that after going around, I would return there again. Perhaps the gods in the sky really arranged for my own destiny.

"You take me to see him now!"

"Yes, my lord!" Ser Fremont turned his horse's head after he finished speaking, and following his order, someone came to clear the wooden stakes in front of Tyrion and cleared a path for him Come, so that Tyrion can carry Bronn through.

Tywin Lannister's barracks stretched for several kilometers. The 3 people estimated by Bronn before were not far from the facts seen today.Ordinary soldiers camped in the open air, while knights chose to set up tents, and some lords' tents were larger than the houses in the castle.

When he passed by behind Sir Fremont, many knights who were familiar with him, or attendants who had met him once, greeted him one after another.

The inn and stables were not far from what Tyrion remembered, though the rest of the town was now nothing but ruins and blackened ash.A gallows had been improvised in the hotel yard, and the corpses hanging from it were swaying back and forth in the wind, and crows were pecking at their carrion.

The dwarf recognized one of the corpses. Her lips, eyes, and most of her cheeks had been eaten clean by the crows. Her scarlet teeth revealed her identity as Mrs. Martha Hyde.The proprietress of the Crossroads Inn, but the terrible smile on her face has disappeared now, replaced by exposed scarlet teeth.

"I'm just asking you for a room, a dinner, and a bottle of wine." His tone didn't seem to be accusatory, but more like a sigh.

Under the original signboard of the hotel stood two guards in red robes and lion helmets, guarding the gate of the hotel.With just one glance, Tyrion recognized them as members of his father's bodyguard: "Where is my father?"

"Lord Tywin is in the hall, my lord!"

Tyrion nodded and walked into the hotel. It didn't take long for him to see his father in the lobby of the hotel.Tywin Lannister, who is also the Duke of Casterly Rock City and the Guardian of the West, is now over 50 years old, but his body is still as strong as a 20-year-old knight.

Even though he was just sitting there casually, he still looked tall and imposing.Tyrion's slender legs were far beyond what Tyrion could match. His shoulders were as wide and broad as his son's, his belly was flat and slightly tight, and his arms were slender but quite strong.

Since Tywin Lannister's original thick blond hair began to thin out, he ordered his royal barber to shave the top of his head clean.Duke Tywin has always been a decisive person, so he also shaved off the beard on his lips and chin, leaving only the sideburns on his cheeks.

When Tyrion "strode" into the hotel lobby, Lord Tywin was drinking the last bottle of ale with his only remaining sibling, Ser Kevan Lannister.

Tyrion's uncle was usually on good terms with him, and Ser Kevan was now as bald and blond as his brother, with rings of fat all over his chin.Ser Kevan noticed Tyrion's arrival first, and he shouted in surprise: "Tyrion? You came back alive!"

"Uncle Kevan." Tyrion came to his father and bowed. "Father, it is good to see you here."

Duke Tywin didn't get up, nor did he express his arrival, but only looked at the dwarf's son meaningfully: "It seems that the rumors about your death in the Eagle's Nest City have been dispelled."

"That's a real disappointment, my lord father!" Tyrion was used to it. "I'm sorry for that, but you mustn't try to jump up and hug me. I don't want you to be twisted because of me." waist."

Tyrion walked across the hall to his father's table, feeling his misshapen leg waddle, stiff and... ridiculous.This is why he regards himself as a shame, as long as Duke Tywin's eyes rest on him for a moment, he can easily think of his deformities and defects.

I'm afraid I look like a funny clown in front of my father. No, not even a clown.Because he's a dwarf, a dwarf who disgraced his family
Tyrion climbed up a chair comically, picked up his father's wine bottle and poured himself wine, and said while pouring the wine: "Thank you very much for sending troops to fight for me, which makes me a little flattered." Is it true? I am flattered that this is probably only Tyrion himself knows.

"I led the army here not for you, but for the honor of the Lannister family." Duke Tywin said coldly, "The whole mess started because of you, if it was your brother James, He will never submit to the hands of a woman, nor will he be caught just because the opponent has too many people."

"Please forgive me for correcting you. The person who captured me here at that time. In addition to the woman you mentioned just now, there is also the most powerful swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms and more than 100 valley knights holding weapons. retorted Tyrion. "That's just one of the differences between me and Jaime. And he's taller than me too. If you've noticed."

"The Duke of High and the East will pay the price for this. This is a matter of family honor. I have no choice but to send troops. Lannister must pay his debts!" ​​Duke Tywin ignored his so-called humor. It made him feel sick, "Those who let the Lannister family bleed will be severely punished, and they will never get out of it!"

"Listen to my roar, yes!" Tyrion said with a smile, this is the motto of the Lannister family, not the debt must be paid, "to be honest, I didn't shed a drop of blood !"

"Master Gao Yuan released me from Eagle's Nest City soon after proving my innocence, otherwise I wouldn't be standing in front of you now."

Tywin Lannister glared at him viciously: "Duke Gao Yuan injured your brother James when he was in King's Landing, and killed dozens of guards around him."

"I haven't heard of that, how is Jaime's injury?" Tyrion pretended to ask casually, "I thought he had learned his lesson that night in Winterfell, but James How dare you find trouble with him?"

"Lord Gao Yuan is a wise man, he would not even dare to lay hands on you, let alone hurt your brother Jaime." Ser Kevan Lannister told him, "It will bring the Lannisters to the Vale." Infinite anger!"

"James came to him for your business!" The old lion slapped the table heavily, "If he dares to hurt James in King's Landing, then he won't have a chance to leave there again Now, your sister Cersei will never let him go."

"I'm not surprised by this at all. I'm surprised that the king didn't hold him accountable. It seems that my sister is getting less and less important in her husband's eyes." Tyrion tried to swallow Drink this bitter ale, which is dark brown and tastes fermented in your mouth.The taste was so strong that it was almost hard to swallow, but the taste was indeed mellow and strong. It was a pity that the father ordered the proprietress to be hanged.

"How is your battle going?"

"So far so good!" replied Ser Kevan Lannister, "Ser Edmure divided his troops into small groups and sent them to the borders of the territory to prevent our surprise attack. Your lord father and I Then take this opportunity to break down all the important fortresses one by one."

"Your brother Jaime's victories have been one after another." Lord Tywin added, "He first defeated the armies of Lord Vance and Earl Piper outside the Golden Tooth City, and then fought against Tully at Riverrun. The main force of the family fought a decisive battle."

"In that battle, the vassals in the river were beaten to pieces, and Sir Edmure Tully and many of his vassals and knights were captured together."

"The Earl of Blackwood gathered a small number of remnants and fled back to Riverrun, and is now guarding behind closed doors. James is also stepping up the siege, and most of the other princes fled like birds and beasts, and fled back to their homes."

"And your father and I are now destroying them one by one." Ser Kevan said, "Without Lord Blackwood in charge, Raventree City is almost helpless. Out of Harrenhal."

"Ser Amory Lodge burned the Pipers and Brackens to the ground"

Tyrion seemed a little shocked by this. He was shocked that his father and uncle could achieve such a major victory in such a short period of time.According to the situation they introduced, the Hejian Land is almost powerless to resist now: "So, now there is no one in the Hejian Land that can stop your footsteps?"

"That's not necessarily true." Ser Kevan shook his head. "The Merister family still occupies the Sea Front City, and Walder Frey of the Twin River City is now rumored to be recruiting troops."

"These two families are not an obstacle to our war. There is no need to worry about Walder Frey. Unless they smell the breath of victory, the Frey family will never send troops easily, and right now the air in the river is full of It's the smell of defeat." Duke Tywin analyzed.

"As for Jason Merister. Their family can hardly make any big waves, and they can't fight our army at all."

"Once Jaime captures Riverrun, the two of them will naturally surrender to us." Tywin Lannister said in a calm tone, "As long as the Starks and Duke Gofar don't send troops to help, the land on the river We have already won the big battle.”

"In fact, the Duke of Gaoyuan has already sent troops! Although there are only a thousand soldiers led by Brynden, he has already shown us the attitude of the East." Sir Kevan said in a deep voice.

"If it were me, I wouldn't worry too much about Duke Goyuan." Tyrion spread his hands, "But the Stark family is different, Lord Eddard..."

"Ed Stark is now our hostage!" The news struck Tyrion like a thunderbolt, but his father's tone was calm and scary, "He is now being held in Red It stinks in the dungeons of the castle, and cannot lead troops to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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