Chapter 321 Trends of all parties
"It is true that there is no way." Sir Kevan couldn't help but nodded, "But his son has summoned the princes and is currently leading a large army towards the Green Fork River."

"Any sword is sharp only after you try it." Duke Tywin seemed to disdain the so-called young wolf lord, "The Stark brat is just a brat."

"For this reason, I am very curious. When we are doing some 'massacre' here, what is our brave king doing now?" It seems that during the period when he was imprisoned in the Eyrie During the days, many interesting changes took place in the outside situation, and Tyrion couldn't help but secretly startled.

It was not in the nature of that King Robert that he would allow them to go to war with the Starks.Although Robert Baratheon usually looks a little stupid, he will never be that kind of stupid king.At least not so stupid as to cripple his own arms, he still needs the Starks to restrain them Lannister.

"My fair and pretty sister, how on earth did she persuade Robert to agree to imprison his dear companion, Eddard Stark?"

"Robert Baratheon is dead!" Tywin Lannister told him. "It is your nephew who now rules the Seven Kingdoms on that Iron Throne."

"You mean my sister is ruling now?" The news really surprised Tyrion, but it made sense.Once Robert Baratheon died, Eddard Stark lost power in that King's Landing, and Cersei could easily take him down by making up a trumped-up charge for him.

The dwarf drank himself another sip of wine. Now that King Robert Baratheon is dead, if Cersei takes power, the situation in the Seven Kingdoms will be greatly turbulent.Especially in the seemingly calm East Territory, he just escaped from it not long ago, and currently no one in this inn knows the strength there better than him.

"Now... I'm starting to worry about the Duke of High Far." Tyrion couldn't help swallowing, "The Duke of High Far has always been Eddard Stark's friend. When King Robert was still around, he was like a quilt around his neck. The Dragon in Shackles"

"Now that Robert Baratheon is dead, his oath and fetters of loyalty are gone. The Lord High and Far will never sit back and watch us continue to imprison Eddard Stark. Go on a crusade."

"You guessed it right. He has released a statement not long ago, asking us to stop disrupting the government of King's Landing, and unconditionally release the former prime minister and his two daughters who were imprisoned and detained by your sister." Duke Tywin's tone was cold as frost.

Tyrion couldn't help but gasped when he heard the words, he looked at his uncle Ser Kevan: "Is there any other news from the Vale of Arryn?"

"Lord Gao Yuan has sent Sir Brynden the Blackfish to support the riverlands. The thousand valley cavalry he led caused great trouble for our attack in the riverlands." Kevan Lannister said in a deep voice .

"If I'm not wrong, he not only caused us great trouble, but we haven't been able to catch them yet." Tyrion looked at his uncle half-jokingly, but at the moment he was gloomy and silent, "Did you really let them go?"

Kevan replied: "Their horses are stronger than ours, and Ser Brynden is quite familiar with the terrain of the riverlands, but they have now gone north to join that kid from the Stark family."

"According to the news reported by the spies we sent to the Vale of Arryn, the Duke of Gaoyuan has also issued a summons to the vassals under his command."

"Today, more than [-] Eastern Territory troops have gathered in the Vale of Arryn. They are all well-equipped and not inferior to our army." Tywin Lannister's tone was quite calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary piece of information Generally, "However, we don't need to worry too much about it. After all, Duke Gaoyuan is just a brat with no combat experience."

"That's a full [-] eastern army, not [-] goats at the mercy of others." Tyrion couldn't sit still anymore, he couldn't help but stood up and questioned loudly, "Even if it's [-] goats. Tens of thousands of goats stand there to be slaughtered, and it will take us days and nights to kill them all."

"At that time, even if the swords in the hands of the soldiers are blunt, they will not be able to deal with them all."

"Father, don't forget that those canyon lords under Duke Gaoyuan are all veterans who survived the War of the Reaver." Tyrion wasn't alarmist, "he doesn't need He personally commanded the [-] troops, and he only needs to hand over the [-] troops to the vassals under his command, which is enough to beat us to pieces."

"What's more, they are not fighting alone now." Tyrion reminded his father, "The northern army led by Robb Stark is now going south to join them."

"When they get together, this will be a terrifying force capable of sweeping across the entire Westeros. Neither our Lannister family nor other forces in the Seven Kingdoms can stop their footsteps. "

"The Duke of Gaoyuan and his army from the east may seem terrifying, but they have no chance to walk out of the canyon of the Bright Moon Mountain Range." Tywin Lannister seemed unmoved, "Otherwise you think Why did I choose to station the army here at this moment, in order to prevent his eastern army from coming out of the canyon."

"We've already got ahead of them and occupied this extremely important crossroads for the valley. Even if his army from the east comes out of the valley, they won't be able to form a decisive battle with us."

"At that time, no matter how many troops come out of the Blood Gate, we will be able to eat them up little by little." Duke Tywin said confidently, "That's why I say that Duke Gaoyuan is just a brat Forget it, he simply doesn't understand the strategic importance of this intersection."

"If he can occupy this crossroad ahead of time, I'm afraid he will be afraid of Duke Gaoyuan for three points. However, this place is occupied by us now, so we no longer have a reason to fear them."

Tyrell couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. He didn't send troops to occupy this important crossroad in advance. This was indeed a major mistake made by Duke Gao Yuan.The reason why the fertile and prosperous valley has not been affected by the flames of war for thousands of years is because they can guard the bloody gate of the canyon.

It's just that Xiao He is successful, and Xiao He is also defeated.Now they will also be trapped to death between the canyons of the Mingyue Mountains because of the bloody gate of the canyon.And his father, Duke Tywin, has long seen through all this. He only needs to send an army to guard the canyon exit of the Bright Moon Mountain Range, and he can prevent his army from taking half a step out of the Bright Moon Mountain Range.

In this way, they would not have to face Duke Gaoyuan's army from the east, and his father could also spare his hands to deal with the army from the north that was heading south at the moment.

While Tyrion was still thinking about his father's strategy, the door of the hotel was pushed open by an uninvited guest.The emissary quickly glanced at Tyrion standing on the chair with strange eyes, and then came to Duke Tywin and knelt down on one knee.

"My lord!" the emissary reported to his father. "Ser Adam wants me to tell you that the Starks' northern army has now begun to march down the Green Fork."

Lord Tywin Lannister was not smiling at the moment, or Lord Tywin never smiled.But Tyrion had already learned to observe his father's expression when he was happy, and at this moment such an expression was clearly written on his father's face.

"In this way, the little wolf is finally willing to move its nest and is ready to play with the lions." Duke Tywin said in a slightly disdainful tone, "This is really great, you go back and tell Sir Adam to retreat immediately Converge with our main force, and do not engage in battle with the northerners during this period."

"But I hope he sends people to harass the opponent's flank and try to attract them to go south. We will fight the opponent at this intersection. The terrain here is good. Not only is it close to the ferry on Ruby Beach, but we have also set up various traps and refusal horses around it." .Instead of going up north to meet them, we'd rather be here at leisure and give them a head-on blow. I've chosen the place where Robb Stark will be buried."

"Lord Tywin, Sir Adam has something to report to you." The envoy said with some trepidation, "It concerns news about the Vale of Arryn."

"Sir Adam said that news came from the Vale of Arryn that the Duke of Gaoyuan has led an army of [-] people out of the Bloody Gate, and is now heading towards the crossroads."

"I heard that Duke Gaoyuan just got married in the Eagle's Nest City not long ago. Could it be that he is so impatient to come and die?" Duke Tywin snorted coldly, "It's just a pity for his beautiful bride. Just newly married and soon to be a widow."

"Duke Gaoyuan married someone in the Eagle's Nest City not long ago?" Tyrion seemed to have heard something very interesting. He once heard that Lord Gaoyuan had a lover waiting for him in another continent. He didn't expect him to marry someone so soon. Abandoning that lover and marrying someone else, "Which family is the bride of Duke Gao Yuan?"

Could it be the illegitimate daughter of the valley who was inseparable by his side?

"According to the news reported to us not long ago by our spies who sneaked into the valley, the bride of Lord Gaoyuan is the Rose of Highgarden of House Tyrell." It was held in Eagle's Nest City a few days ago, and almost all the invited princes of the canyon attended the grand wedding."

"Duke Mace of Highgarden has already led the Tyrell family to swear allegiance to Renly Baratheon." Duke Tywin explained, "Duke Mace Tyrell doesn't have such a means, it must be that the According to Ly Baratheon, he wants to win over the Dukes of the Vale and High as allies in his bid for the throne."

"Why did Renly Baratheon suddenly appear again?" Tyrion was at a loss at the moment, "How many enemies have my nephew and beautiful sister provoked for us now?"

"If you mean the king-seekers, there are only two," Ser Kevan replied, "Robert Baratheon's two brothers, who at this moment claim to be rightful heirs to the Iron Throne. "

"What if it is an enemy of the Lannister family?" Tyrion felt a little uneasy at the moment.

Duke Tywin still looked as usual: "Except for the Dornishmen and the night watchmen of the Great Wall, our enemies are everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms right now!"

"So we need to end this war in the riverland as soon as possible!" Duke Tywin said, "The sooner we defeat the Stark army, the faster we can get rid of the restraint of the riverland. Free your hands and deal with Stannis Baratheon and his brother Renly."

"Send me an order to tell the drummers to beat the assembly order. And send someone to inform James that I want to fight Robb Stark's northern army near this ruby ​​beach." Tywin Lannister ordered , "Sir Kevan, I order you to personally lead an army of 1 people to the exit of the canyon of the Bright Moon Mountains, and rely on the narrow favorable terrain there to stop the Duke of Gaoyuan and his army from the east."

"I obey, everything is as you ordered!" Ser Kevan said.

"My dear lord father, what are you going to do with Robb Stark after you have defeated him?" asked Tyrion. "I mean what are you going to do with the Lord High and his army from the Vale of Eighty Thousand Vales?"

"Obviously you can't permanently block the passage from the valley to the riverland. The Duke of Gaoyuan and his army in the east will break through your blockade of them sooner or later, and then they will bring us great trouble."

"Those are left after we have defeated Robb Stark and Renly. The first thing we need to do now is to solve the troubles in front of us. At least they have no chance to cause us troubles yet." Duke Tywin said impatiently Said, "If you are interested in helping, I have a task for you!"

"Marq Piper and Karel Vance are making waves in our rear, attacking my territory across the Red Fork."

"It's just a few parasites making trouble, I'd be happy to give these rude guys a little color." Tyrion clicked his tongue, and his father actually had a task for him, "But my lord, I figured I could be of other use as well."

"Oh, really?" Tywin Lannister looked at his dwarf son with great interest, "There are also two remnants of Eddard Stark, who specially harassed our levy near God's Eye Lake. food team."

"One is the noble young master Beric Dondarrion who wants to be a hero, and the red monk he brought with him is the one who can make his own sword burn. You can use your skills in the circus, go Help me deal with them?"

"I can agree with you to lead troops to exterminate them, but you'd better not make a bigger mess for me."

"Father, it's really touching to know that you trust me so much." Tyrion smiled and climbed off the chair, and staggered towards the sideboard. There was a plate of cottage cheese on the cabinet, surrounded by rotten fruits. "I want to know how many people you intend to give me. Twenty? Fifty."

"Now that your decisive battle is imminent, I'm not sure if you can allocate so many people to me." He said while cutting off a piece of cheese, "But it doesn't matter, you can give me as much as you want, if I run into Suo Lords Rose and Bailey, I will definitely give their asses a good beating."

"There are our remaining troops in Harrenhal, Acorn Hall, and Pink City. You can choose to go to them for help. But if you plan to borrow soldiers from me, I advise you to give up this plan as soon as possible. Right." Tywin Lannister looked at him with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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