Chapter 322 The Method of Breaking the Game
Seeing the troops in two columns in front of him, slowly crossing the weather-beaten graystone airtight arch bridge, pouring into the canyon surrounded by steep rock walls on both sides, Gao Yuan's excitement became more and more difficult to calm down.Because he has been looking forward to this day since he successfully became the guardian of the east and took charge of the entire valley.

Although he had long buried his ambition behind a mask of calm and calm, it never changed the fact that it was still there, growing with each passing day.

For this reason, he has been planning and suppressing it for too long. He is not only waiting for the opportunity of the Seven Kingdoms falling into chaos and disputes, but also for being famous when he leads the army to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.The many efforts and preparations he had made before were all for today's result. He will lead the army behind him to defeat his biggest enemy on the road to king in one fell swoop.

Gao Yuan is full of confidence in their expedition this time, not only because he has already anticipated all possible actions of the enemy, and laid a net for Duke Tywin and the others.It is because from today onwards, people on this continent of Westeros will see his lofty true power.

Now he finally has the opportunity to show his true strength in front of the world!
When he incarnates as the rune dragon that blocks the sky and appears above the heads of Duke Tywin and the Lannister army, they will truly understand what despair feels like. Gao Yuan is looking forward to seeing the shocked expressions on their faces .His enemies had only two choices on that battlefield, either throw away their weapons and surrender to them, or turn into scorched earth to moisten the land they wantonly trampled on.

Long before they set out, Sir Simon Templeton, with a hundred men whom he had chosen carefully, had gone to the Pass for a reconnaissance mission.According to the news reported to him by Sir Tamperton's subordinates, Duke Tywin has sent his younger brother, Kevan Lord Lannister, to lead a total of 1 troops from the Western Territory to block their way to the riverland. on the only way.

And Duke Tywin himself led the remaining [-] troops, and formed a formation on the beach at the crossroads, preparing to face the northern army going south.All of this was expected by Gao Yuan, but he didn't expect the old lion Tywin to value him so much.

Originally, he thought that the opponent would send at most [-] troops to ambush them on the necessary passage from the canyon to the river land to stop them.However, now Duke Tywin has suddenly increased the number of this blocking force to [-], which is bound to arouse the worries of the princes under Gao Yuan's command.

Not long after the team left the Blood Gate, more than one lord had already found him, hoping that he would give up his plan to march to the riverlands. Among them were even the lords of the Six Towns who controlled heavy troops.It's just that those other voices in the team are now suppressed by Gao Yuan with his personal majesty.

Gao Yuan told those who came to persuade him to give up his marching plan that if they spread panic remarks in the army that were not conducive to their war and soldiers' morale, Gao Yuan would rule them for disturbing the morale of the army.

Gao Yuan rode at the front of the team, and the Evening Star Golden Dragon Banner of Eagle's Nest City fluttered above his head.Every day he invites a vassal to accompany him, taking the opportunity to discuss current intelligence and strategic arrangements.He invited each of the princes in turn, without showing any personal likes and dislikes. He listened carefully to each other's opinions and carefully weighed each statement.

When the full moon in the sky cast silver light on the steep mountain walls of the Mingyue Mountains, Gao Yuan, who had been driving for a day, and the army of the Eastern Territory under his command stopped in their tracks.The attendants set up a long folding table made of pine wood on a platform by the cliff, and covered it with a sky-blue tablecloth.

Gao Yuan's exclusive camp was set up next to this long table, and a gold and silver flag fluttered above the long pole, and he himself had dinner with his princes and important knights here.At the head of the table were Lord Houghton Redford and his two sons, with his eldest Jasper and Ser Clayton on either side of him; Ser Nestor, Jon of Snakewood Lord Lindley and Lord Royce Cowart of Coldwater.

The last guest at dinner, Sir Simon Templeton, was a bit late.However, Gao Yuan did not pursue his late arrival, because he had just rode back from the front of the team before, and he was exhausted and embarrassed at the moment.

Sir Simon Templeton brought them the latest developments ahead. Sir Kevan and the army of the West Territory led by him have now completely blocked the exit of the Moon Mountains from the valley to the riverlands.As a result, the reconnaissance team led by Sir Templeton had almost nowhere to hide near the exit of the Bright Moon Mountain Range.

After receiving the news from Lord Tamperton, Gao Yuan ordered him to lead all the troops back.Sir Kevan will definitely speed up the search and cleanup of the vicinity in the near future, and the information that Sir Templeton and the others can obtain is extremely limited. There is no need for Sir Templeton and his people to make unnecessary sacrifices there.

It was dusk, and the sky was full of fireflies.In the sky behind them, the crimson comet looked so bright, as if it had life.Sir Templeton had other news that he wanted to report to him, but Gao Yuan waved him away on the grounds that he should have a good meal during meal time.

He understood Sir Templeton's anxiety at the moment, but he didn't want to discuss those intelligence issues endlessly at this table.After dinner they had all night to discuss strategy, and now was their precious dinner time.

Following Gao Yuan's order, the army chef served them the main course of the night: five roasted suckling pigs that were golden and crispy, with different fruits in their mouths.The tempting smell of roast suckling pig permeated the nostrils of everyone present, and Sir Templeton, who was already hungry, even drooled.

The waiters filled the wine glasses in front of the adults, and the servants calmly cut the pork for them.The crispy golden skin crackled under the knife, and the hot oil flowed down the incision, making the princes present drooling.

"According to the news from Sir Brynden the Blackfish, Robb Stark and his northern army have now moved south from the Twin Rivers." Sir Templeton said while enjoying the fat and thin slices of meat in front of him. According to the currently known information, "Sir Walder Frey has agreed to let them cross the river, and the troops of the Frey family have also joined them. At this moment, they are on the eastern coast of the North Green Fork River, about [-] meters away from Duke Tywin and the others. There are still two days to go.”

"Rob Stark, how many northern troops has he sent to cooperate with us to encircle and suppress Duke Tywin?" Gao Yuan didn't care about this. Judging from the current marching speed of the northern troops, he has basically concluded that the northern border The coach of the army is not currently in that team.

Robb Stark's strategic choice must be the same as in the original book, ordering Roose Bolton to lead a large number of infantry down the Green Fork River to attract the attention of Duke Tywin and the Kingslayer.And Robb Stark himself led the faster marching cavalry to break the siege of Riverrun on the unsuspecting Kingslayer.

"Rob Stark sent [-] troops in the north before, but it was not the one who commanded that army." Sir Templeton seemed a little hesitant, he didn't know whether he should command his allies Abandon their affairs and tell their adults.

"It's just that the person who is now leading that army down the Green Fork River is not Robb Stark himself, right?" Gao Yuan said what he hadn't finished for Sir Templeton. , our northern ally still doesn't pay enough attention to us!"

"Or the conditions we have given are not attractive enough?"

"This northerner is too much of a bully," said Lord Houghton Redford of the Red Base, whose personality is almost as hot as Bronze Jon, "it's as if we begged him for money." Just like Burr Stark sent troops, this is not a war between us and the Lannisters, we could have chosen to stay out of it."

Baron Royce Cowart of Coldwater City also stood up and echoed: "Earl Holden is right, this is not our war, and now the Lannister is imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Castle, it is not our Lord Gao Yuan." father, but his father, Robb Stark."

"If it weren't for poor Lady Caitlin, we wouldn't want to be involved in this war with Lannister!"

"The northerners don't even have the most basic respect for us. Robb Stark wants to form an alliance with us in the valley, but he doesn't even want to come to see our lord in person." Earl Jon Lindley of Snakewood City was indignant Pingdi said, "In my opinion, we'd better go home. His status as the young wolf lord of the Stark family is too noble. We are allied with the northerners who think highly of themselves, and we will definitely not be able to get their attention and respect."

"Lord Renly Baratheon at least gave us enough sincerity, and sent someone to send us a beautiful Tyrell bride for our Lord Gao Yuan. Instead of licking his face and joining hands with his Stark family to deal with Lannister, We might as well go and ally Lord Renly, and bring down his brother and Joffrey for him, and help him take the Iron Throne."

"Renly is not qualified to inherit the throne." Gao Yuan wiped out the roast suckling pork in front of him, and took a clean handkerchief to wipe off the greasy around his mouth.

"You can't be loyal to Joffrey, lord Gao Yuan!" Earl Jon Lindley asked back, "Now we have chosen to be Lannister's enemies, even if we put down our weapons now, it is absolutely impossible to get Lannister. Nestle and Joffrey's forgiveness."

"Old Lion Tywin committed so many crimes in King's Landing during the Reaver's War that no one in the Seven Kingdoms trusts their honor anymore."

"That doesn't mean that Renly is qualified to inherit the throne. There is Stannis above him who is more suitable to inherit the throne. The lessons left by the Dance of the Dragons are still being sung in the Seven Kingdoms. Renly cannot precede history. Tanis took the throne." Gao Yuan retorted, "I think we've discussed this before, Lord Lindley!"

"I will never allow the Vale to be involved in a dispute for the Iron Throne."

"Then what should we do now?" Earl Lindley asked, "Lord Gao Yuan, I'm not questioning your decision, it's just that we are now in a difficult situation."

Gao Yuan didn't answer Earl Lindley's question immediately, but turned his attention to Sir Temperton who brought them the news.Among the princes present, only Sir Nestor and Sir Templeton expressed their opinions.

"Lord Gaoyuan, Lord Robb Stark has already expressed his apology to you in the letter!" Sir Templeton told him, "He also explained to you the intention of his arrangement in the letter."

"Oh, really?" Gao Yuan looked at Sir Templeton with interest, "Let's hear it, Sir Templeton!"

"I'd like to see what kind of arrangements and intentions Robb Stark has in doing this. If the contents of his letter can't convince me, I'll really lead the army back home. .”

"Lord Robb Stark believes that lifting the siege of Riverrun by the Kingslayer is as important as capturing Lord Tywin. He himself really doesn't want to choose between the two, but his grandfather, Lord Horst , now lies dying in Riverrun, and his uncle has been captured by the enemy."

"In desperation, he had no choice but to divide the troops in the Twin River City into two groups and order Jon Amber and Roose Bolton to lead most of the troops down the Green Fork River to cooperate with your plan to deal with Tywin. My lord, they carried out the siege." Sir Templeton continued to narrate, "And Robb Stark himself led part of the cavalry team to the Red Fork River overnight."

"In order to catch him off guard, the Kingslayer, and to relieve the siege of Riverrun that the enemy has been besieging for days."

"Riverrun City is not so easy to be breached. According to the current intelligence, Riverrun City can persist for quite some time under the siege of the Kingslayer." Sir Nestor said, "The Kingslayer is not as powerful as he imagined. So easy to deal with, Robb Stark is simply a small loss."

"He could have cooperated with us to easily defeat Lord Tywin and his army in the western region, but his current arrangement has added many uncertain factors to our original plan that was sure of success." Sir Nestor shook. Shaking his head, "As long as we successfully defeat Lord Tywin's army at the Ruby Beach, we can lead the army from the East to cross the Ruby Beach ferry and drive straight into the hinterland of the Riverland without any worries. Riverrun under siege by kingslayers."

"This is the end of the matter, no matter how much you complain, it won't help." Gao Yuan said loudly, "Instead of complaining here, you might as well think about how we should deal with Kevan Lannister and the [-] troops under his command .”

As soon as Gao Yuan said this, the scene fell into silence.Obviously, they have no brilliant way to break the situation at this moment, and now Sir Kevan has led [-] soldiers from the Western Territory to block the mountain pass leading to the river land.Even if their current number of troops is more than twice that of theirs, they may not be able to break through the enemy's blockade of them.

(End of this chapter)

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