Chapter 41 The Dwarven Lord of the Rings
Leisure time always flies by quickly, and before you know it, it has been two weeks since the expedition team arrived in Rivendell.

The tranquility and stability of Rivendell made Bilbo and Gao Yuan forget about the mission of Lonely Mountain temporarily.

Those dwarves were no exception. When Gao Yuan met them, his face was always filled with happy smiles.

It is different from those dwarves who gather around the bonfire in the garden every day, eat barbecue, and drink wine as water.

The longer he stayed in Rivendell, the more anxious Sorin became. He was not immersed in the beautiful life of Rivendell, and he was anxious to leave Rivendell and set off for the Lonely Mountain.

More than once he sought out Gandalf and asked when they should start.

But Gandalf told him that he was waiting to attend an important meeting.

Gandalf let Sorin rest in Rivendell to recuperate. After that important meeting is over, he will set off with them to the Lonely Mountain.

This meeting will be the key to decide whether the members of the White Daoist Society will attack Dol Guerdu.

Gandalf already has sufficient evidence to show that the ghost known as the Necromancer entrenched in the Dolgul Fortress at this moment is Sauron who was defeated by Isildur in the Battle of the Last Alliance.

In that battle, Sauron lost his Supreme Lord of the Rings, and his strength was no longer enough to maintain his figure, so he turned into a ghost, wandering in the middle-earth, plotting some conspiracy, trying to Comeback.

From the Angmar War initiated by the Witch King of Angmar, which lasted for more than 600 years; to the demise of the human kingdom in the north; and then the half-orcs occupying the former home of the dwarves, the Moria mines.

For a long period of time since the end of the Battle of the Last Alliance, Sauron was more or less behind the major events that happened in Middle-earth.

Now, Gandalf has obtained enough evidence to persuade Saruman at this meeting to let the members of the White Daoist Society attack there.

That night, Elrond suddenly found Gandalf, who was having a bonfire dinner with the dwarves.

Elrond tells Gandalf that Galadriel and Saruman have arrived in Rivendell at this time, and the White Council is about to begin.

The two left there in a hurry, ready to rush to the venue.

They went all the way to the venue while discussing the details of the meeting that needed to be discussed.

But the two had a dispute because of this.

Bilbo, who couldn't integrate into the team of dwarves, was wandering in the garden of Rivendell at this time. Unknowingly, he came to a gazebo. He suddenly heard the argument between Gandalf and Elrond.

"Gandalf, I think we can temporarily put aside the plan of the dwarves to go to the Lonely Mountain." Elrond, who was originally discussing how to persuade Saruman, changed the subject.

Although Elrond knew about it as early as a year ago, Gandalf was going to help the dwarves drive away or kill Smaug and take back the Lonely Mountain's plan.

However, right now he suddenly felt that this was not the best time to implement this plan.

He had expected the dwarves to take a great army to the Lonely Mountain, but there were only thirteen dwarves traveling with Thorin now, and a hobbit and a human ranger.

He believes that it is impossible to defeat Smaug with these dwarves alone, even if Gandalf and Gao Yuan are also not weak.

In particular, at this moment his old friend has grasped the evidence that Sauron has reappeared and is entrenched in Dol Guldur.

A more powerful enemy appeared in front of them, and they needed all the forces they could concentrate to deal with Sauron entrenched in Dol Guldur, just like the battle of the Last Alliance that year.

Instead of helping the dwarves take back the Lonely Mountain and provoke the dragon that has been sleeping for 60 years.

"Or, after we help the dwarves find the location of the secret passage in the Lonely Mountain, we will stop temporarily and choose to enter the Lonely Mountain after we solve the threat of Dol Guldur."

"At that time, Rivendell will also be willing to provide a little help for the dwarves' expedition."

Gandalf didn't know what Elrond was thinking. He was very puzzled why Elrond, who had always supported him like Galadriel, would speak out against him at this time.

"I don't think the dwarves have a reason to stop at this moment."

Elrond explained in a deep voice: "We now have a more powerful enemy. Compared with this enemy, Smaug is not worth mentioning. We need to unite all forces."

"The dragon has been sleeping for 60 years. If your plan fails and Smaug is awakened, it will be a disaster. The dwarves can't deal with the dragon, even with you, Gandalf .”

"As a result, we will face two powerful enemies at the same time. We are facing enemies from both sides. Have you considered this?"

Elrond's words once caused Gandalf to fall into deep thought.

In fact, he has always doubted whether the plan of himself and the dwarves to retake the lonely mountain will be successful. Even if he and Gao Yuan are added to the thirteen dwarves, he is not sure enough.

But in the dark, there was a feeling that kept telling him that if they added a hobbit, then they would definitely succeed.

"And what if we succeed?"

"If we succeed in helping the dwarves get rid of Smaug and take back the Lonely Mountain, then we will gain a powerful ally in the east, and by the way, we can also solve the serious problem of Smaug." Gandalf asked back.

Elrond shook his head: "Even if you help the dwarves take back the Lonely Mountain, they may not necessarily become our allies."

Elrond has lived for a long time, and his wisdom and sunshine are no worse than Gandalf. He knows Thorin's grandfather Thor very well, and he also knows Thorin Oakenshield, who is very similar to his grandfather.

Gandalf narrowed his eyes, looking seriously into Elrond's eyes.

"What do you mean? What are you worried about? Lord Elon." Gandalf thought for a moment that he might have missed something.

"Sorin's family has a history of madness. The madness is rooted in the blood of their family. All members of his family lost their minds and fell into madness because of greed. This is true of his grandfather and father."

Gandalf didn't think so, and he retorted fiercely: "That's because of the dwarf magic rings they wore on their hands. gone."

Elrond sighed: "You still don't understand, Gandalf."

"Even without the ring, Thorin Oakenshield's character is still the same as his grandfather, so arrogant and stubborn. I know Thor very well. Can you guarantee that he will not repeat the same mistakes as his father?"

What Elrond said was not wrong. It is a common problem of the Thorin family to lose their reason and fall into madness because of greed.

It's not just a dwarf ring problem, the ring just magnifies this madness. In the movie, after taking back the Lonely Mountain, Thorin also fell into an obsession with treasure. He thinks that all people are for him The huge wealth made Sorin lose his mind and fall into madness.

He broke with Bilbo, violated the agreement with the humans in Long Lake Town, hated the elves extremely, and didn't even care about the life and death of the dwarves of the same family. Although he finally came to his senses, it also proved that this madness was rooted in his blood. disease.

Instead of being influenced by the Lord of the Dwarves, of course it is also possible that the influence of the Lord of the Dwarfs penetrated into the blood of the dwarves a long time ago.

Even without the Lord of the Rings, this influence has always existed in their blood.

 The second update, please collect and recommend


(End of this chapter)

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