Chapter 42 Collection
Perhaps, Gandalf has long been aware of all this, but he does not want to admit it.

He is still willing to believe that Thorin Oakenshield, who has gone through untold hardships and led the displaced people to settle in the Blue Mountains; who took twelve dwarves to the Lonely Mountain at the risk of his own life, will have a similar relationship with his fathers. different.

Gandalf sighed and said, "Even without our help, the dwarves will still choose to go to the Lonely Mountain, and they will eventually find Smaug. All this is not decided by me."

"Before I approached Sorin, he had long been determined to recover the Lonely Mountain. He is the successor of the king under the mountain. It is his responsibility as a king to recover the homeland of other people."

Gandalf and Elrond were arguing and entered the hall where the White Council was held.

Standing on the steps of the arbor, Bilbo heard Gandalf and Elrond's argument clearly.

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gandalf and Elrond disappear from sight, and was glad that Thorin had not heard all this.

The content of the argument between the two was too violent. If Thorin heard it, he and the dwarves would turn the whole Rivendell upside down.

"Enough bad words have been heard, and I think it's time we set off." The tall voice came suddenly behind Bilbo, startling the hobbit.

Frightened, Bilbo turned his head, only to see a scene that made him even more frightened.

Thorin Oakenshield stood on the steps behind him with a sullen face.

Gao Yuan, on the other hand, leaned on the stone pillar of the gazebo above and looked at the two jokingly.

Thorin Oakenshield stood there with no expression on his face, only Bilbo could see his face, but Gao Yuan knew without looking, that there must be no good face.

Sorin's heart may not be as calm as it appears on the surface at this moment, he must be trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

It's hard for you to imagine that Sorin, who is extremely proud and stubborn, heard Elrond and his most trusted Gandalf talking about his family behind his back and insulting his beloved grandfather and father. How uncomfortable and angry I feel in my heart!
Neither Gao Yuan nor Bilbo chose to comfort him.

At this moment, it is not a wise choice to try to comfort Sorin, and Sorin is not a person who needs to be comforted by others.

At this moment, Sorin probably wouldn't listen to anyone's words. If he bit the bullet and pretended to be a good person, it might backfire and make Sorin hate him.

After a long silence, Thorin finally recovered from the inner struggle.

Glancing at Di Bilbo, who was full of panic, he was nervously fumbling in his jacket pocket with his fingers, and the tension in his heart was written all over his face.

Sorin simply greeted him, then turned his head to look at Gao Yuan who was leaning on the stone pillar.

"Finally willing to leave your elf lover?" Thorin taunted.

Gao Yuan sighed, as expected of you, the Sorin Oak Shield, touched his brilliance with one mouthful.

"If you are in a bad mood, I can fight with you, without any other abilities, just with a sword." Gao Yuan spread his hands.

"However, you'd better pay attention to what you say, otherwise it's not just a simple fight."

"Even with a sword, I am afraid you will not be my match, Thorin Oakenshield."

The smile in Gao Yuan's eyes gradually disappeared, and two cruel lights flashed in his eyes.

Thorin Oakenshield was not afraid of Gaoyuan's gaze at all, and they looked at each other, and the eyes of the two collided fiercely in the air, creating countless sparks.

Standing behind Thorin, Bilbo just glanced at Gao Yuan, and the hairs all over his body stood on end frightened by his fierce eyes, even though he was not the focus of Gao Yuan's eyes.

Bilbo stood there dumbfounded, not even daring to take a breath, for fear of disturbing the two of them.

In the end, Thorin gave in first.

"You're right. I've heard enough bad things today. I think it's time for us to go." Thorin turned around and patted Bilbo on the shoulder, and then left.

Bilbo, who was patted on the shoulder, almost jumped up on the spot in fright. He watched Thorin's leaving back with lingering fear.

Looking at Gao Yuan again, a familiar smile appeared on his face again.

"Bilbo, go back and pack your luggage, get ready to go." Gao Yuan turned and left after speaking.

"Ah? All right. I'll go right away." Bilbo quickly agreed.

Gao Yuan returned, and he was in Rivendell's exclusive luxurious classic double room, and his luggage had already been packed.

Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, knew that today would be the day the expedition team set off, so he had already made preparations.

As early as a day ago, Gao Yuan had bid farewell to Arwen.

It's not about life and death, there's no need to be too romantic, anyway, Gao Yuan will come back after the mission in Gushan is over.

Taking the backpack and Evening Star Blade, Gao Yuan left his room.

In the days when Gaoyuan didn't live in Rivendell, Arwen would always tell the elves to clean his room, so that no matter when he came back, there would always be a clean and warm bed waiting for him.

Just as Gao Yuan was walking down the stairs, a small voice suddenly appeared from around the corner.

It was Qili. At this time, he had already put on all his equipment and carried the luggage he had just packed on his back.

"Hey, Mr. Gao Yuan, Sorin asked me to inform you that it's time to go." Qili smiled when he saw Gao Yuan who was also fully armed and neatly dressed.

The moon shadow was sparse, and the silver-white moonlight illuminated the steps under Gao Yuan and Qi Li's feet.

Under the leadership of Qili, Gao Yuan went to the largest square in Rivendell to gather.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, do you know what happened? Why did Sorin suddenly order us to go?" Qi Li asked curiously, obviously this sudden change made him very confused.

"Not even saying hello to the lord here, as if Gandalf wouldn't be walking with us."

Gao Yuan is not the kind of person with a big mouth. Even if Qili is Sorin's nephew, it is better to bury some words in his heart than to say them out.

Even if he was to be told, Thorin should speak for himself.

"I think it's Sorin who thinks we've been here long enough." Gao Yuan shook his head and looked at the huge silver plate in the sky. "Today is a good day to go."

The two came all the way to the square, and at this time the members of the expedition were almost assembled, except for Bilbo.

The dwarves are ready to go, and the elves of Rivendell have prepared a lot of supplies for the expedition dwarves, including dried meat, medicine, dry food, and even some fine wine.

Bilbo was the last one to gather in the square, and this sudden change made Bilbo a little out of his wits.

It took a long time to pack his luggage.

He was just getting used to life in Rivendell, and it reminded him of how he felt when he left Bag End.

Thorin's sudden demand to go away, and Gandalf's absence from them, threw Bilbo again into that dazed state, which made him, for the first time since his adventures, think of withdrawing.

At the same time, it reminded him of Lord Elrond who happened to meet him when he was wandering in Rivendell a few days ago.

The elf king Elrond, who looks stern on the surface but is actually kind, said generously when talking with him that if he wanted to stay, he would welcome him very much.

At this moment, he looked at the members of the expedition who were all ready to go, but there was no Gandalf in them, and the words that Elrond had said to him that day rang in Bilbo's mind.

 This book is in the stage of testing the waters, asking for a monthly pass, asking for collection, asking for recommendation, asking for follow-up reading

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(End of this chapter)

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