Chapter 52 Escape from Orc Town
Speaking of Gao Yuan and others who were fleeing for their lives in the mountains of the Misty Mountains at this time.

This orc town, which has existed for more than two epochs, has been almost destroyed at this time.

The earthquake caused by Gao Yuan affected most of the Misty Mountains, and even Rivendell felt it so strongly that it almost turned it into ruins.

The members of the expedition fled to a huge wooden bridge at this time.

Rather than saying that they escaped here, it would be better to say that they were trapped here, because the road ahead of them had been buried by countless rubble.

And the cave behind them is also constantly collapsing, except for the dark abyss under their feet, it can be said that they have nothing to go to.

"We have nowhere to escape." Kili was anxious like ants on a hot pan.

"The goblins in the back are finished, they will all be buried here." Dwalin sneered.

When Balin saw the goblins buried in the collapsed caves behind him, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"I think what we should be most worried about right now is ourselves. Before long, we will be like those goblins."

Among the dwarves, Balin is undoubtedly the most rational among them. He can always find the core of the problem and find a way to solve it.

Compared with them, the Thorin Oak Shield is far different. The stubbornness and arrogance of their family are sometimes their strengths, but they are also their weaknesses. The most important thing is that it is difficult for them to analyze a matter rationally. pros and cons and priorities.

"There must be other ways out here, but we haven't found it yet."

The dwarves looked around, but fell into despair again. Look around, there is no other way out here!

Gao Yuan ignored the dwarves who were howling.

Now he has some regrets. He shouldn't have tried to pull the string of the world that connects all things. At that time, if he took a group of dwarves and fought to the death, there might still be a glimmer of life...

Gao Yuan found himself thinking wildly, he shook his head, trying to calm himself down.

He suddenly found that the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the dwarves who had been making noise stopped shouting, and they all turned their attention to Gao Yuan.

Hey, what are you all looking at me for?
"Gao Yuan must have a solution, right?" Nuo Li looked at Gao Yuan expectantly.

Gao Yuan shook his head helplessly.

Seeing Gao Yuan, there was nothing he could do, and the dwarf, who had finally raised a little hope, fell into despair again.

What could he do, the tunnel ahead of them was buried under falling rubble.

The cave behind collapsed even more severely, even the plank road and the suspension bridge were all destroyed. Look at those goblins running for their lives like headless chickens.

Gao Yuan raised his head to look at the top of the cave, where there were several huge cracks, and then looked at his feet.

Wait, underfoot?
He remembered how in the movie, Gandalf and others left Orc Town. They were crushed by the body of the Goblin King and collapsed the wooden bridge under their feet.

The dwarves and Gandalf, lying on the wooden bridge, fell into the abyss under the bridge together, and happened to find the way out of Orc Town, which is also the back door of Orc Town, an emergency exit.

But there are many handles of the goblin guards there, but are the members of their Lonely Mountain Expedition afraid of those short goblins?

Gao Yuan alone can challenge all of them.

"I have a solution!" Gao Yuan's words made everyone's eyes shine.

They looked at Gao Yuan again.

"What way?" Thorin asked hastily.

Gao Yuan didn't answer Sorin's question directly, but looked into the abyss under their feet.

The crowd huddled beside Gao Yuan, and they looked down suspiciously. Except for a few torches, there was only a dark pothole below, and there was nothing there.

Among all the dwarves present, only Sorin understood what Gao Yuan meant. He turned his head in shock and looked at Gao Yuan.

"You don't mean you want us to jump?" Thorin asked.

"What? Jump down and we'll be smashed to pieces."

"That's a terrible idea, man."

"Are you serious?"

Hearing Thorin's guess, the dwarves began to quarrel again.

"Quiet!" Sorin yelled, "Let Gao Yuan continue talking."

"Jump down? Of course not, we're going to slide down and ride on this huge skateboard under our feet." Gao Yuan pointed to the bridge under him.

"Everyone find a place to hold on." Gao Yuan shouted.

At this time, the underground cave where the Orc town was located began to tremble violently again. A bigger crack opened in the cave above Gao Yuan and the others, and countless gravels fell down.

Almost hitting Fili, who was standing on the edge of the wooden bridge, the piece of gravel broke the connection on one side of the bridge, causing the entire bridge to tilt.

"I caught you!"

Fei Li almost fell down, but was caught by the dwarves around him. Gao Yuan used his thoughts to throw the two dwarves hanging in the air up.

This is the aftershock of the earthquake caused by Gaoyuan. The complete Misty Mountains is a giant dragon that runs through the entire Middle-earth continent. After the huge earthquake, there will definitely be countless aftershocks.

In other words, their time is running out, and there will be more danger in these caves.

After confirming that all the dwarves were holding on firmly, Gao Yuan stood on the wooden bridge and used his mind to break the supporting structure connecting the two walls of the bridge.


The sound made the dwarves on the bridge tremble, and the lower part of the bridge began to crack because it could not bear the huge weight.

The bridge began to fall directly, and the two ends of the bridge deck continued to rub against the narrow cracks.

Gao Yuan used his thoughts to constantly adjust the balance of the bridge, so that the bridge would not overturn due to loss of balance, and he had to keep an eye on the dwarves so that they would not fly out.

Whenever a dwarf felt that he could not grasp the plank and was about to fly out, there would always be an invisible big hand to push him back to the bridge.

Gao Yuan is about to collapse. He has to be a nanny for these dwarves on the premise of ensuring his own safety.

If it was only him, he would have just flown down, he wouldn't be as exhausted as he is now.

How did Gandalf do it in the movie, and lying on the broken wooden bridge, fell into the abyss and the people on it were all right, this kind of thing is too unscientific.

Gao Yuan looked at the energy bar on the system panel indicating his remaining mental energy, which was declining rapidly and was about to bottom out.


"We're going to die"


The bridge is still falling at an extreme speed, and most of the bridge structure has disappeared during the fall.

And it was still dark under their feet, and Gao Yuan didn't know how long it would be until he "landed".

Fortunately, the gap below is getting smaller and smaller. Every time the bridge does not fall, it will slow down.

His spiritual energy has been exhausted, Gao Yuan left a trace of energy to save his life, and then gave up control of the bridge.


There was a crisp sound, and the wooden bridge had shrunk by two-thirds in size when it hit the ground.

After landing, it turned into countless pieces of wood, and the dwarves smashed hard on the ground, while Gao Yuan flew away the moment he landed.

He didn't want to be crushed under the planks like those dwarves.

"Hey, hello..."

"It hurts me to death, Pangbo, I can't breathe because of you."

"We're not dead, Oye!"

Gao Yuan landed steadily on the ground, his thought power was almost exhausted, but fortunately he hadn't overdrawn, otherwise he would have another headache.

"Look at that!"

Bovor, who was suddenly crushed to the bottom, shouted.

Gao Yuan turned his head and looked back, only to see countless lights flickering on a hillside in the distance.

There were thousands of goblins, and they were coming towards them like a tidal wave.

With the hatred of the dwarves for killing their king, and the anger of their homes being destroyed.

But this seems to be done by Gao Yuan...

"Get up quickly, we have to get out of here quickly." Sorin quickly crawled out from the ruins of the bridge.

"They're also fleeing from here, and Orc Town is completely destroyed now." Balin crawled out of the ruins, looking at the cave that was still collapsing and the raging goblins.

Thorin took a meaningful look at Bahrain: "We are different from them, you shouldn't pity them."

"We have to get out of the mountains, the sun will make these goblins afraid." Gao Yuan couldn't help urging when he saw that the dwarves were still stained with ink.

 The writing of this chapter is not satisfactory, and the revision of the text collapsed. Kawen is amazing.Adjust your mentality and continue to write tomorrow's update

(End of this chapter)

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