Chapter 53 Gollum
"Hiss, my baby!"

Gollum rushed into the cave through the narrow gap, and at this time Bilbo was lying on the ground. The moment Gollum rushed in, Bilbo felt that his breathing had stopped, and he hadn't had time to pull out the fist that was pressed by him. With the stabbing sword under him, he could see Gollum cursing and running forward, completely ignoring Bilbo who was lying on the ground.

Bilbo was very puzzled. He was right in front of Gollum, and he could even see the ferocious expression on Gollum's face, and the piercing green light came out of his big eyes.

But Gulu just ignored him.

Bilbo clutched his butt in pain, struggled to stand up, put the sting sword back into the scabbard, followed Gollum's footsteps carefully, and left the cave.

He had no choice, he was in a cave so deep underground that Bilbo didn't even know where he was, and maybe following Gollum would help him find his way out.

He didn't know what happened to the other members of the expedition team at this time, Gao Yuan was the only thing he cared about most in the expedition team.

However, Gao Yuan has always been supernatural. He may have left here at this time, looking for his trace in a certain exit of the cave. He always trusts himself so much, maybe he thinks he has found the way out.

In fact, Bilbo knew that he was not so capable.

"Curse it, Gollum, wicked Baggins, what's in his pocket?"

"Gulu Gulu, I guessed it, I guessed it, he must have stolen our baby, he stole my birthday present, Gulu."

Bilbo was right behind Gollum. Hearing that Gollum was cursing himself, Bilbo tilted his head helplessly. He was such an impolite fellow who always spoke ill of others behind their backs.

By the way, this guy didn't keep his word, he promised to take him out if he guessed the riddle correctly.

"Gullu, damn Baggins, he said before he didn't know the way out, Gollum. He can't go far, Baggins is lost."

"We've had it so long, my darling, that Gollum has betrayed us, Gollum. It has slipped from our hands." Cursing the Ring and Bilbo, Gollum searched the cave.

At this moment, the cave where Bilbo and Gollum were staying began to shake violently, and Bilbo's body also swayed with the shaking of the mountain, and he tried his best to keep his body balanced.

He didn't want to fall at this time. If he fell and made a little noise, Gulu would be able to find his position immediately.

Gollum was not much better, for he staggered to his feet, and fell to the ground several times in the middle, like a funny clown, and if he hadn't had that horrible face, Bilbo might not be able to bear it now. Stop laughing out loud.

Several huge pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling of the cave, and Gollum, as if frightened, jumped up and flew past Bilbo.

Bilbo looked at the ring on his hand curiously. It seemed that the ring he picked up was a magic ring, which could make people invisible.He had only heard of such treasures in fairy tales and legends.

He felt as if he was in a dream, and he accidentally picked up a treasure, but now the facts are in front of him, Gulu, who can see things in the dark, just passed by him unsuspectingly, but he didn't notice him. .

Bilbo tiptoed along behind Gollum, afraid of making any noise. At this moment, he just wanted to get out of this ghost place as soon as possible. Although he didn't know what happened, it looked like it was about to collapse.

Sharp pebbles fell from overhead, and Bilbo had to avoid making a sound while dodging the pebbles, even if a broken stalactite brushed past his nose and almost hit his head.

In this way, Bilbo followed Gulu's footsteps through this intricate underground labyrinth. Gulu searched in the dark and damp caves with his bare feet, making a clattering sound when he stepped on the slippery ground. Still swearing, the Baggins snitch who stole his treasure.

How could he know that Baggins, whom he had been looking for and cursing, was creeping behind him now, listening to him clearly, and Bilbo was now making the most of his hobbit gifts, Gulu didn't notice anyone behind him at all.

Bilbo followed Gollum to a fork in the road.

"One on the left, one on the right, yes; two on the right, two on the left, yes" Gulu kept muttering as he walked towards the fork in the road.

Finally, Gollum stopped in front of the leftmost tunnel, leaning on a piece of fallen rubble at the mouth of the tunnel.

"That's it, and here's the way to the back door, that's the way, Gollum." Suddenly Gollum began to tremble, and he began to sob, in a voice that failed to elicit any sympathy from Bilbo.

"Damn Baggins, hiss. Wherever he goes, he has to pass through here to get out. Gollum, he's lost."

"Perhaps he has already left the cave before us, Gollum, we have to go in and find him, he has stolen our treasure." Gollum was talking to himself constantly, which almost made Bilbo think that Gollum was living in his body. with two souls.

"There's goblins over there, hiss, I can smell them already, Gollum, they'll eat us, we can't get out, just wait here until that hobbit comes out, then we'll get me back Baby. Gollum, Gollum"

And so they stopped, and Gollum inadvertently kept his promise with Bilbo, and led him to the exit to the back door of Goblin Town.

But Bilbo couldn't go out at this time, because Gollum was blocking the opening of the passage leading to the back door at this time, with a piercing green light in his eyes, buried his head in his knees, and scanned the cave behind Bilbo .

"Hurry up, go this way, I've already seen the exit."

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of Bilbo. He was standing in front of the cave where Gollum was leaning on. The dwarves of the expedition also happened to pass by Bilbo at this moment, but Gao Yuan and the dwarves didn't notice , Bilbo standing just behind them.

Bilbo wanted to reach out and call out to them, but one look at Gollum, who was guarding the hole, gave him up.Because Gulu was guarding in front of him, as long as he dared to make a sound, Gulu would pounce on him.

Just when Bilbo watched the expedition team leave and Gao Yuan disappeared from his sight, he fell into despair.

Gao Yuan came back into his sight again.

Yes, Gao Yuan came back again. He stood in front of the hole and looked inside.

Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Bilbo is probably standing in the cave in front of him at this moment, or even standing less than ten meters away from him, just because Bilbo has entered the invisible state wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings. I can't see it.

And next to the gravel under him was Gulu who was hiding.

But he couldn't explain why he was able to spot the invisible Bilbo.

Gao Yuan struggled for a moment, in order to prevent disrupting the subsequent plot of Lord of the Rings, Gao Yuan still did not choose to point out Bilbo directly.

Better leave the hobbit with a secret worth keeping for half a lifetime.

"Hey, we should go, Gao Yuan, what are you looking at?" At this time, Sorin's voice came from the back door of Orc Town, and they had already killed the goblin guards guarding the back door.

Gao Yuan took a meaningful look at Bilbo's position.

Then he turned his head and left, and followed the dwarves to escape from Orc Town.

(End of this chapter)

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