Chapter 54 A Wonderful Speech
Another aftershock occurred in the area of ​​the Northern Misty Mountains, the mountain began to shake violently, and several huge rocks rolled down.

Looking at Gao Yuan's encouraging eyes, Bilbo was in despair.As if made up his mind.

He must escape from this horrible darkness, from this damned place.

He took out the sting sword that had not been named by him, and came to Gulu.

Hold the stinging sword in front of the unsuspecting Gollum, and Bilbo can kill him any time he wants, and escape from this damned cave.

Just when Bilbo swung his sting sword and was about to cut off Gollum's head, Gollum turned his head slowly. He looked blankly at the void where Bilbo was, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

A pity mingled with terror came over Bilbo for the poor monster, who had probably lived untold ages in this dark, subterranean cavern.

With only hard rocks and blind fish in the underground lake to accompany him, an inexplicable sense of loneliness welled up in his heart.

Looking at Gulu in front of him, this poor guy, he has suffered too much torture.

The blue light of Stinging Sword flickered, as if he wanted to tell him something.

He remembered what Gao Yuan said when he handed him the elven sword.

"I never think you lack courage, believe me, killing is always the worst way."

Bilbo finally put down the sting sword in his hand, and he sighed.

That sigh caught Gollum's attention, and he spotted the guy who stole his treasure; ! !
Gollum's expression was swift and ferocious, and he wanted to jump at Bilbo, even though he couldn't see where Bilbo was.

"I have never lacked courage, and I don't need to kill to prove whether I have it!" Bilbo's heart moved, and he jumped.

He passed over Gollum's head, and the pass wasn't perfect, as the back of one of his feet kicked Gollum hard in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Gulu lay on the ground and turned around to catch the nasty snitch, but it was too late.

"No, my baby!!!"

Bilbo, at this time, had already fled in the direction Gaoyuan and the others left, and ran to the back door of Orc Town.

Howls of pain and vicious curses came from behind Bilbo, but Gollum did not come after him, for he was afraid to leave the cave, he was afraid to face the sun.

When he lost, he not only lost his prey; he also lost the most important treasure in his life.

"Thief, Snitch, Baggins! WE HATE YOU, WE HATE YOU FOREVER!!!"

Before Bilbo was about to leave the gate of Goblin Town, he heard Gollum's last roar from the cave, a roar full of anger and despair.

Gao Yuan and the others fled for a long distance until the sunset, and they finally stopped on a hillside leading to a large plain. On this hillside, there are only a few sparse pine trees as decorations, and most of them are bare rocks.

Gao Yuan stopped walking and pretended to start counting the number of people: "Five, seven, ten..."

"Bofor, Bahrain...there are twelve, plus Pangbo, there are thirteen."

Gao Yuan looked around and asked, "Where is Bilbo, where is our hobbit?"

Facing Gao Yuan's question, none of the dwarves in the expedition team could answer. The dwarves looked around. If Gao Yuan hadn't asked, they would not have noticed that one of their team had disappeared. Except Nuoli, he saw When Bilbo got there, he ran away.

"Damn the hobbit, he's not keeping up with us."

"I thought he was with Dolly, you know, it was so confusing."

Dolly yelled at her brother, "Don't blame me for this."

Gao Yuan asked, "Where was the last time you saw him?"

At this time Nori stood up.

"When we were caught by the goblin, I saw him take the opportunity to escape."

Gao Yuan continued to ask: "So, where is he now?"

"Let me tell you that our Mr. Baggins, seeing his chance, ran away on his own. Since he left Hobbiton, he has only thought of the soft bed and the fire in Bag End. Perhaps he has come home by this time. Gone, we shall never see him again."

The dwarves were disappointed for a while. In fact, during the past two months, everyone has gradually accepted Bilbo's existence. Everyone is trying to regard him as a part of the team, even if they have not fully accepted his existence. .Faced with Bilbo's departure, everyone was still a little bit disappointed.

"No, I didn't go back." At some point, Bilbo stood behind Gao Yuan, took off the magic ring in his hand, and exited from the invisible state.

All the dwarves cheered in amazement at the sight of Bilbo reappearing.

Gao Yuan had expected it a long time ago, and he looked at Bilbo who appeared with a smile.

"I knew you wouldn't leave because you promised me."

Bilbo was taken aback.

"I promised you something, Mr. Gao Yuan."

Gao Yuan pulled Bilbo into the center of the team and patted him on the shoulder.

"You promised to return to Rivendell with me to live for a while after the mission."

"It seems that our snitch is still very qualified. He can already walk behind me without a sound."

Indeed, when everyone was talking just now, they didn't notice when Bilbo walked behind Gao Yuan. They were still looking for Bilbo everywhere just now.

If they had doubts about the identity of the Bilbo Snitch under the guarantee of Gaoyuan and Gandalf before, now they have no doubt about it.

"How did you escape from Orc Town? Gao Yuan caused an earthquake there, and the entire Orc Town collapsed." Qili asked curiously.

When Bilbo was enjoying himself, he was going to take out the ring he had picked up from his pocket and show everyone.

Gao Yuan glanced thoughtfully at the position of Bilbo's jacket pocket, and then interrupted Bilbo's move to show off.

"It doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that our hobbits are back now."

"It's very important, I want to know..." Thorin asked, going up to Bilbo.

Even after Bilbo appeared, he still had deep doubts, and he had firmly believed that Bilbo could not come back.

"Why did you come back? I treated you like that before, but you still came back." Thorin asked.

Bilbo laughed, pointed at Gao Yuan and said, "Gao Yuan has answered it before, and I assured him."

"That's what Mr. Gao Yuan thinks, I want to know what you think?" Thorin didn't believe Bilbo's words.

Bilbo was stunned by this, and looked into Thorin's eyes, wondering why Thorin was asking, and what his purpose was.

Are you trying to make sure he's trustworthy?
"I know, you've been biased against me, and you're right, I do miss my soft bed and fire place in Bag End, and my deck chairs and garden, where I belong, my home .”

"That's why I chose to come back. It's because you don't have a home. Your home has been taken away. I think I'd be happy to help you get it back."

Gao Yuan took the lead in applauding, and all the dwarves also applauded for Bilbo's speech.

After Bilbo said these words, he truly integrated into the expedition team and the dwarves. All the people were moved by Bilbo's speech at this moment, and they began to accept and trust Bilbo. .

 This dialogue, I think the movie adaptation is very beautiful, and it is a very classic dialogue in the original book.At this moment, Bilbo was truly accepted by the dwarves, and the friendship between them all originated from this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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