Chapter 55 Howling Moon
The members of the expedition sat down to rest where they were, and sat around Bilbo. They all wanted to know how Bilbo escaped from Orc Town after being separated from them.

So, Bilbo told the whole process of how he fell into the abyss and how he escaped from the town of Orcs—only he didn't tell everyone about the Lord of the Rings.

Gao Yuan stood behind the dwarves, leaning on the trunk of a pine tree, eating the only dry food he had, and looked at Bilbo, who was surrounded by the dwarves at the center. He was now completely accepted by the dwarves. The purpose of pretending is also achieved.

The dwarves were particularly interested in the part where Bilbo and Gollum were guessing, and they were horrified by Bilbo's description of Gollum.

Gandalf was not in the expedition, so Gao Yuan began to plan the next plan of the expedition.

They left by the back door of Goblin Town, which was far from the High Pass they had intended to go to.

They are currently in the East Ridge of the Misty Mountains, near Karl's Rock above the Anduin, and not far from the Eagle's Nest.

In the movie, it is also here that the expedition team who was attacked by the orcs was rescued by the eagle clan summoned by Gandalf when they had no escape.

After the eagles rescued the members of the expedition from the claws of the orcs, they put them on Karl Rock and left.

But at this time Gandalf is not in the expedition team, so this plot will not happen, and even because of Gao Yuan's intervention, the half-orcs who chased and killed the expedition team have not yet appeared.

In the movie, when Gandalf and the dwarves escaped from the orc town, it was already dusk.

Not long after Bilbo, Gandalf and others reunited, the orcs found the expedition team.

Gao Yuan raised his head to look at the bright moon hanging high. It was already night, but they still didn't see any trace of the orc.

Since he escaped from Orc Town, his spiritual energy has recovered a lot. Even if Orcs appear in front of Gao Yuan at this moment, he will not be afraid of them. Even with his own strength, he could kill all the half-orcs who were chasing him.

However, at this moment, the half-orcs refused to show up for a long time, but Gao Yuan had a bad premonition in his heart.

Bilbo had finished his story about the underground lake, and now it was Bilbo's turn to ask questions.

He was also very curious about how the dwarves escaped from the clutches of the goblins. He wanted to know what happened to the dwarves after they were captured by the goblins.

Speaking of which, the dwarves are not sleepy.

You told Bilbo in detail how Gaoyuan fell from the sky, killed the Goblin King, and then caused the earthquake that spread to most of the Misty Mountains and led them out of the Orc town. come out.

Although there is a bit of personality cult and dramatization in it, the basic facts are clearly stated.

At this time, Sorin found Gao Yuan who was thinking about his next plan, and wanted to ask why there was an entrance to Orc Town on the road leading to Gao Pass.

This aroused the curiosity of other members of the expedition team, and they all turned to look at Gao Yuan, so he narrated his views on this issue to the dwarves.

As early as a few months ago, the elves of Rivendell discovered traces of half-orc activities in the High Pass area. Not long after, an elf patrol was attacked by half-orcs.

So the angry elves launched a campaign to wipe out the half-orcs operating in the area near the high pass.

During the clean-up process, the elves were attacked by many goblins at night, and those goblins would always come out of their caves at night to capture travelers who accidentally approached.

It's a pity that they were unlucky, they ran into the guns of the regular army of the elves, so the elves wiped out the goblins entrenched there in the process of eliminating the orcs.

After being blocked at the door of their house for two months, the goblin, who was unable to go out, dug a new passage on the top of the mountain. This should have been dug recently, so they never found the entrance.

The expedition team was also unlucky, and happened to break into the newly dug entrance by the goblins, and fell into the goblin's trap.

After finishing his guess, Gao Yuan stood up again after dinner.

"Now that we've rested, let's go right away."

The dwarves were very puzzled. They had already escaped from the goblin's lair, and they had escaped for a considerable distance. Why did they rush to start?
"Half-orc town has been destroyed by me. After night falls, those goblins will definitely come out to hunt us down. It is already night, even though we have traveled a long distance, it is still not far enough. Those goblins will come out to hunt us down. Brin was still able to follow the scent we left behind and find us."

"And, don't forget, behind us, there is a group of half-orcs who have been following us." Gao Yuan began to pack his only remaining luggage, "They must have received the message from King Goblin at this moment , perhaps on its way towards us."

"So, taking advantage of the good moonlight tonight, we need to set off overnight, and the moonlight will illuminate the road under our feet, which is very beneficial to us."

After listening to Gao Yuan's analysis, the dwarves, who were still immersed in the joy of escaping from the orc town, came to their senses. Like Gao Yuan, they began to pack their things.

The expedition team went all the way down the steep hillside. I don't know how far they walked. The rough road disappeared, and the bushes, grassland, thyme, pine trees and briars that could be seen before disappeared.

They were walking on a slope full of rubble, and Thorin stopped halfway, digging up a patch of rubble.

Only then did I discover that it wasn't that the vegetation disappeared, but that they were all buried under the rubble.

This is a sign of a landslide, and it happened not long ago, Thorin looked at Gao Yuan standing beside him, because he made it.

"What exactly did you do?" Sorin asked. He thought that the earthquake caused by Gao Yuan was only limited to the caves in Orc Town, but after they walked such a long distance, they still found the earthquake event. When looking at the ruins, Sorin felt a little unbelievable.

Gao Yuan shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know, I know too little about this world, and I didn't even think that it would cause such serious consequences."

The expedition continued until they came to a slope covered with pine trees.

It was already late at night, with the bright moon hanging in the west, shadows gradually covered the expedition team's surroundings, and the forest became darker and darker, and even the dwarves could no longer see the road ahead.

"Shall we go on?" cried Bilbo, who was at the end of the line.

Bilbo had no shoes on his feet, and he had accidentally scratched the soles of his feet on the gravel slope just now, and now the pain was unbearable.

Even the bright moon in the sky could not shine its light in this taiga at this time, and Bilbo could not even see the back of Gao Yuan who was driving ahead.

"When we get out of this forest, we will stop to rest and persevere." Thorin replied.

After a long nightmarish trek, they came to an open space with no trees growing, and the surroundings were very quiet. Gao Yuan and Sorin checked the surroundings and announced that they stopped to rest after confirming that there was no danger.

Bilbo sank down on the ground, and the dwarves built a fire and got ready for sleep, which they had not slept for a long time.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a howl of wolves not far away, the sound was so piercing to the ears of the dwarves; the howl of wolves was not only coming from the rear of the expedition team, but also from their right and There was also the howling of wolves on the left.

This is the howling of the wolves, they are beckoning friends, obviously the traces of the expedition team have been discovered by these cunning guys, and they have already been surrounded by the wolves, the orcs and the wolves The army is coming towards them.

 Thank you book friend 20171031081202981 for a monthly ticket reward

  Thanks for the two monthly tickets for book friends strolling in the garden after the rain

(End of this chapter)

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