Chapter 56
"Quickly put out the bonfire." Gao Yuan yelled, the bonfire had just ignited, and the Orcs and Wargs found their trail. This is not a coincidence, it must be the bonfire raised by the dwarves, will Those guys brought it here.

"It's really a wave of unrest, and another wave." Sorin pulled out the beast-biting sword at his waist and sighed.

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, instead of being attacked by the half-orcs and wargs who are chasing up when he and the members of the expedition team are in a deep sleep state.

It's better to be discovered by those half-orcs earlier, and the two sides have a head-on fight.

"You put away your sword first, if it shines later, it will reveal our position." Gao Yuan said.

Sorin froze for a moment, then followed Gao Yuan's instructions and put away the beast biting sword.

"do you have any plans?"

"Leave the luggage where it is, let's climb to the surrounding trees first!" Gao Yuan glanced at the surrounding environment.

Everyone immediately ran to the woods at the edge of the grassland, and the dwarves gathered together in groups of three and four, and each found some pine trees that were easier to climb and climbed up.

The dwarves showed their special skills, and in order to climb up the tree quickly, they tried their best to climb to the top of the tallest tree.

The actions of the dwarves climbing the tree were full of joy and humor. If the enemy was not about to attack, Gao Yuan would have laughed out loud at this moment.

Gao Yuan's way of climbing the tree is much more domineering than the dwarf's. I saw him open his arms, the whole person soared into the air, and flew onto a thicker pine tree.

Bilbo stood under the tree that everyone was avoiding and stared blankly. He watched everyone climb up the tree tops in a hurry, but he couldn't climb up at all.

In the end, Gao Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, and directly pulled Bilbo up with his thoughts. He didn't pull Bilbo to the tree where he was hiding, because he might not have the energy to protect him when he was fighting later.

He sent Bilbo to Fili's side. Hiding in a tree with Fili was his brother Kili. The fighting strength of these two brothers was not low enough to protect Bilbo.

"Protect him and don't let him fall." Gao Yuan shouted.

Kili and Fili supported Bilbo together so that Bilbo would not fall, and then gestured towards Gao Yuan.

Not long after the members of the expedition team hid in the treetops, hundreds of ferocious wolves roared and rushed into the open space where they were originally, and directly rushed towards the packages they left in the open space.

They seem to have a deep hatred with those left behind parcels, crazily biting the parcels left by the dwarves, and even a few wargs snatched a parcel, and the parcel was directly torn into several pieces.

Watching this scene, the dwarves felt their scalps go numb for a while. If they were in a deep sleep at this moment, those packages at this moment might be their fate.

Even if they had already discovered the wargs, if they hadn't followed Gao Yuan's instructions and climbed up the treetops to hide, they might not be much better than those packages now.

Soon, the wolves sensed that something was wrong.

They are not wild beasts in the forest, they are well-trained Gundaba wolves whose intelligence is not lower than that of ordinary humans, and they even have their own language that allows them to communicate between groups.

"Ahh. (You idiots, those are just some packages, they must be nearby, find them!)" howled the leading white wolf.

Gao Yuan curled his lips helplessly. For a moment, he really wanted to lose the language proficiency in the system. It was really insane. You even translated the language of the dog.

No, it's Wolf language.
More and more wargs began to gather here, and they began to sniff around, trying to find the location of the dwarves.

Gao Yuan took a worried look at Qili.

Young man, you are the one with the most taste among this group of people.

Gao Yuan didn't want to be guarded by the wolves under the tree. At this time, the wolves gathered together were far easier to deal with than the scattered wolves.

Just when the pack of wolves were about to discover the traces of the dwarves, Gao Yuan jumped down from the treetops.

Evening Star Blade flew out from his waist.

When the wargs saw Gaoyuan falling from the sky, it was like seeing a piece of pork belly falling from the sky. They immediately turned around and rushed towards them howling.

A burst of invisible fluctuations set off from all around the open space, rolling up endless dust, and the power of thought surrounded all the wargs staying in the open space.

And some of the wolves who stayed outside Gao Yuan's mind power cage were all mercilessly beheaded by Gao Yuan's Evening Star Blade.

All of a sudden.In this dark forest, countless howls and howls of wargs sounded.

Among them was the scream of the wolf who was beheaded by Gao Yuan before he died.

And what's more, those wolves who were imprisoned by the lofty mind power cage made an angry roar.

They use their own language, cursing constantly in the cage of mind power, and are slaughtering Gao Yuan, their compatriots.

Gao Yuan could only pretend he couldn't hear him. He only thought about one thing at the moment, and that was—how could he turn off the system translation? I don't want to hear the dog barking! ! !

Seeing Gao Yuan slaughtering these wolves, the dwarves and Bilbo hid in the trees and cheered loudly.

Evening Star Blade's sword was covered with the blood of wargs, even under normal circumstances, it was difficult to get blood on it.

The blade of the Evening Star floating in the air began to tremble violently, as if saying, "Hurry up and get rid of it, it's all messing with my face."

Gao Yuan rolled his eyes, it's not like you can't speak, please beg me to die.

No, will it break?

Manipulating the blade of Evening Star to swing it a few times in the air, to shake off all the filth on it, and then put it into the scabbard at his waist.

Turning around, he looked at the wolves who were still imprisoned in the cage of mind power.

Hundreds of wolves are not so easy to kill. Even with the Evening Star Blade, Gao Yuan may not be able to kill all of them even if his spiritual energy is exhausted. That would be too much loss.

However, Gao Yuan already had a way to deal with this situation.

"It's cool that you scolded me just now, isn't it?" Gao Yuan grinned and sneered.

I saw Gao Yuan take out a cylindrical metal object from the backpack behind him. If a modern person saw this object, he would definitely exclaim loudly—grooving, thermos cup?
Of course, this is just a container similar to the design of a thermos cup. What is stored in it is not soaked wolfberry water, but high-concentration spirits!

Since ancient times, the fear of fire has been deeply engraved in the genes of wild animals, especially wolves.

Even if it is a wolf who is imprisoned in Gaoyuan's mind power cage at this time, there is no exception.

In the movie and the original book, Gandalf used the flames to drive these wolves away.

However, what Gao Yuan has to do is different from Gandalf's. The cage of mind power is constantly shrinking, and the place where the wolf can stay is getting smaller and smaller.

It's not that they haven't tried to hit Gaoyuan's thought power cage, but it's futile. Even if they hit their heads badly, they can't break through Gaoyuan's thought power cage.

Standing in the center of the wolf pack, the tallest white wolf stared at Gao Yuan, as if he wanted to carve Gao Yuan's face into his soul.

He unscrewed the lid on the thermos cup and turned the cup upside down.

Countless spirits poured down from the thermos, but strangely, those spirits were not spilled on the ground.

Instead, it turned into a water polo, suspended in front of Gao Yuan.

The water polo passed through the cage of thought power and floated above the heads of the wolves. They raised their heads and looked at the water polo suspended above their heads suspiciously.


The water polo exploded violently, and the spirits turned into countless tiny water droplets, which were evenly sprayed on the bodies of these wargs.

There was a commotion among the wolves, and they began to howl in the cage again. Gao Yuan didn't need to listen to know what these guys were talking about.

"I'm afraid you are too happy!" Gao Yuan showed a sinister smile on his face, and took out two flints from his arms.

 Thanks to book friend Zhencui for the 1000 book coin reward, sorry boss, I just saw it today.

  Thank you book friend Fanchen for the reward of 100 book coins.

  Thanks to book friend Tianyimeng Tiandao for the 300 book coins reward.

(End of this chapter)

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