Chapter 73 Star Feast
The dwarves of the expedition team were not welcomed by the Silvan elves in the woodland kingdom. They even made no secret of their dislike for the dwarves, let alone their hospitality.

It's just that today is the day of the starlight feast, and as usual, they will provide food and drink for everyone staying in the woodland kingdom.

Therefore, they took out a lot of food and drinks to entertain these dwarves who were not welcome at first.

After saying goodbye to Thranduil, Thorin and Gao Yuan found the settled dwarves, where they were eating and drinking.

Thorin informed everyone in the expedition team of the results of the discussions with Thranduil, which caused an uproar in the expedition team.

Some of the Dwarves, like Thorin, thought the Elves of the Woodlands to be untrustworthy.

The other dwarves thought it might be worth a try, since they had no better options at the moment.

Both sides had their own reasons, and neither of them accepted the other, and even quarreled about it.

When everyone was arguing, Balin stood up. He was the most prestigious dwarf in the expedition team except Sorin.

He is also the oldest dwarf in the team. Like Thorin, both of them spent their childhood in the Lonely Mountain.

He has always been a staunch supporter of Thorin. Although the two occasionally have some differences in decision-making, he is always willing to be the first to give in, and he is willing to play the role of a scout or a think tank in the team.

Sorin did not participate in other people's discussions this time, because the cooperation with the elves this time was already an established fact, and he had already made promises and compromises to Thranduil.

Balin's original plan was to let Thorin use the power of the elves to help them regain the Lonely Mountain.Because he knows very well that it is absolutely impossible to complete the task of recovering the lonely mountain with the dozen or so dwarves in the expedition team, even with the addition of Gao Yuan.

In the movie, he found that he could not persuade Thorin, so he chose to obey his arrangement.And now all he needs to do is convince the rest of the expedition.

Gao Yuan has no time to participate in the debates of these dwarves. Once they start arguing, it will never end.

He was invited to participate in the feast of the starry sky held by the Silvan elves, which was very different from the banquet held by Rosslorian and Rivendell, and he was going to experience this different kind of feast.

But before he went to participate in the starry sky feast, he had to find out the follower who had been following him.

Walking through a corner, Gao Yuan stopped, waiting for the hobbit to appear.

Bilbo was wearing the Lord of the Rings at this time, and followed Gao Yuan quietly. He was very curious, why did Gao Yuan choose to leave when the dwarves were arguing endlessly?

Seeing Gao Yuan's figure disappear around the corner, he followed up immediately, but when Bilbo turned the corner, what he saw was a pitch-black elf sword pointing at his nose.

This startled him so much that he nearly bumped into the point of the Evening Star Blade.

He had heard people mention it more than once, the horror of this black sword, when Rivendell and them escaped from Orc Town.

The dwarves told him that whoever was stabbed by this ominous blade would surely die.

Even that huge goblin king.

"Come on, guy hiding in the shadows, you don't want to try the power of this sword." Gao Yuan yelled loudly.

Hearing this, Bilbo quickly put his hands behind his back, and secretly took off the magic ring on his finger.

Bilbo who took off the Lord of the Rings suddenly appeared in front of Gao Yuan.

"Bilbo, how did you appear here?" Gao Yuan shouted in pretended surprise.

Hearing Gao Yuan's inquiry, Bilbo's head started to work rapidly, and he was thinking about what reason to use to prevaricate Gao Yuan.

"I saw you being carried away by the elves, so I slipped in quietly."

"I thought maybe I could be of help if you were in trouble," replied Bilbo, stammering.

Gao Yuan patted Bilbo on the shoulder in relief.

"Seeing that you are fine is the greatest help to me. If you haven't found us tonight, I'm going to find you in the forest."

Gao Yuan looked at Bilbo with interest. He put his hands behind his back, trying to hide the magic ring in his hand.

"It seems that I am far from the only one who has the secret."

He looked at Bilbo's clenched fist behind him, and it was obvious that what he was hiding in his hand was the One Ring.

Bilbo was very disturbed at this time, he knew that Gao Yuan must have discovered the ring in his hand at this time; it is possible that he also discovered the secret of his invisibility.

He only felt a sense of shame welling up in his heart, thinking about the bragging he had done and the praise he had received.

At this moment, he could dig out a basement under the floor with his toes in embarrassment.

He didn't know if he should take the initiative to confess the truth to Gao Yuan and tell him about the ring.

After thinking about it for a moment, he finally defeated the desire in his heart to possess this treasure alone.

Because the person standing in front of him at this time is the person he trusts the most. He has saved his life countless times. He believes that Gao Yuan will not want to snatch this piece of his - "baby"?
He decided to show Gao Yuan the Lord of the Rings, but when he stretched out his hand in front of Gao Yuan and was about to spread his palm, Gao Yuan pressed it down.

Bilbo was about to hand over the ring to himself, but Gao Yuan was taken aback.He would not be arrogant to think that with his current strength, he could resist the magic power from the Lord of the Rings.

In the Misty Mountains, even at such a long distance, the Lord of the Rings can affect one's emotions, let alone seeing it at such a close distance.

It was a deadly magic and temptation that both Gandalf and Galadriel could not resist, and he couldn't be too careful.

Only when his mental strengthening skills were upgraded and his spiritual power was greatly enhanced, would he be sure to challenge the temptation of the Lord of the Rings.

"I don't have the desire to get to the bottom of your secrets, just like I have many secrets, and I also don't like others to explore my secrets."

"Take good care of him, it may help you become the number one snitch in Middle-earth." Gao Yuan's words made Bilbo smile knowingly.

However, Gao Yuan's expression became serious in the next second, and he changed the topic.

"However, you also have to be vigilant against it at all times. On this continent, items with magical powers usually have other things attached to them. We don't know if he has ulterior motives."

"Be especially careful of magic objects that exist in the form of rings, they are all worthy of your vigilance."

"If you can not use it, try not to use it, especially don't show it to others."

Gao Yuan's warning sounded like a thunderstorm, resounding in Bilbo's mind, which reminded him of his own experience of being enchanted by this ring not long ago.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, how did you know that the treasure in my hand is a ring?" Bilbo asked curiously.

Gao Yuan shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said, "I guess, it's not difficult to guess."

"When you showed up just now, you hid both of your hands behind you. Apart from the ring and bracelet, I can't think of anything else you can wear on your hands."

"Let's not talk about that, the elves in the woodland will hold a grand starry sky feast later, I will take you to participate, and by the way, see the demeanor of the elves of the Silvan tribe."

Gao Yuan then pulled Bilbo towards the exit of the dungeon.

Gao Yuan and Bilbo walked out of the dungeon in the woodland. At this time, many Silvan elves had gathered in the wide open space of the forest.

In the middle of the forest, they sang songs about the starry sky and the forest full of life.

Unlike the elves in the valley and the golden forest, who like to sing heroic epics and legends, the elves of Silvan prefer to praise the stars and the forest.

Bilbo has not yet adapted to the sudden change, he followed closely behind Gao Yuan, looking left and right in this bustling feast.

At this time, a beautiful Silvan elf girl came to the two of them with exquisite food, and she handed the plate in front of Gao Yuan.

"Dear Mr. Ranger, please enjoy the delicious food specially prepared for you. Lord Thranduil ordered us to entertain you well." The bold elf girl stared at the food with her eyes wide open. With a tall and handsome face.

Although his appearance is different from that of most humans in Middle-earth, his basic aesthetics are the same.

Handsome is handsome, it has nothing to do with race.

"Thank you, beautiful Silvan girl, please say to Sir Thranduil for me, thank him for his hospitality." Gao Yuan smiled lightly and returned the gift, taking the food from the elf girl.

At this time, Bilbo happened to come in front of Gao Yuan, and when he saw Bilbo suddenly appearing from behind Gao Yuan, the elf girl covered her lips in surprise.

"Is this gentleman a dwarf?"

Bilbo froze for a moment.

"No no. I am a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins." Bilbo held out a hand to the elf girl. "You may call me Baggins, lady."

After a brief surprise, the elf girl quickly recovered, and she smiled at Bilbo

"Hi, Mr. Baggins, nice to meet you."

She knelt down, shook the hobbit's hand cordially, and also handed Bilbo an elf treat.

After greeting Bilbo, the elf girl stood up and wanted to chat with the handsome human ranger.

However, Gao Yuan had already left while she was saying hello to Bilbo, and she could only look at Gao Yuan's back in awe.

"I'm sorry, I have to go to my friend." Bilbo also noticed the look in the eyes of the elf girl, and he gave her a sorry look and said.

With a plate of food in his hand, Gao Yuan sat gently in front of a singing elf girl from the Silvan tribe. He seemed to be intoxicated by the melodious singing of this elf girl.

At the end of the song, the elf girl slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was the tall human ranger wearing a dark green elf cloak sitting in front of her.

Facing Gao Yuan's scorching gaze, the elf girl lowered her head shyly.

"Few people can understand the choice of the Silvan clan back then, and now the other elves don't even want to call them the Eldar." Legolas' voice came from Gao Yuan and Bilbo's side.

Bilbo turned around, and at some point, a tall and thin elf appeared beside them.This elf is different from other elves in the woodland. His hair is golden, and he looks far more handsome than other elves.

"Even the elves have the right to choose freely when faced with different choices. It's just that the Silvan elves choose a peaceful life in a corner. They are used to walking under the stars and in the forest."

"Even Vera didn't dare to say that the choice of the Silvan elves was wrong, because they had already got the life they wanted. The disputes brought about by desires caused the birth of one tragedy after another. , maybe the elves who chose to go to Valinor at the beginning have already regretted the choice they made back then."

Gao Yuan told Legolas plainly about his understanding of the Silvan elves.

"This is the best answer I've ever heard." Legolas sat beside Gao Yuan excitedly after hearing Gao Yuan's thoughts
"You have always refused to admit that you are a wizard, but in my opinion, your wisdom may not be weaker than any wizard who arrived in Middle-earth from Valinor."

Gao Yuan untied the Evening Star Blade from his waist and presented it in front of Legolas.

"Have you ever seen a wizard who only carries a sword with him?"

Legolas smiled wryly and shook his head: "The wizards I've seen all hold an exquisite staff in their hands, and there is usually a gem full of magic inlaid on it."

Looking at Legolas who was gradually being limped by himself, Gao Yuan's evil taste was fully satisfied.

Young man, you are still too young. I am afraid you have never seen Gandalf, the white-robed swordsman with a sword in one hand and a staff in the other.

Staff?It was just a flashlight.

"So as you can see, I'm just a ranger."

Legolas and Gao Yuan talked very happily. They were like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. From the study of swordsmanship, they talked about all kinds of experiences of the expedition team all the way.

In the end, we talked about which elf girl's figure was more charming at the banquet. As an old driver before crossing, Gao Yuan drove the car, which made the elf prince blush and sit beside the bored Bill Bo listened with great interest.

Unknowingly, the atmosphere of this feast of stars reached its climax, and the elves in the banquet began to dance in pairs in the forest.

The elf girl who has been playing music in front of everyone has been paying attention to Gao Yuan for a long time during the conversation between Gao Yuan and others.

Taking advantage of the lively atmosphere, she also mustered up the courage to come up and invite Gao Yuan to dance together, but Gao Yuan politely refused.

At this time, Arwen already existed in his heart. After seeing Arwen's beauty, how could he hold other female elves in his eyes?
The elf girl failed to invite Gao Yuan, so she turned to the equally handsome Legolas, but she was rejected again. Legolas' heart at this time was probably tied to the captain of the elf guard.

The elf girl who couldn't bear face had no choice but to try to invite the hobbit on the side. Fortunately, she was not rejected again this time. If she was rejected again, she might doubt her life.

So at the banquet, such a scene appeared.

A diminutive hobbit dances while holding the hand of a tall elf girl.

Our poor Bilbo is like an ant climbing a tree at this time, and the elf girl is even more pitiful, she seems to be dancing with the air, her face is full of lovelessness.

 Calvin, pain. . .

  Thank you book friend Thurse for a monthly ticket

  Thank you for the two monthly tickets of the book club My Neighbor Totoro

  Thanks to the two monthly tickets of the book friend Setha
  There are so few descriptions of woodland in the original book, it is too painful to write, so I will start the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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