Chapter 74
In this star feast held by the Silvan elves, Bilbo and the elf girl undoubtedly became the focus of the audience.

Except for Gao Yuan and Legolas, no one knew how awkward the two were in the center of the dance floor.

After the dance music ended, the awkward two broke up and left immediately, unlike other elves who paired up, they chose to find a place to sleep after the dance music ended.

Bilbo must be very regretful at this time, why he agreed to the elf girl's invitation to dance.

As for the elf girl, I'm afraid it's not much better, as can be seen from the expression on her face when she left.

I am afraid that this dance will become her shadow for the rest of her life, at least in the next three to five hundred years, her friends will use it to tease her.

"Bilbo, you dance very well." Gao Yuan praised.

It wasn't that Gao Yuan was laughing at him, he really danced very well. Although this tall and short dance combination looked embarrassing, the two did cooperate quite well.

Legolas got up too, and made room for our hobbit, and asked how he felt dancing with the elf maiden just now.

The enthusiasm between the two made Bilbo's embarrassment dissipate a lot, and he began to talk about anecdotes about dancing with hobbit girls in Hobbiton in the Shire.

After the dance, the clearing in the forest quickly quieted down, which meant that the feast was about to enter the next stage. The reluctant elf lovers separated into two groups according to male and female, and the center of the forest was emptied.

"Next, is there any special arrangement?" Gao Yuan, who had never participated in the Starlight Feast, asked Legolas beside him.

The elf prince looked up at the center of the clearing expectantly.

He excitedly told Gao Yuan: "This is the trial of starlight. It started from the awakening of the people of the stars (Eldar, referring to all the elves.) on the shore of Lake Cuvienen, and has continued to this day. The tradition of the feast of starlight."

"In the past, the people of Eldar will find the strongest person in the family in this trial, who is also the elf king in the past, to find the heir's ceremony."

Legolas suddenly looked at Gao Yuan.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, do you want to go up and have a try?"

Gao Yuan was stunned by Legolas' sudden proposal.

"This is not good, I am not a citizen of the stars."

Legolas said it was fine.

"That's all in the past. People of other races are not prohibited from participating in the current Starlight Trial."

Even so, Gao Yuan still rejected Legolas's proposal. He is not the protagonist in Qidian's novel. Isn't it a naked provocation to challenge the strong man of the elves in the traditional ceremony of other people's race?

If you lose, you will lose face, if you win, you will slap others in the face.

He wouldn't do such a thankless and hateful thing.

"Since Mr. Gao Yuan, you don't want to participate in the Starlight Trial. Then take this as a competition between you and me. You don't need to accept the challenge from others, it's just a competition between the two of us. Click here That's it."

Having said that, Legolas revealed his true intentions. It turned out that he proposed Gao Yuan to participate in the Starlight Trial. learn from each other.

"I want to see your true strength, Mr. Gao Yuan. I have never had the opportunity to compete with people outside the woodland. I want to see what my strength is."

Gao Yuan was a little helpless, he looked at Legolas' expectant eyes.

This elven prince has a posture that he will not give up unless he agrees.

"As soon as you click on it." Gao Yuan solemnly declared.

Legolas nodded very excitedly, which showed that Gao Yuan had agreed to his request to discuss.

"It's just a swordsmanship sparring, you can't use magic!" Legolas suddenly thought of something, he forgot that Gao Yuan could use that weird magic.

"Of course, otherwise it would be too unfair to you." Gao Yuan didn't think about using his mind to bully Legolas, so he agreed.

"I'll wait for you there!" Legolas took his saber and walked into the open space in the forest first.

He stepped forward, as if he had explained something to the member of the Elf Guard who was undergoing trials.

The elf soldier nodded, then put away his weapon and left the open space.

Seeing Legolas participating in the Starlight Trial, everyone at the banquet cheered. They raised their wine glasses and shouted Legolas' name.

Gao Yuan stood up and handed the Evening Star Blade to Bilbo. This weapon is not suitable for short-term sparring, and if one is not careful, it will lead to serious consequences.

Seeing Gao Yuan walking forward with bare hands, Legolas was very puzzled.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, this is a swordsmanship competition, where is your weapon?" Legolas asked in a deep voice.

Facing Legolas' question, Gao Yuan did not answer, but looked at the elf soldier who left just now, and saw the elf sword on his waist began to tremble, as if it would break out of its sheath at any moment.

Gao Yuan stretched out his right hand.


The sword flew into Gao Yuan's hands, and when he got the sword, he played a set of sword tricks to familiarize himself with the weight and feel of this elf sword.

The feel is a bit too heavy, which is different from the weapons produced by Rivendell. The forging process is still a bit poor, and the weight distribution is not very balanced.

But this is enough. After all, not all elves have superb forging skills, so the requirements should not be too high.

Seeing that Gao Yuan got the weapon, Legolas did not rush to attack Gao Yuan. Those who often use swords know that after getting an unfamiliar weapon, it takes a process of getting familiar with the weapon.

"Okay, we can start." Gao Yuan quickly became familiar with the two-handed sword in his hand, and made a starting gesture.

Hearing Gao Yuan said that he was ready, Legolas was no longer polite, and rushed towards Gao Yuan directly.

Gao Yuan once learned Rivendell's elven swordsmanship in Rivendell, Elohir and Elradan. Although it is different from the swordsmanship used by the elves in the Woodland Kingdom, it is not very different in essence. the difference.

Compared with the swordsmanship used by humans, the swordsmanship of the elves is more flexible and changeable. Coupled with the agility of the elves, they are still able to easily face enemies whose size and strength far exceed their own.

Therefore, elves who use this kind of sword technique never easily compete with the enemy in strength when fighting against the enemy.

This has also led to many people who don't understand the elves, and have the illusion that the elves can't compete with other races in terms of strength, and they rely more on their agility to defeat the enemy.

Although Gao Yuan also uses elven swordsmanship, he does not have an agile figure like an elf, so he focuses more on learning and applying swordsmanship skills on his wrists and arms.

Facing Legolas' fast and tricky attack, Gao Yuan was like a mountain standing tall, blocking all of Legolas' attacks without leaking.

He just took a few steps back to avoid the attack on his vitals.

Although Legolas is best at bows and arrows, his swordsmanship is not bad. With his agile figure, his swordsmanship is also quite threatening to Gao Yuan.

Of course, it is impossible for Gao Yuan to let Legolas attack all the time. How could he not understand the truth that if he defends for a long time, he will lose.

In fact, he has been waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

As the so-called one-shot, and then decline, three and exhausted.

No matter how experienced a fighter is, there will always be a gap between breathing during a long-term continuous attack.

The opportunity that Gao Yuan was waiting for was the gap when Legolas took a breath.

The continuous attack caused the oxygen in Legolas' lungs to decrease rapidly, and he began to breathe unconsciously.

When breathing, the movements of his hands were naturally slowed down by half a beat. He kept observing the height of Legolas' attack, and immediately noticed the opportunity for Legolas to breathe, and his eyes flashed.

It's now!

(End of this chapter)

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