Chapter 82 Consciousness
In the open space where the Starlight Feast was held last night, Legolas was directing the elves to clean up the battlefield and extinguish the fire.

Thranduil led an army and went after the fleeing orcs.

Legolas, who had just gone through a great battle, did not choose to go with his father, but stayed to appease the frightened and injured clansmen.

At that moment, Thranduil returned from the forest, leading the army of the woodland elves.

Beneath him was an elk with a pair of huge antlers, and Thranduil stopped in front of Legolas.

"Father." Legolas was preparing to report the loss of the woodland to Thranduil.

"Those damned half-orcs have waged war against us." Thranduil jumped off the elk angrily, "Notice that all the roads on the border and the guards on the rivers must be doubled. Without my order, all Do not move."

Thranduil ordered that the entire woodland kingdom be put on alert, and he was going to prepare for a war.

"I want to eradicate all the half-orcs wandering in the dense forest to the north."

"Then what about the plan we promised to help the dwarves?" Legolas had no objection to Thranduil's arrangement to eradicate the half-orcs in the jungle.

But he remembered that they agreed not long ago to help the dwarves and Gao Yuan, and trap the dragon in the lonely mountain to death in the dungeon.

"There will be no more plans to help the dwarves. The most important thing for us now is to protect our homeland. Gao Yuan is right. The Dark Lord has made a comeback, but this time he is targeting us."

"The Witch King of Angmar has been resurrected by the Dark Lord. Led by that dirty orc, he sneaked into the dungeon tonight in order to assassinate me!" Take Er's Blade out.

"What about the dragon in the lonely mountain? Gao Yuan said that the Dark Lord is actually targeting Smaug and those dwarves. Their target is not us."

Legolas raised an objection to his father.

It is important to guard the homeland, but it is equally important to eliminate the evil dragon in the lonely mountain.

"The reality is before our eyes, Legolas. Look around you, do you still think that their target is not us? Tonight, they left the corpses of more than two thousand orcs here , tomorrow may lead an army of [-] to attack the Woodland Kingdom." He pointed to the devastated forest around him.

Thranduil was very dissatisfied with Legolas' questioning.

"As for the dragon in the Lonely Mountain, as long as those dwarves don't provoke it, he will sleep forever."

"Hasn't it been sleeping for 60 years? Let it continue to sleep. If the dwarves insist on awakening the dragon, they will pay the price for their actions."

"Do what you should do, my son, and deal with the aftermath." After speaking, Thranduy waved his sleeves and left.

Legolas looked at his father's back, his eyes became very complicated.

From the perspective of being the king of the Woodland Kingdom, Thranduil's current decisions and arrangements are not problematic.

However, they are not just an isolated kingdom, they are neighbors of the Lonely Mountain, the only guardians of the East, and members of the righteous camp of Middle-earth.

It sucks to choose to be alone.

They and other races on the continent are a community of destiny, because they all have a common enemy, that is the dark force represented by the dark lord Sauron.

This world does not have the word "dead lips and teeth cold", but no one understands this truth.

In front of Sauron, a powerful enemy, no one can truly be alone.

As Gao Yuan said, one prospers all, one loses all.

Will Smaug and those evil half-orcs spare the nearby Woodland Kingdom after taking away the Lonely Mountain and slaughtering the dwarves and the humans in Long Lake Town?
If they choose to stand by now, there will be no one to help them when they are threatened in the future.

There was a fierce conflict between Legolas' ideas and his father's, which put Legolas in a difficult situation for a while.

Suddenly, a familiar figure galloped past Legolas on a white steed.

It also brought him back to reality from the predicament.

That's Tariel!
Where is she going?

"Tariel, what are you going to do?" Legolas yelled, and was rushing to the shore of Long Lake, looking for Tariel of Axelas grass.

She turned her horse and came up to Legolas.

"Kili was stabbed by the Nazgul in order to save me, and now he is dying. I'm going to Long Lake to find Aceras grass to rescue him." Tariel spoke very fast, and then rode a horse Run towards the direction of the long lake.

Legolas stared at Tauriel's leaving back blankly.

He knew the dwarf named Kili, who had been wounded by the orcs who had invaded the kingdom.

But he didn't expect that he was injured in order to save Tariel.

Not long ago, he had been very angry because Tariel had gone too close to the dwarf, but now he seemed to suddenly understand something.

He understood why Tariel chose that dwarf between himself and that dwarf.

Perhaps, Tariel has seen too many shadows of his father in himself.

Legolas has always known that Tariel doesn't like his father's ideas, just like the ideological conflict between him and Thranduil now, but in the past he chose to follow his father's orders.

Even before that dwarf appeared, Tariel had never chosen herself, no wonder she always left herself.

Legolas smiled wryly. I am afraid that in her view, he is a fool who can only obey his father's orders.

After thinking through all this, Legolas' eyes gradually became firmer.

Gao Yuan has been using his mind to control the fragments of the Mogul Blade in Qili's body that constantly wants to wander away.

As time passed, Gao Yuan and the other dwarves gradually began to feel anxious seeing his mental energy gradually decline.

The dwarf either stepped forward to comfort Kili who was already unconscious; or cursed in the room; or guessed that Tariel had abandoned Kili.

When the first ray of sunlight at dawn rose from the eastern horizon, it shone into the devastated forest, where there were still sporadic fires that had not been extinguished by the elves emitting black smoke.

Taking advantage of the bright morning sun, Tariel's figure slowly emerged from the forest. She desperately patted the steed under her body, and rushed into the entrance of the woodland kingdom as fast as she could.

Going directly past the guards guarding the gate, he rushed to the door of the room where Qili was staying, and personally handed the cluster of Acelas grass that he had just collected from the shore of Changhu Lake to Gao Yuan's hands.

Gao Yuan got the Aceras grass, and immediately started to do it, using his mind to control the elf dagger that had been prepared, and began to take out the fragments of the Mogul blade in his body for Qili.

Gao Yuan manipulated the dagger, and carefully peeled off the skin on Qili's back layer by layer.

Looking around, the inside has been bloodied by the fragments of the Morgu Blade, and a large amount of dirty blood flows out of the wound in an instant.

That's why Gao Yuan didn't dare to do anything without the Aceras grass.

Nianli penetrated into Qili's body from the wound on Qili's back.

Gao Yuan quickly found the fragment buried in his body, and Gao Yuan took it out as quickly as possible, and then covered Qili's wound with the remaining Aceras grass.

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(End of this chapter)

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