The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 83 You Don't Know About Power 1

Chapter 83 You don't know anything about power

It wasn't until Gao Yuan threw the fragment of Mogul's blade on the plate that everyone around Qili breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Yuan slumped on the chair. As soon as he relaxed, he felt a sense of dizziness spread all over his body.

It felt like I was floating in weightless space.

A hot stream flowed down from his nostrils, he subconsciously touched his nose, he smelled a strong smell of rust.

This mental overdraft seems to be quite serious.

After a big battle last night, his mental energy was almost exhausted, and his mental energy hadn't recovered much. Then he consumed a lot of mental energy to treat the dwarves, which led to a serious overdraft of mental energy.

Seeing that Gao Yuan's condition was not quite right, everyone gathered around to show concern, and helped him to rest on the bed.

Bilbo also found him a clean handkerchief, and wiped his still bleeding nose.

"I'm fine, you go and see how Kili is doing."

Gao Yuan knew his situation, and his mental overdraft would not affect him much, but the dizziness would last a little longer this time.

Wait until the mental energy slowly recovers, and it will get better.

Tariel stood by Kili's side, always paying attention to his physical condition.

Although, he still looks very uncomfortable now, but it is much better than before the fragments were taken out.

Aceras grass has a certain sedative effect.

It's just that the effect of the medicine is promoting the healing of his wound, and sometimes the rapid healing of the wound is also a painful process.

"He looked better than before, but he was still very sick," Tariel said.

"The effect of Aceras grass is not so fast, and it may take a long time for him to recover. As for whether he can carry it down, it depends on himself." Gao Yuan didn't dare to guarantee it.

He thought of the way to save Qili based on the plot of the original movie.

Gao Yuan also saw how to use Aceras grass in Rivendell's library, and even he didn't know the effect of Aceras.

So he can't be sure whether this method is really effective.

Elrond has always had a good relationship with his brother's heirs, and he is also an elf who is proficient in medical skills. The content and methods recorded by Rivendell should be no problem.

"I have heard that only the Dúnedain know how to heal wounds with Atheras." Thorin asked.

In fact, he has always been very interested in Gao Yuan's real identity.

He claims to be a ranger from Khan, but has never revealed who his parents were, nor his family origin.

He has a wealth of knowledge, outstanding ability, and a leadership temperament that others do not have, which is a temperament that ordinary people cannot match.

This kind of temperament must be cultivated from an early age, and Sorin, who was once a prince, can see it at a glance.

It's hard for you to believe that in Middle-earth, such an excellent person, his parents would be unknown.

He said that he was born in the kingdom of Khan, which borders Gondor, which made Sorin suspect that Gaoyuan might be a descendant of Elendil or Isildur.

"I'm not from Dunedain. As for how to use Aceras, I saw it in Rivendell's library." Gao Yuan smiled awkwardly, denying Thorin's guess.

At this time, a dull knock on the door came from outside the house.

Bilbo opened the door, and there stood a shamed Legolas outside.

Seeing that it wasn't Gao Yuan or Sorin who opened the door, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"My father wanted to see Gao Yuan and Sorin, and said that he had something very important to discuss with them." Legolas said.

In the King's Hall of the Woodland Kingdom.

A day ago, they reached a consensus on cooperation with Thranduil here, but now they are standing in this hall again.

The elf king of the woodland stood on the high platform in front of them again at this time.

"I thought we had reached a consensus before." Gao Yuan expressed regret after hearing Thranduy's decision.

From the beginning of the conversation, Thranduy expressed his gratitude to Gao Yuan for his help last night.

Immediately afterwards, Thranduil announced to them that he would not help the dwarves against Smaug.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, you once told me that the targets of Sauron and the orcs are the dragons and dwarves in the Lonely Mountain." Thranduy threw the Mogul blade that stabbed Kili to Gao Yuan and the others. In front of people, "but now it seems that it is not the same thing."

"Last night, Azog the Defiler and a Nazgul took advantage of the chaos outside and sneaked into the dungeon, just to assassinate me." Thranduy's expression remained very calm, as if the person who was assassinated last night was not himself. .

Sorin's face was full of disdain. He didn't trust Thranduy in the first place, and he wasn't surprised at Thranduy's backlash.

"So, you chose to betray your allies again, just like you once did to my grandfather and the dwarves." Thorin looked at Thranduil who was high above him with disdain.

"A great king, he will keep his promise, even if he will die because of this promise."

"But you, again and again, violated the promises you made yourself. You have no credibility and are not worthy of being called a king."

Thorin angrily accused Thranduil.

Accused the Elven King, as a king, but never kept his promises.

Gao Yuan looked indifferent.

Originally, it was just an attempt for him to seek Thranduil's help.

It would have been nice to have the help of the Woodland Elves; but he didn't mind without Thranduil's help.

He just lamented that this elf king didn't have the slightest integrity at all.

Gao Yuan held back Sorin who was still scolding Thranduy.

"Elf King of the Woodlands, I have no intention of questioning your choice."

"But I know that when Finrod, the former Elf King of the Noldor tribe, faced the human hero Beren's request for help, even though he knew that he might lose his life for it, he still chose to fulfill his promise. promise."

"In the end, when he was about to die in Sauron's dungeon because he kept his promise, he still didn't regret his choice."

Thranduy's face became gloomy. Although Gao Yuan did not directly criticize his decision, he compared the Noldor Elf King with himself at this time, and that was to slap him in the face.

Neither the Sindar nor the Silvan had ever been to Valinor beyond the sea.

The implication is that your Sindarites are inferior to those of the Noldor who came back from Valinor.

Gao Yuan hadn't finished his sentence yet, he didn't care whether Thranduy would be furious because of this, anyway, everyone had already torn their faces at this time.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether I have the help of the elves of the woodland kingdom or not for my plan." Gao Yuan spread his hands.

"With your help, maybe I can add a layer of insurance to my plan."

"Even without the help of the woodland elves, I can be sure that I will trap that evil dragon forever in the dungeon of Lonely Mountain."

Thranduy dismissed what Gao Yuan said.

"If that's the case, then why do you come to seek my help?"

"With just one wizard and thirteen dwarves, do you want to kill the dragon in the Lonely Mountain?"

"It's a real joke."

"Let me warn you one last thing. It is best not to provoke the sleeping dragon in the lonely mountain. When it wakes up, you will pay a heavy price for your reckless behavior."

Faced with Thranduy's contempt, Gao Yuan also had a temper: "Theranduy, your arrogance has covered your eyes, and you don't know anything about my strength."

 It snowed yesterday, and we went to clear the snow and remove the ice. . .I've been working on it all night, so today's update is only coming out now. I'm really sorry to keep readers waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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