Chapter 84 The Forsworn

This conversation made both parties very unhappy.

After Gao Yuan and Sorin left the hall, they began to discuss when they should leave.

Thorin suggested that they should prepare to leave after they returned, and he might change things if it was too late.

Although Gao Yuan agreed to leave as soon as possible, he did not agree to leave today.

Qili's injury has not stabilized at this time, and he has to wait until Qili's injury stabilizes before leaving.

Legolas was right next to the two of them, but their conversation did not shy away from the elf prince at all.

He also listened to the whole conversation between the two of them. He kept silent all the way, looking absent-minded.


It wasn't until they came to the temporary residence of the dwarves that Gao Yuan greeted Legolas and pulled him back from his thoughts.

"I don't have any prejudice against you and your people. The tit-for-tat confrontation between me and your father today is just to express my attitude towards his breaking his promise. I hope this will not affect our friendship." In fact, he has quite a good sense of this elf prince.

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Legolas forced a smile on his sullen face.

"Of course not. In fact, we should be the ones who should say sorry."

"My father always believed that protecting his own people is the greatest responsibility of a king."

"He doesn't want to see any of his clansmen get hurt. This may also have something to do with his participation in the final battle of the alliance. You know, my grandfather"

Gao Yuan interrupted Legolas' explanation: "I know the great battle, and the elves in the woodland suffered heavy losses in that battle. Everyone has their own choice, and I can understand your father's choice."

"However, this is not a reason for him to go back on his word."

Gao Yuan patted Legolas on the shoulder, and advised him earnestly: "You are different from your father, I don't want to see that you have been living in your father's shadow. You don't have to follow in your father's footsteps Go forward, you can choose to walk your own kingly road."

After finishing what should be said, Gao Yuan turned around and walked into the house.

Leaving Legolas alone outside, he sank into self-doubt again.

Back inside, he was pleased to see that Kili's condition had stabilized and was now awake.

According to Bilbo, the captain of the elf guard cast a strange spell on Kili, and then Kili stabilized and slowly woke up.

Seeing Qili wake up, Sorin drove everyone out of his resting room, as if he wanted to talk to Qili alone.

Gao Yuan found a comfortable place to sleep. Although it was still daytime, he was really sleepy.

After experiencing the great battle last night, he didn't sleep all night, and because of the treatment of Qili, his mental energy was overdrawn.

In Kili's room.

"How do you feel now?" Sorin sat beside Kili, gently covering him with a blanket.

Kili struggled to sit up, but was pushed back by Thorin.

"It's much better now, I feel like I can start with the team tomorrow." Qi Li smiled happily.

Seeing Qili's smile, Sorin felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to take you with us tomorrow, Kili."

"We must rush to Lonely Mountain before Turin Day. Your injury is not suitable for traveling now, and you will slow us down."

Sometimes, people always have to make some choices and be firm.

At this moment, Sorin firmly chose to let Qili stay.

When Qili heard Sorin's words, his expression was disbelief: "Do you know what you are talking about? I have worked so hard to come to the foot of the lonely mountain with you, and you actually want to leave me here."

"This is not leaving you behind, Kili!"

"I want you to heal your injuries here, and when you fully recover, you can come to Gushan to find us." Solin persuaded with earnestness.

Kili was a little emotional, he struggled to sit up and argue with Thorin: "I don't care, I must be there when the gate opens and I see the dwarf hall left by my fathers for the first time."

Sorin hugged Kili tightly and pressed him on the bed, he was worried that Kili would move too much and tear the wound.

"You have to rest here, and when you recover from your injury, you can come and join us."

Qili began to cry bitterly: "I grew up listening to the stories of the Lonely Mountain that you told me. You can't deprive me of the right to witness the opening of the gate of the Lonely Mountain now, uncle!"

Thorin remained unmoved.

"Thorin Oakenshield!"

Sorin said in a deep voice: "When I made this choice, it was as painful as you. When you become the king one day, you will understand."

"It's impossible for me to cause the entire expedition to fail because of a dwarf, even if that dwarf is my nephew." After speaking, Sorin resolutely left the room, and Kili's hoarse pleading sound came from behind him.

After closing the door, Kili's pleading voice no longer came from inside.

He turned his head and saw a group of dwarves standing in front of him.

Fili stood up first and looked at Thorin angrily.

"You shouldn't do this, I want to stay with my brother." After finishing speaking, Fili was about to enter Kili's room.

Thorin grabbed Fili by the collar.

"Don't do stupid things, let him have a good rest, you know this is the most correct choice."

Fili opened Thorin's hand: "However, this is also the worst choice."

"You know, if he enters the Lonely Mountain like this, he will only die under the flames of Smaug, and may even implicate others. The expedition needs our strength to unite everyone, and I don't want that." This is Sorin persuaded Fili one last time.

Without looking back, Philip opened the door and walked in.

"Before we set off tomorrow, you have one last chance to choose, Fili!" Thorin yelled angrily.

In the great hall of the Woodland Kingdom, Thranduil was sitting quietly on the throne alone at this moment, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart right now.

Tauriel and Legolas came to him together.

"I heard about the dwarves, why are you doing this, are you going to break your promise again?" Tariel asked.

When Thranduil heard Tariel's question, he immediately became furious: "Pay attention to your identity, Silvan elf."

"Even if you are the captain of the elf guard of the Woodland Kingdom, you are not qualified to question me, your king!"

At this moment, Legolas finally couldn't stand it anymore, and he took a step forward.

"Then am I qualified?" Legolas looked at his father firmly.

"My father; the King of the Woodlands; the Elven-King of the Silvans. As your son, am I entitled to question your decision?"

Thranduil ignored Legolas, but glared at Tariel viciously.

"This is a good thing you did. Do you think that if you pull my son to stand with you, I will change my mind?" Thranduy already knew that Legolas liked the elf captain. He thought she was instigating his son to fight against him.

Legolas finally broke out at this moment.

"This has nothing to do with Tauriel, it's my own thoughts."

"During the battle last night, Mr. Gao Yuan helped our people from the harm of the half-orcs; he also helped us repel the invasion of the half-orc army."

"Without his help, the loss caused by the half-orcs yesterday would be unbearable. I might have died under the siege of the half-orc army."

Tauriel stood up again and angrily said: "They have no obligation to help us in the battle last night, just because you made a covenant with them before, and they think that allies should help each other."

"However, after they helped you and your people, you ruthlessly abandoned them. You will bear the name of Forsworn forever, Thranduil! And so will your family and be ashamed."

Every word that came out of Tariel's mouth made Thranduil's anger grow a bit more.

In the end, Thranduil, who became furious, directly ordered the guards in the hall to take the two of them down.

 Thank you book friends for a monthly ticket to happiness

  Thank you book friends for going out with a monthly pass for Tiger

  Thank you book friend Sun Yao Eternal for the two monthly tickets

  Thank you for a monthly ticket from the book friend Brinkman OB, the protagonist outside the venue

(End of this chapter)

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