Chapter 24
Ever since the Goddess from the Western Regions came to Chang'an City, it has been rumored that although the Goddess is as beautiful as a flower, she is not like a mortal. The story of the dead body was spread, and some people even rumored that the young master of the Zhang family was kind and intelligent in nature, and it must be the nine-tailed fox fairy in the mountains that fascinated his mind. During this period, the women were inevitably suspected of jealousy, but the goddess of the Western Regions was naturally not. What ordinary people.

Before, to Si Yangting's ears, it was just ridiculous. Although Dali Temple did not investigate the whole matter clearly, the theory of the nine-tailed fox fairy was a bit outrageous, especially for someone like Si Yangting. For those who have thoroughly studied all kinds of strange things, the Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy is an ancient mythical beast, how could the human world harm the sky?
Seeing Young Master Zhang's corpse lying completely motionless on the ground right now, although he had returned to his normal human form, Si Yang Ting was really frightened into a cold sweat by the way his fangs and claws were dancing just now.

Si Yangting was still thinking about the connection between the Goddess of the Western Regions and Young Master Zhang, but in a short period of time, various possibilities had appeared in Si Yangting's mind, but he always felt that the two were far apart. Si Yangting couldn't help but shake his head and sigh slightly as the relationship between the scholar and the female ghost existed only in folklore, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Jiang Jichen approaching Mr. Zhang's body.

"What are you doing?" Si Yangting followed Jiang Jichen's example and squatted on the other side of Mr. Zhang's body.

Jiang Jichen's fair and slender fingers searched back and forth around Mr. Zhang's body: "I still remember that when we were in the morgue last time, he was controlled and attacked me. At that time, there was a flower in the shape of a Bana flower between his eyebrows, and there was a flower in the corpse. Hidden evidence is the so-called portrait of me."

Si Yangting pursed his lips for a moment: "Yes, the brushstrokes of that portrait are almost the same as yours. Anyone else would definitely feel that the painting was drawn by you yourself, but it's different for me. I can tell at a glance"

Jiang Jichen was not in the mood to listen to Si Yangting's nonsense, so he interrupted him: "This time, I doubt that the other party will leave us any clues."

"For example?" While speaking, Si Yangting became nervous.

Jiang Jichen still couldn't find any clues. He thought he had guessed the wrong direction, but he didn't expect that when his fingertips touched the heart of Mr. Zhang's corpse, a bright red-gold light suddenly appeared from the heart. A human face loomed leisurely from the depths of Mr. Zhang's skin. Both Jiang Jichen and Si Yang Ting held their breaths, waiting for the final result. Si Yang Ting could even feel his back getting cold.

"How did you do this?" Si Yangting stared at Mr. Zhang's heart without blinking. Didn't elicit such a reaction from him?"

Jiang Jichen's men stopped, and looked up at Si Yangting coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Si Yangting pursed his lips: "I also want to be like you, capable of such abilities." Just as he was speaking, the portrait on Mr. Zhang's heart was fully revealed.

Si Yangting stared at the portrait, mouth shut in shock.

"Recognize it?" Jiang Jichen said calmly.

Si Yangting's finger pointed to the portrait on the surface of Mr. Zhang's skin: "This man. This man is the profile painter of Dali Temple."

The corner of Jiang Jichen's eyes twitched: "Rong Yunhe? That Rong Yunhe who never met me, but drew a profile portrait of me and claimed that I was the murderer?"

Si Yangting was speechless for a while, but nodded heavily.

The moonlight just shone on Mr. Zhang's heart, and the red-gold head looked weird and cold, but after a while, the head gradually disappeared.

"What's going on? This portrait disappeared again? It's like it appeared just for you to see." Si Yangting's eyes could hardly be separated from the gradually disappearing portrait.

Jiang Jichen stopped talking, got up and walked out of the alley.

Only then did Si Yangting come to his senses, he hurriedly got up, chased after him, and stopped in front of Jiang Jichen: "Where are you going? What about Mr. Zhang's body?"

Jiang Jichen stood upright under the moonlight, his shadow was stretched very long, and the long hair on his temples was supported on his cheeks with the night wind. He had an indescribable charm, but his expression was sad, with worry in his eyes: "I Suspecting that Rong Yunhe might be in danger, I'll go and have a look, Mr. Zhang's body will be handed over to you, so return the body to Yuanwai Zhang, and I will give him a complete explanation about Mr. Zhang's death."

After Jiang Jichen finished speaking, he leaped onto a tall building, his body was as light as a swallow, and he quickly shuttled among the tall buildings in the night, like a ghost.

Si Yangting looked at Jiang Jichen's disappearing back, with a broken expression: "Just leave like this? Are you leaving like this? What should I do? Am I carrying the corpse alone?" He turned around and looked around, under the empty night In the narrow space, there were only the corpses of Si Yangting and Mr. Zhang. Si Yangting couldn't help shaking his body, and his hairs stood on end. "Corpse is not uncommon on weekdays. Common sense, I shouldn't be afraid of you, but you."

Si Yangting's footsteps slowly moved towards Mr. Zhang's body, and made dodging gestures from time to time: "Mr. Zhang, you have a wrongdoer and a debtor. If you want to take revenge, I suggest you go to Jiang Jichen first." Anyway, he is good at kung fu, you two can play two games." Si Yangting carefully folded Mr. Zhang's clothes and put away Mr. Zhang's clothes. He didn't forget to give Mr. Zhang a little push. Count it as a favor you owe me."

Si Yangting carried Young Master Zhang on his back, and continued to mutter: "Don't turn into a corpse again, I am facing you now, if you want to kill me, it is too unethical and unethical! Besides, I am now I want to take you home, you look at other people, no one takes you home, now you know who is really good to you, right?"

In the depths of the alley, following Si Yangting's murmurs silently, the figures of a person and a corpse disappeared into the darkness.

In the darker night, two figures gradually appeared, one black and one red, it was the red snake Aning and Thorn.Thorn clasped his arms around his chest, looking coldly at Si Yangting who disappeared, while the red snake Aning was covering his lips and smiling, red lips like blood, extremely charming.

"For better or worse, he is also a young minister of Dali Temple. Why does he talk so much, but it makes people feel a little cute." Aning raised his eyes and glanced at Thorn, "much more fun than you."

Thorn put down his hand and snorted coldly: "I still have something to do, go back and tell the girl, I will go back later."

Aning quietly took the arm of Thorn, and said with a charming smile: "However, do you know the girl with the portrait of the painter who appeared on Mr. Zhang's body just now?"

Thorn turned his eyes back, his eyes were icy cold, and looked straight at Aning, Aning's smile froze on his face, and Thorn hoarsely said: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't say what you shouldn't say."

Aning didn't expect that Jingji would suddenly change his face because of this kind of thing, and was suppressed by Jingji's emotions: "Jingji, do you really think you can hold me down? If it weren't for... because you might not be able to beat me!"

Thorn withdrew his gaze, ignored Aning at all, spread his black wings, and disappeared into the hazy night.

(End of this chapter)

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