the other side, flower festival

Chapter 25 The Deranged Painter

Chapter 25 The Deranged Painter

In Chang'an Changle Square, where the night is full of dew, there is no one around late at night, unlike the noise in the street during the day, because the painter Rong Yunhe does not have any official position, so he has no money to buy a house, so he can only rent a house in Changle In the small attic of the square, it is a noisy and lively area on weekdays, but at night, it is eerily quiet.

The class distinctions in Chang'an City are still very serious. Only those who live in the fifth rank or above are eligible to buy a house, not to mention the amount of money, but the status and qualifications alone are clearly distinguished. This seems to be Chang'an, which is open to the whole world. The city, the 110 square districts in the whole city, seem to divide people into scattered ranks, among which Rong Yunhe belongs to the lower rank.

Jiang Jichen's white clothes were more clearly seen in the dark night. He walked on the narrow road in Changlefang, with cold furnishings on both sides, and occasionally the smell of fireworks during the day.

There was a breeze blowing by his ears, and the shadows under his feet suddenly appeared strange except for the moonlight and cloud shadows, like a big bird flying by. Jiang Jichen thought of the man he had seen in the crowd outside the Tibetan Flower Pavilion. He had never conducted any investigation into the identity of that person, but he had suspected that this person might be related to all of this. From then on, Jiang Jichen knew that he had been quietly watched.

And tonight, someone took advantage of Mr. Zhang's whereabouts to lure him to find Rong Yunhe. Although he had doubts about what was going on, in order to find out clearly, he had to be deeply involved, the shadow under his feet, The giant flying bird turned into a human form and landed firmly on the roof of the low building.

Jiang Jichen paused slightly, glanced at him with his phoenix eyes, and then looked away coldly. He thought that the man must be a master, and since he was clearly hiding, he was not worried about Jiang Jichen's discovery of his whereabouts.Jiang Jichen raised his feet and continued to walk forward. What should come, will come after all, just like the last time when he went to Zhang Yuanwai's house at night to investigate, the man was clearly behind him, and even made Si Yang Ting He thought that he was a familiar person traveling with him, but he didn't realize the existence of that person, so something must have happened in the evasion tonight.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jichen quickened his pace. If he was attracted to Rong Yunhe's residence, Rong Yunhe might be the person in danger tonight. The roofs in front quickly shuttled between the roofs.

Hearing the footsteps of the person behind him, Jiang Jichen glanced sideways and then closed his eyes. In the darkness, two people, one black and one white, broke through the silence, but they didn't make much movement, like A contest of form.

The black figure got closer and closer, Jiang Jichen stood on the top of the tallest building, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, he jumped down suddenly and disappeared into the night.

Thorn landed steadily on the top of the tall building where Jiang Jichen stood just now, looked at the vast night, rubbed his fingers at the corners of his brows, and laughed softly: "Jiang Jichen, it's interesting!" Thorn raised his eyes to look into the distance, and the scenery of the Tang Dynasty was fully captured In his eyes, he looked down at the depths of the night, leaned down, and disappeared into the darkness.

Rong Yunhe was wearing a middle coat, with dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't slept well for several days. After opening the door, he saw Jiang Jichen standing outside the door, with a hoarse and trembling tone: "You, you yes"

Jiang Jichen didn't wait for Rong Yunhe to let him in, so he entered without hesitation, and raised his hand to close the door tightly.

Rong Yunhe was so frightened that he fell to the ground and pointed at Jiang Jichen with trembling fingers: "You are a monster! Don't come to harm me, I don't know anything, please, don't come to harm me."

Jiang Jichen didn't understand why Rong Yunhe said such absurd words the first time he saw him, so he leaned down and approached Rong Yunhe: "Why do you recognize me?"

Rong Yunhe's eyes widened, and his body retreated because of fear, all the way to the corner: "Don't come close to me, don't come close to me, it's my fault, don't kill me."

Jiang Jichen got up and stopped approaching Rong Yunhe, but sat in front of the table by himself, looking down at Rong Yunhe: "I won't hurt you, I just have some questions that I don't understand, and I want to clarify with you."

"I don't know anything, really, go, go!" Rong Yunhe turned his head away, not daring to look at Jiang Jichen.

"Why are you so afraid of me?" The jade pendant on Jiang Jichen's waist flickered on and off, as if it could reveal Jiang Jichen's heart at the moment.

When Rong Yunhe saw the shape of the Bianhua flower protruding from the jade pendant on Jiang Jichen's waist, he yelled and stumbled as if running to the inner room, scratching his nose and tears in fright, and fell to the ground because of the threshold on the way.

When Rong Yunhe got up from the ground, he saw Jiang Jichen standing in front of him at some point, looking at him gently.

"I said, I won't hurt you, but there are some things I want to ask you to understand," Jiang Jichen said, raising his hand to help Rong Yunhe up from the ground, "If I understand, maybe I can save you. Perhaps, I am the only one who can save you."

Rong Yunhe's eyes were already red with fright, and tears were in his eyes, but they didn't roll down. He looked unconscious now, watching Jiang Jichen's slender white fingers holding his arm up, looking at The worry and gentleness on Jiang Jichen's face, seeing the clarity of the white clothes, he even doubted whether what he saw before really existed.

The two sat facing each other, Rong Yunhe lowered his head because of fear, Jiang Jichen poured a cup of tea for Rong Yunhe and himself like his master, his eyes were always paying attention to Rong Yunhe's emotional changes.

Rong Yunhe seemed to feel that the person in front of him was different from what he had seen before, and his voice trembled: "Are you Jiang Jichen?"

Jiang Jichen replied without hesitation: "Yes, you met me before?"

Rong Yunhe nodded, and quietly withdrew his hand that was going to grab the cup. He didn't even dare to take a sip of water. His eye circles were bruised from not sleeping for a long time, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

"Last time I saw you, you asked me to draw a painting for you, and you threatened me... Threatening me, if I don't paint..." Rong Yunhe could hardly speak, his whole body trembling.

Jiang Jichen squinted his eyes, thinking silently, if this was the case, why did the other party lure him to Rong Yunhe?Do you just want him to understand every step of his plan?But why?

Rong Yunhe saw that Jiang Jichen didn't reply, so he continued: "I finished painting that night, and I don't remember anything about it. It wasn't until the next day that I heard people from Dali Temple say that I painted that painting that night. The painting was handed over to Mr. Fu, and he also said that the person in the painting was the murderer, but I... in my memory, I never went out that night at all, so how could I give the painting to Mr. Fu?"

Jiang Jichen's voice was as gentle as possible, for fear of scaring Rong Yunhe again: "The person you saw that day should not be me, but do you still remember the characteristics of that person? What else did he say?"

Rong Yunhe seemed to have gradually let go of his timidity towards Jiang Jichen in front of him, but his doubts were cast on: "He said that his name was Jiang Jichen, and he killed those people, including Mr. Zhang's family and Mr. Fu's family. servant"

Jiang Jichen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he interrupted Rong Yunhe: "What did you say? That man said he killed Mr. Fu's servant?"

Rong Yunhe didn't know if he said something wrong or what, he paused and started trembling again: "Yes"

Jiang Jichen lowered his head and pondered: "Usually, at that time, Fu Lingtian's servant should not have died. Could it be that everything was planned long ago?"

Rong Yunhe went on to say: "If so, you are not the person I saw that night, then the person I saw that night is a monster." Rong Yunhe became a little anxious as he spoke, he hurriedly got up and knelt down on the ground. In front of Jiang Jichen, he kowtowed heavily, "Please, help me."

Jiang Jichen hurriedly retreated subconsciously, trying to avoid Rong Yunhe's sudden kneeling action: "Get up now, and tell me clearly so that I can know how to help you."

Rong Yunhe raised his head, with tears in his eyes: "Let's not talk about whether I am conscious enough to go to Mr. Fu's home to deliver paintings that night. Mr. Fu is an official residence of the third grade. That is not a place where people like us can go casually. Fengyan A villain is not qualified to enter the house of the tile beast."

There was a sound of birds flapping their wings outside the window. Jiang Jichen became alert, stepped forward, pulled Rong Yunhe who was kneeling on the ground up, and dragged him behind him, his eyes were cold: "He is here! Find someone Hide somewhere! No matter what you see or hear, don't show up!"

After Jiang Jichen finished speaking, he lowered his head and blew out the handle on the case table, then raised his hand and pushed Rong Yunhe hard, and pushed Rong Yunhe out into the shadow of the night. , Jiang Jichen was the only one left, standing against the moonlight, his white clothes looked cold under the shadow of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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