LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 348 "The Leader" Irelia

Chapter 348 "The Leader" Irelia

After a while, the high-level meeting of the rebel army was finally officially held.

This meeting gathered the 32 greatest heroes of Ionia, the 32 brightest stars of Navoli, and the 32 most respected masters.

Gale, Lotus, Shuoji, Ionian Temple and other sects handed down collectively appeared, and Sharma, Tiwedi, Vias and other ancient families with thousands of years of history gathered together.
What would such an all-star meeting look like?
In the imagination of ordinary people, the meeting site must be more solemn and majestic than the centenary Karma reincarnation ceremony in the Changxi Temple.

In the eyes of Ms. Irelia, who presided over the meeting, the scene of the meeting is simply like:


"It's like a circus here." Irelia thought.

When she was a child, she went to the circus with her mother to watch monkey juggling, and it was not so lively.

Masters from different sects and different families all stood on their own standpoints and exchanged views intensely around every topic raised at the venue.

As the leader of the rebel army, Irelia occupies the high seat, but she can only hold her forehead helplessly amidst the noisy quarrels.

When she was 14 years old and sat on the leader's throne with the support of everyone, she never imagined that a leader's job would be so difficult.

And she is only 15 years old now, 16 at best.

There is still a girlish greenness between her brows, and her cheeks are so white and tender that it is difficult to feel awe.

Although the war has honed Irelia's strength and determination when facing the enemy; but her natural gentle and kind character makes her still unable to master the domineering and "cruel" she should have when facing her subordinates.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

"Since everyone can't reach a consensus for a while, we can postpone the discussion on this issue."

Irelia tried to stop loudly, but her voice was quickly overwhelmed by the noisy sound of the venue.

It was as if she was not the "head teacher" of this class at all, but a student who was arranged by the head teacher to sit on the podium as the class monitor on duty.

Facing the "classmates" below, she has no majesty at all.

This is also not possible.
These people in front of them are all masters from famous families, no one will lose to her in terms of age, seniority, and contribution.

Moreover, they are all "joined princes" who brought capital into the group and controlled an army alone.

Although everyone respectfully calls Irelia a master and calls her a leader.

But in fact, the masters really can't be regarded as Irelia's subordinates.They are more like company shareholders and partners.

Irelia, the chairman, doesn't have much equity in her hands, and she doesn't have the means to control people and centralize management. Naturally, she can only be a leader in name with nothing to say.

"Sigh..." At this moment, she even misses the Noxus a little bit.

Because only when the Noxians attack, the rebels can show their rare unity.

Once the Noxians leave and the situation calms down, the rebels will face endless infighting
like now.

"Enough!" Suddenly, a lion roared at the scene.

Someone stood up from the seat with a serious expression, and looked around with disdain:
"There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the house!"

"If you still regard Master Irelia as the leader, then you should stop this meaningless quarrel and let Master Irelia make the final decision!"

The speaker was a middle-aged monk with a square face, with a bald head and black face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking very dignified.

Everyone recognized him, he was Master Qingxia from Shuoji Monastery.

Shuoji Monastery is one of the four oldest sects in Ionia, and its status in the world is comparable to Changcun, Balance, and Hirana Monastery.

Master Shuo Jilai's serious statement was actually more effective than Irelia's humming.

As a result, the venue fell silent instantly, and the masters put aside their disputes and turned their attention to the chief seat.

"Master Qingxia." Irelia glanced at him gratefully.

Master Qingxia is resolute and decisive, completely opposite to her.

Irelia is young and has no management skills at all. Over the past year, it is only with the help of Master Qingxia that she can successfully integrate the chaotic internal forces of the rebel army and win successive victories against the Noxians. of.

So she is very grateful to Master Qingxia.

But Master Qing Xia didn't have time to talk to this little girl.

He just asked without delay: "Master Irelia, everyone has discussed this issue of flexibly adjusting the proportion of food requisition according to the region for a long time."

"What is your decision?"

"I" Irelia was at a loss for words.

She looked at everyone present, but the masters cast different glances at her.

Some people are positively in favor of it, and some are strongly against it.No matter how she chooses, she will deeply offend a group of people.

"Let's vote to decide," Irelia wanted to say.

But that didn't work either.Because there are only so many people at the meeting, and everyone's position is very clear.

Which side gets the majority vote can actually be determined before the vote.

If she said that she voted to decide, she was actually taking a clear line.

As for her own opinion sorry, what professional advice can she have?
She is not yet 16 and understands almost nothing.

Grandma only taught her how to hack people and how to dance, but she didn't teach her how to be a leader!

The leadership career over the past year has only taught Irelia how to lead troops in battle, but has not taught her how to deal with internal affairs.

As soon as she thought of making a random stroke, it might affect the fate of thousands of people in Navoli. She suddenly lost her confidence, let alone the determination that a leader should have.

"I..." Irelia, as the leader, was stunned for a while in the eyes of everyone.

"Forget it." Master Qing Xia sighed in disappointment: "Just as Master Irelia said before, put this topic on hold for now and postpone the discussion."

"Then, on to the next topic."

"Huh" Irelia breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had escaped a catastrophe.

Noxian pressure on her on the battlefield was not as strong as this meeting.

But her ease lasted only for a moment.

Because of the next topic, the repercussions will be even more intense:
"The leader of the Vastaya Freedom Army sent an invitation. They hope that Master Irelia can represent the Presidian Rebel Army and make an official visit to the Navoli Mountains where they are stationed."

The vastaya free army is also a resistance force active in the province of Navoli.

This news sounds like a foreign invitation from a friendly army.

But the information contained in it is far from that simple, because
"Vastaya people, actually invited humans to visit them?" Questions immediately sounded in the venue.

Although the two sides have the common enemy of the Noxus Empire, they are theoretically friendly forces.

But the relationship between the vastaya free army and the rebels has never been better.

In other words, the relationship between the vastayas and humans has never been better.

The vastaya, a half-human, half-beast hybrid creature of Runeterra, are descendants of early humans who escaped the wars of the void and a certain prehistoric population of magical creatures.

Xayah, Luo, Ahri, Wukong, Nami, Neeko, Rengar... These half-orcs of different shapes are all members of the huge race of vastaya.

They have lived in Ionia since ancient times, and like humans, they are also the natives of this first land.

Even, they are originally the product of human beings and Vastayashari, and they can be regarded as a branch of human beings in terms of bloodlines.

But at the same time, vastaya is indeed not human, and is clearly different from human beings in appearance.

Then the question comes:

When two different cultural races with distinct ethnic characteristics were crammed into a continent with limited resources.

One of them has a large number of people, and its civilization and technology are advancing day by day.

The other party has few people and is lonely, and sticks to the tradition all the year round.

what will happen after that
Of course there is only the ruthless conquest of the weaker races by the stronger ones.

Although the humans of Ionia dare not over-exploit the nature, they dare to seize the land already reclaimed by the vastaya.

So in the past tens of thousands of years, the habitat of the vastaya people has shrunk step by step under the encroachment of human beings. Some were driven to the mountains to become mountain people, and some were imprisoned in a small reserved area. inside
There are even many tribes who were directly driven out of their hometowns, without even leaving a piece of reserved land.

"The leader of this vastaya free army seems to be Xia and Luo of the Luotland tribe?" A person who knew the inside story said:
"The Nortland tribe was driven out of Kuilin Island by humans more than ten years ago, and became a nomadic tribe with no fixed place."

"That's why that woman named Xia has always hated humans extremely."

"The vastaya free army she leads made it clear that their goal is to win freedom from 'humanity', not Noxus."

These vastaya hate all of humanity, not just those of Noxus.

Now they are fighting Noxus only because the Noxians' butcher's knives have been cut on their heads.This does not mean that the vastaya are friends of mankind.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the Noxians withdraw, they may come to the humans of Ionia to settle accounts.

"The vastayas hate humans so much, why did they invite Master Irelia to go there?" Some people were puzzled.

"For negotiation." Irelia said, "The vastaya want me to negotiate with them face to face, let us return the land owned by the vastaya tribes in the Navori province occupied by the rebels."

"It's the way it is."

Several tribes of vastaya still retain a piece of fertile land in the province of Navoli.

Later, the Noxians occupied their homeland, forcing them to go up the mountain to fight a guerrilla.

Later, the Presidian Rebel Army grew stronger step by step, and just in time for the Vastayas, they snatched this land back from the Noxus Empire.

Now those vastaya believe that this is the land they have lived for generations, and the rebels should give it back to them.

"I think this piece of land can be returned."

"After all, the policy of our Presidian Rebel Army has always been to uphold justice for all people in Ionia, and it is to make our compatriots have a home and a place to stay as much as possible."

This time, Irelia had her own opinion.

Because they, the Presidian Rebels, were a purely "public welfare organization" from the very beginning.

They have been committed to resisting the Noxian invaders and helping the displaced Ionians to retake their homeland.

According to the rules established earlier, the land occupied by the rebel army will not be owned by the leading masters, but will be returned to the original owner of the land as much as possible.

If the original owner cannot be found, or the original owner is dead, then the rebel army will act as an official, recruit refugees to resume production, and manage them uniformly for military supplies.

It is equivalent to a kind of public ownership of land in wartime.

As for how to divide the public lands managed by the military after the war, whether to continue to build military settlements or privatize it, Irelia never thought about it at all, and the masters never discussed it.

Irelia couldn't even think that far.

Anyway, on the matter of fact:
"According to our land return policy, this land should be returned to the vastaya."

"I don't think there is a problem with this." Irelia said confidently: "This is the first time that the Vastaya Freedom Army has invited humans to visit. We can take this opportunity to ease the tension between humans and Vastayas." tension between the

It is rare for a girl to have her own political views.

And her attitude is quite firm, without the previous hesitation at all.

"No!" Opposition almost flooded the venue.

The masters who had been fighting among themselves just now were surprisingly united this time.

It's a pity that they all unite on the opposite side of Irelia:

"The land was laid down by us, and it must not be returned to them!"

"Also, Master Irelia"

The masters looked at each other, as if they had reached a consensus:
"It's time for a change to our outdated land restitution policy."

(End of this chapter)

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