LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 349 Yi: Am I a traitor?

Chapter 349 Yi: Am I a traitor? (two in one)

"Is our land return policy outdated?" Irelia looked blankly at everyone present.

She didn't understand.

Didn't everyone unite together to drive away the Noxus invaders and let those displaced people have a home to return to?
Now Noxus has not left, the war is not over, there are still so many people homeless, so many compatriots enslaved by Noxus, looking forward to the rebels helping them regain their land and homes.
Why is the land return policy they insist on becoming outdated?
Irelia turned her attention to the people present, expecting these respected masters and seniors to explain her doubts.

"This." The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became delicate.

Masters, you look at me, I look at you, although they all seem to have something to say, but no one speaks for a long time.

This is no way.

Because the land return policy has always been within the rebel army in the past, an absolutely unquestionable political correctness.

Tracing back to the source, the rebel army has been united under the banner of "expel the Nuru and restore balance" from the very beginning.

This so-called "restoration of balance" refers to restoring the war-torn Ionia to its pre-war state of peace, stability and balance of all things as much as possible.

Under this basic spiritual guidance:

The land shall be returned to the original owner;
Power is to be returned to the original local self-government bodies;
After the war, the property should also be distributed to the compatriots in the name of restitution;
The historical mission of the Rebel Army is just to resist. After the Noxians leave, it does not need to continue to exist.

As for the major sects and powerful landlords present here, in theory, no matter how much they contributed during the war, how much sacrifice they made, how much land they occupied, and how many resources they controlled, they could only let go of everything after the war and return to their respective positions. Everyone, return to the living conditions before the war.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

The masters don't want power, don't want money, as long as the country remains the same and the world is peaceful.

This sounds unbelievable, and people outside of Ionia may not be able to understand it.

But this is the original intention of the Resistance Army:

Restore balance, restore tradition, and let Ionia return to the social state that has been successfully operating for 10000 years and has been proven by history to maintain peace and balance for a long time.

It is with such a common original intention that the heroes of the resistance army can gather here.

And because they all have such a consensus, the rebel army will implement the land return policy at the beginning, returning the land they have conquered to the original owner without compensation, or using it as public land without compensation.

"So." Irelia didn't understand: "Since this policy was formulated by everyone, why is it changing now?"

She blinked her big innocent eyes and looked at the senior masters present in a daze.

"Uh..." For some reason, the masters were a little afraid to look at her.

But the issues have been brought up, and what needs to be said always needs to be said.

"Because it's outdated!"

Finally, in this delicate and embarrassing atmosphere, a master stood up on behalf of everyone.

Irelia remembered him.

That was Guru Ravi from the Sharma family.

Master Ravi was the first batch of heroes who stood up and raised the flag of righteousness to stand up against the Noxus Empire at the most difficult moment in Ionia—much earlier than her.

When Presidian was attacked by the main force of the enemy, it was Master Ravi who desperately acted as the death captain, desperately restraining Swain's flanking army and creating a valuable opportunity for her.

After several years of arduous struggle, Master Ravi was seriously injured 4 times, nearly died 2 times, lost 3 sons and 1 daughter, and paid a huge sacrifice unimaginable by others.

There is no doubt that he is a hero.

He is the hero that Irelia also admires.

"Master Ravi." Irelia nodded respectfully to him, "Please explain in detail what you have taught."

"Master Irelia." Under the encouraging and approving eyes of everyone present, Master Ravi finally spoke: "You should realize it too."

"Our rebel land return policy is indeed outdated."

Why do you say that?
This has to start with this land return policy, why it worked well before, and why it was not "outdated".

"In the past, Noxus always had the upper hand on the battlefield, and our rebels were barely able to hold on to their bases, let alone regain lost ground and expand abroad."

In the past, the rebel army could not occupy much territory at all, and there was not much new land to divide.

If there is no land at all, then of course there will be no big conflicts over the issue of land distribution.

"On the other hand, the fighters who join our rebel army, including myself and many of the masters present here, are Navolians who lost their land to the Noxus invasion."

"The rebel army advocates returning the land to its original owner. It wants to help everyone regain their homeland and regain their homes. Everyone is naturally active in fighting and is not afraid of sacrifice."


However, times have changed.

With the decline of the imperial army, the war between Noxus and Ionia has begun to change shape.

Especially in recent months, the Noxus began to retreat steadily on the Navoli battlefield, constantly shrinking the front line.

The large tracts of land that were previously occupied by the enemy have now been spit out by them again.

The rebels also took advantage of this opportunity to expand and regain lost ground. In just a few months, almost half of the Navoli province was recovered.

So, here comes the problem.
So much new land, all returned to the original owner?

"With all due respect, the fighters have a lot to say about it."

"These lands were taken back from the enemy with blood, sweat, and desperate struggle. How can they be returned to those so-called 'original owners' who didn't work hard?"

Master Ravi said very cryptically.

But Irelia was just young and inexperienced, not a fool.

Contacting what Master Ravi said before, she quickly realized a problem:
Why did everyone support the return of the land before the expansion, but why did everyone disagree after the expansion?

the reason is simple:
Because before this big counterattack, the masters didn't even take back their own land, so of course they supported the land return policy.

But after this big counterattack, the masters not only took back all their own land, but also took back large tracts of land belonging to other people from the enemy.

For example, this time the vastaya asked them for land.

In short, everyone supported the land restitution policy in the past because they wanted to take back their own land;

Now they don't support it because they have not only taken back their own land, but also occupied other people's land.

It seems a bit ugly to speak like this.

But Master Ravi didn't think there was anything wrong with that.It was only Irelia who was wrong.

"Master Irelia, don't forget, we have an old saying in Ionia:"

"Those who share the benefits of the world will win the world. Those who are good at the benefits of the world will lose the world."

"Our rebel army was able to succeed on the battlefield before because the soldiers saw the 'benefit' of returning to their homeland, which gave everyone the motivation to fight."

"And now, the 'benefits' we promised before have almost been fulfilled, but the enemy is far from being wiped out."

"You let everyone follow you and the Noxus to your death, but you don't reward them with more land and power—soldiers have nothing to gain, so how can they have the enthusiasm to fight?"

"Soldiers are not motivated, so how will the next battle be fought?"

Master Ravi persuaded earnestly.

"I" Irelia was speechless.

The master's words sounded very reasonable, so she didn't know how to refute for a while.

But she still instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Master Ravi." Irelia asked subconsciously: "Before you sold your property to organize a rebel army, and risked your life to fight against the enemy, is it also profitable and motivated?"

How much benefit does this have to make a person so active that he would even lose his life?
"I" Master Ravi blushed.

But he calmed down quickly, and explained with a serious expression: "Master Irelia, you have to know that not everyone is the same as me back then."

"Whether there are more martyrs in the world, or more profit-seekers, do I need to remind you of this question?"

"How can you win the hearts of the people if you talk about righteousness without giving benefits, and if you don't satisfy the interests of all people in the world?"

"This" Irelia was dumbfounded again.

But when she thought about it seriously, she felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, the girl realized the key to the problem:

"We returned the land to the original owner for cultivation, and distributed the unowned land to the refugees to take care of it. Isn't that also benefiting the people of the world and satisfying the interests of the people of the world?"

"Master Ravi, you have always said that people in the world, people in the world"

"Who is that 'man of the world' you mentioned?"

Master Ravi: "."

He didn't seem to expect that Irelia could ask such a sharp question.

After an embarrassing silence, Master Ravi said: "All living beings in the world are also divided into relatives and distant ones."

"Of course, the benefits must be given priority to those who fight with you, rather than those outsiders who have not contributed to the war."

"For example, those civilians who hide in the back and enjoy themselves."

"For example, the vastaya this time."

As soon as this remark came out, it was not Irelia's hesitation.

She just looked at Master Ravi with a look of disappointment and shock, and asked: "The civilians are cultivating the land for us in the rear and providing food and supplies. How can it be called 'sitting and enjoying the benefits'?"

"And those vastayas. Although they are not our people, they are also heroic fighters who have fought hard against Noxus. Why can't they take back their land?"

"Because they are 'them' and we are 'us'!" Having said all this, Master Ravi is not polite anymore.

He asked tit for tat: "Master Irelia, please wake up—"

"Ask yourself, who is the person who has fought bloody battles with you in the past two years, who has made the greatest contribution to this war?"

"Whose demands should you satisfy first, in order to be worthy of everyone's bloodshed and sacrifice?"

Irelia was silent.

She finally understood.

But looking at everyone present, the eyes of those dozens of masters who were almost united in hatred, she was confused again.

Maybe, she was really wrong?
"Senior." Irelia pondered for a long time before murmuring, "What exactly do you want to change?"

The masters looked at each other in silence, and in the end, Master Ravi spoke their appeal:
"Abolish the land return policy, and allocate land to the major legions according to their military exploits."

"The land is allocated directly to the legion leader. As for how to distribute it later, it will be handled by the legion leader himself."

The "legion" mentioned here is actually an independent army under the rebel army, with dozens of sects and powerful families.

The so-called "legion leaders" are actually these dozens of masters present here.

"This..." Irelia was stunned for a while.

Because this policy of rewarding meritorious deeds and enforcing the country is not new, she is very familiar with it.

"Isn't this the way of the Noxus Empire?"

Yes, it was Noxus that the masters copied.

And this policy of Noxus, to put it bluntly, is a disguised form of enfeoffment.

Because in the Noxus Empire, in addition to the professional armies directly controlled by the center of the empire, there are also many independent battle groups that are comparable to "vassal states".

For example, the Mirdard family, they are the warlords of Noxus.

This set of military merit distribution system is a special preferential policy created by Noxus to encourage these warlord leaders to fight hard.

"Master Ravi, you, you." Irelia asked in disbelief: "Are you trying to fight for the same status as the Noxus warlord?"

"You, like the Navoli Brotherhood, want Ionia to become the second Noxus?"

"Master Irelia!" Master Ravi no longer hesitated this time, he said without changing his face: "You are a bit exaggerated to say that."

"The stones of other mountains can be used to tap jade. Noxus has advanced places, and there are places suitable for Ionia. Why can't we learn from it?"

"No!" Irelia reacted fiercely.

She is not stupid.She knew that, following the example of Noxus in enforcing land, perhaps it could really inspire everyone to be enterprising.

"But it would destroy our tradition!"

"When everyone is fighting for their own interests, they are used to relying on force to seize more land for themselves, and even become a tiger-wolf division like Noxus."

"Then this land of birth will never have a peaceful day from now on!"

Ionia was able to maintain the overall peace for nearly ten thousand years because all the forces followed the ancient traditions and were willing to maintain the status quo.

Whoever wants to plunder land and expand power by launching a war will become the target of Ionia's public criticism, a sinner through the ages, and will be attacked by big bosses from all walks of life.

But now, the Noxians have broken that tradition with sheer violence.

The masters didn't want to restore this tradition, but also wanted to learn from Noxus, establish a system of enfeoffment in Ionia, and become the emperor of the land.

If a piece of land is full of warlords, how can it restore peace and balance?

"No, absolutely not!" Irelia strongly objected.

The Noxian Empire, the Navoli Brotherhood, they all went this way.

and then?Check out what they've done!
With these insects, how can we balance it?

"Master Irelia!" Master Ravi did not back down: "You are so naive!"

"It's not that we don't uphold traditions, but that traditions have been broken long ago! The Navoli Brotherhood has already learned from Noxus, and the vastaya free army also shouted to take back the land from humans, and in troubled times The other forces that have risen among them, they are all coveting a wider land—"

"Even if we don't take this path, Ionia can't go back to the past!"

Master Lawei has a resolute expression, a solemn treasure, and a voice like Huang Zhongda Lu, which is thought-provoking.

But this time, Irelia looked at him no longer with admiration and respect.

She just murmured and sighed in disappointment, "Yeah."

"Ionia." Irelia looked around, her eyes fixed on the familiar faces: "I can't go back to the past."

The girl's voice trembled, but Master Ravi remained unmoved.

He said: "Master Irelia, please decline this vastaya's invitation to visit, and don't risk your life to negotiate with them in the Navoli Mountains—"

"Redistribute this land to the legions who have made meritorious service in this battle!"

"." Irelia understood.

The vastaya already have a blood feud with humans.

There is an inherent racial justice to human beings in refusing to return their lands.Everyone will support it.

Master Ravi obviously wanted to use this as a breakthrough, and began to gradually abolish the past land return policy and change it to the military merit distribution system.

"What about you?" Irelia looked at the senior masters present.

"Lotus Temple, agree with Master Ravi's opinion." Soon, a voice sounded.

"Ye Yin Sect, agree."

"Family Tiweedy, agree."

"The Vias family, agree."


Almost everyone present is on the side of Master Ravi.

Instead, Irelia, the leader, became a lonely family with no support.

"Master Yi of the Galewind Sword School." Irelia looked at Master Yi who was sitting in the corner as if asking for help.

He was one of the very few people present who did not express an opinion.

"What do you think?" Irelia asked.

"I" Master Yi was embarrassed for a while.

He is not a member of the Blizzard Sword Sect at all, how can he express his opinion on behalf of the Blast Wind Sword Sect?

"We object." Yongen behind Master Yi answered this question for him.

"If Elder Su Ma is here." Yong En looked sternly, looking at him with disdain: "He must be ashamed to be with you."

"You?!" The masters glared at this arrogant young man.

But unexpectedly, the younger brother of this young man was even more arrogant.

"How shameless you are!" Yasuo scolded directly: "It's a pity that I thought of risking my life to fight against demons and defend the way. Now it seems that the demons should eat you hypocrites!"

Although Irelia also expressed disappointment and dissatisfaction before, her verbal aggressiveness was too weak after all.

The masters couldn't help becoming angry when they were pointed at their noses and scolded for the first time.

If they were not in a meeting and still had to take into account their decency, they might have to give a good education to this ignorant young man.


Master Ravi kept a straight face, forcibly ignoring Yasuo's contemptuous eyes:

"It's 29 to 2 now, and everyone's hearts are on our side!"

"Master Irelia, people's hearts are like this, why do you go against the world?"

Irelia didn't answer, she looked at the person present.

There were 32 masters at the meeting, except for 29 who were in favor, 2 who were against, Yi and Irelia, and 1 who did not express their opinion.

And that person's attitude matters.

He is from one of the four ancient sects in Ionia, Master Qingxia of Shuoji Temple.

"Master Qingxia." Irelia was a little nervous: "What about you?"

Master Qingxia is different from all the masters present.

Because the Shuoji Monastery is not only tied with the Balance, Changcun, and Hirana Monasteries in terms of status in the Jianghu, but they are also similar to these three hermit sects in terms of doctrine.

The Balance Sect pays attention to being easy and not involved in the mortal world, and the Shuoji Temple is the same.

As an eminent monk of Shuoji Temple, Master Qingxia never had that kind of worldly desire from the very beginning.

He does not collect money, does not buy land, and even donates all the military pay given to him by the rebels.

How far is he without desire?

"The only pure soul Mr. Tam mentioned is him, right?" At this time, Master Yi also whispered.

Tamm said before that "these souls are almost all fallen", and the reason why "almost" is added to this sentence is because:

Master Qingxia is the same as Irelia, their souls are still pure and flawless, and they have not fallen at all.

Such a master who is completely out of low-level interests should stand with Irelia and the Storm Sword School, right?

Master Yi thought so.

Irelia thought so too.

However, Master Qing Xia looked at the audience, and in the end he just sighed deeply.

"Irelia." He persuaded in the tone of an elder: "Master Ravi is right in what he said."

"The human heart is like this, and it is irreversible."

"Master Qingxia? You." Irelia's expression turned extremely ugly.


People are like that.

Even if Master Qingxia didn't occupy the land and didn't fight for interests, he finally chose to stand on the side of the majority.

"Irelia, I understand your temperament." He said: "You usually have no opinions and are easily influenced by everyone. But if you really make up your mind to do something, no one can ever stop you."

"I always hope that you can become a qualified leader, make up your mind more and listen less to opinions."

"But this time."

"Don't go to the Navoli Mountains." Master Qing Xia looked around and sighed helplessly: "Listen to everyone, don't go."

"What's the situation now?"

In the audience, Master Yi was whispering to Brother Yasuo.

"Didn't Jie tell us that they were in the Navoli Mountains?"

Now that the Brotherhood is all done, kill Irelia in the Navoli Mountains.

According to this clue, those who actively supported Irelia to go to the Navoli Mountains and pushed Irelia into the trap must be undercover agents of the Brotherhood!
But now.
Of the 32 people present, 30 expressed strong opposition.

There were only 2 people who supported Irelia to go to the Navoli Mountains to negotiate with the vastayas.

One is Master Yi.

One is Irelia herself.

"Who is the traitor?" Master Yi was a little confused: "Wait."

"Am I a traitor??"

This is impossible.

"Is that Irelia?"

"Irelia is a traitor?" Master Yi couldn't figure it out: "Are we traitors?"

"In a sense, it is true." Yong En watched coldly: "30 to 2"

"Yes, we are the 'traitors'."

(End of this chapter)

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