Chapter 503

Li Wei bid farewell to Xin Jide, and said hello to the heroes and models and representatives of all ethnic groups and walks of life who were invited to watch the ceremony.

They not only have scientists like Jace, Ike, and Heimerdinger, but also workers from Zaun and Piltover, fishermen from Bilgewater, Demacia from Ionia and Noxus. Farmer, representative of the tribes of Shurima and the Freljord.
The most special group of people should be the representatives of entrepreneurs from Shuangcheng and Piraeus.

Everyone else excitedly waved to the live camera, wishing to engrave their glorious moment in the video forever and broadcast it to everyone in the present and future generations.

Only the entrepreneurs stood in the center of the crowd in a low-key manner, without any intention of showing their faces deliberately.

"Haha." Li Wei smiled knowingly when he saw this.

He knew what these people were worried about.
Now it's the leader's world.However, the public opinion of the leader is not very friendly to the Ziben family.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.Smart people like to make a fortune silently.

Only when it is extremely inflated, will it like to be in a place where the Jannaist thought trend occupies the mainstream, show up in the public opinion field every day, and become the godfather of success that people will subconsciously think of first when they mention Ziben's family. .

And Lord Janna's sense of presence in Runeterra is so strong and unshakable.

Therefore, these entrepreneurs are very low-key.

Seeing Li Wei and his group coming, they just nodded to him from a distance to say hello, instead of scrambling to shake hands with the board of directors and take group photos with the camera like those workers.

"Hello everyone." Li Wei simply greeted them proactively, and extended his hand to them.

"President Li Wei." The entrepreneurs reacted instantly and responded enthusiastically.

Walking in the front is Mrs. Gila Mann, the former Supreme Councilor of Piltover and the mother of Caitlin.

Among these entrepreneurs, the Gilaman family held a detached position.

Because they were the early funders of the Leaders Association and made indelible contributions to the development of the organization.If it weren't for the help of the Gilaman family, the leaders wouldn't have been able to develop so smoothly back then.

Therefore, the Gilaman family, who used to be the great plutocrats of Piltover, not only did not fall after the change of the sky, but also became old friends of the leader together with the later Midarda family, and made the business bigger and bigger up.

"Mrs. Gila Mann." Li Wei shook hands with her lightly, then looked at the representatives of the business community behind her and said, "And friends from the business world."

"You don't have to be too restrained."

"We are far from realizing the primary stage of a Datong society. For a long time to come, we will still need multiple ownership systems to play a role in economic construction."

"The business community is also an important force in society, and your voice is also very important."

Li Wei encouraged secretly in a peaceful tone.

Since they are still engaged in an improved version of the market economy, the opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs are of course important.

"Haha." Mrs. Gilaman is also an old friend.

She bluntly replied: "If you talk too much, you will lose, President Li Wei."

"You don't have to worry about that." Levi said, "You have to trust the leader."

"Believe in your kindness?" Gilaman pointed out.The benevolence of the leader is never reserved for class enemies.

"No, believe in our strength." Li Wei replied confidently.

Only a weak newborn needs to use radical means to protect himself.Otherwise, if you are a little careless, you may be infected by the internal virus and strangled by the external powerful enemy.

Just like the past political struggles in Piltover, they only stayed at the top, in the dark under the prosperity.

However, the battles between the people of Zaun often resulted in bloodshed and bloodshed.

This is not because the people of Picheng are more civilized and polite than the people of Zaun, and they are more united with their compatriots, but because the people of Picheng set off earlier and are richer and stronger than the people of Zaun.

When the people of Piltover killed bloody rivers in the overseas colonies and suppressed rebellious slave labor at home, their methods were no less barbaric than Zaun.It's just that when he became a rich man for hundreds of years later, he looked more civilized.

"How does the current leader compare to Picheng?" Li Wei asked.

"It's ten thousand times better." Mrs. Gilaman sighed softly.

No matter how their ruling line changes later, it is impossible for them to be subverted, infiltrated and corrupted by the enemy, and counterattacked.

That being the case, they are not afraid of opposing voices, even those from Ziben's family.

Back then, the Picheng chaebols were friendly on the surface, but they always engaged in commercial assassinations and violent competition with each other in private.

But the leaders don't need this.

Whenever the time comes and society needs change, they will push for change.Vested interests have absolutely no power against them.

That being the case, they don't need to use such harsh methods to deal with those opponents.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Gilaman."

"The goddess Janna gave the leader the confidence to tolerate everything. We can accept all opposing voices generously, and listen to the opinions of anyone and any class with an open mind."

Gilamanen nodded secretly after hearing this: "President Li Wei, everyone can rest assured after you say that."

"It's just that" she still smiled frankly: "The tree attracts the wind. The leader can tolerate others, but the masses may not understand it."

"You don't have to worry about it." Li Wei said, "At least for now, no one will dislike you."

"Even, everyone still admires you very much."

This sounds counter-intuitive. How could the common people of the Ganna Alliance worship entrepreneurs collectively?

But it is true.

There is no other reason, just because the leader has liberated the productivity of the entire Runeterra and brought the whole world into a stage of rapid economic development.

Just like the representatives of entrepreneurs present, there are not only old money and "former veterans" like the Gilaman family among them.

Among them are private arms manufacturers that have only grown up in the past two years because of the large number of arms orders from the leader;
There are upstream parts suppliers who have made a fortune in one fell swoop by riding the wind of the alchemy automobile industry;
There are new stars in the catering industry who have grown rapidly in response to the greatly increased food consumption needs of Zaan residents; there are also aquatic merchants and shipping companies that have risen along with the economic development of Piraeus Port.
Many of these entrepreneurs were ordinary engineers, small businessmen, or even poor workers and fishermen three years ago.

Because Runeterra is developing at a high speed, countless myths about getting rich are being created every day.

In most areas of Runeterra, the social forms are relatively backward.

Most people have only suffered from feudalism in the past, and have never received the "direct education" of Zi Benzhu.

Coupled with the rapid economic development, everyone around them has become rich. How can they restrain their yearning for wealth?

"To tell you the truth, most people nowadays still have serious feelings of self-centeredness and individualism."

"We piloted the establishment of fishery cooperatives in Piraeus Port, and many people were unwilling to accept it—they all wanted to do it alone, and felt that any cooperation or group talk would delay their getting rich."

What Levi said was the truth.

Many people now want to get rich and feel that they are the chosen one.

If you stop him from doing it alone, he will only think that the leader is mentally ill, which delays his development and progress.

Of course, this is due to the background of the times.You can't blame people for being short-sighted.

"So, at least in the next few decades, you entrepreneurs will be the objects of everyone's imitation and pursuit." Levi said with a smile: "You can rest assured, Mrs. Gilamann."

"But." Li Wei knew.Mrs Gilaman knew it too.

The market economy has its own flaws. No matter how it is improved, the polarization of the rich and the poor and the solidification of the class cannot be avoided.

"What about decades later?" she asked.

People nowadays yearn for Ziben and worship entrepreneurs, thinking that the leader is preventing him from getting rich.

There are also loud voices in society opposing collectivization and public ownership.

From the entrepreneurs, down to the petty citizens, and even the peasants who have been allocated land to become small property owners, everyone only supports Janna's Lord in words, but in practice they avoid it.

But economic development cannot avoid peaking and stagnation, and the myth of getting rich overnight will always turn into a joke full of irony.

People will wake up sooner or later.

"What about the future?" Mrs. Gilaman asked.

The Gilaman family is one of the largest private consortiums at present, second only to the Myrdalda family.

Decades later, her family will still stand on the cusp.

"The future." Li Wei's expression changed: "For the future, let's solve it in the future. The future social development level and productivity level are still unknown. What we say now is empty talk."

"Now I can only guarantee that no matter how we make further changes in the future, you will be able to escape unscathed."

"That's good." Mrs. Gilaman nodded secretly after hearing this: "I'm relieved if you say that."

The representatives of entrepreneurs behind her also smiled.

"But—" Li Wei did not forget to emphasize: "The premise of all this is that you can strictly abide by the law and take the responsibility of the first rich."

He puts an accent on the word "responsibility".

It is foreseeable that for a long period of time in the future, the workforce in Runeterra will be a buyer's market.

Because there are too many agricultural populations in the world, but too little industrial seed benzene.

So many farmers and herdsmen are eager to work in the city as workers, waiting in line to enter the factory.But there are only a few factories.

If no restraint is imposed, then private entrepreneurs can unscrupulously lower labor prices and suppress employee salaries while clamoring "If you don't do it, people will do it."

That's why the Leaders Association insists on engaging in public-private partnerships with medium and large private enterprises, stipulating that they take out a fixed percentage of profits to guarantee the level of employee benefits.

With the many high-paying positions of state-owned enterprises and these joint ventures entering the labor market, the wages of small private enterprises and self-employed workers will not be kept too low.

Entrepreneurs will certainly not be too happy about doing this.

But this is their responsibility.

"Of course! Of course!" Entrepreneurs expressed their opinions one after another: "We firmly support the policies of leaders."

"Without the management of leaders and the support of the public, how could we have done business so smoothly!"

Each of these Daziben family members behaved more grateful to the leaders than the turned serfs.

And what they said sounds like flattery, but in fact it is completely sincere.

Because: "Although the welfare benefits stipulated by the joint venture will reduce our profits, in theory it will greatly increase the company's employment costs and reduce the company's competitiveness."

"But" now the leader has the whole world.They have no enemies, no competitors.

Businesses all over the world follow the same rules.

Everyone pays salaries according to a unified standard, so you are not afraid that your friends will compete viciously with you by lowering the wages of employees to reduce costs.

And most importantly:
"A leader is a truly impartial and selfless ruler." An engineer-turned-entrepreneur said gratefully, "Under a leader, there is a real free market and fair competition."

"In the past, Piltover seemed fair, but the big chaebols secretly monopolized all aspects and took all opportunities under their own control."

Thinking about what Camille does and who her family spies are using against, one knows that the free market in Piltover is by no means as free as it seems.

Renata's parents just invented a cheap alchemy potion, touched the cake of the Philos family, and were set on fire and burned to death.

Unless you are a valuable potential stock like Jess, there are basically two attitudes of the Piltover chaebol towards latecomers:
Compulsory mergers and acquisitions of your company, by the way, you will be treated as a dog;
Or simply send out family spies to physically eliminate competitors.

Once these two tricks are used, it is basically impossible for start-ups to have a chance to grow.

"If it weren't for being a leader, I might never be an entrepreneur in my life."

"My best result is to rely on my own inventions to become a collaborator of a big chaebol and a minority shareholder of a certain subsidiary."

The former engineer sighed: "How can I make a fortune in a fair and just manner like I am now, relying on my own ability?"

"Yes!" A fishing tycoon from Bilgewater also lamented, "If there were no leader, I'm afraid I would still be working for those pirate gangsters."

"The entire Port of Piraeus is in their hands. The precious sea beasts we caught desperately, those bastards can give me 1% of the profit based on the market price, that's not bad,"

"Without a leader, how can I be who I am now?"


Although the size advantage of large consortiums cannot be ignored.But at least under the leadership of the leader, latecomers no longer have to face vicious competition that goes beyond laws and rules.

Entrepreneurs expressed their sincere stance one after another, expressing their gratitude and support to the leader.

They also sincerely stated that they will abide by the law, support joint ventures, and cooperate with leaders in ensuring the treatment of employees.

"That's good." Li Wei nodded secretly.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene became active, and the representatives of the business community also integrated into the atmosphere of celebrating the new era, he didn't say any more.

He bid farewell to Mrs. Gilaman and others, and continued to walk towards the high platform.

Passing through the invited heroes and models and representatives from all walks of life, the leaders from all the member countries are in the front.

They are the president of the Demacia branch, Lacus, and the vice president, Prince Jiawen;
The president of the Noxus branch, Swain, and the vice president, Darius;

Riven, the president of the Ionian branch, and Irelia, the vice-president;
Udyr, president of the Freljord chapter, and Ashe, vice president;
Montero, the president of the Shadow Island branch, and Sean, the vice president;
Elvin, the president of the Tri-Cities branch, and Sarah, the vice president.

(Because Bilgewater was too small in population, too small in size, and too close to Zaun and Piltover, it was merged with the Zaun and Piltover chapters after the alliance was established to form the Tri-Cities chapter)
In addition, as the heads of the "observing member states", Emperor Azir of Shurima and Grand Maester Nasus attended.

Ixtal also serves as an "friend" of the newly established diplomatic relationship, and sent Qiyana as an envoy to watch the ceremony.

It's just that Qiyana at this time completely lacks the rebelliousness of the previous little princess.She shrank cautiously beside Azir, like a well-trained little maid,
"President Li Wei, Vice President Victor!" Seeing Li Wei and others arriving at the scene, everyone greeted them one after another.

Li Wei also shook hands with them one by one, welcoming their visit.

To be honest, when Irelia stood with Swain, Darius and Prince Jarvan, the atmosphere was always a little awkward.

But it is an incredible progress that everyone can stand together in peace and friendship now.

"Let's work hard together!"

"Hmm!" Their hands and Li Wei's were tightly held together.

Afterwards, the members of the Central Council, such as Li Wei, Victor, and Mel, and the leaders of the franchise countries, such as Riven, Lacus, and Swain, climbed up the steps of the viewing platform.

"Li Wei!" Seraphine hurried down the steps and extended her hand to him excitedly.

She is the host of this celebration, and she has been waiting on the rostrum early in the morning.

"Come on up! Everyone is waiting for you!"

"Yeah." Li Wei smiled and held the hand that Seraphine offered.

His lover, also his comrade, couldn't wait to lead him up the steps.

He is about to stand under the eyes of all people and accept this highest honor-as the leader of the world's leaders, he will celebrate this grand event of change with all mankind.

A new era of the era is about to begin.

"Wait." Suddenly, Li Wei thought of something.

He stopped.

"What's wrong?" Seraphine looked back at him puzzled.

Mel, Victor, Swain and the others also looked curiously.

"How long is it until the celebration starts?" Li Wei asked.

"It's still early," Seraphine said. "There's still an hour."

"One hour!" Li Wei was thoughtful.

Finally, he waved his hand to summon a gust of wind, and slowly flew up: "Then you go up first, and I'll come back later."

"Hey?" Everyone was very surprised: "You want to leave? Now?"

"Yes." Li Wei replied very seriously: "Before the celebration starts, I still want to go to a place. I still want to"

"In memory of a friend."

After that, he turned and flew into the sky.

Seraphine, Victor and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.They didn't know which friend Li Wei was going to commemorate, and why it had to be at such a significant time.

Nobody knew, except Janna.

"You want to go." She asked, "Do you pay homage to that person?"

"En." Li Wei Zheng nodded.

It is important to have one person.Although he had died a long time ago, his soul had already been fused by Li Wei.

Levi had never met him, never spoken to him.

But he is important to Levi.

"Jana, you know."

"When I came to this world, I actually faced two choices."

"I can hold up the torch of ideals and bring the wind of change to the world;"

"I can also steal the power of the goddess, use the name of Janna to confuse people, grab unlimited power and wealth for myself, and make everyone my slave."

How would most people choose between these two paths?
How would Levi choose?
Li Wei knew that if the petty citizen from his previous life were to choose, he would most likely choose the second option.

Even if he was a Janna theory expert and a person with ideals in his previous life.

But just like the snack bar owner in the past, he is just a "leading enthusiast" who has never been really tested.

Is the choice ideal?

Still choose wealth and power, choose Ahri, Kai'Sa, Ashe, Sarah, Riven, Vayne, Akali, Lux, Jinx, Evelyn, and Syndra choose this one to put all the good things together. A domineering way to take it for yourself and let everyone be enslaved by you?
9% of leading fans will choose the latter.

Levy does not consider himself an exception.

However, one person changed him.

He has the memory of that person, a nightmare memory.

That memory is full of pain and suffering, full of suffocating despair that a modern person cannot imagine.

He finally "turned" from a decent middle-class citizen to the most miserable laborer.

He should do something.

He has to do something.

He wants to overthrow this old society that eats people, and he wants to make a bright future!
At this moment, Levi became a real leader.

And the person who led him on this path and brought changes to Runeterra was:
"My friend, Mr. Levi."

 Tomorrow's finale_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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