LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 504 Let's move forward together

Chapter 504 Let's move forward together (finale)

Piltover, Zaunite community,
This is the place where Li Wei "comes into the world", and it is also the earliest base of the Leaders Association.

It means a lot to Levi.But when the leader stepped out of this small Zaun community and began to march towards a wider world, as the helm of this giant ship, Li Wei had to turn his gaze to a more distant and grand place.

What he studies every day is row after row of astronomical economic data, dazzling work reports from various places, and social changes that are happening all over the world, affecting the fate of hundreds of millions of people.

The Zaun community is so small that he hasn't been back in a long time.

But at this moment, in order to commemorate that friend, Li Wei suddenly wanted to come back and have a look.

He flew away from the celebration square, leaving the crowded and jubilant scene far behind him.

He flew over the newly built wide roads and tall buildings in Zaan, and over the canal bridge that no longer has checkpoints separating the two cities, and the "Sky Moat" has become a thoroughfare, and over the golden and brilliant daylight Gate sea gate.

Finally, Levi arrived at the Zaun community.

The community streets here have been cleaned up and transformed by leaders, and they have long been clean and bright.

But the buildings in this community are still the same as before, looking so dilapidated and withered.

This is not surprising.

Because these buildings, including the dilapidated apartment building that Li Wei once rented, were all built spontaneously by the landowners during the rule of Picheng plutocrats.

And the Zaun community used to be the slums of the worst kind.The apartment buildings built here have been used for so many years with little maintenance, so of course they will not be so beautiful.

So at first glance, it still looks like a rotten sore in the city.It's just not so chaotic and dirty.

"It's still the same as before." Li Wei muttered.

"Well, but it's going to be different soon," Janna reminded.

Those old apartment buildings built in the old times in the Zaan community have a designed living area per household that is too small, and they are not suitable for human habitation at all in terms of comfort.

Therefore, the Leaders Association has long planned to demolish and renovate a series of "pigeon cage" apartments that do not meet the standards, including the Zaun community.

It's just that the housing resources in Zaun were too tight before, and the construction investment was mainly concentrated in Zaun, and they didn't take care of the old city renovation on Piltover.

And now, those old apartment buildings have been painted with eye-catching white paint and a big word - "demolition".

This heralds the community's imminent rebirth from the ashes.It will be used to build more livable low-rent housing and low-sale housing to improve people's living environment.

"We still achieved some results." Thinking of these, Li Wei couldn't help but feel happy.

Although leaders still face many problems, they have at least made the world a better place.

"At least, now that outsiders come to Picheng to work hard, they don't have to live in a 5-square-meter hut like a pigeon cage like me and Lena back then. Haha." Li Wei smiled deeply.

"Um..." Janna didn't respond.

As a goddess who listens to the prayers of thousands of people, she knows ten thousand times more than Li Wei.

It's just that it's impossible for Li Wei to handle so many things by himself, and it's impossible for the president to personally take care of every corner of the grassroots, so she didn't tell him the various problems she noticed.Otherwise, even if he listened to it for ten days and ten nights, he would not be able to finish it.

"What?" Li Wei was still puzzled.

I just heard a burst of excited shouts: "President Li Wei! Hey! It's President Li Wei!"

I saw that it was in the dilapidated apartment building where he lived, and even in the 5-square-meter rental house where Li Wei died suddenly.

A teenager was crowded in front of the narrow window of the rental house, waving to him excitedly.

Li Wei: "."

"President!" The boy waved to Li Wei with eyes full of admiration.

He tried his best to lean out of the window and get closer to the idol flying in mid-air.

But the windows of the rental house were so narrow that he couldn't even squeeze his head out.

Helpless, the boy could only look like a bird trapped in a cage, through the small window, and said excitedly to Li Wei: "President! Why are you here?"

Li Wei: "."

He looked the boy up and down.

He is very similar to Li Wei back then, with black hair and black eyes, a solid but thin body, and his face is always full of exhaustion, but there is more optimism and sunshine in his eyes.

"Are you an Ionian?" Li Wei recognized his accent.

"Yes." The young man nodded hastily, "I'm from the province of Barua."

"Are your parents and family okay?"

"No, it will be gone when the Noxians come." He replied in a natural tone: "If there is no leader, I might have died a long time ago."

"Then after the war, you should have been allocated fields in Balua, right?" Li Wei asked with concern.

"Yeah!" The boy nodded gratefully.

He said embarrassingly: "That's right. Farming in my hometown is really not profitable."

"So I rented out the land to fellow villagers in the same village, and followed the fellow villagers to Shuangcheng to work hard."

This is not surprising.The Balua people are the first to contact with the leader, and they are the most yearning for modern life.Therefore, after the war ended, many Baluans left their hometowns and came to work in Shuangcheng one after another.

Li Wei can understand this.but
"Why do you live here?" He finally couldn't help asking: "Isn't there public low-rent housing and low-sale housing in Shuangcheng that you can apply for? Why are you still renting here?"

The rent of low-rent housing is very low, as long as you have a job in the Shuangcheng, you must be able to afford it.

Low-cost housing is sold with 0 down payment, and the price is as cheap as half-sale, half-free, and there is no possibility of not being able to repay the loan.

"This." The boy hesitated.

Then he said frankly: "Resources are too scarce for public housing."

"Low-sale houses have to be lottery, and low-rent houses have to queue up. How can I wait?"

Leaders have indeed been vigorously building public housing in Shuangcheng, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the design capacity cannot keep up with the rapidly increasing actual demand.

With the efforts of the Leaders Association, Runeterra has gradually become one.

Ionia opened its doors, Demacia reopened its sea trade, and the people of Shurima and Freljord finally turned their eyes away from the barren desert and ice fields, and began to see the world with their eyes open.

So Zaun and Piltover, the only modern metropolis in the world, became the real city of desire in the world.

Numerous farmers who were liberated from the land, shepherds who left the tribe, and slaves who regained their freedom, all with their yearning for a better life, gave up everything to buy a boat ticket to Shuangcheng.

With such an influx of foreign population, the public housing built by the leaders in Shuangcheng seemed a bit stretched for a while.

"But." Li Wei couldn't help asking again: "Even if the public low-rent housing can't be arranged, the price of private rental housing is not expensive, right?"

Leaders have put so many low-rent and low-sale houses on the market, and the property prices of residents in Shuangcheng will certainly not be too high.

Correspondingly, the rent of privately rented houses will not be too expensive.

Levi paid attention to this.

Theoretically, as long as a person can find a job in Shuangcheng and earn the legal minimum wage, then he can definitely afford a small rental house with one bedroom and one living room.

"Why don't you rent a bigger house?" Levi asked.

Perhaps thinking of something, he added and asked, "In order to save more money?"

"Yes, yes. I am saving money." The boy's eyes flickered, and his expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

Levi noticed something.The boy didn't seem to take the initiative to lower the living conditions in order to save more money.

He immediately asked: "How much do you earn a month?"

"1000 yuan. Chairman."

Because Goddess Janna has proved the leader's "credibility" with her strength, the leader directly brought Runeterra from the era of precious metal currency to the era of credit currency.

The 1000 yuan the boy mentioned was the Jade Bird coin newly issued by the alliance.

This figure is also the statutory minimum wage in the Twin Cities.If converted back to the silver wheels and copper coins in the past, it is probably equivalent to several times of Li Wei's monthly salary back then.

Although this income can't be said to be very high, it can be regarded as a figure that allows people to live a decent life in Shuangcheng.

"Really?" Li Wei looked suspiciously at the slightly flustered boy: "Your monthly income is really 1000 yuan?"


"Tell the truth." Li Wei comforted: "Tell me if you have any difficulties, and I won't harm you."

"No" the boy finally said: "I can't earn 1000 a month. I only have [-] a month."


"500?" Li Wei heard his blood pressure soar.

"Why are there so many missing?" He asked quickly, "Where do you work?"

The state-owned enterprises in Shuangcheng are all run by leaders, and medium and large private enterprises have also accepted joint ventures and established branches in the enterprises.

It is impossible for them to violate the standards set by the leaders and so blatantly deduct wages from employees.

"I, I don't work in a regular factory." Sure enough, the boy replied: "I work in the back kitchen of a small restaurant."

"Small restaurants?" These small and micro enterprises, of course, the leaders will not send people to watch them all the time.

"But the boss has deducted your salary like this, and even only paid you half of the legal minimum salary. Why didn't you report it?"

The leader's law enforcement officer is not the law enforcement officer of Piltover, who will turn a blind eye if he is bribed by a merchant.

As long as the employees are willing to expose, the unscrupulous boss will be severely punished.

"Severe punishment?" The young man was startled: "No, no, I won't grow up, please don't embarrass my boss."

"It's not that I don't report it, it's that I don't want to. The boss is willing to keep me, and I have to thank him."

"This..." Li Wei looked at him thoughtfully.

The young man sighed helplessly: "Zuan and Picheng are good, but it is too difficult to take root."

"It's not just public low-rent housing that's in short supply here—it's not easy for migrants to find a regular job here."

This is exactly what Levi had talked to Mrs. Gilamann earlier.

The current Runeterra has too many people and too few industrial seeds.There are many people who want to work in the factory, but there are only a few factories.

"I'm just a countryman from Ionia, and I can't even speak Valoran fluently." The boy said, "Those factories don't want me, so I can only go to small restaurants to work illegally."

That's why he won't report the boss.

Report the boss, no one dares to recruit illegal workers, then they will lose their jobs completely, and they can only go back to their hometown in Ionia.

"But." Li Wei asked again: "Leaders have free vocational training."

"Why don't you sign up for it?"

In order to accommodate the large number of people who have flooded into the Shuangcheng in a short period of time and solve the unemployment problem caused by it, the leaders have been working hard to provide free vocational and technical training.

Not only do you learn knowledge and technology for free, but you are also assigned jobs after graduation. When you come to the custody, you will have food, and you will have classes when you leave.

"This." The boy scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

He said: "I heard that those who go to participate in the training must sign a targeted employment agreement."

"After they graduate, they will participate in the 'Second Line Construction' program and go to work in overseas regions such as Ionia and Noxus."

Leaders can provide free training, but Shuangcheng is so big and there are so many companies, and many jobs can be created out of thin air.

Even if those new immigrants can become qualified workers through free training, it is still difficult for them to find jobs in the Twin Cities.

And Noxus, Demacia and other regions happened to vigorously develop industries, requiring the support of a large number of skilled workers.

Therefore, the leaders simply put the immigration issue and the "second-line construction" together to solve it, and sent those unemployed people who received free training back to their overseas hometowns to work.

Many people are willing to accept.After all, the salary of foreign aid workers is no worse than that of working in Shuangcheng.

But there are still people who don't want to go back.Because after signing the contract, you have to work overseas for many years, and there is a high probability that you will be inseparable.

"I finally came out of Ionia, how could I run back?" the boy said unwillingly.

"But like this." Li Wei looked at the teenager trapped in the pigeon cage; "Isn't it hard?"

"I am not afraid of hardship." The boy said, "My dream is to stay in Shuangcheng and own a house of my own in Shuangcheng."

"I'm also learning Valoran by myself now, and I'm trying to find a better job—I believe that I can take root here."

As he said that, he looked at Li Wei nervously: "President, let me tell you this, can you not embarrass my boss?"

"Please, I really don't want to lose this job."

Li Wei: "."

There was a helpless silence.

"Don't worry," he sighed, "I won't."

After a long time, Li Wei bid farewell to the boy and slowly flew into the sky.

He came back on a whim to pay homage to the former Li Wei.Unexpectedly, he was here again and met a "Li Wei" of a new era.

The salute of the prosperous celebration has already sounded over this bustling city.

Everyone is celebrating this great moment, but Li Wei's mood seems a little depressed.

"I used to fly, but it was too high," he sighed overlooking the city.

"No, Li Wei." Janna's ethereal voice sounded softly in his mind: "You've done enough."

"That young man is not the same as Li Wei."

"What's the difference?" Li Wei shook his head mockingly, "They still live in pigeon cages, and they still work illegally."

Janna replied solemnly: "It's not the same."

"He has hope in his eyes."

"This" Li Wei was speechless.

If he didn't know Janna well, he would have suspected that the goddess was acting strangely.

"I'm serious." Janna said, "Compared to that apprentice Li Wei, their future is promising."

Li Wei's only hope back then was his genius sister who was admitted to Picheng University.But a minor illness left him with a lot of money, and made him face the desperate situation of being driven back to Zaun, completely shattering his hopes.

And 9% of Zaun people don't have such a talented sister, they don't even have the chance to dream.

But that boy was different.

He has many paths to go.

He can sign up for free vocational training at any time and accept the assigned work;
He can slowly learn the language and knowledge by himself, and strive to find a job, instead of being immediately driven away by the law enforcement officers in Piltover because he can't pay the rent;
He is also eligible to participate in the low-sale housing lottery, and he hopes to have his own place in the Shuangcheng;

And even if he takes ten thousand steps back, even if he can't take root in Shuangcheng and can only return to Ionia, then he still has a leader's field in his hometown, so no matter what, he won't starve or suffer from cold.

Unlike the original apprentices in Zaan, when they returned to Zaan, they could only serve as cattle and horses for the Alchemy Baron, and ruined their lives in the flesh and blood factory.

And from an optimistic point of view:

As long as this young man can successfully stay in Shuangcheng, find a regular job, and buy a low-cost public house by lottery, then he will be a decent resident of the capital in the future, a "new Shuangcheng person" that everyone envies!

Where did such an easy opportunity to rise up come before?
"But." Li Wei sighed helplessly: "Is this enough?"

"How big is the tree in Shuangcheng? How many phoenixes can it house?"

"Yes, Demacia, Noxus, Ionia... other places are also developing. Prosperous cities are rising, and everyone in this era can see hope."

"But what about the future? What about the next era?"

The boy's story touched him.

The problem is showing signs now, and it will only get worse in the future.

"I know what we're doing and what we can achieve."

"We can lift hundreds of millions of poor people out of extreme poverty, enable tens of millions of people to live a modern life, make everyone able to read books, and make everyone able to afford meat"

This is a great achievement that the predecessors failed to achieve in 1 years.This is great.

"But it's not enough." Li Wei sighed.

One day, teenagers living in rented houses will find that there is no hope in front of them, only an insurmountable class gap.

The beautiful modern life liberates their minds, broadens their horizons, and allows them to see what the sky looks like, but it cannot give them the wings to fly into the sky.

They will eventually find that they are still in chains.

When Mrs. Gilaman asked him "what to do in the future", he only said vaguely: "What happens in the future, let's solve it in the future."

Because Li Wei himself didn't know how to solve it.

He has been learning from the experience of his predecessors and imitating the way of his predecessors.

But now, he has no stones to touch, and the leaders of Ruth in front left by themselves.

The future decisions of leaders will determine the fate of hundreds of millions of people.Faced with such an important change, Li Wei dare not say that he is right, and no one dares to say that he must be right.

What Li Wei now envisions is that Datong can be realized if the leader is in power and the machine is intelligent.

But the ancestors also imagined that the leader who is in power and fully electrified is the leader of Janna.

The predecessors did not succeed.No one can guarantee that what Li Wei thinks now is right.

He couldn't see clearly how the road ahead would go.

"Li Wei, you don't have to belittle yourself." Janna comforted her, "I think what you said to Mrs. Gilamann before is the correct answer—"

"The future social development level and productivity level are still unknown. What we say now is empty talk."

"For the future, let's solve it in the future."

"So." Li Wei sighed helplessly: "We can only trust the wisdom of future generations?"

"Why not?" Janna tilted her head puzzledly: "We are leaders. Aren't our descendants also leaders?"

"Contradiction is always in motion and change. After solving a problem, a new problem will be born. This is the law."

"As long as we and our descendants have been working hard to solve problems, we are not afraid of not being able to move forward."

Li Wei was silent for a while.

"Yes." He also became optimistic: "You are right, Janna."

"With you and your thread of faith to guarantee everyone's faith, we can move forward forever."

"No—" Jana corrected her in a serious tone: "Comrade Li Wei."

"Even if there is no Janna in this world, and there is no thread of faith, human beings will definitely go to the Lord of Janna."

Because the seed benzene can't solve its own problems.

If a person's time is quiet, there must be ten people who are carrying their weight in a place where he can't see.

If one country is rich and prosperous, there must be ten other countries suffering and suffering in places they cannot see.

The people of Piltover could come up with ten thousand reasons, saying that their theory was right, that Janna Lord was just a wishful thinking of a rich hater.

But the Zaun people, who account for the vast majority of the population, will sooner or later see through their hypocrisy and find the right direction.

Because no matter how good the theory of the people of Piltover looks, it is impossible to build the whole world into Piltover.

People may go through untold hardships to build their hometown into a "Picheng", so that they can live a good life like Picheng people.

But in the vast world beyond the "Leather City", there will always be many Zaun.You became a Piltover, what about us?

"Someday people will realize:"

"They must move forward and change, otherwise they can only sink in this historical cycle forever, repeating the sad cycle of 'class solidification-contradiction outbreak-reshuffling-class solidification' again and again."

"Predecessors may fail, may make mistakes, and encounter countless ups and downs."

"But the ideals of the leaders will never fade, and people will never stop exploring—Jana Lord will definitely be able to achieve it, even if it takes 1000 years!"

Janna's voice was firm and powerful.

She flew in front of Li Wei like a blue bird, like a lighthouse guiding the course.

"Jana." Li Wei was touched beyond words.

He was silent for a long time before he said, "You are already the real Goddess Janna and my leader."

"No." Janna quietly transformed into a human form and flew side by side with him: "I am not your god, I am your comrade."

"Well, comrade." Levi chewed the word.

Then he solemnly read: "Release, summoner's contract."

"What?" Goddess Janna froze.

She felt that the unbreakable spiritual connection between herself and Li Wei disappeared in an instant.

Summoner's contract, was canceled?

"Well." Li Wei nodded: "Although I don't understand the principle, it can be canceled by me."

"From today onwards, I am not your summoner, and I can no longer order you—"

"Jana, you are free."

Janna was not happy about it, she just looked over in confusion: "Why?"

"I trust you. It's not necessary."

"No, it's necessary." Li Wei said seriously: "Jana, you should be the belief of all mankind, a just and selfless god, not someone's slave."

Before that, Li Wei had been reluctant to let go.

He wanted to keep his connection with Janna, to keep this vast power.

That divine power was baptizing his body every moment, allowing him to be reborn, to have a body comparable to that of a god, and to fight for the cause of the leader.

but now.
"Yu Gong, the leader no longer needs my combat power."

"Yu private. I am the leader, and I shouldn't have such selfishness."

Li Wei looked at his goddess in relief: "Jana, from today onwards, we are real comrades."

Janna's eyes were rippling, and she remained silent for a long time.

Finally, she nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Then, she took Li Wei's hand.The familiar vast divine power returned to his body once again.

"You..." Li Wei was slightly taken aback: "What did you do?"

"I chose you as my chosen one," Janna said.

The Chosen One is not an ordinary believer, but more like a part of the gods, an extension of the will of the gods in the world.

Protoss Duoshe mortals walk in the world, using a similar method.

But Janna didn't seize the house, let alone turn Li Wei into her own puppet.

She just shared a little bit of power with Li Wei, just like before.

"Why?" Li Wei said with a complicated expression, "You don't need me anymore, Janna."

"No." Janna said seriously, "I still need you as a summoned beast."

"The next time you fight, you should go for me."

Li Wei: "."

During the conversation, the salute of the celebration has been fired.The huge blue bird phantom above the city also burst out with brilliant colorful magic light.

"The ceremony is about to begin." Janna held out her hand to Li Wei: "Let's move forward together, Comrade Li Wei."

"Yeah." Li Wei also held Janna's hand.

In the howling wind of change, they flew forward together:

"Let's move forward together!"

(End of this chapter)

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